"You look so happy, are you so happy?" Chen Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, I participated in a Fallot Tetralogy surgery the day before yesterday, it was so exciting." Han Zhenwen said happily.

"Oh? This is really amazing. Can the provincial hospital perform such a difficult surgery now?" Chen Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"Well, this is also the fifth Fallot Tetralogy surgery in our hospital this year. The first four were very successful, and this surgery was also smooth, there should be no problem." Han Zhenwen said.

"If it weren't for the technical support, Dean Lu wouldn't always think about organ transplantation. It's really exciting to watch, even though I'm just the second assistant."

"In fact, if you can go into the operating room to watch such an operation, you will gain a lot. Director Xu is the main surgeon, and his ability is also very strong."

"But Director Xu said that if he had your fast speed and steady hands, he would definitely be able to do the operation faster and better."

"This operation took a long time, and some dangerous situations occurred during the operation. Fortunately, it did not affect the operation and was finally successful."

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "It's really amazing, Director Xu is also a hidden master."

"Uncle Chen, is he better than you in surgery?" Qi Cuiwen asked curiously.

"Surgery is something that can't be said to be amazing or not." Chen Tiezhu thought for a while and said.

"This tetralogy of Fallot refers to congenital heart malformation. If it is not treated, the mortality rate is very high, and it is still a mortality rate within ten years of age."

"Just think about it, this disease must be discovered and treated early. When the surgery is performed, the children are relatively young and their hearts are small, so it is naturally very difficult."

"And it is a congenital heart disease, which will make the child's body very weak. Therefore, when undergoing surgery, the conditions are often not very good, which naturally increases the difficulty of the surgery."

"Such an operation, I am definitely not able to do it at present. It is not enough to have a sufficient understanding of anatomy. It requires a long period of research and training."

"At present, I am more suitable for general surgery. Otherwise, I would have kept Zhenwen in the county hospital directly, and the surgical resources would be relatively more. But cardiothoracic surgery, I am still a little short of it."

Listening to his words, Qi Cuiwen nodded.

Now she knows a little about medicine and knows that these are two different focuses.

But Han Zhenwen, like Doudou, has accurately grasped the key words.

What my brother-in-law said was "a little short of it", which means that if my brother-in-law has enough time to study this operation, he can also do it, and then it won't be a little short of it.

Anyway, he thinks that if he can master such a difficult operation after studying for ten or eight years, he will be satisfied.

It's still incomparable with my brother-in-law.

"After dinner, I will also take a walk around your provincial hospital. It's been a long time since I came here, and I want to have fun with everyone." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That must be a warm welcome." Han Zhenwen said.

"Although you are not here, everyone will mention you when chatting. The surgical videos you performed in the county hospital are also watched repeatedly by everyone."

"It's useless to praise me. You have to master many skills yourself. It's useless to tell you. You must hone yourself in actual operation."

Han Zhenwen nodded seriously, and he knew that what his brother-in-law said was not bad.

When he just came back to the provincial hospital, he was full of confidence. But as time went by, he realized that what he had accumulated was still far from enough.

Talking and chatting, Han Zhenwu also took Zhao Yuling back, and the family became lively all of a sudden.

Because there were Doudou, these were all people he loved, it was hard not to be lively.

The little guy naturally became the only protagonist, and his little mouth kept talking, and he couldn't be idle at all.

Of course, the little guy also invited her again, waiting for her to come back, and take everyone home to eat corn.

"Sister-in-law, I heard from our mother that the special film has been edited?" Chen Tiezhu asked.

"Yeah, but our special film this time is a little special, so we have to communicate with the higher authorities." Zhao Yuling said with a smile.

"I took a look, and it was really well shot. I didn't expect your Erdaoling Village to be so powerful. Growing mushrooms has made the villagers make a lot of money, right?"

"The first batch of growers is okay, and the second batch has just started, and the price will fall to a certain extent. But in winter, it can still be picked up, no problem." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

“It seemsThe situation in the province is not so optimistic. It is not so easy to reform. There are too many things involved, and many decisions need time to be verified. "This is not the future, because this special film involves a lot of industrial pollution. In the future, everyone will shout and beat it, but now, there are more factors to consider. Because this is a special film to be broadcast by the provincial TV station, it will represent the attitude of the province after it is broadcast, and at least many enterprises in the province will be directly affected. Such a fierce discussion naturally means that there is no conclusion on this matter. "By the way, Zhenwen, has there been any change in the situation of medical reform?" Chen Tiezhu asked. "It is not very clear at the moment. Dean Lu and his team have also held two discussions, but there is no result for the time being." Han Zhenwen said. "Sometimes I wonder why it is so difficult to do something. Anyway, the provincial hospital has now formulated a training plan based on your training materials, covering all interns and residents. ”

“At the same time, a training department was specially established to take charge of this matter. Dean Lu is very determined. Although the start time is relatively short and everyone is relatively tired, some progress has been made. ”

“At least in terms of the allocation of teaching resources, there has been a great improvement. The provincial hospital is definitely advancing unswervingly, and the provincial medical college is also making appropriate adjustments. ”

“It just involves the adjustment of the entire teaching progress, which involves too wide a range. No specific measures have been taken for the time being, but when the next school year begins, there should be no problem. ”

Chen Tiezhu was happy, "Reform is not as simple as it sounds. Naturally, we have to face many situations."

Such a situation was also within his expectations. Reform is not that easy. Especially for the current situation, because people are afraid of making mistakes.

“Brother-in-law, you said that since this matter is so difficult, is it worth it to push it forward like this now?” Han Zhenwen asked.

After all, this is not an ordinary family. His question also attracted everyone's attention. They wanted to see what Chen Tiezhu thought.

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