"What do you mean I want to deal with someone in the provincial capital? How pure am I? If I want to deal with someone, I will destroy him physically." Chen Tiezhu curled his lips.

"But I am quite puzzled. This matter is not handled by me. How did you hear the rumor? Did Lao Li tell you? He just came to my house for a meal a few days ago."

"Who else can I listen to? What's going on?" Jiang Chaoyang asked.

The other comrades also pricked up their ears.

"This matter is really nothing. The main thing is that someone provoked Zhenwen." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"The person who went to entangle Zhenwen, and then had some relationship with Zhenwen's grandfather. After the old man knew about this, he was very angry. You can imagine what the consequences would be."

"My God, isn't this a birthday star hanging himself because he thinks his life is too long?" Jiang Chaoyang asked in surprise.

"That's right. But the person we want to deal with does have some background. Not only does he have some connections in the province, but it seems that someone from above has called us." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"Now it can be regarded as a stage of wrestling between the two sides, but as an old man, his attitude is very firm. As long as we find some more materials, we can deal with the other party."

"The vice president of Wenwen's school has been dealt with. The son was expelled from school, and the father was fired from his job and accepted further investigation."

"His son is a nobody, but he was able to get specially recruited to study in the school through him. The leadership team of their school has to eat melons with this matter."

"Tsk tsk, this matter is really a bit extraordinary." Jiang Chaoyang said with emotion.

What kind of person is Mr. Han?

Even though he is retired now, if he really wants to deal with someone who is not clean, there will definitely be no problem.

Not to mention that this matter also involves the grandpa's granddaughter-in-law, which is not a poke at the old man's lungs.

"By the way, the old man has affirmed your work at this stage." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"Ah..., these days, we are really busy kicking our heads." Jiang Chaoyang said.

"Now that the first round has been completed, the second round will be the next. If there are still people who dare to show up after the second round, we will beat them one by one."

"Director Hu is also very resolute in this matter, and the feedback from this action is also very good. Especially in the three aspects of pornography, gambling and drugs, it has calmed down a lot."

"My God, there are still people playing drugs here?" This time it was Chen Tiezhu's turn to be surprised.

"What's wrong with that? There are also immigrants in our county. It's just that it's not so rampant, and there are not many people playing." Jiang Chaoyang said.

"I'm very puzzled. As for the people we caught, they actually knew that this thing would ruin their lives if they touched it, but they still dared to touch it."

"I heard that some cities in the south are very noisy in this regard. Some of the people we found, judging from the flow of the goods, all came from there."

"People are sometimes like this. They know it's dangerous, but they still think they are good. By the way, is there any news from the traffickers?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"There is no movement in our county. People we know are also helping to keep an eye on it." Jiang Chaoyang said, and took a big sip of sauerkraut soup.

"If we want to have a breakthrough in the future, we have to wait for news from other brother units. I guess it was our reaction last time that scared those traffickers all of a sudden."

"From the Chinese New Year to now, our county has not received any calls to the police about children being abducted. I hope it can be maintained in the future. They are too secretive."

Chen Tiezhu didn't say anything because he knew what would happen in the future.

As for the situations just mentioned, they will actually become rampant in the future.

This is the negative impact of economic development. Only by strictly guarding against it can it be controlled in the channel.

But now that Jiang Chaoyang and the others are already very tired, there is no need to add any mental pressure to them. Just take it slowly.

After eating and drinking, Chen Tiezhu brought Doudou to the farm again.

Come to the county and do everything you should do carefully.

"Manager Chen, the transformation of our farm is almost completed. The people we recruited last time are doing very well in their current positions." Liu Dayou hurriedly reported his work.

"That's good. We have to keep an eye on them. If the future work is not up to standard, they should be dismissed." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Other things are easy to handle, but the work attitude must be up to standard. No matter how capable you are, if you don't work hard for us, you will be dismissed." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Other things are easy to handle, but the work attitude must be up to standard. No matter how capable you are, if you don't work hard for us, you will be dismissed.""Dad, dad, are there all chickens in there?" Doudou asked curiously. The "cuckoo cuckoo" sounds in the chicken shed were one after another, which was quite interesting to listen to. "Yes, they are all chickens in there." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile. "When we introduce new breeds in the future, we will have to raise more chickens. Doudou can eat whatever he wants, but the farmed chickens are not as delicious as the chickens we let roam." "Later, Dad will get some little roosters for Doudou to raise for fun. When the New Year comes, we can stew the little chickens, which will be delicious." "Yes, it tastes good when stewed with mushrooms. "Doudou nodded his little head.


At this time, the little leopard rubbed his claws on the ground and made a childish cry.

Don't say it, even though the sound is not very loud, the chickens in the chicken coop disappeared in an instant.

The little leopard was very satisfied with his "power of roar" and raised his little head proudly.

"I forgot about this. I can't come to the farm with you in the future." Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

The little leopard doesn't care about these. If you don't praise it, then don't praise it. It strolled to Doudou's side, lay on the ground, and directly showed its belly.

Doudou squatted down and touched its belly a few times, which completed the reward.

This is a problem of process. Even if Doudou just touched it foolishly, the little leopard was very happy after the process was completed.

"Don't say it, I feel inexplicably good when I inspect my own territory. "Chen Tiezhu stretched himself.

This is not self-entertainment. If you take a walk frequently and see the new progress, your mood will naturally improve.

Liu Dayou was happy, "The greenhouses in the village are almost finished, right?"

"Yes, I'll go back to the village to take a look when I have time." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Now I put you here to sort out the work. You will be responsible for the sales of mushrooms and greenhouse vegetables in the future."

"Yes, I will go back to take a look in the next half day. I haven't seen you guys for a long time, and I really miss you." Liu Dayou nodded vigorously.

The warm feeling came to his heart again.

For him, Chen Tiezhu was a benefactor. And what about the villagers in Erdaoling? In his heart, they were almost the same as his own villagers.

He had taken jobs from many people, and they were all very honest to him.

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