It was similar to the food Chen Tiezhu prepared at home, except for the two signature stews and the wild vegetable dip.

When Doudou looked at the goose meat, his eyes almost lit up.

"The thighs are reserved for Doudou."

Zhou Qiang placed a goose thigh directly in front of Doudou.

Looking at the goose thigh in the basin, Doudou stretched out his little hand and measured it.

"Dad, why is it so big? It's much bigger than a chicken thigh." Doudou asked curiously.

"Then don't you think about how big a goose is? It must be bigger than a chicken thigh. You can't even eat this one." Chen Tiezhu said.

"That's fine, take it home and continue eating." Doudou said casually.

"Hahahaha, there's nothing wrong with that. Doudou can eat whatever he wants, and if he likes it, take it home and continue eating." Niu Er said with a smile.

"Uncle Niu, your mutton is also delicious." Doudou praised.

"Don't worry, Doudou. If you want to eat mutton, Uncle Niu has it all the time." Niu Er almost patted his chest to promise.

"By the way, how is your mutton business going? When will you sell it?" Chen Tiezhu asked curiously.

"We have to wait for a while. We haven't set things up yet." Niu Er said.

"And what's the key now? There are few cars going there. And the weather is getting hotter, so we can't just bring meat here, we can only bring live sheep here."

"I thought too simply about this matter at the beginning. Anyway, we have to think about it carefully. After we have figured it out, we can start to do it seriously."

Chen Tiezhu nodded with satisfaction, "This is how you do business. You can't just look at making money, you also need to consider all the details here."

"Even if you think too much about some things, it's okay. Because when it really happens, you will have a response plan and won't be blind."

"Including you will be the agent of our Golden Bean Company in the future, there are many things you can do. But you can't do everything with your eyes closed. "First of all, you have to judge whether this family can grow this mushroom well. What if they just follow the trend? The yield of this mushroom is unlikely to be high." "Then there will be trouble. It is very likely that they will lose money. At that time, if the mushrooms are grown with loans, how can they get the loan back?" "This loan is different from the poverty alleviation loan. In the future, Jindoudou Company will only be an intermediary and will sign a loan agreement directly with the bank." "If this really happens, it will turn a good thing into a bad thing. Don't just listen to me, stretch out your chopsticks, don't you see that my eldest daughter is drooling." After saying that, Chen Tiezhu picked up a piece of fish first. Everyone looked over curiously, and Doudou was staring at the goose thigh. "Move your chopsticks, move your chopsticks, no matter how good the cooking skills are today, this meal will definitely taste delicious." Niu Er also greeted. The meal started, and Doudou used chopsticks to pick up a piece of goose thigh meat with some effort and took a big bite.

It was really enjoyable to eat like this, with the little mouth full and the more you chew, the more delicious it became.

Although the goose meat has a bit of large fibers, it is chewy.

"It's really good, this thing has to be stewed until it is well-flavored. No matter what the craftsmanship is, it is delicious if it is well-flavored." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Let's continue with our topic. It's not easy to be a good agent. You can't use the old methods to do things. If anyone doesn't follow the rules, you can just use force to solve the problem."

"In the future, the county will be stricter in this regard. We must convince people with reason. Not to mention that we should be aware of the threat, but we should not take action if we can."

"But if your life is threatened, you'd be a fool if you didn't take action. If there is a dispute and it can't be resolved, don't we still have the court?"

"The country has so many rules and regulations, we must abide by the law and deal with it. After a few decades, we can all sit together and continue to drink peacefully, that's the real skill."

"If it's our turn to visit you in prison, that's your own reason. It's not that we look down on such people, but the mood at that time is completely different."

Everyone nodded, and these were also heartfelt words.

"Well, I'll study it carefully later. If anyone wants to worry about this experience, come to our company to train you." Chen Tiezhu continued.

"When the time comes, we will explain to you what you should pay attention to and how to promote the business of this agent."

"In the future, the company will have many projects, all of which will beNot to mention all of them. Just be a good agent for one of them, and that's it."

"The farm will also launch pig and chicken projects, as well as feed projects. These will all be profitable businesses in the future, and they will be the kind that make a lot of money."

"In a word, listen to Brother Tiezhu and follow Brother Tiezhu, it's definitely right." Niu Er smiled and added.

"That's a must. In fact, our company trains agents to make us less worried." Chen Tiezhu was also happy.

"We rely on volume. No matter what product, as long as the volume is up, even if the profit of a single one is not high, the profit of the whole will be high."

"In the future, everyone's brains have to change. Fighting and killing are a thing of the past. Putting money in your pocket is a serious life, and let others envy you. "

Listening to his words, everyone started laughing again.

Zhou Fengxia, who was listening on the side, was very moved. Chen Tiezhu's move was too brilliant.

These people have a certain influence in the local area. If they are developed into agents, Chen Tiezhu's business expansion will be promoted at a very fast speed.

Even if these people are not allowed to deal with things by force, they have a reputation. Who would want to make trouble like that?

Just coming here for a meal has laid a good foundation for the future.

Everything that should be said has been said. The remaining main content is drinking and eating meat.

Little Doudou originally had great ambitions, but this goose thigh was really too big. He ate less than one-third of it and scratched some other dishes, and his little belly was bulging.

"Dad, the big goose has become powerful, more powerful than the little chicken." Looking at the remaining goose thigh, Doudou sighed.

"That's not powerful, it can bully my daughter. "Chen Tiezhu was amused.

"Dad, that's not the case. It was Doudou who was playing with them." Doudou quickly retorted.

Even though he was a little kid, he knew that this was his dark history.

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