"Forget it, don't think too much, just take your time. If there is a chance, just do it. If there is no chance, you can start the publicity first." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"It is not necessarily possible to do things in one go, it can also be divided into stages. Let's determine our small goals and complete them one by one."

"When the county has money, I will invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in the county hospital. I don't believe that it won't work. Is that the truth?"

"How much is the county's fiscal revenue in a year?" Gao Xiaoguang said with a wry smile.

Even though I know that Chen Tiezhu is joking, it is still a bit sad to hear it.

The county's fiscal revenue seems to have some money these days, but there are still expenditures. If you remove the expenditures, the number will turn red.

Otherwise, why is he so eager to promote the reform of the two companies? If it is delayed, it will not only drag down the two companies, but also the county's finances.

"Teacher Chen is right. We can't eat a fat man at a time. We can also do the related publicity work in advance, especially some symptoms, which we can distribute to each village."

At this time, Fang Zhiyong next to him suddenly said.

After hearing this, Gao Xiaoguang and Ma Guoming didn't know what to say.

In their hearts, they also knew that Fang Zhiyong respected Chen Tiezhu very much, but if he respected him to this extent, was it a bit too much?

"That's right." Chen Tiezhu smiled and patted his shoulder.

"During this period, I will basically stay in the county. Go back and search to see if there are any patients with liver tumors and cysts."

"It's best if it's benign, because it doesn't require additional medication. If it's malignant, then you can contact the provincial hospital to see how to cooperate with the medication."

"Teacher Chen, are you going to teach me the hemihepatectomy operation?" Fang Zhiyong asked hurriedly.

"It can't be said to be teaching, it can only be said to be learning together." Chen Tiezhu said.

"After all, if the county hospital wants to improve its reputation, it would be unreasonable if it doesn't have some high-quality surgeries. We can't push all patients to other places, so go and get busy first."


Fang Zhiyong nodded excitedly, and then ran to the emergency department.

"Oh my God, the pressure is so great."

After Fang Zhiyong left, Chen Tiezhu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now Director Fang only has you in his heart. Whatever you say is right, and he will unswervingly implement it." Ma Guoming said with a smile.

"That's why the pressure is so great." Chen Tiezhu said with a bitter face.

"This liver-related surgery is very powerful? Our county hospital is not able to cope with it with all its strength at present?" Gao Xiaoguang asked curiously.

Although he didn't understand, he also heard some tricks.

"County Magistrate Gao, there are actually many liver-related diseases. For example, cancer, adenoma, echinococcosis, liver damage, etc." Ma Guoming explained.

"In order to cure this kind of disease, it is often necessary to do a partial liver resection, rather than just drainage like some ordinary cysts."

"But there are many blood vessels in the liver, so the relevant surgical skills are relatively high. Especially the removal of the right half of the liver is very difficult and complicated."

"At present, for our county hospital, it is still at the stage where drainage can be performed. For this kind of major surgery, even for some emergency liver injury patients, we always take the approach of stopping bleeding first and then sending them to the city for treatment."

"What if it is too late to transfer to the city?" Gao Xiaoguang frowned and asked.

"Generally, such patients will bleed a lot and it is difficult for them to make it to our county hospital." Ma Guoming said calmly.

This is telling Gao Xiaoguang that if that were the case, the person would basically die on the way. After all, it is the liver. If the damage is very serious, the amount of bleeding can be described as horrible.

In addition to the current limitation of the time limit for sending to the hospital, this kind of injured person is basically hopeless.

But Gao Xiaoguang didn't know any medical skills, so he didn't need to explain it in detail. A simple explanation would suffice.

"Ah... it's really hard to make people live a happy life." Gao Xiaoguang sighed.

"Eating well and wearing warm clothes are just the most basic requirements of life. Being able to get effective treatment after getting sick is the happiness you deserve."

"That's really the case. Don't be sick if you have anything, and don't be poor if you don't have anything." Chen Tiezhu took over the conversation.

"Then you should teach Director Fang well and let him understand this operation. Such a major operation, if it is done in other places, it will also be a big burden for the family." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"Leader, I can only do my best. After all, when people get sick, the situation is ever-changing. "Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"The same tumor can be very different depending on where it grows and where it invades. I am at most bold and dare to do it, but I dare not take on too much responsibility."

"I don't understand these, anyway, you just try your best to help improve the medical conditions of the county hospital." Gao Xiaoguang said indifferently.

"That's it for now. It's been so long since I came out, and I have to go back to deal with some work. Call me if you have anything. The county transportation company has also informed you in advance."

After that, Gao Xiaoguang led Xiao Liu out.

Chen Tiezhu didn't know what to say. How did it become his own business?

"Hey, Master, are you being bullied again?" At this time, Lu Dan came over.

Chen Tiezhu rolled his eyes, "Have you arranged the dormitories?"

"Yeah, they are all arranged. It's better than the dormitories in college anyway. "Lu Dan said.

"I see you seem to be a little happy?" Chen Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"What can I do if I am not happy? I have to walk this road sooner or later. If I walk it earlier, will it be easier in the future?" Lu Dan asked back.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "It is very good that you have such an understanding. Studying medicine has never been an easy road, and there will be many difficulties and obstacles."

"Master, don't worry. I know what kind of life my grandfather, my father and my mother live every day. "Lu Dan said with a wry smile.

"But what can I do? I can't embarrass them, right? Besides, with such a powerful master, I must be better than him. "

Speaking of the latter, Lu Dan became complacent again.

Chen Tiezhu nodded with satisfaction.

The reason why he accepted Lu Dan as his apprentice was not only because of what Yingzi said, nor was it just because she was the granddaughter of Dean Lu. The more important reason was her character and her strong ability to withstand pressure.

"Ah? Tiezhu, why are you here?"

At this time, Jiang Chaoyang led a group of people in from outside.

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