"Brother-in-law, is it okay to arrange a hot pot?"

Han Zhenwen asked with a smile.

"That must be okay. Although we also had hot pot there, their hot pot is different from ours." Chen Tiezhu nodded.

"Uncle, Doudou also ate bamboo chicken, which was delicious. Sweet and fragrant." Doudou said happily.

"My uncle didn't even get to eat it. Is it really so delicious?" Han Zhenwen asked the little guy teasingly.

"It's delicious. Brother Zhou will bring the bamboo tube home and let Dad cook it for my uncle." Doudou nodded his head.

"Doudou is so good. Let's have a good meal of mutton hot pot today." Han Zhenwen said.

This is why the little guy is so popular. He cares about people the most. Even if this is a generous gesture from Chen Tiezhu, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Is there anything going on in our family recently?" Chen Tiezhu asked after washing his hands and sitting down.

"Nothing, it's just that the documentary has been broadcast. There are five episodes in total, and it has caused a great response in society." Han Zhenwen said.

"Oh my god, I didn't catch up with such excitement. Has the pollution issue been broadcast?" Chen Tiezhu asked hurriedly.

"It has been broadcast, but this issue has caused a great response. After all, people didn't know about it before, and now people on the streets talk about pollution." Han Zhenwen said.

"This time the province really has an idea, but I don't know what's going on. Otherwise, you can go to the province to inquire tomorrow?"

"Forget it, I can't avoid such troubles." Chen Tiezhu said, and picked up a chopstick of mutton for Doudou.

Don't look at it as a clear soup pot, and the dipping sauce is also a very ordinary Erba sauce, but this kind of hot pot tastes very fragrant.

"I think you can't avoid it even if you want to, anyway, you still have to go to the paper mill to collect data and so on." Han Zhenwen said.

"But at present, no guiding opinions have been issued for asbestos product factories. It is also in a stage of extended discussion. It seems that these opinions are not so easy to give."

"That's for sure. To give opinions, you have to bring some funds." Chen Tiezhu said.

"But for these enterprises today, whether they are state-owned, private or contracted, this will become a heavy burden."

"In fact, to put it bluntly, the so-called profits in the early years were also profits in this aspect. If the investment that should have been made was not carried out, then it would not be profitable."

"It's just that there will always be a time to settle the accounts. Just like passing the flower, after the drum stops, it depends on who will get the flower."

"Hearing what you said, it is indeed a bit difficult to deal with." Han Zhenwen nodded.

"But now Erdaoling Village is really famous, and it should also have a great role in promoting your mushroom cultivation."

"My sister called me the day before yesterday and said that other cities have called to communicate and want to organize people to go and take a look. By the way, your house, my sister said it was built very quickly."

"Hehe, that's right, then we can have a stable home." Chen Tiezhu said happily.

He didn't care about the promotion of mushroom cultivation at all. Once it was on the provincial TV program, this was an inevitable result.

He was still very satisfied with the fact that the house was built very quickly. Even if the furniture came in later, it didn't matter.

"I didn't expect that I had been away for so long, and this guy had changed so much in just over ten days." Chen Tiezhu sighed again.

"It's mainly because there are too many people who want to help you build the house. The house was demolished and the foundation was dug out on the first day. At this speed, ordinary people can't compare." Han Zhenwen said.

Chen Tiezhu grinned. The foundation of the house he built was not so easy to dig. He estimated that the villagers would have gone there if they had time.

After all, it takes time to demolish the house, and digging the foundation is also a bit late.

"Let's think about it carefully later and see how to compensate the villagers." Chen Tiezhu said.

"In fact, what I am most afraid of is owing favors. Now this favor is really owed. There is no other way, I can only pay it back slowly."

"Hehe, my sister also said that this speed shocked her." Han Zhenwen laughed.

"I went to work in the morning, and after get off work, I went home. The house was demolished and the foundation was dug. The area of ​​your house is so large, the speed is really fast."

"When are you two going to get married?" Chen Tiezhu asked suddenly.

Qi Cuiwen, who was still watching the excitement, lowered her head quickly,Seriously picking meat for Doudou.

Doudou was a little worried. His own bowl was full, so why did Sister Wenwen pick meat for him?

"Well, I plan to get through the residency after graduation, so that I can have more time when I become an attending physician." Han Zhenwen also looked at Chen Tiezhu with a guilty conscience.

Chen Tiezhu nodded, "It's not impossible to arrange this way. In fact, Wenwen's work will be busy in the future. With so many materials, she will definitely be the main carver."

"But as for marriage, I think it's better to get married sooner rather than later. Get married early and have a baby early, and you will be busy in the first half of your life."

"The rest is taking care of the baby, doing business, etc., and there won't be too many conflicts. As for your family, it will definitely be difficult to balance career and family. You should work hard to manage it when the time comes."

"Yeah, thank you, brother-in-law." Han Zhenwen felt a little relieved.

In fact, he also wanted to get married early, but when he thought of the busy life of a resident doctor, he didn't have any confidence at all.

Even though he is Chen Tiezhu's brother-in-law, Qi Cuiwen is also the niece of this cheap brother-in-law, and he is also protecting her.

"Why are you so shy? It's a matter of men and women getting married when they are old enough." Chen Tiezhu said with a smile.

"I'll stay at Xiao Zhou's place tonight, and I have to make some phone calls. There are a lot of materials this time, and I have to make arrangements with Director Hu."

"That's right, but you have to send me and Wenwen back first." Han Zhenwen said.

Chen Tiezhu rolled his eyes, "Am I such an unreliable person?"

Han Zhenwen nodded seriously, "Of course."

Chen Tiezhu was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he just ate mutton hot pot happily.

Although the earthen pot is good, it has another flavor. Copper pot hot pot is also very amazing.

After talking about everything, Chen Tiezhu started eating meat seriously.

Don't even mention Han Zhenwen and Qi Cuiwen, even Doudou is envious.

I still have to work hard, there is still a long way to go compared to my father.

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