Chapter 107

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 5 Episode 9

9. Last Subjugation (3)

Those who were engulfed in the light of the pillars that Hoya fired were able to heal the damage greatly.

It was a healing amount that was not inferior to the wide area healing of the priests who entered the rankings.

“Oh My God…….”

“Wow, the empty stamina is full.”

Everyone was surprised at Hoya’s skill, but Hoya was also surprised.

It was my first time using Holy Ray for the purpose of treatment, so I used it as an experiment, but I never imagined that it would be so effective.

‘It’s really great. Exceeding expectations.’

Melviewer exclaimed in admiration.

[Melviewer’s favorability has increased.]

“Everyone, be alert! The enemy already knows we’re here!”

At Melvuer’s loud voice, everyone turned their gaze back to Hoya, raised their arms and entered the hideout, vigilant about the surroundings.

According to the information, the entrance to the hideout was only large enough for one or two people to enter and exit at a time, but the inside was very large.

It looked like a temple, as if it had been artificially carved out of a rock.

If there was no information that this place is a magical hideout, I would have thought it was a trace of an old temple.

“…I’m sick of a hobby.”

“Huh? What did you just say?”

“Huh? No! I didn’t say anything!”

Hayden, who carefully rolled her embroidery-studded eyes and looked inside, shed a few words.

He shared his view by entrusting the doll to Hoya, saying that he had to see the fall of the magic religion in person.

There was a promise not to speak when there were people around, but Hoya, startled at the sudden opening of Hayden’s mouth, covered the mouth of the doll hanging from his waist with his hand.

“…Heyden-sama, you promised not to open your mouth.”

“I’m sorry. Stop without knowing…”

At Hoya’s small whisper, Hayden admitted his mistake.

When I saw the large statue in front of him, my emotions flowed spontaneously.

Seeing the statue of his father standing behind the altar as it was, his eyes frowned upon seeing it.

His own father had never been such a great man worthy of such adoration.

“You came all the way here. Who did you hear about this place?”

At that moment, a strange woman’s voice was heard from the dark passageway behind the altar.

At that voice, Mel Viewer drew a pre-determined signal with her hand and ordered her knights and players to prepare for battle.

Although there were only two enemies, they were the magistrates of the Magic Church, and a momentary mistake could directly lead to great damage.

The rat explosion just before was a lucky case.

bum bum, bum bum.There were two kinds of footsteps coming from the passage.

Appearing at the entrance of the passage were two men and women wearing black robes, Dehai and Pia.

Even if they ran away anyway, they would pursue them again, and now that all the information had been leaked, there was nowhere to hide.

Even if they succeeded in hiding, the monsters who let them go on purpose couldn’t leave them alone.

They had no choice but to fight.

“Well, you don’t have to answer. The answer will come from your corpses.”

As Pia stretched out her wand in front of her, her black vapor began to swell around her, and the undead rose from the escaping steam.

“Don’t give me time to summon!”

At Melvuer’s words, the knights jumped out, but they could not reach Pia.

The summoned undead were not yet thirty.

The Royal Knights were not weak enough to be bound by that many undead.

However, the undead that Pia summoned were undead that did not belong to the normal category.



There was a big crack in the bones, but only the skeletons were blocking the knights’ swords once and for all.

The situation of the other undead and players was no different.

“Are you stronger than you think?”

“I’ll give you a buff!”

While the knights and players were being captured by the undead stronger than expected, Pia summoned more than one hundred undead in one place.

The Knights and Playies were not yet pushed by the Undead, but it was obvious that they would be buried by the Undead who were still being summoned if they continued at this rate.

I needed something that would definitely turn things around.

Even if you wanted to use a skill, it was impossible to use a wide range of skills in this tangled state.

“What, I was scared for nothing. I don’t think there was any need for Dehai to appear?”

“No, don’t decide yet.”

When Pia was relieved in her more relaxed situation than she had expected, De Hai denied her words.

It’s definitely relaxing, but there was one thing that bothered me.

The green-haired adventurer who was with the monster, he hadn’t taken any offensive action other than swinging his sword.

At the time, he thought that the other man with the monster was nothing, but when he opened the lid, it was a monster that even his eyes could not chase.

He was with such a monster, so it was not strange to say that he was hiding something great.


When Dehai was thinking like that, Hoya entered the magic hideout and used the skill for the first time.

A glowing round platform appeared under his feet, and in an instant it increased in size and stopped when it occupied 80% of the space it was now.

When the growth of the glowing scaffold stopped, the same system message occurred to the players present.

