Chapter 114

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 5 Episode 16

16. Beyond the Barrier (2)

“Uh, Chibin! It’s been a while! Who’s that hyung next to you?”

“Hello, uncle.”

“Hahaha! What’s wrong with you! He’s older than me!”

“But on the outside, I look younger.”

‘Greyno’, the capital of the demon realm, was built in a shape that surrounds the mountain where the Demon King’s Castle is built.

Upon arriving there, many demons began to talk to Chibin friendly.

These were the connections Chibin built while exploring the underworld.

And their gaze soon turned to Hoya next to him.

“I’ve heard a lot from May. Is your brother Hoya?”

“Ah yes.”

“Mei often talks about you. She says she has an older brother she wants to marry when she grows up. Ho ho ho ho.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha…….”

Hoya naturally ignored the humorous questioning if you were human, if there was no problem with each other’s age difference.

It was Hoya’s idea that he shouldn’t take it seriously because he could not tell the difference between liking and love at a young age.

“Uncle, where are Papis and May?”

“Ah, the two of them will be on the school side at this time.”

“Thank you, Mister! Let’s go, Hoya.”

Hoya, who thanked the man who had not heard his name, followed Chibin.

On the way to school, I ran into several demons, and most of them were friendly to Hoya and Chibin.

There were people who showed indifferent reactions, but fortunately, there were no demons who showed hostility.

Hoya and Chibin, who arrived at the school of demons on foot, headed to the small two-story building next to the main building, not the main building.

The uncle had informed me that there was a separate place for the children of the second generation of demons to receive lessons from Papis.

The second-generation demon, it was a term used to refer to five children with magical energy that no longer emits magical energy and does not pollute nature and monsters.

And in the future, the second generation of demons will gradually increase.

“Ah-! It’s really Hoya oppa!”

As Hoya and Chibin entered the school grounds, Mayglyn sensed Hoya’s presence and ran out quickly to run towards Hoya and hugged him strongly.

“Hello, May. Did you miss your brother?”

“Yes! Hoya oppa? Didn’t you miss me?”

“Oppa missed Mei too.”

Would it be like this if she had a younger sister?

‘… If she told her mother that she wanted her sister, how would she react?’

Thinking about it, I laughed out loud.

He was glad he spoke and didn’t get hit in the back.

Then, from the building, I saw four children who seemed to be May’s age and Poppies coming out of the building.

“May, what if she suddenly runs out in class?”

“Hehehe, I’m sorry, sister.”

“Did you say you were a teacher at school?”

“Yes, teacher!”Pafis, who had given Mayglyn attention, raised her gaze and looked at Hoya.

“It’s been a while, Hoya-san.”

“It’s been a while, Papis. I’m glad you seem to be doing well.”

“Yeah, I’m getting along better than I thought, so it’s Tal.”

Like Chibin and Hoya, the demons were very kind to Papis, who came to the Demon Realm to become a member rather than a guest.

Although she was from magic, they did not know what had happened to May Glynn, so she was very gentle and kind, and did not treat her very harshly.

And it was a big help that Hayden had told me beforehand.

Although not a long time has passed yet, Papis was already fully accepted as a member of the demon tribe.

“Teacher, not only you, please introduce us.”

“Oh, so? This is Hoya-san. Hoya-san, these are the children I’m teaching.”

“It’s Carmel.”

“My name is Barretta. Please take care of me.”


“My name is Hoya. Please take care of me.”

The children introduced themselves and reached out to Hoya, so they shook hands with everyone once in a while.

However, there was only one child who was not approaching Hoya.

The child was far away from them, looking at Hoya with her arms crossed.

“Ivern, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to say hi?”

“Why do I have to say hello?”

“Yeah… I don’t have anything to say when I say that.”

For some reason, Ivern was showing hostility to Hoya.

“May, you too, come down from there.”

“Yes why?”

“That’s it……, Mr. A…”

Ivern pursed his lips as he couldn’t think of any plausible words to keep May away from Hoya.

Seeing this, Hoya lowered Mei to the ground and went to Ai Byrne and held out her hand first.

“Hello? I’m Hoya, what’s your name?”

“You must have just heard, you idiot.”

“I want to hear it myself. Can’t I?”


Ivern stared at Hoya for a while, then slapped Hoya’s outstretched hand and went straight into the school.

“Ivern, what are you doing to the customer!”

“You come right away and apologize!”

Following Ivern, the other children also entered the school.

Did I do something wrong?

Ai Byrne’s actions made Hoya go through his mind, but he couldn’t come up with any particular memories of him.

In the first place, he had just met Ivern for the first time, so he didn’t have time to make a mistake.

“I’m sorry, Hoya-san. That kid isn’t like that…”

“It’s okay because I don’t really care.”

“Okay, don’t worry about it. Ivern is still young.”

He was still young, and Hoya smirked when he saw Marty Us spit those words out.

I had a strong impression that I was a young child.

“May, should I go to class now?”

