"Good fellow, why did you two come here at this time? And on a motorcycle? How miserable."

Walking into the house, Chen Tiezhu saw Li Yinglin and Wang Lifeng here, and asked in confusion.

"This kid is bored, so I took him out to relax. Is it okay to take care of his arm now?" Li Yinglin asked.

"Just take care of it, don't worry, it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone. Even if you have a good physical foundation, it will take two months." Chen Tiezhu said.

"That's fine, I really can't stay here anymore." Wang Lifeng said with a smile.

"I didn't take Brother Tiezhu's talk about relaxing earlier. I'm pretty. Can't this guy sleep in every day? He can sleep as much as he wants."

"But it's not possible. After sleeping for three days, I feel more and more tired, and then I sleep less and less. Captain Li, now I have the permission, right? Even if I don't go to the front line, I can stay in the team, right?"

"Nonsense. It allows you to move around, not to work. Just stay at home and wait until the picture is finished." Li Yinglin said.

"By the way, this kid's relatives brought some seafood today, so we decided to give you some. You can cook, so we can eat with you."

"Wow? This is good stuff, what's in it?" Chen Tiezhu suddenly became energetic.

"I didn't look at it too closely, but there are crabs, shrimps and so on, a big bag. I guess some are dead, so they can't be eaten?" Li Yinglin asked.

"Nothing, nothing happened just recently." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

Then he and Li Yinglin came to the outer room.

I didn't really pay attention when I came in, and it was a little dark in the room because of the rain.

When the bag was opened, there were really a lot of seafood inside.

"Wow, you two just carried it here? This is not light, it's packed very well." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Anyway, there's nothing to do today, and there's no serious work in our team now. Let's talk about it after everyone is ready." Li Yinglin said with a smile.

"Dad, what are these? What is it? Why are there so many legs?" Doudou looked at the shrimp and asked in confusion.

"This is called a shrimp, also called a mantis shrimp, it's delicious. Wow, so many tiger crabs? This thing tastes good too." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Big conch is also good, each weighs about one pound. There are also some ground leeks, take out the meat and stir-fry it. There is also half a bag of hairy clams, stir-fry the whole hairy clam meat with eggs, and eat the rest tomorrow."

Chen Tiezhu's heart is really happy, and he is also greedy.

It's just that he is really far from the seaside, it must be nearly 70 kilometers. Because of the long distance, it is not easy to transport, so even in the county, there are few people selling this stuff.

The one who cares more than him is Doudou, who has never seen these things today.

And in the little guy's heart, he is a little afraid of tiger crabs and shrimps, they don't look good, and they look fierce.

Conch and hairy clams are okay, this thing is just a big shell.

"These are easy to make, I'll take out the meat from the refrigerator to slow down, and make some braised pork in the evening. Anyway, you are not in a hurry, so don't leave today." Chen Tiezhu said.

"I never wanted to go back since I came here, and I won't leave even if I chase you away." Li Yinglin said proudly.

"Give Lifeng a half-month leave first, and he will listen to my instructions for rehabilitation. When you are not allowed to move, you must not move." Chen Tiezhu said.

He also knew that the two people came here to care about Wang Lifeng's injury the most.

"Brother Tiezhu, you said that it has been so many days, and it seems that there is still no feeling in your hand." Wang Lifeng said distressedly.

"How many days has it been? If you want to fully recover, don't expect it for more than ten months." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Your nerves, tendons, blood vessels, etc., haven't healed completely yet. What if the sutures inside are torn apart when you move?"

"We've already contacted the provincial capital. We'll go there on the day and do an electromyogram directly. The function of this electromyogram is to see if your nerves react."

"But I'm still very confident in my skills. Just take care of it safely. When you recover, you will know what it means to be worse than death."

Wang Lifeng grinned. Why is Brother Tiezhu's words so creepy?

"Are you dead set on it now?" Li Yinglin said gloatingly.

"This kid went to Director Hu this morning and Director Hu got impatient with him, so he came to me. I thought there was nothing I could do, so I could only take him to you."

"This guy, IAnd he has to take care of after-sales service. What is Jiang Chaoyang doing?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

"I'm squatting today. Anyway, I left a message for him. If there's anyone squatting, I'll rush to your house." Li Yinglin said with a smile.

"Ah..., your job is also very tiring." Chen Tiezhu sighed.

"Don't think you're very relaxed now, that's because the work hasn't started. After it really starts, your good days will be over."

"I've been mentally prepared for this, and now I'm just taking a break from my busy schedule." Li Yinglin said.

"I've walked through all the villages and streets in the county and made myself familiar with them. In the future, more work will require everyone's cooperation to be done well."

"I was also very ambitious at the beginning, but now I'm confused. This job is really not easy to do, and I don't know how many people will be assigned to me in the future."

"You really deserve to work in the county. You're well-educated and can even use idioms." "Chen Tiezhu joked.

Li Yinglin ignored him, knowing that he would definitely not be able to beat him in bickering.

"Take it slow, take one step at a time, there will definitely be no problem." Chen Tiezhu encouraged again.

"How is the filming of the program group sent by the provincial TV station going? There are quite a lot of people discussing it in the county." Li Yinglin asked.

"It can only be said that it is proceeding according to plan. The most discussed issue is still the sewage discharge of the paper mill, right?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Well, now people think that the paper mill is really going to go bankrupt. Do you have any inside information?" Li Yinglin said.

"It definitely can't go bankrupt, with so many assets and so many employees." Chen Tiezhu shook his head.

"But it must be a major replacement and rectification, the pollution is too serious. If it is not properly sorted out, many people will get sick in the future. If you were the leader, what would you choose? "

"Don't ask me about this, I don't have so many twists and turns in my mind." Li Yinglin shook his head quickly.

"Little fool, beat it, it scared Doudou."

At this time, Doudou's crisp voice came from the outer room.

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