"Zhenwen, don't worry, I'll be there right away."

Chen Tiezhu said, and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Han Xiuying asked hurriedly.

"Send me to the county hospital. The paper mill is on fire and there are many injured." Chen Tiezhu said.


Han Xiuying didn't hesitate, and put down her chopsticks after responding.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Doudou asked curiously.

"Dad has to go to the hospital to save people, Doudou stays at home. Dad will come back tomorrow and play with Doudou, Doudou must be good." Chen Tiezhu said coaxingly.

"Yeah, Doudou is very good, very good."

Doudou nodded his little head.

When he heard about going to the hospital, the little guy lost interest.

"Why did you bring out the basin?"

Han Xiuying asked helplessly after she got dressed and walked out.

"I don't know how long I have to work tonight. I can't work if I don't eat enough." Chen Tiezhu said with a wry smile.

"Well..., that's right, I'll drive as steadily as possible." Han Xiuying nodded, and then got into the car.

Although the paper mill is far away from the main road, the fire this time is really too big. Chen Tiezhu and his friends can see the burning sky in the north from a distance.

"Ah..., this fire may burn down more than half of the paper mill." Han Xiuying said.

"Who said it's not, the efficiency was not very good to begin with, and now it's worse. I just hope that there won't be too many injuries, otherwise treatment will be a problem." Chen Tiezhu said.

This is just a beautiful idea in his mind. Such a big fire, it's really uncertain what consequences it will cause.

When he arrived at the county hospital, the entrance of the hospital was already full of cars, and there were people responsible for maintaining order.

"Consultant Chen, they are all in the emergency department now."

Seeing Chen Tiezhu get off the car, the comrade from the security department hurriedly shouted.

"Are there many injured people? Is the situation serious?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"It's a long time. Eight people were sent in the first wave, and now this is the second wave. The county's cars have been transferred to pick up the injured." The comrade from the security department hurriedly said.

Chen Tiezhu's heart sank, and he walked towards the hospital with big strides.

This situation may be more serious than he imagined.

When he walked into the lobby of the hospital, he saw many injured people and medical staff gathered here, which made him frown.

"Consultant Chen, you are finally here. The first batch of patients are almost finished with treatment, but the patients behind may be in more complicated conditions."

Ma Guoming came to his side.

"The scene is a bit chaotic. Are most of them burn patients?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Basically, all of them have burns, but some of them are relatively light and went directly to the county's traditional Chinese medicine hospital. What do you think is the best way to arrange them?" Ma Guoming asked hurriedly.

"Set up beds in the hall and leave enough passageways. Those who can walk should be sent to the second or third floor for treatment as much as possible." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Too crowded people can easily cause more complicated infections. Those with similar debridement skills, don't worry about internal medicine or surgery, just use whatever skills you have."

"What's the situation at the scene? Why do you say that the patients behind will be more complicated? By the way, you must remind the comrades to do a good job of respiratory examination. If you need intubation, report it immediately, and I will do it."

"The situation at the scene is very complicated, and this time the fire burned to the dormitory. Some houses have collapsed, and the comrades of the fire brigade are rescuing the people below." Ma Guoming said concisely.

Chen Tiezhu understood what was going on, nodded, put on his white coat and started working directly.

In such a fire, the first patients sent here are usually those with minor injuries. Those rescued later are basically those with complex injuries, and it would be very difficult to rescue them.

"Master, it's a good thing you reminded me earlier, otherwise something serious might happen today."

Seeing him walk in, Lu Dan, who was helping the patient with wound cleaning, said.

"Are there any more people who need intubation? I'll do it." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Teacher Chen, the three comrades here also need intubation, and the comrades in the anesthesia department are too busy." Fang Zhiyong shouted.

"Okay, you do the initial inspection, and call me if you need intubation." Chen Tiezhu replied.

"Comrades are doing very well. When I walked in, I saw that everyone was very busy, but they were also very stable. When encountering fire patients, they can remember to check the airway first, which is very good."

"In fact, intubation is not that difficult, and it is similar to what we practice in normal times. It's just that for many comrades, this may be the first time to have a chance to practice."

"The movements should beGently, carefully feel the feedback of the force in your hands, and also aim at the right position to avoid damaging the airway. Okay, this patient is done. "

If it were normal, seeing Chen Tiezhu so quickly, he would definitely applaud.

But it was not possible today, everyone was really busy.

But the admiration for Chen Tiezhu in my heart? It was not reduced at all.

The patients who were usually seen were first examined for trauma, and then asked, and rarely considered the issue of airway examination.

And today, because of Chen Tiezhu's previous reminder, everyone paid special attention to this aspect. Two patients did not have any problems because of timely intubation.

"Doctor, I don't need to insert this? I just got a burn on my right arm."

After coming to the next patient waiting for intubation, this comrade spoke up, somewhat resistant to intubation.

"Open your mouth first, let me see. Yes..., open it wider. OK..., it's OK. "Chen Tiezhu nodded after a careful examination.

"Our comrade made a very accurate judgment. You really need intubation protection. Do you feel a burning sensation in your throat? You inhaled a lot of smoke and dust, and suffered a certain degree of burns."

"This is to protect you in advance. If the inflammation here becomes serious, you will not be able to breathe. The burn will not be a big deal, but you may suffocate to death."

After speaking, Chen Tiezhu looked at him calmly.

The comrade lay down without saying a word and opened his mouth.

Intubation must be uncomfortable, but he didn't want to be suffocated to death.

"Consultant Chen, an additional bed has been added outside." At this time, Ma Guoming also came in.

"That's good. There will be more serious patients sent here later. Protect the emergency passage. If the situation is really critical, they must be sent to the operating room after the initial examination. "Chen Tiezhu said.

Ma Guoming nodded. Even if Chen Tiezhu didn't say it, he had made arrangements.

In fact, I don't know why, but I was a little flustered just now, but I felt much more stable after Chen Tiezhu came over.

And this time, the county hospital did not become a mess after receiving so many patients, which was also because of the contingency plan proposed by Chen Tiezhu earlier.

"Brother-in-law, there is a patient who needs surgery here."

At this time, Han Zhenwen led people to rush in from outside, which scared everyone at the scene.

The patient who was carried had a window frame inserted in his abdomen.

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