"What are you doing again? Do you know that we cook delicious food?" Chen Tiezhu joked.

"I just happened to be free and had nothing to do. I heard from Jiang Chaoyang that you had come up with something new, so I came to take a look." Li Yinglin said.

"Eh? Something is wrong. Do you need to make new adjustments to your work?" Chen Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"You..., what are you doing so cleverly?" Li Yinglin said helplessly.

"In fact, it was Director Hu who called me today to communicate. The details have not been determined yet. Although the public security situation in the county has improved, it is also because of the long-term efforts."

"And now it is mainly the brothers of the criminal police who are working. Director Hu's idea is to reorganize the public security department, set up a public security brigade, and increase the manpower."

"Public security brigade, this job is actually OK. It's just that we can't deal with economic investigation, but we can help Yingzi in the future." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"You can't always think about Xiuying, you have to think about me too, right? Will this job be very tiring and complicated in the future?" Li Yinglin said with a wry smile.

"That's specific, you can figure it out with your toes." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"For example, the work that Jiang Chaoyang and his team are doing now can all be classified as public security. The scope of the public security department's work was too narrow before, but it was also because there were too few people."

"It seems that Director Hu really wants to improve the public security on the streets of our county, and he will continue to do so. I guess you can't expect to be able to really calm down in the first year after you take office."

Li Yinglin opened his mouth. Even though he had a premonition in his heart, now that Chen Tiezhu confirmed it, he really knew that he was a miserable child.

"Just think about it, and in the future, each of you will be responsible for your own work." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Criminal cases are handled by Jiang Chaoyang and his team, and many other things can be attributed to public security. You can handle all aspects. I believe in you, keep going."

"I don't want to bother with you, Doudou, what are you going to eat tonight?" Li Yinglin looked at Doudou helplessly.

"Dried tofu, steamed bowls, and my dad can also make raw hot meat, delicious." Doudou said happily, and sniffed the smoked chicken hard.

Her big eyes blinked happily, the fragrance was really fragrant, just smelling it was fragrant, even if she didn't eat it.

"What about the economic investigation?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"It seems that a comrade will be transferred from the municipal bureau." Li Yinglin said.

"And because Jiang Chaoyang and his team are too busy, I will have to be transferred back to the county at the end of this month. My good days are really over."

"Brother Li, you should be enterprising." Han Xiuying smiled and waved her fist.

"Ah..., I'm not young anymore." Li Yinglin said with a wry smile.

"When I was young and in the army, I would take time to go home and get married. At that time, I didn't think about family matters, I just wanted to serve the motherland."

"Now my son is so old, and my original idea was to stay in the police station until retirement. I can have more time to take care of my family by catching up with my work."

"In fact, these things at home are now taken care of by your sister-in-law. Originally, I planned to bring your sister-in-law to the town when Dahua went to technical secondary school, so that she could enjoy a good life."

"Now you listen to Tiezhu again, and you have to let Dahua go to high school. I think that even if I am working on the economic investigation, it shouldn't be too busy. She will take care of Dahua and I will take care of the family. "

"Now everything is gone. It's a headache to think about this public security work. Don't think that I'm back in the county and can live at home every day."

"But in fact, I still can't do anything about the family. Your sister-in-law will have to worry about it. I don't know if I can get off work on time."

"Ah..., there's nothing I can do. I just talked about it. There are not so many perfect things." Chen Tiezhu patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"It's definitely an art to coordinate work and life. Personally, I think it's impossible. One side must be more focused."

"Our Yingzi will focus on work in the future. Even if she has a baby in the future, Doudou and I can take care of it, and she doesn't have to worry about it."

"What are you talking about? Qianzi is ready." Han Xiuying glared at him.

"Hehe, it's time to laugh, this is all happening right now. No matter if it's a brother or a sister, find a companion for Doudou." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Sister Yingzi, Sister Yingzi, when are you going to give Doudou a brother or sister?"

Hearing this, Doudou became more energetic, holding the incense in his hand.The chicken doesn't smell good anymore.

"You just follow him and say nonsense." Han Xiuying tapped her little nose.

"Hehe, I have nothing to do when the time comes, and I can help take care of the child." Qi Cuiwen said happily.

"If you want to take care of it, have one with Zhenwen as soon as possible. Anyway, you can graduate and get married this year." Han Xiuying said.

"Aunt, you are making fun of me again." Qi Cuiwen was embarrassed.

"What's wrong?"

At this time, Mr. Han rushed over.

"Grandpa, we are discussing when to give you a great-grandson." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"Hahahaha, this is good, this is good, you don't have to worry about taking care of the child when the time comes, let me do it." Mr. Han waved his hand.

"Grandpa, you are also fooling around. The child hasn't been born yet, but you are rushing to take care of it." Han Xiuying said helplessly, and glared at Chen Tiezhu.

How could I not know what this guy was thinking? I just want to have a baby with me soon.

"Grandpa, Brother Li's work here will also be adjusted. Director Hu plans to let him be responsible for the county's public security work. Do you have any instructions?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

Li Yinglin also looked eagerly.

"What instructions can I have? Although he is a little careless in doing things, he can also be serious and responsible." Grandpa Han said.

"This job is not easy to do. There will be many temptations in the future. The position must be firmer, and at the same time, the work must be done more solidly."

"Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention." Li Yinglin said hurriedly.

Chen Tiezhu curled his lips, "You were so disgusted just now, and now you are showing your determination."

"So what? Anyway, I can't avoid it, I have to face the challenge." Li Yinglin said seriously.

That attitude, that is called a firm one.

After chatting for a few words, Chen Tiezhu had to make today's dishes.

Just put the dried tofu in the pot and smoke it. The smoked flavor is no worse than the smoked chicken brought by Li Yinglin.

Pour the raw hot meat into the steamed bowl, and today's meal is ready.

"Tiezhu, you have to give me some advice. This job is actually quite difficult. I haven't worked in the county for a long time. How can I get started?"

After sitting down, Li Yinglin asked pitifully.

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