"Don't worry about this. In fact, no matter what kind of production-oriented enterprise, it will face sales problems." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Are all the employees working in the factory now the original employees of the feed factory? They are all on the payroll at the Animal Husbandry Bureau, right?"

"Well, most of them are our original employees. Some have been transferred, and then I found them from our village." Wang Huadong said.

"In terms of production, it is actually not very difficult. It is just to feed according to the proportion. The rest is all physical work. We are now more busy with electricians and mechanical maintenance."

"I'm afraid that something will go wrong and delay production. There are more people catching pigs these days, and the demand for feed is also a bit greater."

"This is all fine. When we take over in the future, we will conduct a comprehensive overhaul of the entire production unit." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"We have a machinery factory as our backer. Even if we haven't had much contact with this thing before, we can find some information and take another look, and we can get the whole picture."

"Our acquisition principles are similar to those of the two companies in our county. If they are willing to stay, we will definitely be happy to accept them."

"But after accepting, we will definitely have our own rules and regulations, and naturally we will also have our own welfare benefits. This cannot be said that you are in the city and are different from our county."

"In the future, we will give the city 30% of the shares, and we will treat them equally. But I think you seem to care more about sales, that is, the issue of future profits, so let me talk about it first."

"I also saw the one who just walked by. You still don't pay enough attention to the technology of feed. As for your production formula, it is also placed there casually."

"This reflects two problems. One is that your management awareness of technology needs to be improved. Strong, and the other is that the technical content of our formula is not high. "

"But I believe that those large feed companies will definitely have their own formula research departments. These formulas in their departments will have certain confidentiality requirements. "

"Why do they do this? It is because the feed we produce is a kind of fooling production, sold for emergency and shortage. Their feed is produced seriously and has its own quality assurance. "

"The result is also very obvious. In the future, after the scale of breeding is expanded, even if their feed is more expensive, they will choose them. "

"So they will become bigger and stronger after several years of development. Although you can make money from such a contract, this money is limited. "

"And after we take over, we will set up such a research department. We must improve the quality of our feed, so that we can lay a solid foundation for future sales. "

Wang Huadong nodded. This is not the first time that Chen Tiezhu said that we should pay attention to technology. But he really has no idea about this aspect.

Of course, he also knows that it would be better if he could do research, but it would also cost a lot of money.

"From what Dayou said, you are now selling directly, right? Selling the feed directly to individuals?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Yes, in this way, we can make more profit, otherwise it will be earned by others." Wang Huadong said.

"And this way of selling, the price for buyers can be cheaper. When many people buy together and reach a certain amount, we can also deliver it by four wheels."

"The original intention is good, but you ignore the risks here. And now you are also facing the test of these risks." Chen Tiezhu said.

Wang Huadong was stunned. In his opinion, this method is a very good method. The feed factory can make more money and the people who buy the feed can spend less money. Isn't this good?

"Just now you also said that the factory is working hard to produce every day, but the money earned is not much." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"In fact, a lot of profits are now in the people's deposits. This is a not very good cycle, just like facing our farms, in order to sell and collect money, they have to be threatened by us."

Listening to Chen Tiezhu's words, Zhou Fengxia beside him laughed.

Wang Huadong scratched his scalp, "Although it seems to be the case, but at that time we were still very confident in your county's farms, and now we are even more confident."

"But the people don't care about you, right? Even if they really don't pay you, and you make a lot of materials for nothing, what can you do?" Chen Tiezhu asked happily.

"Then..., can't you?Even if you owe some money, you have to pay it back sooner or later, right?" Wang Huadong asked hesitantly.

"Look, you don't have enough confidence, but you know what's going on." Chen Tiezhu laughed.

"Unless it's a village you have connections with, it's easier to handle if you go there with face. If it's a village you have no connections with, even if the whole village owes you money for feed, do you dare to go there and ask for it directly?"

"So you have such an idea in the early stage, which can really help you increase sales. But for long-term operation, this is not very good."

"It's different with distributors. They will indeed make some profit, but they will also bear the risk."

"Will the people who can be distributors be ordinary people? They must also sell in areas they are familiar with. Under normal circumstances, no one owes this money."

"So next, our goal is to improve the quality of feed and change the sales method. And I am also a fair and impartial person. When calculating those accounts receivable, we must also calculate them carefully. "

Although he felt a little uncomfortable, Wang Huadong nodded.

He also knew that this was Chen Tiezhu's warning. Don't think that they have to acquire this feed factory, even if they have already informed the city.

In front of a wise man like Chen Tiezhu, it is not good to deal with some things vaguely.

And he also knew that if he wanted to develop better in the future and make more money, he couldn't do it without Chen Tiezhu's help.

The cost of formula research alone is not something they can afford.

"Okay, that's all in the general direction. You are familiar with Dayou, and he will be responsible for this business later." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Manager Chen, you have to stay for lunch at noon." Wang Huadong said hurriedly.

"No, we have things to do in the county, and we have to go to the water company. We strive to get tap water for our village. We can't do this alone. "Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That's fine, you should go about your business. Once the acquisition is launched, we will definitely fully cooperate." Wang Huadong assured.

Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded, and walked out directly.

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