[I set foot in the Sanctuary.][The divine blessing is temporarily granted to you who are with the divine.][Stat ‘Holy Power’ increases by 55 while staying in Sanctuary, and this applies even if you do not have the stat ‘Holy Power’.]

The value of the stat of 55 was neither high nor low for the players here now.

However, when dealing with the undead, it was important that there was a big difference between those with divine power and those without.

And most of the players in this position did not have divine power stats.

NPCs could feel the divine energy dwelling in their bodies.

It wasn’t just that.



Smoke rose from the bodies of all the undead stepping into the sanctuary.

It was under the effect of continuous damage.

The damage itself was small, but it was important that it was continuous.

[Party Chat Hoya: It only lasts 10 minutes.]

Hoya informed all players present about the duration.

It wasn’t good news for the enemy, so he announced the truth through a party he had made in advance.

The players who saw Hoya’s party chat started moving quickly at that moment.

The knights ensured that Hoya only told Melvuer the facts so he could give instructions.

As time passed, the situation of the war, which he thought would become more disadvantageous as time went by, began to turn around completely.

“That’s why I told you not to make decisions.”

De Hai, who left a word to Pia with his eyes wide open, took off the large robe he was wearing, sprinted the ground, and ran towards Hoya.


As he leapt into the sky, his fists at Hoya exploded.

It was a powerful explosion that shook the entire space, but Hoya, who appeared at the place where the aftermath of the explosion had cleared, did not seem to have suffered much damage.

Dehai’s fist that caused the explosion was also unscathed.

“After all, your guy is also a monster.”

No, you’re still a bastard of a monster. If they don’t break it here once, they will grow up and follow them later.

Thinking so, Dehai, without mercy, without being conscious of the surroundings, aimed at Hoya alone and launched an attack.

Every time his fist was clenched, an explosion occurred, and as he ran his hand across the ground, a crest engraved on a mouse appeared under Hoya’s feet, causing an explosion.

Since it was impossible to approach the situation, the knights and players naturally moved away from their side and organized the undead.

All the undead around them were caught up in the explosion and disappeared, so there was no need to approach them.

“Princess, shouldn’t we go help Hoya-sama?”

When he had some free time, Arko approached Bekseol and asked.

Now, while he was saying this, there was still a roar of laughter.

Arko thought that it would be difficult for even Hoya to receive such an attack alone.

“No, it’s okay if you don’t go.”

“Are you really okay?””…Arko, are you turning off the party member’s HP display because you’re obstructing your vision again? Turn it on and check.”

At Snow White’s words, when Arko changed the setting to display the party member’s HP, translucent HP gauges appeared in a row in the corner of his field of vision.

All players were in the same party in advance so that they could check each other’s status for smooth assistance.

Because of that, the list displayed was also long, so Arko had the display turned off, and only now when he turned it on again, he could see Hoya’s HP gauge.

His HP was still more than 4/5 left.

And when Hoya used the heel on himself, his HP gauge filled up.

“…that’s right. I don’t have to go.”

“Yeah, don’t worry about that one now. Our goal is over there.”

Pia was where Bek Seol looked up.

* * *

Clearly, De Hai’s fists were fast and powerful.

Every single shot was powerful enough to inflict a critical hit, and it even caused an explosion.

However, it did not come as a big threat to Hoya.

Because if it doesn’t fit, it’s over.

The speed of his fist was at a level that could be avoided by using the buff on agility.

Although they are mixing tricks in the middle, they could not deceive Hoya’s eyes, which had been trained by the punches of Concenu.

The damage Hoya is currently receiving was only slightly large indirect damage from the aftermath of the explosion.

However, just as Hoya could dodge Dehai’s attack, Hoya could also dodge Hoya’s attack, so Hoya could not deal an accurate blow to Dehai.

He was using weakness detection, so there were red and blue dots in Hoya’s eyes, but he couldn’t hit the spot.

In the end, Hoya cleared his weak spot.

He couldn’t even hit, but maintaining the effect was a waste of MP.

He thought that to catch the one in front of him, he would have to launch a wide-ranging attack.

Looking around, I saw only staggering undead within the skill range.

NPCs and players were not around.

“It’s nice to have the guts to sell one eye!”


After barely evading Dehai’s fist, Hoya used the Holy Shield to surround the shield.

This was a preparation to attack Dhai.

Now, if he uses an unavoidable wide range skill, he will also do damage to himself.

If he dies with his own skill, it will be the laughing stock of his life.

Although he won’t die right away because of the title.


[The cloudy magic bracelet responded to ‘Explosion’.][‘Explosion’ is cast 4 more times.]


A huge explosion that was incomparable to the explosions that Dehai had caused so far shook the space.

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