"You know what, your new plan looks really good."

After walking around the factory with Chen Tiezhu, Han Xiuying said.

"Of course, it's not done yet. Now it's just an ordinary construction project. We will plant trees here later. We need to replace all these poplars with other trees without hair." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"In the future, I want to make this factory look like a factory that doesn't look like a factory. When you walk into the workshop, this is a factory. When you walk in the factory, this is a park."

"How good will the landscape be here? What kind of mood will the workers feel when they work in such an environment?"

"But if you really want to make it like that, you need to invest a lot of money. I'm penniless now, so I have to take it slowly."

"Why do you have so many ideas? But it really costs a lot of money, right? In that case, is it worth it?" Han Xiuying asked.

"Of course it's worth it." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"In fact, this kind of factory often gives people a very depressing feeling. It is an old industrial production plant. The outside of the factory building does not look very good."

"More greenery and more landscapes in the factory area can make the workers feel happier after entering the factory. If you have a good mood, will you be happier when you work in the future?"

"Although our factory is small now, it will become a big factory in the future. But my subsequent plans also depend on the development of the county."

"If you want to mobilize the workers' enthusiasm for work, at present, you only need to ensure the workers' wages and bonuses. No problem. "

"If the county develops well, then it will not be appropriate for our factory to be here in the future. After all, the urban construction of the county will be restricted by factories like ours."

"The land here will be very valuable at that time. Whether we build family buildings ourselves or sell this land to others for development, it will be a sure win."

"As if what you said is enough, now the machinery factories are all on the edge of the city. Even if you build a building, there are so many places to build in the city." Han Xiuying glanced at him and said.

"And even if you really build it here, won't it cost money to move your factory to another place? It doesn't cost money to build a building here? Will the workers have to travel a lot farther to work?"

"Hehe, that depends on how much our comrade Han Xiuying can do to attract investment in the county in the future." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"If this work is done well, the value of this land in the future will become very high. Anyway, whoever wants to use my land will not be able to do so without paying a price."

"When you acquired the land from the county, did you also have this idea in mind?" Han Xiuying frowned and asked.

At that time, she thought that the land was taken for the development of the factory. But now he mentioned the issue of future development, as if the land is very valuable, which made her more vigilant.

Although she didn't know how high the value of the land would soar in the future, she knew that Chen Tiezhu would not show his eagle until he saw the rabbit.

Chen Tiezhu nodded unceremoniously, "I do have such an idea, but this is not taking advantage of the county. It's an equal exchange."

"How much debt have I borne in vain? Tangible and intangible, that's a lot. And the county also holds 30% of the shares in this enterprise, so it's still fair."

Han Xiuying opened her mouth, as if that was the case. But I feel that something is wrong no matter how I think about it.

"Anyway, this matter is changing all the time, and we can only take it one step at a time. No one can consider such long-term things in the future?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Let's say I really have no money now, otherwise I will just buy a piece of land farther away and build a new factory. But this also has disadvantages. How big should the scale of the new factory be?"

"Or in the future, when Comrade Yingzi of our family is responsible for the county's tasks in this regard, will he also set aside a large piece of land specifically for our companies to build factories?"

"The factory needs planning. We are now trying to separate the office area from the production area as much as possible. So will the county's planning in the future be like this?"

"Separate the factory from people's lives? The surrounding areas where people live only need supporting facilities that are in line with life, but not so many factories."

Listening to his words, Han Xiuying was thoughtful.

She has lived in the provincial capital since she was a child, and life in the provincial capital is nowThe factory is surrounded by residential areas.

Although it is convenient for workers to go to work, sometimes life is not very convenient because there are often trucks carrying goods and delivering goods in and out of the factory.

In addition, some noises in the factory production process also affect life.

If Chen Tiezhu says it now, it can indeed improve the quality of life.

Habitually biting his lips, knowing that although this guy said it casually, he was actually reminding himself.

When I work in the county in the future, I can find a place in the county as a special factory area for production enterprises.

In this way, while the county economy develops, it will not affect people's lives and bring troubles to daily life.

"Why do you have so many ghost ideas?" Han Xiuying asked puzzledly.

"Who am I? I've almost finished my walk. Do you want to take Doudou to Niu Er to eat mutton hotpot?" Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Really going?" Han Xiuying asked helplessly.

"What if I don't really go? Those people are very grateful to you. Doudou and I went there for dinner because of Director Han's face." Chen Tiezhu said seriously.

"I don't want to bother with you. If you want to go, just go." Han Xiuying said.

In fact, her mind is not on the matter of eating at all, but on the things Chen Tiezhu just described.

If the production enterprises in the county are really built in the future, the environment in the factory area will be well organized. What will the large factory look like at that time?

Originally, she was somewhat resistant to coming to the county to work, and felt that her work in the town was not done very thoroughly.

Now, she has some expectations for the future in her heart.

Because she knows that if it is really realized, the county's economy will definitely develop rapidly, and people will live a better life.

When she came to the kindergarten, Doudou originally planned to continue to eat lunch in the kindergarten. But when I heard that we were going to eat mutton hotpot, I had to temporarily abandon my beloved friends.

Anyway, I caught a lot of chicks this morning, and I will catch more in the afternoon.

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