In order to plot against Huang Wenxuan, Chen Tiezhu took great pains.

On the first day, he took Zhou Fengxia to pretend to do research and submit a bid.

Later, he felt that this was a bit troublesome. So starting from the second day, Chen Tiezhu changed his strategy.

The completed bid was left in the hotel room, and when he returned at night, he found that the hair he left on it was gone.

He and Zhou Fengxia were very satisfied with this. Huang Cangying was indeed harboring evil intentions.

To confirm it again, on the third day, he threw half a peanut on the bid.

What if the wind blew away the hair yesterday?

When he came back at night, after a careful inspection, he found that although the peanut was still there, the words pressed on it had changed positions.

This made the two of them laugh for a long time, and Doudou was confused.

In order to make the game more interesting, on the fourth day, he and Zhou Fengxia "carelessly" left the record book.

There are detailed records and analyses of many raw materials that they "like", and even the raw materials that they "like very much" are circled with pens.

The materials they selected for Huang Wenxuan in the past few days, even if calculated according to the starting price, have exceeded two million US dollars.

If Huang Wenxuan trusts the materials they provide, if he wants to bid all of them, the price may have to be doubled.

You have to have some technical content to forge, the price is high and low, the quality is up and down, anyway, the package prepared for Huang Wenxuan is very sufficient.

On the fifth day, it was also the last day to look at the materials.

Chen Tiezhu and Zhou Fengxia were so energetic. Not to mention that they walked with a step that didn't recognize their relatives, that was almost the same.

Today is also a very important day for all the participants in the public auction.

Today is the day of closing the boxes, and only "newbies" like Chen Tiezhu will bid as soon as they come here.

Secret bidding is also a psychological warfare. The bids you made before are useless. The bid price before closing the boxes is the key to success or failure.

"How are the materials you two selected?"

After strolling for a while, Chu Liang came over.

"Brother Chu Liang, there are really too many good materials. I want to take them all home." Zhou Fengxia said with emotion.

"Hahahaha, it's a public auction after all. If there are no good materials, who would come?" Chu Liang said with a smile.

"But you should also be careful and base it on your budget. Don't bid too much when you are happy. Otherwise, after winning the bid, if you cannot pay the full amount within the specified time, your deposit will be deducted."

"And there will be other restrictions when you come to participate in the public auction next time. If you want to accumulate a good reputation in the public auction, you must pay attention to this aspect."

He also saw the pile of bids in Chen Tiezhu's hand. Although he didn't see clearly what materials were written on it, he guessed that the two of them didn't plan to save money.

"Brother Chu Liang, if all the materials we are bidding for this time are counted, it will be nearly three million US dollars." Chen Tiezhu said.

"If we have a winning bid on the first day of the bid opening, can we cut it open and sell it on the spot?"

"Well..., this is also possible, but the risk is very high." Chu Liang frowned and said.

"If someone is communicating secretly and everyone reaches an agreement, some old materials may not be sold at a high price. Especially for those who know your details, they may make some arrangements."

This is also a subtle reminder. The one who knows their details and will target them is Huang Wenxuan.

At that time, it will be like hunting at the public auction. Even if your stone is good, you will not be offered such a high price. Whether you choose to bid openly or secretly when selling, you can do it privately.

"Brother Chu Liang, Xiao Zhou and I have also considered this issue." Chen Tiezhu said.

"We will choose some low- and medium-end materials to sell. For some jewelry companies, this can also make money. In fact, it doesn't matter if they give a lower price, as long as we can mobilize the funds we need this time."

"And even if their background is big, I think there will be many individual customers this time. What I am worried about now is whether there will be many people participating at that time."

"That's no problem. After every public auction, there are many people cutting stones on the spot." Chu Liang said.

"Just now I thought wrong, I thought you wanted to take out very good materials for capital turnover. After all,According to your past performance, you may not be interested in ordinary materials. "

"Haha, I can't say I am not interested, the main thing is that money should be spent wisely." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

"In fact, I dare to do this because of the official support for raw material transactions, which can be transferred directly. Otherwise, I can't play with so much cash."

"Anyway, no matter how you want to operate, as long as you think it through, it's fine. "Chu Liang nodded.

In this matter, he gave another reminder, which was considered to be fulfilling the obligations of a good friend. If he said too much, it would be a bit annoying.

After all, his relationship with Chen Tiezhu was just good friends, not yet the level of bosom friends.

After chatting for a few words, they continued to stroll in the venue.

Of course, even if they were strolling to look at the materials, they were still true and false, real and fake.

Most of them were fake, and they stayed a little longer. The ones they really liked stayed a little shorter.

And the people who followed them in the past few days also continued to follow unswervingly. As they walked, even Chu Liang found something wrong.

In fact, Chen Tiezhu was strolling like this to confirm his "feeling" again. ".

After all, he makes his living by feeling, and if he doesn't do it well, he might get bald.

There are really too many materials here, and they are all next to each other. What if they go wrong? His little money is not enough to cause trouble.

The morning passed slowly, and he continued to stroll in the afternoon.

At this time, Huang Wenxuan and other heavyweights also arrived at the scene. As the closing time approached, the atmosphere of the whole venue became tense.

Many people also began to bid for the boxes they liked.

Chen Tiezhu kept track of the time and folded the bids in his hand one by one.

When there was still a quarter of an hour left for the closing of the bid, Chen Tiezhu started to act, and "whoosh" jumped out.

This made Huang Wenxuan, who was always paying attention to him, feel nervous.

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