Anyway, the matchmaker has already been done. As for whether the future will be successful, it depends on the two of them.

But Chen Tiezhu thinks that there should be no problem.

After all, in this era, marriage is still mainly based on introduction, supplemented by free love.

And it is not like in the future, where there will be too many unnecessary factors in marriage.

Anyway, he thinks that the success rate of this marriage must be above 70%.

"Hey, Uncle Jianguo, Brother Weimin, why are you here?"

Just when I returned to the door of my house, I saw He Jianguo leading He Weimin waiting here.

"I was thinking that you could come back earlier." He Jianguo said with a smile.

"Tiezhu, I will have to make a living with you in the future, so you have to teach me well. I know you like to drink, so I will find two bottles for you." He Weimin also said.

"You guys, why are you so distant with me? Hurry up and go into the house."

Chen Tiezhu greeted.

He was in a good mood, not because of the two bottles of Moutai, but because he could feel the relief that He Weimin felt after he put down his dignity.

It is often said that character determines destiny.

He Weimin's character has changed a bit now.

"Actually, as for distributors, this matter is still easy to handle." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile after entering the house.

"The initial start-up capital is not much, just clean up the warehouse. The money for the first batch of materials will be kept for now, and the future will depend on the situation."

"But this business is also very hard, and everyone has their own way of doing things. At the very least, it is very hard in the early stage."

"You have to run from village to village, let everyone know that you want to sell feed, and know what is available and what the price is. As for the specific information of the feed, it will definitely be distributed to you when the dealer conference is held."

"Feed is definitely easy to sell. Although our factory's feed is not so famous at present, the price is much lower than that of big brands."

"Here, there is also a profit margin for dealers. In the future, there will be special salesmen responsible for connecting with you. If you need feed, just make a phone call, and then we can arrange a car to deliver it to you."

"You have to say that you have considered all aspects." He Jianguo said with emotion.

"Haha, it's actually nothing." Chen Tiezhu laughed.

"In fact, your dealers and our factory have similar ideas. We just have one more production process than you. We also have to consider the issue of sales, right?"

"There is a key point here, which is the issue of sales returns. As a dealer, in order to open up the market in the early stage, there must be some credit for materials."

"This is risky. You have to be mentally prepared, because it is difficult for you to get the money back for some materials. In fact, this is how business is done. It is impossible to make money right away. You have to be prepared to lose some money."

He Weimin nodded, "We have discussed this matter at home. So how do you think it is better to control it?"

"Well, you still have some advantages. After all, you have worked in the town and are familiar with the cadres of each village." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Then we can find out from them whether they have solid financial resources. Those with solid financial resources can invest two more bags of materials, and those with weak financial resources can invest less."

"After making money, it doesn't mean that these families will continue to sell on credit without paying. The key lies in how you operate during the business."

"I can't say anything about this. Because you will have your own rules, and my methods may not be suitable. Anyway, it will be hard in the early stage, and you have to go to each village."

"At the beginning, there are no shrimps or small Four wheels, so Uncle Jianguo drove the carriage to help deliver the materials. When we make some money, the whole four-wheeled carriage will be easy to handle, and it will be delivered in a short time. "

"At present, the profit margin we leave for you dealers is still considerable, and we will increase it appropriately according to your sales volume in the future."

"Anyway, a bag of materials can be worth at least two yuan now. Just think about it, how much materials can be sold in a month, and the profit will come out."

"Can you give so much?" He Weimin asked in surprise.

Chen Tiezhu smiled and nodded, "About the same, after we adjust the new formula, the profit margin may be higher and the effect will be better."

"So you just need to control the risks of the business, and then work harder, there will be no problem in making money, it's just a matter of how much you make."

"A little brother of Niu Er in the county"My brother is now also a distributor of our mushroom cultivation. He released more than a thousand mushroom sticks in the second batch."

"Next, he will become a distributor of our feed. He has already started to run door to door there. Maybe, before the formal establishment of the distribution index, he has already made money."

"This guy is really good. It's okay to suffer a little, as long as you can make money." He Jianguo said.

"When the time comes, let your father-in-law take a good look. People don't have only one way to live. We still have some money, and we will give it to you when the time comes."

"What's wrong? Are there some unpleasantness with them?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Well, their idea is that they don't want children and let me continue to work in the town. But my wife and I now feel that the child has come to us, and we really can't bear to do that."

"This time I really think it through. Whether life is good or not, only I know. There is more to life than just one way, I'll just give it a try."

"That's right." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"No one knows what kind of difficulties life will face. If you retreat when you encounter some difficulties, you will have no way to live in the future."

"Put your heart in your stomach. After you get through the front, you can make money by selling feed. No matter if you will become the most wealthy man in our town in the future, after all, I am also from our town. At least, you can be number one among the top few people."

"Hahaha, what else can I say, it's no difference to follow you. "He Jianguo laughed happily.

He is also a superstitious believer of Chen Tiezhu. Now that he has said so, there is no difference at all.

Otherwise, he would be very entangled. The power of public office is still very great.

But this feed factory belongs to Chen Tiezhu, so what is there to be entangled about? Just do it.

"Tiezhu, you have to go over and take a look. The blind bear is here with the children again."

At this time, Hu Yadong's shouting came from outside the yard.

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