At noon, we had tofu stewed with cabbage. Although there was no meat, it was not bad with sea hares and dried shrimps as the base, and with space water.

Especially the second master, who had a big appetite today.

The vegetables and rice were mixed together, and they were delicious.

"Second master, Uncle Dong, Uncle Nan, go hunting with Yingzi in the mountains this afternoon. Maybe you will be back late, and you have to eat dinner at my house." Chen Tiezhu said.

"The snow on the mountain has not melted yet, and it has been hit again. Don't go too deep." The second master said.

"Well, just go around the Toudaoling and get some pheasants, hares, etc. Otherwise, even if you go to the town now, it's hard to buy meat." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Hey..., I'll give you helpers and give you meat and rice every meal, and you'll be ready for the banquet." Hu Yadong said.

"Uncle Dong, this is nothing. You can help me, which means you think highly of me. What's wrong with me preparing some food and drink?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Well, can I follow you?" Fang Zhiyong asked a little embarrassedly.

"You can go, just to see where you are lacking and feel what your real level is like." Chen Tiezhu said.

Fang Zhiyong was stunned. He should have understood, but he didn't understand the specific meaning.

But he didn't think about it. He had never experienced hunting.

Chen Tiezhu took out the 98K from the closet. This was Yingzi's hunting tool.

When he saw this gun, Erye's eyes also sparkled. He was a man who knew the goods.

But when he took out the bag of bullets again, Han Xiuying's eyes stood up again.

So he ambushed here again. When no one is around at night, see how to deal with you.

He took the bullets and skillfully pressed, loaded and unloaded them. The movements were smooth and flowing.

Everyone didn't think it was a big deal, after all, he was a serious public security comrade.

"Gou Shengzi, you stay at home and accompany Second Grandpa and Da Huang obediently." Doudou looked at Gou Shengzi and said.

"How about Da Huang take you?" Second Grandpa asked with a smile.

Hearing what Second Grandpa said, Da Huang stood up directly.

"Let's not go yet, Da Huang's wound hasn't healed yet, so he won't get cold." Chen Tiezhu said.

Hearing what Chen Tiezhu said, Da Huang lay down again obediently.

"Oh my God, Da Huang is so smart?" Han Xiuying asked in surprise.

"Then you see, where is Second Grandpa's Da Huang." Chen Tiezhu was very proud, as if Han Xiuying was praising him just now.

"Okay, go early, so as not to be late." Second Grandpa said with a smile.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, took the bow, took the arrow, and carried Doudou.

Doudou was very happy, riding on Chen Tiezhu's neck, his calves were swaying.

"Actually, hunting today will be very easy." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Is it because of the snow?" Han Xiuying asked.

"Yeah. Grass eaters spend more time foraging outside, so they are easier to hunt." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"But when I encounter a pheasant, I don't need to shoot. I can catch it directly. Once it snows, the pheasant will become stupid."

"Really?" Han Xiuying was half-believing and half-doubting.

"The pheasant flew into the rice pot, this is not nonsense." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Can I use a ladle to scoop fish? I haven't played it before." Han Xiuying asked excitedly.

"Uh..., that's tomorrow. I'll take you to the river fork to scoop fish tomorrow afternoon. Although they are not big, they are also good." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Yeah, scoop fish tomorrow." Han Xiuying said.

Without noticing at all, she had already booked her tomorrow.

After walking for less than 20 minutes, they arrived at the forest of Toudaoling, and Chen Tiezhu made a gesture.

"What's wrong?" Han Xiuying asked.

"There is a pheasant at two o'clock on the right, about 20 meters away. There is a hare at eleven o'clock on the left, about 30 meters away." Chen Tiezhu said.

"Nonsense, I..."

Han Xiuying was about to refute him, but saw that there was indeed a pheasant on the right, digging for food in the snow.

Meng turned her head to the left, and the search took a little longer this time. Sure enough, there was a hare, jumping over there.

"My God, how did you see it so far away?" Fang Zhiyong asked in surprise.

"I am a hunter, and it's snowing now. How can I hunt if I can't see it again?" Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Leader, how should we fight? I'll chase the pheasants and you'll hunt the rabbits? They're both big enough to be hunted, so we won't hunt the small ones."

"Okay, you chase the pheasants when I fire the gun." Han Xiuying nodded.

He shook his neck, swung his wrist, adjusted the rear sight, and then aimed the gun.

Chen Tiezhu also shot the beanbeans on the ground, ready.



As soon as the gunshot sounded, the rabbit was carried far away by the bullet. Chen Tiezhu on this side also jumped out directly.

Fang Zhiyong was shocked. He had no time to pick up the rabbit. He had to watch Chen Tiezhu chasing the pheasant.

The gunshot naturally scared the pheasant.

It flapped its wings and flew up. Just as it was about to land, it found a two-legged beast running over. It flapped its wings again and fell diagonally.

The snow in the forest was very thick. When it struggled to fly again, it had no chance.

Chen Tiezhu's hand firmly grasped its neck.

"Just... just... just that simple?" Fang Zhiyong stuttered.

"Hey..., he runs fast. Although we can catch him, at least the pheasant will fly again." Han Xiuying sighed.

She didn't want to admit Chen Tiezhu's excellence, but the facts were right in front of her.

She was very curious about how capable Chen Tiezhu was.

Take the pheasant and hare just now. Chen Tiezhu said it lightly, but was it so easy to find?

"The pheasant has been brought back, but the rabbit hasn't been picked up yet? I'm afraid I can't eat the rabbit's head." Chen Tiezhu was a little regretful when he came back.

"Dad, why? Rabbit heads are delicious." Doudou was a little worried.

I just like to eat rabbit heads, why can't I eat them yet?

"Doudou, it's because the bullets are too lethal. Next time we meet a rabbit, let's let Dad shoot it with a bow and arrow, okay?" Han Xiuying coaxed the little guy.

At this time, Fang Zhiyong also ran over to pick up the rabbit. If he couldn't hunt, couldn't he be an assistant?

When he ran to the front, he found that the rabbit's head had lost half of its head. The power of bullets is really great.

After walking a little further, they found another wild rabbit.

"Doudou, let daddy shoot it this time, and Doudou can eat delicious rabbit brains." Han Xiuying said with a smile, and she also gave Chen Tiezhu a difficult question.

If you want to eat rabbit brains, you can't pierce the rabbit's head with this arrow.

Otherwise, it will be contaminated by the arrow tip and you can't eat the brain.

"Naughty, as naughty as Doudou." Chen Tiezhu said, and tapped Han Xiuying's nose.

Han Xiuying was confused.

What did this guy just do?

Chen Tiezhu also found that he was really bold, and hurriedly bent his bow and put an arrow.

Han Xiuying was so angry that her teeth itched, "Just wait, wait until your arrow damages the rabbit's head or body, and see how I will deal with you."

Chen Tiezhu pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth.


The sharp arrow flew out.

"Oh my god..."

After seeing the result, Fang Zhiyong was so shocked that he held onto the tree next to him.

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