Chapter 122

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 5 Episode 24

24. Master of the Mountain (2)

That night, a system message occurred to Hoya, who logged out in advance to secure access time and then reconnected.

[You have cleared the quest ‘Big Steps to Increase Strength – First’.][Pet ‘Badu’ acquires skill ‘Drain’.][drain]

Bites the opponent and absorbs a certain amount of the highest stat as your own for a limited time.

When drain is used again while the effect of the drain is maintained, the previous effect disappears.

While Hoya was away, Badu filled in all the quest completion conditions, which were short-lived.


“Yeah, well done.”

Badu on his head tapped his forehead, so Hoya stroked Badu’s head.

Drain was a buff skill and a skill that gave a debuff at the same time.

Making the other person’s thing your own probably means that the other’s ability decreases as your ability increases.

Before hiding in the official’s house, Hoya first went into a nearby mountain and pulled an item out of his inventory.

It is an iridescent liquid, hair dye, contained in a glass bottle smaller than a finger.

I had already bought it in advance just in case.

I’ll be careful not to get caught, but it’s good to get rid of everything that can identify you, as it might show up at any time.

Hoya, who had dyed his hair black as before, changed his clothes.

A black neck t-shirt, a black uniform, and what Hoya had borrowed as a gift for Toyun was given to him as a gift.

His face pulled up his neck tee, covering his mouth and nose.

Now, Hoya is a thief if anyone sees it! He looked like he was screaming.

Or maybe he’s an assassin.

After finishing his preparations, Hoya put Badu into the arms of Dobuk.

It is easier to move and safer to keep in your arms than to put it on your head.

Maybe Badu also realized Hoya’s intentions, so he shrunk his body to the maximum size he could reduce, and Badu was small enough to fit in the palm of one hand.

“Then shall we go?”


“Should I be quiet inside?”

As Badu nodded his head, Hoya used a fly to ascend to the sky.

It is not yet possible to move naturally, but unlike before, when it could only move in a straight line, it was able to move at the level of a baby’s jump.

Hiding in the clouds and moving right above the official’s house, Hoya quickly and quietly descended to the roof and landed so as not to make a sound.

He was able to land safely on the roof without being watched by the guards, not thinking that people would fall from the sky and break in.

Looking at the soldiers in the garden, Hoya carefully descended the tiled roof and stepped into the hallway.

Most of the rooms on the 3rd floor were empty with no structures, and there were no hidden rooms.I didn’t see a single particle of dust in the room, but since no one was passing by, it seemed that they were just cleaning the room and leaving it empty.

Hoya, who quickly looked at the third floor, carefully descended to the second floor.

The hallway on the second floor was also quiet, but seeing the light flickering through the shoji paper on the door, it seemed that there were people in the room.

‘First of all, where there are no people.’

Hoya slowly continued the investigation on the second floor.

Seeing that there were several futons spread out in one room, it looked like a bed for users.

‘dragonfly? ……Ah! Why didn’t I think of that?’

Hoya, who got a hint from the futon, blamed himself.

He had an easier way without having to do the stealth action like this, but he hadn’t thought of that.

That way we might be able to get the job done tonight.


“No…! Ugh!”

As Hieros appeared with a bright and big greeting as usual, Hoya quickly covered his mouth.

This wasn’t the first time this had happened, so Hieros nodded his head again and again, even though Hoya didn’t say anything.

As Hoya let go of his hand, Hi Eros whispered softly.

“Fuha. What this time? Vampires again?”

“No, not that.”

At Hoya’s words, Hieros looked around.

“Hmm, I guess so. So what’s going on this time?”

“Can you put everyone in this building to sleep?”

“Everyone? Ummm……”

Hieros shrugged his chin, pondered inwardly, and nodded his head.

“Yeah. It’s okay if it’s only inside the building. If you include the outside, the time you can sleep will be extremely short.”

“It’s not enough.”


Hieros got out of Hoya’s arms, stood in the middle of the room he was in, and swung his Moanthaltium several times.


Then, Inyeong, who had only her upper body reflected through the door covered with shoji paper, fell to the floor and collapsed.

He carefully opened the door to check, and found a woman who appeared to be her maid, sleeping soundly with a cloth and needle in her hands.

“I’ll be sleeping for an hour or so.”


An hour should be enough.

Hoya quickly scanned the inside, not paying much attention to his presence.

It was not enough to open all the rooms and check even the small drawers, as he checked the arms of those who were asleep, he went looking for the eight-year-old Juryung and Miho’s cubs.

For about 40 minutes, I looked all over the first and second floors, but I couldn’t even see the shadows of Eight Juryong and Miho’s cubs.

‘There are no stairs to the basement. Is there also a hidden room?’

It was when Hoya was about to head up again, thinking that there must be a place above that he had not checked.

