Chapter 119

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 5 Episode 21

21. Secret of Sado Peak (1)

“Chairman, would you like to go straight to the office?”

“Yeah, don’t rush it, go slow.”

“Yes, I understand.”

As Baek Yun-taek leaned against the car seat, the driver gently started the car.


The driver, who saw Baek Yoon-taek’s face through the rearview mirror, did not bring out his usual saddam, but drove the car quietly.

As much as Baek Yoon-taek’s lonely expression, his mind was complicated.

At that moment, the words Hoyoung had said came to his mind.

– I hope you don’t avoid it and face your father.

The more he repeated those words in his head, the more complicated his mind was.

‘…I did something like that, but what do you mean to face that child…’

As of today, his head and chest were feeling heavy.

* * *

Kwon Il-woo is the first son of Kwon Ji-jeon’s descendants.

The cry he made when he was born reverberated throughout the world, and the character of a ruler was revealed in his eyes.

Kwon Il-woo, 2 years old, uses perfect sentences and enjoys conversations with people.

Kwon Il-woo, aged 3, subdues the angry general’s words with his bare hands.

Kwon Il-woo, 9 years old, uses his unusual hair to add great power to Kwon Ji-jeon’s politics.

Kwon Il-woo, aged 12, defeated the Baekhodae general of the time by force.

Kwon Il-woo, 19 years old, notices his second child’s plan and blocks the plan to protect the country.

Kwon Il-woo is 20 years old, his head was injured in an accident and he has a third child who repeats abnormal behavior in his heart.

Kwon Il-woo, 25 years old, ascended to the throne after Kwon Ji-jeon, a crucian.

After that, he gives jhan (善政) to the present day.

This is what Hoya had written in the book ‘Chenwoo’s Creed’ that Hoya took out of the bookshelf.

‘Should this be considered history?’

It felt more like a well-packaged and inflated heroic story than history.

Is it possible for a three-year-old child to subdue an angry horse?

‘…Is it possible because it’s a fantasy?’

With that thought in mind, Hoya took out other books as well.

The other books were no different.

The main content was the story of the current emperor, Kwon Il-woo, who only spoke good words, and the only other content was brief records of successive dynasties and his children.

Deciding that there was no more information available on the bookshelf classified as history, Hoya took out a book that seemed useful regardless of the classification and read it at random.

But he was full of books that could only be called stories, but he did not see any books that could be called records.

In the end, Hoya left the Handong library without much income.

“Huh? Are you leaving already?”

“Yes, I have read all the books I want to read.”

The man sitting in the doorway spoke to Hoya as he left the building.

Hoya thought it was an opportunity and asked him a question.

“Would you be able to find a place to sell monster materials?”

In the eastern continent, gold does not work as money.

Therefore, it was necessary to obtain new money from the eastern continent.

And the only thing Hoya could do right now was to sell the materials of the monsters he had collected while hunting yesterday.

If you sell all the materials in your inventory, you won’t have to worry about money for a while.

“Monster? What is that?”


When the answer returned to the question, Hoya was perplexed.

But he suddenly had an idea.

‘Maybe the unit of money is different and the monster’s name is different just like the library is called a library?’

Hoya’s thoughts were right.

“Ah, were you talking about monsters?”

“Yeah, that’s it, that.”

As Hoya explained about Ibu, the man explained the location and shortcut of the store he knew.

“By the way, did you catch the monster yourself?”

“Yes Yes.”



To the man, Hoya didn’t look that strong.

He didn’t seem strong enough to hold on to his old clothes and a little puppy that seemed to get in the way.

‘Yes, whether you caught it yourself or not, whether it’s a lie or whatever.’

It had nothing to do with him.

Hoya said hello to the man and walked along the path he showed him to access the community.

Also, in the community’s best post, there was a summary of the streaming of Gangnam Fire Fist.

He checked the article and found out that he had never handed gold like he did, but the Royal Knights had a similar experience.

As he checked the community, he arrived at the store the man had informed him of.

“Come on.”

Upon entering, a man who had been sitting with a chair on one side of the store got up and approached Hoya.

“Brother, what are you here to buy? Scythe or homie?”

“No, I’m not here to buy, I’m here to sell.”


The shopkeeper looked Hoya up and down.

No matter how much I looked, I couldn’t find a single bag that could contain anything.

If there is, it’s about the back pocket of your pants?

I was very curious to see what would come out of it.

“Hmm~, okay? Then, can you show me something for sale first?”

“Can I just take it out?”


At the man’s words, Hoya took out material items that were created by catching monsters on the floor.

If you add up the number of scales, such as the skin of a black elk, and the shell of an egg ear, it looked like several dozen.

It also includes things that Badu had collected in one place while catching monsters at night.

“Come on, wait! Wait!”

“Ah, I got it all out.”

I expected one or two things to come out of the back pocket of my pants, but the result was much more.