“Already? But I still have a lot of work to do… I have to give Hoya oppa a tour of the city…”

“Everything has an order. That should be done after class.”


Hoya comforted her by telling her troubled May Glynne that she would wait until her class was over.


“Yeah, really.”

Since May Glynn held out her little finger, Hoya hung her own.

Neither did they know that Ivern was staring at him with dissatisfaction in the classroom.

Chi-Bin was slightly sullen at the sight of May Glynn, who she didn’t even care about, but she melted away as May Glynn waved her hand as she returned to her classroom.

“Chibin, I’m going to tear your mouth.”

“Hahaha, right? …I just had a sudden thought, but maybe Mei has some kind of seduction skill?”

“I really don’t know.”

If she said that even if Mai Glynn had the seduction skill, both of them would not get a status ailment.

As the two of them were joking around, some time passed, and Maglyn ran out of the classroom like the first time.

But this time she did not hold her in Hoya’s arms as she did the first time, and instead she grabbed his hand.

“Last time, Hoya-oppa guided me, so I’ll guide you this time!”

“Maya, me?”

“Chibin, I’m going with you too!”

“…I am the uncle.”

As Hoya tried to move Chibin, who had died of grass, a child jumped out of the classroom and blocked them.

“I’m going too.”

It was Ivern.

Ivern was still staring at Hoya.

“Are you going to show Hoya oppa the city too?”

“Why am I doing such a useless thing? I can’t leave you alone with outsiders in a dangerous way, so I’m following you. Thank you.”

“Hoya oppa and Uncle Chibin are not dangerous.”

“That’s unknown.”

May Glynne hinted at her dissatisfaction with her, but Hoya appeased her and eventually ended up with her child Byrne.

Hoya was accepting that Ivern’s reaction was natural as not all demons could be friendly to him.

It will get better in the future.

The first place Mayglyn took them was the building they were using as a school.

The entire first floor was like a large auditorium, and on the second floor there was a classroom for classes, a kitchen, a dining room, and a teaching office.

While the four of us were on our way to the classroom, we ran into Poppies coming out of the office.

“What’s going on here…?”

“Mei said he would show you around the city. This is where you came first. Would you like to go with Poppies?”

“I’m sorry. I can’t because I have work.”

While currently serving as a children’s class, Papis was helping to improve the bracelet that suppressed Hayden’s magic from time to time.

When she happened to learn about her bracelet, she saw the real thing, and when she saw it, she unintentionally uttered her own opinion, which was passed on to Hayden.

Taking her hint from her comments on her papyrus, Hayden learned that she had her skills in crafting her items, and drew her into the improvement of her bracelets.Papis was also happy to help Hayden’s development because his usual interests and habits had not gone anywhere.

No great results have been achieved yet.

Papis conveyed his regret to Hoya and moved on.

After Poppies had left, Hoya was led to the classroom by Mayglyn.

There were still three children left in the classroom.

“This is the classroom where I study.”

“What are you bringing this place to? What’s the point of showing it to you?”

Poppies stared at Ivern’s words, but he didn’t say anything.

“What are you doing?”

“Hello. See you again.”

The children became interested in Hoya, so all the 2nd generation demon children gave Hoya and Chibin a tour of the city.

Their combination was very striking.

And for some reason, Ivern spoke to her and stretched all the way through Mayglyn through the city.

Hoya continued to dry it, but to no avail.

“That’s a restaurant I go to often with my mom. It’s so delicious!”

“I’m not doing anything like recommending a restaurant. Is there a guarantee that what’s delicious to you is also delicious to others?”

“Using this alley, we can get to school quickly from my house.”

“Wow, dust~. How did you get through this dirty road?”

“This is a plaza. At night, lighted stalls come in and sell food.”

“At night, the guy at home speaks as if he’s seen it in person.”

“…and if you go up there, you can see far away from the city.”

“Wow, it’s not collapsing over there. You must have been very heavy.”


As Ivern continued to talk to her and drooped, May Glynn, impatient, stopped her feet and glared at Ivern.

May Glynne’s eyes filled with moisture as she glared at her child Byrne.

Her frowns let her know she was very angry.

“Why are you doing this to me today?”


“Why do you say something with every word I say! I’ve endured it until now, but it’s getting worse today. I can’t stand it anymore! You go! I’m not going to play with you!”

“Huh? No, that…”

“Aren’t you going? If you don’t go, I’ll go!”

Mayglyn ran quickly and moved away from them.

What was supposed to happen eventually happened.

Hoya looked at Ivern, contemplating what to do with this situation.

Then she looked as if Ivern was bewildered, and what she was trying to do came into her gaze.

Tears welled up in the corners of Ivern’s eyes.

‘Why are you trying to cry…?’

As he was thinking about it, Martius came up with his words.

“Ivern, did I tell you to stop? You said it backfired.”

“That, that…”

With those words, Hoya, who had put together the events so far, thought about it, and carefully opened her mouth.

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