The fragrant dumpling soup not only contains shredded meat, but also poached eggs.

When Han Xiuying took Doudou back for a stroll, Chen Tiezhu's soup had just come out of the pot.

This thing is easy to prepare. If it weren't for the longer time spent on poaching eggs, it could be done faster.

"Doudou, do you want to eat another egg?" Han Xiuying asked.

"No, Doudou wants to eat big pieces of meat at night." The little guy said seriously.

"Then have a small bite of egg white?" Han Xiuying asked again with a smile.

"Well..., that's fine."

The greedy little girl still couldn't resist the temptation of egg white.

She ran over happily and took a bite happily.

"Wow, I've traveled a lot and seen the world. How can this dumpling soup be so delicious?" Master Wang, who also took a bite, couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Chen's food never disappoints. Even if he cooks it foolishly, it's delicious." Zhou Fengxia said with a smile.

Master Wang nodded. He was indeed a little hungry, so let's start cooking.

It was indeed delicious. Although the noodles were not big, they were chewy and the soup was fresh.

"Master Wang, do you want to find a place to take a nap?"

After they finished eating, Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Nothing, I've recovered after a short break. It's not far to the county, so I can go back to report." Master Wang said with a smile.

"Okay, drive slowly and pay attention to safety. When there is no driving mission, we can sit together and have a good drink. After all, our village or our county will have many trips to the provincial capital in the future."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm not outside at that time, I will definitely come to you." Master Wang nodded.

It's the same job, but it's a good job to run for Chen Tiezhu.

"Okay, let's go to the village office. Let's watch the fun, and then go to Zhou Qiang's house to eat meat." Chen Tiezhu called out.

"Eat meat, eat big pieces of meat." Doudou shouted happily.

Chen Tiezhu picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks.

There's nothing I can do. Although she's a little greedy, she's just so popular.

Strolling to the brigade office, this guy is incredible. Not to mention that almost everyone in the village has come here.

He Jianguo even set up the table and called Accountant Feng over.

Seeing them coming, the villagers who gathered here spontaneously made way and looked at them eagerly.

Chen Tiezhu showed the bag in his hand, "The money is all here. I took a look and there is quite a bit of change, so there must be enough to share."


"This guy is really looking at the money."

"That's right, we can make more money from this guy than from selling grain."

"But if it works, we can harvest the mushrooms in four or five days."


The villagers talked happily, this is not just seeing hope, but realizing hope.

In the past, I thought that growing mushrooms to make money was just a dream, even though we had already started harvesting last night. Now the dream has come true, and we can really get the money in a while.

"Everyone, pay attention, I still have to remind you. The money is indeed distributed, but when June comes, you have to pay back the bank." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"We have signed a contract with the bank. If anyone has an emergency and is short of money, please tell me. We can't make a mistake on this matter."

"Tiezhu, don't worry. The money from growing mushrooms now is like picking up money for free, without any trouble." He Jianguo said.

"It's not picking up money for free. We get up early and work late at night. Only we know the hardship." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Dayou, contact accountant Feng, and then count the money. We have to set off soon. I can only watch the joy of everyone receiving the money for a while."


Liu Dayou responded, took out the record book from last night, and then started to take money out of his pocket.

Seeing so many bills taken out by Liu Dayou, the villagers were so happy.

"Tiezhu, I really didn't expect that they were all sold at once." He Jianguo said with emotion.

"In fact, we also took advantage of the time difference. Now is the time when there is a shortage of food. The potatoes, radishes, cabbages and other things at home are almost eaten up, so it's a good time to change the taste." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"And we delivered it directly to the provincial capital, where the consumption is higher than in our county. There is no problem when we sell these mushrooms and get the mushroom sticks."

"In fact, thisI also made some money. When the next wave of planting comes, the price of mushrooms will definitely drop a bit, because the vegetables in our garden should be edible.

"Everyone is happy that you make money. Anyway, it's good to make some money." He Jianguo said indifferently.

"Besides, even if mushrooms can be cheaper in summer, won't they still be expensive in winter? Just take care of this matter. Everyone just grows mushrooms and doesn't have any other ideas."

"Yeah, Tiezhu, don't have any ideas. Just sell it as you want."

"You have too many ideas, and it's a bit hard for us to deal with. Just make your money and don't offend us."

"Tiezhu, everyone has recognized you, so don't worry. ”


Hearing his words, the surrounding villagers also comforted him.

Knowing what Chen Tiezhu was worried about, he was afraid that everyone would have other ideas after knowing that he made a lot of money from the price difference.

This really won’t happen, after all, Chen Tiezhu has said it before.

And now it’s because there are not many vegetables, and the price of mushrooms will definitely drop when there are more vegetables. At that time, Chen Tiezhu may have to consider the cold storage and so on, and he won’t make much money at that time.

“Okay, the money has been counted. Take the note that Tiezhu gave you yesterday and come to me to collect the money. "

At this time, Accountant Feng called out.

The heads of each household began to line up spontaneously, and those who watched the excitement were also worried.

Among the money on the table, there is money from their own family.

Those who received the money would also count it carefully.

This is not because they are afraid that Accountant Feng will count it wrong, but simply enjoy the joy of counting money.

For many people, the most regrettable thing now is that the mushroom house at home is not bigger. Now the size of the mushroom house determines the amount of money counted.

"Okay, everyone be happy, I still have to send money to other places." Chen Tiezhu called out.

"Haha, take Doudou to eat meat quickly." He Jianguo said happily.

Doudou is also beautiful, and he will definitely be able to eat meat today.

Walking out, just as he reached the door of the brigade headquarters, he saw the Zhang family driving a carriage back with their heads drooping.

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