It was really fun for Chen Tiezhu to chat with Dean Lu and President Zhu, two people with great status and knowledge in the medical field.

He said many things that he didn't say before. He even threw out some of the drawbacks of the medical field in the future.

Anyway, he just used "business management" as a shield. The current policies for hospitals are actually similar to those for enterprises.

As for how much impact these words will have in the future, that was not his consideration. Anyway, he had said what he should say, and he didn't care about it anymore.

"Xiao Chen, I have to talk to these students today and motivate them." On the way to the auditorium, President Zhu said.

"Then I will say everything?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Just say what you should say." President Zhu waved his hand.

Dean Lu next to him opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

However, he was somewhat worried. After all, if Chen Tiezhu spoke "openly", it was hard to say what he would say.

When they arrived at the auditorium of the medical school, it was much larger than the auditorium of his machinery factory, and it was a two-story one.

There were many students and teachers coming, and all the space was filled.

"President Zhu, this is a bit of a big deal." After taking a look from the backstage, Chen Tiezhu said with some concern.

"It doesn't matter. It's just this time. We just need to leave in an orderly manner later. The students of our school are very disciplined." Principal Zhu said complacently, and then pulled him onto the stage.

"Students, time is too short, so we are not well prepared. This is Dr. Chen Tiezhu."

After saying that, Principal Zhu simply retreated to the backstage, and Chen Tiezhu was the only protagonist today.

And these students of the medical school were also very respectful. The applause lasted for more than three minutes.

Chen Tiezhu raised his hand to signal for a long time before he slowly stopped.

"If I use one word to describe my current mood, it is flattered." Chen Tiezhu spoke after picking up the microphone.

"But today's task is indeed very difficult. Principal Zhu gave me the task of chatting with everyone and inspiring everyone to become a good doctor in the future."

"Isn't this difficult? Although I am a doctor now, I am not a good doctor. I am at most a good consultant."

"So, this question is a bit difficult. Let's break it down. The premise of being a good doctor is to be a doctor. I am very curious, why do you all become doctors?"

Hearing his question, the huge auditorium suddenly became quiet.

The students have heard many reports and speeches, but none of them have been like this?

"This is not a very difficult knowledge. Everyone can speak freely." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Cure diseases and save lives."

A student in the audience whispered.

"Very good, are there any other students who want to speak? Be more enthusiastic." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"My mother died of illness, so I want to be a doctor."

"Doctor is a sacred profession."

"My family helped me fill in the application."


With the beginning, the students below started to speak one after another.

After everyone spoke for a few minutes, Chen Tiezhu waved his hand, "I just heard a lot of people say, but we can also make a classification. One is a natural sense of mission, and the other is due to special circumstances at home."

"There is another category, which is the parents' orders. Of course, with so many people, there are still many who haven't said it. Maybe he himself doesn't know it now, anyway, he came to the medical school to study in a daze."

"But no matter what the reason is for coming here, your future has been determined, that is, to be a doctor. You can't say that after graduation, you don't like the profession of doctor anymore, so you change your career to repair cars, right?"

"Although it is also a way of life, but Then it would be a waste of great talents. We all worked hard to get admitted, and we all enjoyed the hard work. "

"So I think, apart from some special reasons, a doctor is first of all a profession. But this profession is somewhat different from many professions, and has certain professionalism and limitations. "

"We must first become a doctor, and then we can become a good doctor. Some students think that I have graduated, then I have finished my studies, and I am a doctor. "

"In fact, this idea is wrong, and it is very wrong. You have graduated from medical school, which only means that you have just learned about the profession of doctor, and you are still far from becoming a doctor.Very far away."

"Hearing what I said, some students were not convinced again. Then we all went to the hospital for internship and had hands-on experience, so why are we not doctors?"

"Really not, because think about what kind of work the attending doctors and directors of the hospital do every day when you are interning, and how many patients do they see every day."

"And from my shallow understanding, the road to studying medicine is like climbing a mountain. When you have climbed to the top of the mountain with all your strength, you will find that there is a higher mountain waiting for you in front of you."

"Because technology is advancing, many of our previously undiagnosed diseases will gradually be studied and understood, and the pathology will be studied. Do we have to study new treatments?"

"At the same time, there may be many new diseases that will break out. Some rare diseases may gradually become very common diseases."

"There was a patient in our county who was isolated in the hospital when a hemorrhagic fever epidemic broke out in the county hospital. His family conditions are very ordinary, but he was diagnosed with diabetes just before the lockdown was lifted. "

"For many people, this is commonly known as a 'rich man's disease'. Why did he get it when he lived an ordinary life? Was he born rich?"

"Of course not this reason, because life has improved, his living habits have improved. He loved to eat candy when he was a child, but his family was poor and couldn't afford it. When life got better, he ate as much as he could."

"Of course, this is just one of the reasons. Except for some diseases with very obvious pathogens, many diseases are the result of multiple causes working together."

"Another thing is the treatment methods for some diseases. Is it a new peak? Is the current treatment plan the best? I was able to be pulled here by Principal Zhu to give a speech. Is it because I have improved the surgical procedure? "

Listening to his words, the students in the auditorium kept nodding. At the same time, there were whispers of discussion. What he said was absolutely right.

Principal Zhu was also very satisfied. It was right to ask Chen Tiezhu to come over.

"In fact, I just said the reason why some students became doctors was very obscure. To put it bluntly, they just want to make money and live a good life."

Chen Tiezhu suddenly said another sentence.

As soon as this word came out, the whole auditorium suddenly became quiet.

Principal Zhu also had beads of sweat on his forehead.

What are you going to do?

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