Chapter 104

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 5 Episode 6

6. Shouldn’t have touched (4)

Main realized that she had been firmly mistaken.

Judging that she possessed an amount of magical power equal to that of hers, she felt a magical power that she couldn’t dare to see from the wizard.

Instead of squeezing it forcibly to break the opponent’s spirit, it feels like the bowl is overflowing and overflowing.

Overwhelming power, the strength of an area that he will never reach.

The woman in front of her had completely hidden her own power until just before her.

‘What is it…, what the hell is that!’

The demon’s body was trembling with great fear.

The opponent deliberately showed only the level of strength that ‘we could win’ in order to draw them out.

“Oh, Ains-sama?”


Pia spoke to Main, but he didn’t hear her.

His head was now full of monsters that suddenly appeared in front of him.

How could such a person be unknown until now?

He had enough magical power to push away Evan, the master of the tower, and rise to the position of the master of the tower.

‘Wait…, Chief Mato…?’

She noticed that the woman’s face in front of her looked very much like someone else’s.

An absurd hypothesis popped up in Majin’s head.

No, it makes sense, but it was a hypothesis with a probability of less than 1%.

Certainly his death had not been witnessed in the past.

A monster who completely hid from the public after laying down the position of the magic tower leader, in the past, the monster who completely commanded the magic tower and destroyed the magic religion and cleared the demons from the continent.

“Moan Ensrai……”

“Oh my, you know me that I was the chief of the horseman at the end of the day.”

Moan smiled at the words that Main let out as small as her moan.

It was a very beautiful smile, but a cold chill overflowed from her eyes.

Main was able to recall the story Evan had told her before her suddenly.

She – in the future, if you take over the position of chieftain, you have someone to help with and serve. It is a responsibility that has been passed down since the tower was built.

-I’ll tell you in detail when the time comes for me to retire. It’s still too early, so that’s all I know for now.

‘Maybe that’s the author!’

The demon’s head was sending out warning signals violently.

They were telling me to leave this place right away because it was dangerous to say that if I were in this place, I would die first.

I was concerned about the demon girl I left behind, but she has a history of finding it once, so she will be able to find it again next time.

She thought so, and tried to run away from her seat, throwing away her face and everything, but that didn’t work.

“Yeah, just try it. You won’t succeed.”

When he tried to use the warp, Moan’s interference came in for a brief moment and prevented the magic from being activated.That said, the same thing would happen if you use another magic.

“Klaus, Hoya. I’ll be in charge here, so go and protect Mei.”



Moan, who neutralized Mine without much difficulty, sent Krauss and Hoya to Maglin as the roles they had set from the beginning.

Mine needed to stop it, but he couldn’t even budge.

“Ainsu-sama! Instruction!”



Dehai and Pia asked Main for an order, but he remained silent.

Reluctantly, Dehai and Pia tried to stop Krauss and Hoya, who were running to pass them by without Main’s command.

But they didn’t know yet.

That the monster is not only Moan, and that those who are now running towards them are monsters and their offspring.

Clap, nettle-!

Krauss pulled out the sword he was wearing around his waist and swung it right away, trying to slash Dehai’s neck.

But then, telepathy flew to him from Moan.

– Don’t kill me.


He tilted his head at Moan’s telepathy, but the goal was to pass them, not to kill them.

Hoya received telepathy from Moan as well.

In the first place, he was planning to pass it as quickly as possible, so he had no intention of making a move to kill him.

Hoya followed her behind Krauss, passing her without much friction with Pia, using her swiftness to block herself.

Dehai and Pia tried to follow them right away, but Moan didn’t allow it.

And after a while, Krauss and Hoya returned to Moan in a short time as if there was no need to pursue them.

Their faces were slightly stiffened.

“…I don’t have May.”


On the way to the place Moan had pointed out, Krauss felt that there was no sign of the place.

He didn’t come back on the way just in case, but arrived at the place Mo An had told him and searched the room like he was looking for, but May Glyn was nowhere to be seen.

At Hoya’s words, Moan used the detection magic that Moan had temporarily released and scanned the entire hideout.

However, there were only six people, including himself, who were in the same place now.

“Do you think there’s room to steal Mei even when I’m in front of you…? It’s nice to have the guts? Or did I look easy on you? Or were you thinking of negotiating with Mei by any chance?”

“Oh, that’s…!”

The disappearance of Mei was something that even Mine didn’t expect.

He could tell right away that the culprit was Poppies.

If Mai Glynn had a way out of the place in the first place, she would have gotten out of here before her body was harmed.

I don’t know why Poppies ran away with Maglyn, but it was also an opportunity.

It was the only rope that came down from the sky.

As Moan said, negotiating might not be possible.

It was when Main tried to open her mouth to open up the possibility of negotiation.

