"Tiezhu, this is not a joke."

Jiang Chaoyang also put down his chopsticks and said in a serious tone.

Li Yinglin frowned. Although he didn't say anything, he was also full of worries.

He was afraid that Chen Tiezhu would just fool Professor Xu to come and help him, and then make a random empty cannon.

At that time, it would be difficult to end it.

"He should not be joking, but this person is full of tricks."

Only Han Xiuying said this without raising her head.

Chen Tiezhu raised his thumb, "The one who knows me is Yingzi. Come on, let's drink this small cup and celebrate."

Han Xiuying was not vague, she raised her own glass and clinked it with him, and drank the remaining half glass of wine in one gulp.

Then she stared at Chen Tiezhu.

"Really, then I will accompany Yingzi to the end."

After saying that, Chen Tiezhu also drank the full glass of wine.

"Comrade Chen Tiezhu, Director Han, you can drink slowly. Do you really want to do this?" Professor Xu asked anxiously.

Chen Tiezhu put down his wine glass and nodded seriously, "This is indeed what I will do next. My first small goal now is to grow mushrooms with Yingzi."

"The second small goal is to make our mushrooms bloom and bear fruit, and accumulate experience in mushroom cultivation technology suitable for our northern region. Do you remember the new culture medium I mentioned to you?"

"I have always wanted to talk to you in detail, but something went wrong." Professor Xu nodded.

He didn't care about Chen Tiezhu's small goals, he was more concerned about the research and promotion of technology.

New culture medium, this is also a kind of technology.

"Actually, this time, I also plan to make some together." Chen Tiezhu said.

"If the new culture medium is ready, I will make some films. Inoculate the fungus in advance, and then wrap it with films. Will it be convenient for transportation?"

"I will give these inoculated culture media to those who want to grow mushrooms for free. They only need to build a mushroom house that meets the standards, spray water, adjust the temperature, wait to collect and sell mushrooms, and then pay me."

"The reason why growing mushrooms is so complicated is that the relevant preparations are too cumbersome. Finding materials, fermentation, and inoculation, can ordinary people understand it?"

"If Yingzi hadn't supported me, I wouldn't dare to think about growing mushrooms. Thanks to Yingzi, otherwise..."

"Let's talk about business?" Han Xiuying glared at him.

"Yeah, let's talk about business." Chen Tiezhu nodded quickly.

Li Yinglin and Jiang Chaoyang were very happy to see this. Is this a case of one thing defeating another?

"That idle guy also said that it's not enough to just grow mushrooms. You have to sell them after growing them." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"I will also take care of this job. I will help them sell it when the time comes. For those who choose culture medium from me, I will take care of their subsequent sales work."

"What does that mean? I will take care of the most difficult part. They only need to do daily care. Are you worried that you will lose money if you can't sell the mushrooms? It doesn't matter."

"I will take care of their mushroom sales. If I can't sell them, my culture medium will be given to them for free. It's like I am taking all the risks."

"Comrade Chen, you... you are really a good comrade." Professor Xu said with emotion.

"Professor Xu, do you think he is really so kind? He must not have said it all. What if I want to sell mushrooms myself?" Han Xiuying said again.

"It's okay to sell mushrooms myself, but you have to give me the money for the culture medium first." Chen Tiezhu said.

"If you are in charge of selling mushrooms, do you have the final say on the price?" Han Xiuying asked.

After asking this question, Chen Tiezhu looked at her in surprise.

The thumbs were raised again, "Yingzi is the one who knows me well. Yes, I will indeed lower the price."

"Humph, you just want to speculate." Han Xiuying said.

Professor Xu was stunned, and looked at Chen Tiezhu with some suspicion.

"Professor Xu, although Yingzi knows me inside and out, she also misunderstood me. You said that fermentation culture medium also requires a lot of investment, right?" Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

Professor Xu nodded, it was indeed the case.

"Then think about it again, if these mushrooms are sold in the future, do they need to be transported, and do I have to take care of the freight? You can't let me lose money doing this, right?" Chen Tiezhu asked again.

Professor Xu thought about it and nodded again.

"Do I have to do some risk control? If someone really took the culture medium from me and sold it himself and didn't pay me back, how can I continue to promote mushroom cultivation in the future?"Chen Tiezhu asked the third question.

"Director Han, I think Comrade Chen Tiezhu has his own difficulties. He is not speculating, we can't let him suffer and have to pay for it out of his own pocket." Professor Xu looked at Han Xiuying and said earnestly.

Han Xiuying smiled bitterly and looked at Chen Tiezhu. This guy's ability to fool people is really first-class. Now Professor Xu has been fooled by him.

"Professor Xu, it's nothing. I just don't like that person who doesn't do anything. I told Yingzi that mushrooms must be grown. "Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

"Tell me about the construction standards of the mushroom house and the subsequent management precautions later. Even if you are busy at that time, I will have a reference."

"I forgot it if you didn't say it." Professor Xu said, taking out a stack of folded letter paper from his arms.

"I have also done measurements here these two days. According to the volume of your cellar, I have marked the construction standards. The two sheets at the back are about the control of temperature and humidity at each stage. "

"There are also precautions for fermentation of culture medium, required raw materials, determination of pH, etc. I am still a little rushed. I will mail you more detailed information after I return to the provincial capital."

Chen Tiezhu took the letter seriously. There were three and a half sheets of content on it.

It was light and heavy.

This is why people like Professor Xu are worthy of respect. There are really not so many messy things in their hearts.

"Professor Xu is a good person." Li Yinglin sighed after reading it.

"So I must grow this mushroom, otherwise I will be sorry for Professor Xu and Yingzi." Chen Tiezhu said.

"I really hope to promote the technology of mushroom cultivation in the north. I will be idle for half a year in winter." Professor Xu said with emotion.

"I am full too. I will go back to the brigade headquarters first to see if I can fight with Secretary Qiao again. With the technical and equipment support of the hospital, you can avoid many detours. "

After that, Professor Xu stood up.

"Professor Xu, thank you." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"These are nothing, I'll go first. Don't leave the room, continue to eat."

Professor Xu waved his hand, put on his military coat and walked out.

"Ah..., such comrades are worthy of respect." Chen Tiezhu sighed.

After that, he came back to continue eating.

Today's mood is also very good. Comrade Yingzi's thinking is very quick, and she can see through her own tricks.

"Now there are no outsiders, do you have to explain the problems you should explain?"

Han Xiuying asked suddenly.

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