"Okay, I guess I have to go first, you guys eat. I'll leave the car behind and go with Xiao Liu's car." Chen Tiezhu stood up.

"Don't say anything when you get there." Han Xiuying reminded him.

"Don't worry, I'm just following to watch the fun. Maybe they'll still talk about medical reform." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"Anyway, no matter what they talk about, just pay attention." Han Xiuying said.

Others were very amused, and only Han Xiuying could really subdue Chen Tiezhu.

"Liu, let's go. Where are we going?" Chen Tiezhu asked after they came outside.

"Let's go to the county government. We'll have dinner in the county government cafeteria later." Xiao Liu said with a smile.

"Are the comrades from the province participating?" Chen Tiezhu asked casually.

"Team Leader Sun should be participating, but I'm not sure about the details." Xiao Liu said.

"After leaving the county hospital, we went to the paper mill and talked a lot with the leaders. I'm not sure what we're going to talk about next."

Chen Tiezhu nodded and accepted Xiao Liu's kindness.

What else can we talk about? It must be about the paper mill. But he was not sure why he was looking for a non-staff person like him.

Xiao Liu said this to tell himself to be prepared in advance.

"Hello, leaders, Team Leader Sun, when our machinery factory is renovated, you can go over and take a look."

When he came to the county government cafeteria, Chen Tiezhu greeted him warmly.

"I will definitely go over if I have the chance. How is the renovation of the new workshop going now?" Team Leader Sun asked.

"It's almost half done, but now it's all basic work. The subsequent production line construction and debugging are the hard work." Chen Tiezhu said.

"At present, we will also produce some small gadgets to temporarily let the machinery factory have some income. Otherwise, I don't have that much money and it's not enough to support it."

"If there is only expenditure and no income for a few months, who can hold on. When Team Leader Sun goes back, I will take two samples of our current production and let the comrades in the provincial department see if they are useful or not."

"Good guy, I have a heavy task." Team Leader Sun was happy.

"That's a must." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"The reform of the machinery factory and the breeding farm was completed under your supervision. If we have achievements, you have to share the joy. If there are difficulties, you have to help."

"That's no problem, is it used by the public security department?" Team Leader Sun asked curiously.

"Hey, let's keep it secret for now. If everyone has nothing to do in the afternoon, call Director Hu to invite all leaders to visit our machinery factory together."

"Hearing you say that, it seems that you are really confident in your new product." Gao Xiaoguang said with a smile.

"Then from your point of view of running a business, where should the paper mill start the next rectification work? Don't be shy, I asked you to come here so that you can speak freely."

"This is a difficult question to answer, because my understanding of business management is different from our usual business management." Chen Tiezhu said.

"But no matter what kind of business it is, it needs some serious and responsible managers. If there are no such people, I am afraid that no matter how good the business is, it will be useless."

"Then just say something serious, don't talk about what everyone knows." Gao Xiaoguang said.

"I think what it is, it is the lack of power supervision." Chen Tiezhu said.

"I didn't know about it in advance, but I think you must have discovered that there are many problems with the original leadership of the paper mill."

"This is a manifestation of inadequate supervision. If supervision is in place, can they still have so many small ideas? However, this is not the fault of a certain person, but the overall business environment is like this."

"State-owned units are either directly under the ministries or provincial departments. The leaders of enterprises are also appointed by higher-level departments."

"Rather than running enterprises, they are more like officials. But there is a big difference between being an official and running an enterprise."

"In fact, this is why I made it clear to County Mayor Gao when I acquired the machinery factory and the breeding farm that the county only has the right to follow the dividends, but not the power to manage."

"Then according to your statement, isn't it a bit contradictory?" Mayor Sun spoke.

"If we strengthen supervision, it must be a kind of intervention. Isn't it a bit contrary to what you just said about only dividends and no management?"

"Well..., I didn't make it clear enough." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Strengthening supervision means supervising the use of power and the operation of enterprises. It does not mean guiding enterprises.What should you do? "

"When an enterprise encounters difficulties, the superior leadership department can contribute to help the enterprise overcome difficulties. Usually, let the enterprise develop on its own, because no one can really understand the enterprise. "

"What we see is just a result, such as this factory has good benefits, this factory is losing money, etc. But it is difficult for us to understand the real reason. If the reason is not solved, it will be in vain. "

"Let's put it this way. As one of the main sources of fiscal revenue for the city, the policies given by the city to such enterprises are very relaxed, right?"

Mayor Sun nodded frankly. Even if he wanted to deny this, he couldn't.

To put it bluntly, the leaders of these enterprises are the gods of wealth in the city. Administratively speaking, the city is indeed in charge. But the city really needs the fiscal revenue they contribute.

So some things are just turning a blind eye.

"In fact, just like the problems Mayor Sun just mentioned, they are not contradictory. "Chen Tiezhu continued.

"But why is there such an illusion in the current management concept? Because what we need is not only the profit and tax of the enterprise, but also the profit of the enterprise. "

"In the past, this management method was very good. The country played a chess game, and with one order, they could act in unison. It is no exaggeration to say that it can be accurate to every screw. "

"But now it is different. Now it is transitioning to a market economy. The country has passed the most difficult period. So under the new economic development situation, while unbinding the enterprises, it is also necessary to strengthen supervision. "

"This is equivalent to putting a bridle on the horse, so that the horse can run happily and not run off the track. Without the bridle, the horse will definitely run away without knowing where to go. If the bridle is pulled too tight, the horse can't run at all. "

His words made the three people at the dinner table fall into deep thought.

It must be said that Chen Tiezhu's words are really too bold. But it seems to make a lot of sense.

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