“Of course, there is no such thing as negotiation.”


Mo An didn’t want to leave Main alone, so he had to face the end of her life without even opening her mouth.

Compared to the life he had lived so far, it was a very empty and shabby end.

“Chief, why did you tell me not to kill him?”


Kraus asked a question to Moan, who was trying to expand the scope of detection magic to find Maglin again.

He didn’t understand why he had to tell him not to kill him.

“Besides, I don’t understand why you let him run away on purpose.”

“Yeah, I agree with that! Why did you let it go, you could have done it all.”

In response to Krauss’ question, Hayden also strongly spit out his thoughts.

Hoya also didn’t understand why they let them run away.

“Don’t get so mad. They’ll be taken care of by Lu’Zeros, so don’t worry.”

Moan told Seth the story and conclusion he had shared with Evan, and they understood and accepted it.

Hayden was also the king of a country.

He couldn’t help but understand that it was the country’s position.

Moan found Maglin’s location again while explaining the set, and took them straight to Warp to the place where Mayglyn was.

* * *

‘Now what?’

Poppies looked down at Mayglyn, who was holding her left hand, in thought.

He ran away from the hideout using the one-time warp item he had previously made, but had no plans behind it.

If the cause of the binge drinking is finished, Mine will immediately follow you.

If it was really for Maglyn she needed to create a situation where she was safe before Mine came.

Her best bet was to return her May Glynn to her home, entrusting it to her trustee.

“May, can you tell me where your house is?”

“I do not know…….”

“Mei, her sister is trying to help Mei. She’s not doing anything like what she did before. So tell me, I’ll ask.”

“I really don’t know…”

May Glynn believed in the Papys that had wrapped her around her, and that she had made her run away.

At first she had been on her side, but now she sensed that her desire to help her was sincere and not a lie.

But what he didn’t know was what he didn’t know.

The grip on May Glynn’s hand, which she felt as she gripped her own hand, knew that May Glynn wasn’t lying to her.

If she had lied to her to hide, she wouldn’t have leaned this far on her hand.

“Sister…, am I okay now…?”

“Huh? Uh, huh. It’s fine now.”Poppies smiled and reassured Mayglyn, but couldn’t quite tell that she wasn’t sure of her safety yet.

‘Now what?’

It was a time when Pappies was contemplating his future.

“No way, bro!”

The moment Papys tried to turn her head at the familiar voice of her suddenly heard from her, her body was strongly pressed to the ground by her power.

When she opened her eyes, which had been closed in shock, she saw Hoya running towards her in the sight of her lying down.

“What are you making such an urgent voice for. Did you think I would do anything to kill you?”

“Do you know how bloody hyung was just for a moment? Like…”

She didn’t say it was like she was dealing with Dino.

Her memories at that time were both good and bad memories for Krauss.

As soon as she arrived at the warp, putting her hand on her sword and running away seemed like a real run to kill.

“May, it’s okay…”

“You can’t kill her sister!”

As Hoya was about to say hello to May Glyn, she began desperately pulling the hem of Krauss’ hem, as May raised her voice and squashed the papis.

May Glynne’s face, covered with her tiny scars, was on the verge of being covered with her tears.

“Her sister helped me! So…!”

Mayglyn also seemed to sense the life that had leaked out of Krause for a moment.

“May, what May thinks is not going to happen, so don’t worry.”

“Uh… I have a very strong feeling that I have become a bad guy right now.”

“Come down from there, too.”

“Come down! Don’t bully my sister!”


As Krauss cautiously descended from the top of Poppies, Hoya used her heel to heal the small wounds that Mayglyn had made, and then lifted her up and sat her down.



Papys raised his head to face Hoya, and his body was trembling.

He fears the guilt towards Hoya and the betrayal that will come from him.

Because he cheated on Hoya himself.

He must have felt betrayed by himself, who pretended not to know anything when he had previously talked about magic as a passing story.

He had no face to see Hoya’s face. Obviously, Hoya felt a great betrayal towards her for the first time in her life.

He had the experience of being deceived by someone he trusted in the past, so now, the second time, the feeling of betrayal came closer than the past experience.

To that extent, he also had a strong desire to restore his relationship with Poppy.

Because the memories with Papis were not fakes painted with lies like in the past. But her hoya’s head, who had once experienced her real betrayal of her, still didn’t fully trust her.

…… Maybe it’s her own selfishness, but Hoya wanted to completely believe in Pappy’s, so he used it.

There may be more important uses in the future than now, but I have no regrets about using them now.

[The skill ‘will to approach’ was used.][Papi’s favorability is changed to ‘complete trust’.][Papis’ favorability reaches a certain level, and the stat ‘Affinity’ increases by 1.]

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