At that time, Badu, who had been quiet in Hoya’s arms, stuck his head out and sniffed.


“Why is that, Baduya?”


After getting out of Hoya’s arms and landing on the floor, Badu put his nose on the floor and sniffed his nose and began to walk slowly.

In response to Badu’s actions, Hoya confirmed Badu’s condition.

[Status: There is a smell similar to Miho from somewhere. I’m looking for a place that smells. I’m slowly taking steps to get stronger.]

Hoya had an idea.

Hoya believed in his thoughts and Badu, and followed in Badu’s footsteps.

Eventually, Badu stopped walking in the empty space under the stairs from the second floor to the first floor.

Badu was scratching the floor under the stairs with his paws.

“Are you here?”


It was just a floor with nothing on it, but if you look closely, you can see that it has a very thin and small groove.

When I pressed my finger into a small groove that would never be seen if I passed by, the floor slowly opened upwards along the pattern of the floor with a click sound.

Below it was a dark staircase leading to the basement.

Just by looking at it, there was a strange feeling that he was saying, ‘There’s something in here.’

Following Badu who was running down the stairs with a small body, Hoya also walked into it without hesitation.

As he went down some stairs, torches were hanging on the wall and illuminating the inside.

A torch was hung from the position where the light would not leak just above it.

Creaking noises continued to occur in the wooden hallway, but the clean condition of the trees made it seem like it was made to make a sound.

Doors lined up on either side of the long hallway.

When I opened one door, there were boxes containing precious metals such as gold and precious stones.

When I opened the door next to it, this time there were dozens of sacks of rice piled up.

When I opened the front door, there were several paintings hanging on the wall.

The warehouse is at the top, so this is probably the secret warehouse for the management only.

Hoya thought so and walked up to Badu, who was scratching the door at the end of the hallway.

As he opened the door that Badu had been scratching at, he saw a man in luxurious clothes sleeping inside, leaning against the wall.


At that moment, she heard the cry of an animal, and as she turned her head toward it, a white fox with a necklace wrapped around a small iron grate caught her eye.

Seeing her with her two tails upright gave her a sense that she had come to the right place.

Now, all you need to do is find the Eight Juryongs.

Hopefully I can finish the job tonight.

But there was not much time left, so I had to move quickly.


As Hoya got closer, the fox cub roared more violently, but Hoya got closer and took a closer look at her iron bars.

She looked like she needed a key to open the grate.And I tend to keep the keys to these things close by.

Since there was no such thing as a key on the wall or on the table, Hoya thought that there was a high probability that he was in the arms of the man who was sleeping.


At that moment, the sound of clear bells leaked from the man’s arms.

“no way…….”

He took out everything he could get from the man’s arms, just in case.

Then, along with the key, a black ornament with a bell attached to the end of the starfish-shaped projections in eight directions appeared.

This is the eight-ju-ryeong that Hoya was looking for.


Hoya smirked at the empty ending.

What if it’s nonsense? It was nice to be able to quickly fulfill Miho’s request.


Hoya, who took out the sword from the inventory and broke the eight-week spirit, put the sword back into the inventory and approached the iron grate.

The fox cub was still very wary, but Hoya’s actions had just softened him up a bit.


“Now, shall we go to Mom?”


When Hoya’s hand went inside to open the iron grate and unlock the necklace, the baby bit the bottom of Hoya’s left thumb, but Hoya showed no sign of pain.

Hoya released the necklace while his hand was bitten, and took out a fox baby from the iron grate and used a heel to heal the wound.

Feeling his body relaxed, the fox cub grabbed Hoya’s hand and opened his mouth, sniffing and sniffing Hoya’s scent.

The fox cub closed her eyes and leaned comfortably in Hoya’s arms, perhaps faintly sniffing the scent of Miho left in Hoya.


“Yes, yes. Nice.”

The man who was asleep at the time Hoya was stroking his hair at the sight of the fox who had unbounded his guard came to his senses little by little.


That the man was waking up meant that everyone in the building was waking up.

He needed to get out of here quickly.

“Ugh…, I must have fallen asleep… What?! Yes, who are you!”

Hoya left the man yelling at him and ran quickly down his hallway, up the stairs from the basement to the ground.

“Oh my!”


People were greatly surprised to see Hoya running away and running in a straight line without paying attention to his surroundings, but he was still unconscious and no one tried to pursue him.

A soldier standing guard from outside chased after him, but they could not catch Hoya.

Hoya, who used buffs and swiftness to outrun the soldiers, headed straight for Sado Peak.

It was easier to enter the mountain without the soldiers than during the day because the visibility became narrow at night.

Hoya, who arrived safely in the mountain, headed for the cliff where he and Miho met during the day.

However, there was neither Miho nor the magic circle with the black cord that bound Miho sticking out.

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