"Oh..., this day is so hard to bear."

Han Xiuying sighed on the way home.

"Who said it wasn't? It was something that could have been avoided. It was caused by irregular management and human negligence." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Although the operations today were very successful, it is hard to say what will happen in the future. Several comrades still have serious burns, and infection in the later stage is a problem."

"And this is only for the current situation. There are still several people who have reached the level of disability. The aftermath work is not easy to do."

"Then I won't worry about them. Anyway, I have done what I should do. Has Zhenwen grown a lot now?" Han Xiuying asked.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "He has indeed grown a lot. He has accumulated experience in the provincial hospital and the county hospital, and he is finally in shape."

"When this month is over, we can send him back to the provincial hospital to study systematically with the cardiac surgery department. I have to say that this guy is really good at this job."

"When he returns to the provincial capital, he and Wenwen are both in the provincial capital, and they can deepen their relationship. But we have to work hard and can't let them get ahead."

"What are you talking about? Sit down and take a nap if you can't do it." Han Xiuying said unhappily.

"That won't work. We have to work hard."

While Chen Tiezhu was talking, he waved his fist like Doudou did in the past.

"So do you think the paper mill is going to be ruined?" Han Xiuying asked.

"Almost. It's a mess." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Although reeds are not very valuable, such a big thing has happened, which is enough to prove that the current leadership team is really no good."

"Just think about what kind of team such a leadership team can lead? I heard from Zhenwen that they built a three-story guesthouse in the yard of the paper mill, and the director has been working in the guesthouse."

"So, my judgment is that they look very bright, but the inside is also rotten. Let's put it this way, this incident is enough for Old Sun to drink a pot. I have to say that it is a troubled time."

"There is nothing we can do about it. If it is under the jurisdiction of the county, it will be easier to deal with if it is close." Han Xiuying said.

"The director of the paper mill speaks much more forcefully than Lao Gao." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"No matter what, how many workers does the factory have? There are labor workers working here in every county. The people who are stuck in the dormitory this time are not from our county."

"Just wait and see. It will be difficult to bring the families of those people here tomorrow. Otherwise, why let Lao Gao take over first? Just to be a buffer."

"I sympathize with Lao Gao. He doesn't get any benefits and has to get involved. Although he has solved some labor problems in our county, that's just a small percentage."

"It's too frustrating. I just sorted out the materials and wanted to report the labor export to the county. I didn't dare to mention it today." Han Xiuying said distressedly.

She was really distressed about this matter. Because she has been busy with this matter recently, and she has made many calls to classmates or friends in the provincial capital to understand the situation.

At this moment, such a big thing happened all of a sudden, making the atmosphere so tense.

"It's nothing. We have to live our lives as usual." Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

"The atmosphere is tense, that's their business, what does it have to do with us? We should report it and handle it."

"Otherwise, if you miss this time, the places where they recruit workers have recruited enough people. By then, even if you can promote this matter, who will play with you?"

"By the way, should we find someone else to take charge of this matter, or let He Weimin take over? You really don't have to make it difficult, just consider the matter itself."

"I am a little entangled about this matter." Han Xiuying said.

"In fact, I originally thought of sending him out, which is also a chance for him. What if he can really do this job well?"

"But after what happened today, I think it is very important to choose the right person to do the job. If he really can't hold it up, it will be a big problem if there is a problem in the future."

"Since you have such concerns, it is better to choose a more stable comrade to be responsible for this matter." Chen Tiezhu said.

"As the old saying goes, trust people when you employ them, and don't employ people if you doubt them. Since you have doubts in your heart, especially about such an important matter, you must really take it seriously."

"This matter is actuallyIt will be very helpful for people in our town and even our county who want to go out to work in the future. It is a really big deal. "

"The most taboo thing is to change the generals in the middle of the process. So you have to set high standards and strict requirements at the beginning. Let He Weimin be responsible for some of the work of contacting the workers who want to go out in our town."

"Whether it is to Uncle Jianguo or He Weimin, he can give an explanation. He has been in the service team for a relatively short time and can only be responsible for such work."

"If his performance is good enough, you can trust him and promote him. I think this job is not difficult at all, as long as you do it with your heart."

"What is this job? It's a bit nagging. You need to understand the situation from time to time, and communicate with both parties in time if there are problems. So it's not so easy to do it well. "

Han Xiuying bit her lips lightly. She really didn't want to praise this guy. Because she knew that if she praised him, he would definitely be proud.

But this guy solved a problem that she thought was very difficult in just a few words.

"What's wrong? Why do you look like that? Do you want to go to the toilet?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

"What toilet?" Han Xiuying sprayed him unhappily.

"Hehe, I thought you were going to the toilet. It's okay, I'll keep watch for you." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

This is really because he was sitting in the co-pilot seat, otherwise Han Xiuying would kick him no matter what he said.

"Hey..., go home and have a good sleep. We have to go to the county tomorrow. We might as well stay in the guesthouse directly. Why bother with this trip. "Chen Tiezhu muttered.


Han Xiuying snorted twice, knowing his wolfish ambitions.

"Hehe, I thought the little piglet brought the car up, how cute it is." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Han Xiuying had no way to deal with this guy's shamelessness.

What can you do?

After talking and chatting, they returned home. Han Xiuying hesitated for a moment and chose to deal with it in Chen Tiezhu's room.

Seeing that the day was about to dawn, going back to the east room to sleep at this time would definitely wake up Qi Cuiwen and Doudou.

Don't worry about Chen Tiezhu..., well..., he performed well today, and should be given some small rewards.

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