"Zhou'er, call Lao Huang and the others later. We'll spend half a day deciding where to enshrine the altar in the mountain temple."

The next morning, Chen Tiezhu said as he walked to the office of the machinery factory after sending Doudou to kindergarten.

"Are you starting to do it now? How confident are you?" Zhou Fengxia asked curiously.

It's not a small matter to choose the altar.

And he didn't expect Chen Tiezhu to do it himself. This job is not easy.

Of course, you can do it half-heartedly. But such a half-hearted job will make you feel uneasy.

"There's nothing I can do. I took Lao Huang and the others to see it last time. At that time, they asked me to do it, so I'll do it." Chen Tiezhu said.

"But it was quite fun last time. The compass was in my and my daughter's hands and it behaved very well. What do you think this means?"

Zhou Fengxia rolled her eyes, "You ask me, who should I ask? I really don't understand this business. Anyway, you just need to have confidence. This thing works only if you believe in it. If you don't have confidence yourself, then it's useless."

"Who cares? Just do it." Chen Tiezhu said indifferently.

He really didn't understand these things. But he was still very "confident" about himself.

"Manager Chen, congratulations, the mushroom business has been successful again this time." Seeing him coming, Hou Jingfu said with a smile.

"Hehe, let's celebrate together. How are our preparations going?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"For now, the production line is fine. Although the laboratory is a bit simple, it is enough." Hou Jingfu said.

"Now we are just waiting for the approval documents to come down. We will follow the normal process and then we can produce. For ordinary medical devices, production is not that troublesome."

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "Anyway, you and Lao Cui should worry about these things. When the factory is profitable in the future, we will definitely set up a good laboratory for you. How is the design of the bone plate going?"

"It is still being adjusted. We have produced some trial products. Then we have also done some experiments and can provide some data." Hou Jingfu said.

"It's just that we use pig bones and cow bones for experiments, which is still worse than foreign companies. After all, we not only have to produce them, but also provide a fixed plan for matching."

"Don't worry, this thing must be made safer. Otherwise, if something goes wrong in the future, it will be a big event." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Have you contacted your friends? Are there any problems with the special steels we purchased? Can we supply them in large quantities in the future?"

"This matter is not yet determined." Hou Jingfu said.

"If our bone plate can be successfully developed, there will be no problem in the future, and it will definitely become a national key project. But now it is still a little short, and we can only supply it appropriately."

"In the overall environment, the supply of this type of steel is still relatively tight. So in the early stage, we have to use it with caution."

"Oh..., it would be great if we could supply it in large quantities." Chen Tiezhu sighed.

"But this is nothing, our bone plate will definitely be fine. When the time comes, we will do clinical trials in the provincial hospital and county hospital, and accumulate more data before we talk about it."

"I will find some connections later to see how to apply for this patent internationally. This thing must be fixed, and it will cost money in the future."

"Do you mean to be as safe as possible?" Hou Jingfu asked.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "We can't operate like those companies in the past. Those companies were too eager to see profits, so they played a lot of edge balls."

"When it comes to the sales stage of the products we produce, we must be responsible for this product. We have to establish this reputation from the beginning, and we can talk about making money later."

"After all, this thing is not only to be sold domestically, but also to be promoted internationally. At that time, people will study it with a magnifying glass, and if there is a little mistake, it will be infinitely magnified."

"Okay, since you have such instructions, let's collect more data and then officially launch the product." Hou Jingfu nodded seriously.

Although he is also a master of domestic medical device production, that is only in China. He has never been involved in international sales and knows that this matter must be handled with caution.

"Anyway, don't worry, the machinery factory is also under the name of Jindoudou Company. It may be independent in the future, but now it still depends on Jindoudou Company to input.Blood." Chen Tiezhu said.

"We did spend a lot of money in the early stage, but I think it was worth it. If we can't let go of the basic investment, then the future development will be limited."

"Let's expand our research team in the future to save you from being too tired. Money in this area cannot be saved. One more person can contribute more."

"Hey..., after working for so many years, this is the first time I have met a leader who attaches so much importance to technology like you." Hou Jingfu said with emotion.

"Hey, what era will it be in the future? Those who have technology will win the world." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"Just take our mushrooms as an example. In China, no one's mushrooms are as good as our strains. Even if others study mushroom cultivation in the future, their yields will not be as high as ours."

"Next, we will launch other mushroom cultivation varieties. Anyway, my idea is to master the edible mushroom technology suitable for cultivation and consumption in the north. ”

“The market is so big. We have already taken a step ahead. We must keep ahead step by step. Other things can only be achieved on this basis.”

“Let alone our side, Xiao Zhou is also working hard to recruit talents. His jewelry company in the future will not be bad.”

“Don’t praise me. Whether it can work depends on how hard you work. Good carving can only be said to be icing on the cake. The most important thing is the quality of the material.” Zhou Fengxia said.

“Don’t worry, start raising funds now, and then take you to have fun. I have to raise some money for me, otherwise President Peng will be angry.” Chen Tiezhu stretched.

I also understand the helplessness of running some enterprises. It seems that no matter how much money you have, it is not enough to spend.

Unless you want the enterprise to maintain the status quo, if you want to make a breakthrough, you have to work extra hard.

“Good guy, why is Director Hu here? "

Chen Tiezhu hadn't even put down his arm when he saw Director Hu leading his men towards this side.

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