There is a saying in later generations, that is the first cup of milk tea in autumn. This thing is not available now, but the first bite of wine and food in spring has also received unanimous praise.

Maybe it looks ugly and short, but it tastes really fresh.

Let alone Doudou, even Han Xiuying, who rushed back to eat at noon, ate a lot.

"Okay, I'll send the rest to Dandan. This girl needs to be fed occasionally, otherwise she will complain to you." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile after dinner.

"Don't you bring something else? She kept nagging when I called her the night before yesterday." Han Xiuying asked with a smile.

"This is right. She has a limited appetite." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Hey..., she should come to our place to shoot the day after tomorrow. Do you have any ideas?" Han Xiuying asked.

"Don't feel burdened. Just let them do what they want. By the way, when are you leaving for the provincial capital? I'll go with you." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Just stay at home. I won't be able to take care of you. Besides, the construction company has hired a big bus to come. When I come back, you can pick me up at the station." Han Xiuying said hurriedly.

She also knew that Chen Tiezhu cared about her, but she didn't want Chen Tiezhu to get involved. Otherwise, who knows what would happen.

Chen Tiezhu didn't say anything. After packing up, he took Doudou to the county.

She also knew that Yingzi was a strong person. If she intervened too much, Yingzi would definitely be unhappy.

The little guy couldn't stand it at home anymore. The effect of the chive box was about to wear off. Now he came out for a stroll, and he was in a good mood.

"Master, Master, are the chive dumplings delicious?"

When Chen Tiezhu walked into the emergency room office with Doudou and a lunch box, Lu Dan almost jumped three feet high.

"Of course the ground sprout chives are delicious, everyone should try them too." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Sister Dandan, Doudou picked the chives and baked the chive dumplings." Doudou quickly added.

"Haha, I know Doudou is very good, so it must be delicious." Lu Dan said happily, and shared a piece with other people in the office.

"Sister Dandan, when will Brother Zhou come?"

Doudou came to her side and asked eagerly.

"Why are you looking forward to his coming?" Lu Dan asked curiously after taking a bite of the chive dumplings.

"Doudou's grilled fish fillet is almost gone." The little guy said seriously.

"You are just a greedy cat." Lu Dan nodded helplessly on her little nose.

"Wait a few days, he's a bit busy now. I'll call him later and ask him to send the grilled fish fillet to Doudou, okay?"

"Yes, hello, Sister Dandan, hello, Brother Zhou." Doudou praised happily.

"Don't worry about the grilled fish fillet for now, let Sister Dandan have a good meal." Chen Tiezhu picked up the little guy.

"Master, when can you do another half liver resection operation? Although watching the videotape can also learn, I always feel that it is not as exciting as watching it in person." Lu Dan asked.

Hearing his words, other people in the emergency department also looked over eagerly.

"That's not something I have the final say." Chen Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Didn't I tell you that I can do almost all general surgery operations. The key is that you have to have patients. How can I do it without patients?"

"Also, don't be too ambitious. You haven't even laid a solid foundation for basic operations, and you're thinking about running? You're barely at the level of a one-year resident now."

"There's still a long way to go in the future. When you can perform surgery independently without supervision, you can be considered to have a certain foundation."

"Master, how long will that take?" Lu Dan asked.

"Ordinary low-level operations will take at least another year. For operations like hemihepatectomy, if you're lucky, it will take about two years. If you're unlucky, it will take five or six years."

"You're actually the same as Dandan. Being a resident is not easy, and it's indeed a bit bitter. Just swallow this bitterness first, learn the real skills, and then you'll have sweetness."

The three resident doctors working in the emergency department nodded. Anyway, they must seize this second chance.

The first opportunity, I was not selected to study in the provincial hospital. If I miss it now, my future will be frozen.

"Being a doctor, in fact, is like this. When I was studying, the conditions were much more difficult than now." Fang Zhiyong said with a smile.

"There were not so many doctors at that time, and the teachers could not teach them all. Many things were difficult.We have to figure it out on our own. Now we are happy, we have Teacher Chen to teach us.

"Actually, this is nothing, it's not a big deal." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Just follow the time nodes in my training materials to slowly master the relevant skills. After your hospitalization career is over, you will have no problem seeing patients independently."

"I can actually make the training plan simpler, and you can quickly reach the standard. But what's the use? No matter how much you learn, you will benefit yourself."

"In the past, whether we were interns or residents, we actually followed along. There was no specific indicator for what we could learn."

"Now everyone thinks my new training plan is good, that's because I gave the corresponding indicators and nodes. It makes our learning clearer, so we have a goal."

"And Dandan, you now spend more time on internships and less on theoretical courses. This aspect cannot be left behind, and theory must be combined with practice. ”

“Although the knowledge in the books may be slightly different from our actual operation, if you don’t even have a comprehensive grasp of the knowledge in the books, you will be even more confused when operating.”

“I know, I am also studying hard now. You can’t do without suffering. Only those who have suffered can become superior people, and they can nag more than my mother.” Lu Dan said in a long voice.

They all felt that the leek box was not as delicious as before.

“That’s good to know. You guys eat, I will continue to take Doudou for a walk.” Chen Tiezhu said.

“Dad, where else are we going to play?” Doudou asked hurriedly.

“This time it’s farther away, to see the mushroom houses of Uncle Niu’s little brothers.” Chen Tiezhu said.

“Well…, that’s right. When are you going to have mutton hotpot with Uncle Niu?” Doudou asked.

“You haven’t even finished digesting the leek box yet, and you’re thinking about mutton hotpot. "Chen Tiezhu was helpless.

On the contrary, the people in the emergency department sounded quite happy.

They set off again. Although it was a rainy day, Doudou was very happy sitting in the car.

After arriving at the end of the field, Chen Tiezhu was a little puzzled. Why were there so many people in the mushroom house here?

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