Chapter 102

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 5 Episode 4

4. Shouldn’t have Touched (2)

“Is that so…… Majin…”

-Yeah, we’ll take care of everything, so I’ll just ask you to take care of it.

“……I see.”

Evan, who received a call from Mo Ahn and heard that he was going to use her magic magic, covered her face with both hands and spit out a sound of pain.


The Majin was a magician, and that was Ains, an executive among the cadres.

She hadn’t noticed at all.

He had in mind that he would be his successor, the chief of the horse tower.

The fortunate thing is that Main has not yet shared anything about Ordo in preparation for taking over the position of horseman.

Even though she had spoken to some extent.

If he had learned about Ordo and the demon realm behind it, he sighed in relief.

After all, she almost made a very bad choice.

“…Yeah, this is not the time to be like this.”

Evan wiped his face down and his eyes twinkled seriously.

He had to prepare for his catch-up as quickly as possible and without a break.

The follow-up that Moan was talking about was preparing to announce to the public about the magic and magic.

Even if he did not understand how to deal with magic and other things, he could not communicate it as it was.

That said, I couldn’t even choose not to tell people about it, so I needed a story to tell people about it publicly.

Starting with the process of discovering that magic is magic, she needed to create and prepare a story from how she dealt with magic and magic.

First of all, the person who dealt with Mine had to do it himself.

There weren’t that many people who could subdue the demons who had been given the position of deputy chieftain with their magical skills.

Among them, he was the most convincing person.

The next thing to think about was the process of finding out that Majin was a person of the devil religion.

He didn’t know he was a magician until now, but suddenly he found out?

It was possible, but I needed a more solid story that people wouldn’t even ask the slightest question.

There was one thing that came to mind.

Evan took out a crystal ball other than the one he was communicating with Moan, and even before Evan could contact the other person, the other person contacted him, and the crystal ball shone.

Perhaps the other party has also been contacted about Mine.

-Evan, did you hear the whole story?

“Yeah, I’ve figured out a way to do that too.”

-Please speak.

Evan told Arya the way he had been thinking.

I needed her help to create a story that people wouldn’t question.

It was the only way she could do it, she said.-Really……. If that’s the case, Eve-sama will also allow you to borrow your name.

“Then I’ll ask you to do that.”

-Yes, but that leaves one problem.

“…you mean Ruzeros?”


The search for the devil was carried out in the form of a central temple, a horse tower, and three groups led by Ruzeros.

But, most importantly, if Ru’Zeros was not involved at all, this could later turn into a liability issue.

When the central temple and the tower are working hard, you will see what they were doing in Ruzeros.

But even so, I couldn’t tell Ruzeros the truth, so it was a pain in the ass.

Ruzeros’ achievement was required.

-Evan, looking at the number of people, it seems that all the executives are gathered except for one. I’ll take care of it all at once, so I’m preparing for that.

At that moment, Moan called again, and when Evan heard it, he thought of one slightly dangerous but good move.

* * *

After waking up, Mai continued to speak to Maglyn, showing him the best kindness he could.

After a long time, she finally showed up.

Although he was still young, it was like a way to connect with other demons.

She couldn’t help but be kind.

However, despite Main’s kindness, the only thing May Glynn felt from him was her unfamiliar anxiety and fear.

Where the hell is this…?

Hoya oppa, are you okay…?

“I understand what you don’t believe, but do you think I called you guys by lying about this?”

“…it’s not like that.”

Main explained to the three of them what she had seen and felt.

They seemed to have accepted the fact that Maglyn was a demon to some extent, but not completely.

“Then is it finally?!”

“Okay, so now, everyone should rest and prepare. If you can borrow the power of demons like in the past, you will be able to walk proudly on the surface of the water like before.”

Now, unlike in the past, there is no such ‘monster’, so there is no need to worry about running on the same rail as the ancestors of the Magic Bridge.

Even so, in order to achieve it, it was necessary to first extract any information from the demon girl in front of him.

After biting the three, Main pushed Maglyn into action.

“Now, tell me where the demons live.”

She had been asking the same question over and over again, but May Glynn didn’t open her mouth.

To say that a child spares his words in such a situation, he thought that demons were demons.

But she was actually different from what Mine thought she was.

She said that May Glynn was just that she didn’t know the answer to his question.

She knows that the name of the place where she lives is the Demon World.

But Maglin doesn’t know exactly where it is.

When she went to Ordo from the Demon Realm, and when she left Ordo and headed to another city, she moved with the help of Moan’s Warp.

She is so she wants to answer, but she can’t.

Even though she was scared, her mouth didn’t move very well.


Papys, who was looking at Mine and May Glynn by her side, stood still, and she felt so pathetic about herself.

She was pathetic to herself as she stood still, knowing that she knew better than anyone the fear May Glynn might be feeling, and that she desperately wanted someone to help her.

Her fear of her magic, which had already been embedded in her body through violence from her parents, was preventing her from acting.

‘Isn’t that little girl pitiful? I need help!’

‘But then the future with you in that girl’s place will unfold. Ains will push you away. Why did she do that!’

‘You know because you’ve had a similar experience! Only you, no one else, can help that girl now!”I know, so be still! Do you want to experience your childhood again?’

It was as if an angel and a demon were arguing in my head.

Opposite ideas continued to assert each other that they were right.

“Whoa, I can’t do it. I’ll have to show you something a little rougher.”

“I, please… uhhhhhhhhhh…”

At a time when a fierce battle was unfolding in Poppy’s head, Maine spoke in a tone that could not be helped.

And almost at the same time, the winner of the battle that unfolded in Poppy’s head was decided.

“Um? What are you doing now, Poop.”

“That, that…”

As Papis blocked his way, Main asked with an annoyed voice.

The voice of Papis, who stood in the way, was trembling slightly.

“Em, the demons too, if their children are subjected to harsh conditions… they may not look good on us…”

“Don’t worry about that. Demons are people who tend to eat the weak and the weak. Even if they are children born with stomach ache, they throw them into the horde of monsters as training.”

The demons of the previous era were definitely oriented towards the weak and strong food.

They were the ones who thought that the weak deserved to die and the strong deserved worship.

But now that Hayden ascended to the position of the Demon King, that was all a thing of the past.

She was unaware of the fact that all of the actions she was doing now were pulling her away from the demons.

Even if you stop now, you have already crossed the line.

“So get out of the way.”

“Hey, but that’s a record that’s been over 200 years old. I don’t know what the demons are aiming for now…”

“…… ttt.”

Why are you doing this all of a sudden?

Mine was almost on her target, and she couldn’t comprehend the Papis holding her back.


Then a loud bang was heard in the distance.

There were no explosives in this hideout where they are now.

‘It’s an explosion… Is it Dehai?’

“Main-sama, what did you just say?”

Main’s predictions were misguided.

Dehai, Pia, and Jex appeared in front of Mine right after the explosion was heard.

“…it looks like there has been an intruder.”

How did you come to know this place?

Is it mere coincidence?

I don’t know which of the two is the correct answer, but I needed to repel the intruder.

“Yes! Yes! I’ll come and see you!”

Expressing his will by raising his arm and waving his arm, Zex did not listen to Main’s answer and ran straight to the place where the binge had been heard.

“Intruder found, total of three people!”

There was a man in a brown robe, a man who wore only light armor over a loose, easy-to-move robe, and a woman with a light blue hair like cotton candy.

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