When Hoya stopped taking out the material, the store owner quickly organized the items Hoya had pulled out and banged the abacus.

“What is all this…… Did your brother catch all of these? No, where did you get these more than that?”

When he saw only his clothes, he thought he was the son of a farmer who came to buy farm equipment, but he was not.

The man in front of him was a greater person than he looked.

Hoya let out an awkward laugh at the man’s reaction.

‘Oh, I forgot.’

There are no players in the Eastern Continent.

In the western continent, it is common to take out items from the inventory, but this is not the case in the eastern continent.

It was written in the summary, but it seemed that he had overlooked it without knowing it.

Hoya vowed to buy a bag and carry it around just in case.

“Hahaha…, have you finished the calculations more than that?”

“Huh? Uh huh, it’s over. Wait a minute.”

The shopkeeper went into the back room for a while, took out a heavy-looking bag and handed it to Hoya.

Hoya bought a bag from the shopkeeper and pretended to put it in it and put it in her inventory.

When I checked the inventory, a unit of money called transfer was added to the gold.

[Wangli’s favorability has increased.]

Due to the effect of affinity with the items Hoya sold in bulk at once, the affinity with the shop owner, Wang Li, increased.

Hoya smiled inwardly as he remembered that he had been in a similar situation the first time he raised Papy’s likes.

At that time, Wang Li, who had been looking around, cautiously spoke to Hoya.

“Hey, bro, do you know the story?”

“Isn’t that the story?”

“Right now, the northern mountain pass is forbidden.”

“Yes? Yes, it is.”

It was the first time Hoya had heard of it, but he affirmed it as if he knew it.

“The road is blocked due to a landslide and is being repaired, so it is said to be under control, but it is not true.”

Wang Li, who checked the surroundings once more as if no one else could hear it, whispered quietly in Hoya’s ear this time.

“Actually, the demons became violent and blocked the road. The official tricked it into a landslide.”

The monsters living in Sadobong, north of Handong Village, are non-preemptive monsters that do not attack unless they are attacked.

But for some reason, Wang Li said that the monsters on Sadobong were in a violent state and threatened people first, and that the village officials were using the soldiers to hide it.”Well, no one has actually seen a violent monster, but there are one or two things that are suspicious. If the road is blocked by a landslide, you need to quickly send in soldiers or borrow the hands of the villagers to restore it, but none of the soldiers went inside the mountain. There are a lot of soldiers guarding the entrance. Isn’t it strange just looking at it?”

Certainly, from what Wang Li had heard, their actions seemed to hide something rather than solve it.

“It’s definitely a little weird.”

“Is that right? Fuu, the mountain road is blocked, so the damage is not so great. The merchant who delivers to my store is not coming!”

“Then why did you tell me this?”

“It’s because of the clothes he’s wearing or because he seems to be stronger than his appearance. I was wondering if he could solve it.”

At that time, a quest occurred for Hoya.

[The quest ‘Secret of Sadobong’ has occurred.][Secret of Sadobong]

Currently, access to Sadobong Peak is restricted because the road is blocked due to a landslide and is being repaired.

But it seems that there is another cause that is not landslide but is veiled by it.

Head to Sadobong to find out why access is currently restricted.

*The quest will automatically fail if the soldiers find it inside Sadobong.

Completion Requirements: Find out why the road is being controlled at Sado Peak.

Success Reward: Experience Points, Quest ‘Master of the Sado Bong’

Failure penalty: none

“I’m joking, joking. I’m just telling you to be careful if you happen to pass by.”

Wang Li patted Hoya on the back and said it was a joke, but the quest had already occurred.

It was the first quest that occurred after coming to the eastern continent, and it was also a chain quest.

Hoya had no intention of rejecting this quest.

“But what’s wrong with my outfit?”

“Huh? No, no. It’s not strange. It’s just that I look a little weak and poor? Some, yes.”

Sure, the clothes my grandfather gave me had a bit of an old and old smell, but to hear this from the front.

He also saved money, so it looked like he needed a change of clothes.


As Hoya was thinking such a thought, Wang Li saw something and was startled and slapped him on the buttocks.

Hoya looked back at Wang Li’s reaction and the pretense of popularity from behind, and there was a person who would not have been on the eastern continent standing there.

“Dovan? Why are you here?”

“Because there is no answer to the whisper.”

At Doban’s words, Hoya realized that he had not changed the setting since he had previously set the whisper to invisible.

He set the settings back to show again, so he could see the whispers he had accumulated.

For some reason, I thought the whispers were too quiet.

Inside, there was a whisper from Doban who asked if he could use his skill to cross over there.

Hoya sent an apology to the people who sent whispers except for Doban, saying that they had turned off whispers.

“Oh, sorry. I forgot to turn off whispers.”

“I thought so.”

[Yooa: I knew it!]

At the same time as Doban’s answer, Hoya burst into laughter at the whispering of the infant.

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