The filming of the crew went smoothly. After all, with the support of the government and Chen Tiezhu, they could really shoot whatever they wanted.

Moreover, the filming nowadays is different from that in the future, and there are no tricky angles like in the future.

Chen Tiezhu is less worried, as he has perfectly achieved his small goal and does not need to worry about it.

Today, he stayed at home, accompanied his baby girl and watched the raindrops falling from the sky.

"Dad, it's so annoying when it rains. I can't go to the kindergarten to play."

Doudou said distressedly, holding his cheek.

"Yes, it's really annoying." Chen Tiezhu nodded in agreement.

"But, it's good for farming now because of the rain. As the old saying goes, spring rain is as valuable as oil. Now that it's raining, whether we have already planted the land or the land that has not yet been planted, it will no longer be dry."

Doudou wrinkled his nose, "Dad, how did the rain turn into oil?"

"Hahaha, this is a metaphor." Chen Tiezhu hugged the little guy in his arms.

"Today, we have to keep an eye on the little animals. We can't let them go out to get wet in the rain. Otherwise, they will rub you all wet, which is not comfortable."

"Well, they won't go out." Doudou nodded his head.

"Why is my eldest daughter so obedient? Let's play with dad at home today." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

In fact, he was a little worried. He had agreed to take the little guy to kindergarten, but who would have thought that it would rain before he went out.

The current Doudou is not the Doudou of the past.

The Doudou of the past just stayed by his side, but now he is having fun. How much patience can she have if you ask her to stay in the house?

"Tiezhu, are you home?"

At this time, Uncle Jianguo came over wearing a raincoat.

The father and daughter's eyes suddenly lit up, finally something was done.

"Uncle Jianguo, I'm at home. It rained when I said it would, and nothing can be done." Chen Tiezhu hurriedly responded.

"That's right." He Jianguo walked in with a smile, and hung his raincoat directly on the door.

"I cut some leeks before it rained this morning, let's try it. In the future, you won't have to worry about vegetables, you can have whatever you want."

"This leek is really good, let's make leek boxes today. Don't leave at noon, just eat at my house." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

Don't look at it as an ordinary leek, it's not simple, Uncle Jianguo used it as "ground sprout leek", that is, leek just unearthed.

Although they are not very big, they have the pure flavor of chives.

"I guess you can enjoy this. Your aunt and I can eat so much. If you want to eat it later, just go and cut it yourself." He Jianguo said.

"Grandpa Jianguo, how did the rain turn into oil?" Doudou asked curiously.

This sentence made He Jianguo confused.

Chen Tiezhu explained to He Jianguo happily, which also made him very happy.

"Don't mention it, this rain is good. When we plant the land later, the seedlings will grow up." He Jianguo said with emotion.

"Uncle Jianguo, I plan to dig two wells in the field later." Chen Tiezhu said.

"It seems that the rain in the past two years is not bad, but there is plastic film on our greenhouse. Even if it rains, we may need to irrigate it in the future."

"That's right, after all, greenhouses are precious." He Jianguo nodded.

"Should we do the same in our village? Just like in the city, we should also have running water?" Chen Tiezhu asked cheerfully.

"Tap water? How do we do this?" He Jianguo asked in confusion.

"When I dig a well, we will dig a well in the village. Then we will install the whole machine and lay the pipeline to each house. That's running water." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"For example, on a rainy day like now, how do we press the well when we need water at home? The rainwater has to be poured into a bucket. It would be great if we have running water. When we turn on the faucet in the house, water will come out."

Having said that, in fact, his idea in his heart is to improve the safety of drinking water as much as possible.

Life will gradually get better, and the number of small animals raised by each household will also increase. The wells nowadays are not deep, and they use surface and groundwater.

But you can't explain this reason, so you can only make up a new one.

"Tiezhu, this will cost a lot of money, right?" He Jianguo asked hesitantly.

"It will cost money, but it's not much." Chen Tiezhu said.

"It's just the money to buy equipment and pipes. We can do the work, so we don't have to spend money on labor. When the time comes, our company will pay half, and the village will pay half.If we pay a part, and each household pays a little, it will be over."

"In fact, even if our company pays all the money, it won't matter. But we can't do it this way, it makes me look like I like to show off."

"In this way, it will be convenient in both winter and summer, so that we don't forget to drain the well in winter and freeze the well pipe. With running water, our quality of life can be improved."

"You know what, this thing can really be done. Anyway, our mushrooms are going to be sold, and everyone will have some extra money by then." He Jianguo nodded.

"But in this case, the company will have to pay the most. It hasn't made any money yet, but it keeps spending money."

"That's nothing, it's not much money." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"The key is that I'm a little lazy and a little busy now. With this running water, I won't have to worry about it in the future. Let's talk about this first, and you can hold a meeting in the village later to ask. ”

“Once it’s confirmed, we’ll start preparing. My family is also going to rebuild the house, so the pipes can be laid directly, which will save me a lot of trouble.”

“That’s right. Who would disagree with such a good thing? How are the two factories in the county doing?” He Jianguo asked with a smile.

“The new production line of the machinery factory is basically finished, and someone will come to inspect it in the next few days. After getting the certificate of conformity, we can start production.” Chen Tiezhu said.

“The farm is faster. Now the new breeding poultry and livestock are in place. After a breeding cycle, the scale of breeding can be increased.”

“Very good, really good, I can finally see some return on investment. "He Jianguo nodded.

He also knew a lot about Chen Tiezhu's situation. With such a large investment, it was not easy to make this money.

Everyone hoped that Chen Tiezhu would be well, because if he made a lot of money, he would definitely be able to take care of the villagers.

There was no need to say more about this matter, it was in everyone's mind.

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