Chapter 132

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 6 Episode 9

9. Crazy Third (1)

“Hello! I’m here!”

“Uh, Concenu. How much is this?”

End of the earth village, Ordo.

After returning to the village after a long time, Consannu, who had visited the villagers and greeted them one by one, finally found the house of Moan, the village chief of Ordo.

Moan greeted him warmly after seeing him after a long time.

“Hahaha, I’ve been away from town for a while.”

“You mean it’s not even a day or two that you’re saying that now?”

Consannu had a conversation with Moan about the things he had done outside of town.

This was also the process of checking whether the conservator did not break the rules according to the village rule that he would not take actions that would be recorded in history unless it was related to the demons.

Because the act of helping the people outside the village by the conservator was close to a tight-knit tightrope.

If he sprains his foot even a little, Moan will place some restrictions on Concenu’s behavior.

That was the promise Consannu made when he entered the village.

“So I purposely made a trail along the way to help find the place where the herbs were growing.”

“Anything else?”

“There was a man who threw his sword into the depths of the lake and cried with regret, so I secretly found it at night and left it in front of his house.”


“And again…”

Moan, who was listening to Consonu’s story, said to Consonu as if he had remembered something when his story was over.

“Hoya brought new friends to town a while ago.”

“Friends? Here?”

“I’m not human, so don’t be so surprised. They were white foxes with 10 tails and two tails. Their fur was so fluffy.”

As Mo An clenched his hand and replayed the feeling of that time in his head and was smiling, Concer gave a startled expression and carefully opened his mouth.

“Did you just say… a white fox with ten tails?”


“Did that fox have a name?”

“It was called Miho. She said that the two-tailed girl was named Sammy, and Sammy was named by Hoya.”


“Huh? What did you say?”

“Oh, no. It’s nothing…”

Concenu’s expression, which recalled the past because of the name Miho, was full of excellence.’I thought I had completely forgotten…’

After crossing over from the eastern continent to this place and spending several decades, it seemed as if they had forgotten the past.

But it seems that wasn’t the case when you see that your head gets complicated by the name of something you’ve only met once when you were young.

“Ah! Come to think of it, Miho and Sammy are also from the same continent as you. Have you ever met before?”

“Yeah, well… it was only once, but there was.”

With the person I thought was my second father.

Perhaps he’s not retiring yet, he thought, playing on the front lines as an active player.

It was Consunu’s wish that he was in good health.

* * *

In order to meet the man named Jo Jo-yeon’s master, Hoya followed Choi Do’s guide and followed him on horseback, riding a Badu.

And Hoya opened the quest he had just received while riding on Badu’s back and checked one piece of information.

It was about the effect of the title obtained when completing the quest.


The one who drew the blade of rebellion towards Kwon.

The effect of the title changes according to the result of the quest ‘To change the sky’.

If the treason is successful, the basic favorability of the entire kingdom of Kwon increases, the relationship of trust with the emperor of the kingdom of Kwon is strengthened, and when hunting monsters in the eastern continent, an additional 20% of experience is obtained.

If the treason fails, the entire nation of Kwon will show hostility towards the player, and the soldiers will immediately arrest them.

There was also a reason for making it possible to check the effect of the title in advance.

‘Success is a blessing, but failure is a burden that cannot be put down.’

Will you proceed with the quest while taking risks?

Or will you take the other path that exists in the failure penalty by excluding the risk?

It was presenting a fork in which the player could not return.

‘If you choose not to help the rebellion and fail the quest, the quest will probably continue by notifying the emperor of this fact.’

Just by looking at the name of the quest called Milgo, it was clear how it would proceed.

But looking at the country’s situation, I didn’t think there would be good results waiting for it.

And the Black Dragon doesn’t seem to be able to leave it alone.

‘……Let’s stop worrying.’

It is not too late to make a decision after hearing the story of the master.

Hoya put an end to his worries and stroked the head of the Badu he was riding on.

“Isn’t it hard?”


[Condition: I feel good with the fresh wind. You want to run faster, but you are not able to reach your original speed to keep pace with the horse ahead. I’m slowly taking steps to get stronger.]

Badu had a slightly dissatisfied expression on his face, but he couldn’t help it.

Because if Badu runs ahead, it’s neither one nor the other.

In order not to catch people’s eyes, Choi Do, who was running ahead of him for a long time, slowed down while running deep in the forest and mountains.

“After a while, you will see the walls of Huahui Village. We will not enter through the main gate, but will enter through the passage hidden in the wall.”

As we moved a little further into the mountains, we saw a wall through the trees.

