After a happy day of playing with Doudou in the provincial capital, Han Zhenwen can only take care of the little guy today.

As for whether Doudou is a light bulb, he won't worry about it.

He also has to deal with today's meeting, and in order to be more thorough, he came to the provincial hospital early.

"It is estimated that it will be almost finished in the morning today. The directors of prefecture-level hospitals have also rushed here." Director Lu said with a smile.

"Why is there such a big fuss? Isn't it just a communication?" Chen Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"They have to participate. Originally, I wanted to call the county-level ones, but later I thought it was a bit troublesome, so I didn't call them." Director Lu said.

"I thought they would go to the Health Bureau." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"There will be some discussions in our institute later, so we will hold it in our institute..." Dean Lu frowned as he said, "Do you have something to say?"

"It's not that I have something to say, I'm mainly worried about you. What if others have any ideas?" Chen Tiezhu asked back with a smile.

"Don't worry, we have you in our institute anyway, what am I afraid of." Dean Lu said indifferently.

Chen Tiezhu rolled his eyes.

He has always used others as a shield, and this time he will become a shield for Old Lu?

"Hehe, I forgot to tell you that Governor Li will come today." Dean Lu added.

"Hehe, what can he do if he comes? What can I do if I'm here? People's hearts are the most unpredictable. Anyway, you should be careful in the future." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Just tell me, if this matter is done, what kind of weight will it occupy in our provincial medical system? Even if I am involved, what can I do? After all, I am just a farmer, right?"

Dean Lu stopped talking. He really forgot to consider this situation.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. Anyway, it's this age." After a little consideration, Dean Lu said calmly.

Chen Tiezhu gave a thumbs up, "This mentality is really good."

"It doesn't matter. I am very satisfied if I can accomplish one thing in my life." Dean Lu said with a smile.

"Let's go to the conference room and wait. After all, we are the host and have to wait for the guests. Anyway, today's briefing is really important. You just need to be serious."

Chen Tiezhu didn't say anything else. Just go ahead and it's over.

It should be said that this kind of meeting is not unfamiliar to Chen Tiezhu. It's just that they all came from the future, and this is the first time in this life.

And from his current observation, the atmosphere is much more serious than that in the future.

Participants entered the venue one after another, and even those who knew each other would just nod and say hello to each other.

He knew even fewer people, so he was free.

And those who came in would also glance at him. Although it was the first time they met, it seemed that they had heard of his name.

What made him more concerned were the people who came in with Mr. He and Governor Li. I'm afraid they are all very important figures in the provincial medical community.

"Leader, everyone is here, shall we start now?" Dean Lu asked.

Leader Li smiled and nodded, "I know that everyone is very busy whether in school or in the hospital, so let's get started. I'll make it clear in advance that neither I nor the province have any guidance this time."

"In other words, there is no conclusion yet on what we are going to do next. That's why we invited everyone to come and discuss it together."

After speaking, he nodded to Dean Lu.

"Comrades, the training plan that was distributed to you earlier was written by Comrade Chen Tiezhu present here. And today's briefing is also because of this training plan." Dean Lu said straight to the point.

"By comparing this training plan with our current internship arrangements for medical students, we will find that our original arrangements are not very detailed."

"Through our self-examination of the provincial hospital, we found that although our hospital will provide corresponding training for students who enter the hospital after graduation, the effect is not very ideal."

"So this involves a question, that is, whether the mastery of these skills should be placed on campus or in the hospital."

"This is a very contradictory issue, and comrades are also welcome to speak up. No matter what the decision is, it will play a vital role in our training of medical talents."

Dean Lu's opening remarks were very direct and concise. However, the enthusiastic speeches he expected did not appear afterwards, but instead the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

Because everyone knows that this is not a good start. ChenAlthough Tiezhu had not studied it in detail, he knew that their "advance communication" was not good enough, and now there were basically two opinions.

"Leader, this matter was caused by me after all, how about I say a few words?"

Chen Tiezhu stood up directly to avoid letting the atmosphere cool down.

"I thought you were hiding, tell me." Leader Li nodded with a smile.

Such a small interaction also marked a key point in the hearts of many people. Chen Tiezhu is so familiar with the leader, it seems that the rumors are true.

"Hello, seniors and comrades." Chen Tiezhu spoke confidently.

"Compared to you, I am a junior. During my work in our county hospital, because it is a small hospital, I did not do a solid job in training medical students."

"That is why I came up with a training plan. I didn't expect that Dean Lu and Mr. He would take this plan as a project."

"In fact, whether it is placed in the school or in the hospital, I don't know much about these. But I think with my stupid mind, there should be advantages and disadvantages for each."

"These are the issues that the predecessors and leaders need to discuss. What I want to say now is the gap between our current medical level and the international level."

"Last time, I had the honor to participate in the medical exchange activities with Japan, which made me feel deeply. Because the gap between us and them is really too big."

"Organ transplant surgery is a very top-notch surgery for our country. But for them, although it is also very difficult, it is almost a routine surgery."

Listening to his words, several comrades frowned. This is a bit unpleasant to hear. Why should we help others to be more ambitious and destroy our own prestige?

"We are catching up now, but in the current environment, how long will it take for us to make up for this technological gap?" Chen Tiezhu pretended not to see it and continued.

"Five years, ten years, twenty years, or more years, or even my lifetime? I can't see the answer. It's not that I'm cold-mouthed, because the current medical standards in China are really poor."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became much more solemn.

Even Dean Lu was worried.

He knew that Chen Tiezhu was doing it for his own good, but it was really too offensive to say that.

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