Choi Do, who was almost at the entrance of the mountain, got off his horse and hit his ass, leaving his horse running alone through the mountain.

He is a clever and well-trained horse, and he will return himself to the camp of the Black Dragons, which is located in the capital, Tanyang, not far from here.

Tying a horse in the mountains was a high risk, so the conclusion was reached.

Hoya also followed him down from the top of Badu.

Then Badu got smaller and quickly climbed over Hoya’s head and settled down.

Then, Choi Do took a flute from his bosom and blew it long.

But no sound came out of the flute.

“Mr. Do, it doesn’t make a sound? Isn’t it broken?”

“No. Only our ears can’t hear it, but it must be heard by those who need to hear it.”

Food duck-.

At that moment, the sound of the flapping of its wings got closer in the distance, and an eagle descended in front of Choi Do and landed on his left arm.

It was an eagle with grayish black fur and white head and tail hairs.

At first glance, there was a sharp shiver in his eyes.

“That’s right, not good.”

Choi Do pulled something out of his arms with his right hand and tapped the eagle’s beak lightly.

Then the eagle opened its beak wide, and Choi Do put his finger in it and put what he had taken out of his bosom on top of his beak.

Then, when Choi Do pulled out his finger, the eagle flew high and disappeared.

“Wow… What’s that eagle just now?”

“The master is raising them. Through that, we were informed in advance that we had arrived. Then we will move.”

The sky was already dyed red with the evening sunset.

After explaining to Hoya, Choi Do, who moved and reached the wall, carefully pressed the lower part of the wall, and with a click, the entrance to the hidden passageway covered with dirt was revealed to the two of them.

It was a secret passage secretly made by the Black Dragon.

Only Choi Do, Jo Jo Yeon, and their master know the existence of this passage.

Hoya followed Choi Do into a secret passageway and followed his torch and back down the road.

The secret passage was quite a complicated place because there were several forks and a double hidden path.

If Choi Doo’s back and lights are out of sight, Hoya will immediately get lost.

After a long time moving through the secret passage, a stone staircase leading up to them appeared in front of them.

“Please close your eyes for a moment.”

“Yes Yes.”Hoya closed his eyes at his words, and immediately extinguished the torch he was holding.

After a while, I opened my eyes and, thanks to my sight that had become accustomed to darkness, I could see a slight light leaking from above the stone steps.

Climbing up the stone steps to the outside revealed a place with short pillars and a low roof that looked like it could only be passed by lying down.

The vigorously moving feet visible from the lower edge of the roof could immediately tell Hoya that they were coming from under the floor of some building.

Following Choi Do’s beckoning to be quiet, he followed him carefully, and he suddenly stopped and pushed up a section of the floor.

Then, according to the pattern of the floor, the floor was heard quietly.

Following Choi Do, who first entered through the hole, Hoya entered into a large closet with blankets and other things piled up.

Then a woman’s voice came from outside the closet.

“My lord, the night wind is picking up. If you catch a cold, I have no face to see you. May I close the window? ……Haha, then, please put on a robe. Don’t take it off because it’s hot. Promise is.”

There were two signs outside the closet, but only one voice was heard.

“I think you can come out now.”

At that, Choi Do quietly opened the closet door and went outside, and Hoya followed him.

When I came out, I saw a man standing with his back on his back in the moonlight coming in through the window.

On the railing of the window where the man was receiving the moonlight, the eagle he had seen before was sitting and resting with his wings folded.

“Choi Do, I greet my lord.”

“Oh, it’s Hoya.”

Following Choi Do, who knelt down on one knee and bowed his head, Hoya also bowed his head awkwardly.

As he lifted his bowed head, he saw the face of the man who was looking out the window was facing him.


Hoya couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the faces of Jo Jo Yeon and Choi Do’s master shining through the bright moonlight.

In the face of the master, who had a strong yet kind smile, he could see the face of someone Hoya knew.


It was completely out of line.

If Conservo were only 10 years older than his current face, he would have become that kind of face.

“Is there anything on my face?”

“Yes? Oh, no, nothing…”

As Hoya stared at his face, he stroked his face.

“Yeah? Well, it’s not unreasonable to stare at you with your own mind, because it’s beautiful that I pulled her mother out.”



When Hoya didn’t respond to what he said was a joke, he coughed and refreshed the atmosphere.

Then he reached out his hand towards Hoya.

“The story was told in advance through that child by the window. My name is Kwon Hyeon-woo, the youngest brother of Kwon Il-woo, who is on the throne of this Kwon dynasty.”

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