Chapter 159

1st place in the ranking is the villager

– Volume 7, Episode 12

12. Tears (1)

“The two remaining spots in the 32-square table are now number 1 and number 27! The fate of the remaining two players is in the hands of Mi-ryung Choi! Now, Mi-ryung Choi. Come forward and pick the ball.”

At Mina’s words, a woman with her hair up and tied up stood next to the lottery machine.

All the balls that had been running around in the lottery machine were pulled out, and now there were only two balls left.

Choi Mi-ryeong’s luck in the draw determines her and her Ho-young’s positions.

Choi Mi-ryeong, who placed her hand on the button on the lottery machine, swallowed heavily.

‘Please…, the first time, I feel too much pressure! Let me draw 27!’

She longed deep inside her and pressed her button hard, and a ball of hers rolled out through the open hole.

Mina caught the ball and checked her number and smiled meaningfully.

“Right now, I have a ball in my hand that will decide the fates of Mi-ryung Choi and Seon Hoyoung. Uh-huh, Mi-ryung Choi. Don’t try to look at the remaining balls in the lottery machine! Now, get rid of the lottery machine immediately.”

As Mina waved her hand and said so, two of her staff members climbed onto the stage and dragged the lottery away.

“What number do you want the audience to have in my hand now?”

“1 bureo!”

“Number 27! Sister, number 27 please!”

“27! 27!”

“Let’s go first, Miryung-ah!”

At Mina’s question, loud noises erupted from her audience.

Mina, who was quietly listening to the sound, smiled and revealed the number of the ball she was holding in her hand.

“The number chosen by Mi-ryung Choi is number 27! Seon Hoyoung’s position is automatically set to number 1!”


At Mina’s words, shouts echoed in the gym.

Ho-young, who has been receiving the most attention in this hero battle, and Lee Dae-hyun, who have achieved good results in the last two hero battles, are returning after two years.

Because Lee Dae-hyun’s seat was number 20, it was a structure where the two of them met in the final without any abnormalities, so the shouts were bigger than ever.

Mina, who barely calmed her intestines, sent all the players to the waiting room except for Ho-yeong and her opponent, Jang Ye-hyeok, who would have her first fight.

As the players descended, the floor on either side of the stage opened, and the capsules prepared below came up.

“Then let’s start the first match of the 3rd Hero Daejeon Korea Offline Qualifier right now…! Let’s take some time to ask the players a few questions before we start. Please come out.”

Ho-young and Jang Ye-hyuk, who were about to enter the capsule after hearing the explanation of the staff at Mina’s words, approached her.

It was not written in the script that was handed over in advance, so question marks appeared on their faces.

Jang Ye-hyuk, who received the microphone from the host, opened his mouth.“Mina-sama, didn’t this script say something like this?”

“I didn’t write it down on purpose. You won’t get an honest answer if you don’t give me time to prepare in advance. Then I’ll ask Jang Ye-hyuk a question first when he opened his mouth. Last year’s offline qualifier…”

He kept the pre-interview simple, so he didn’t expect to be asked any questions.

Luckily, Ho-young, who was pushed out in the second order, hardened her face slightly as she listened to Mina’s question to Jang Ye-hyeok.

There was a look of embarrassment on his face.

The level of questions was quite high.

He seemed to ask questions that he would not normally be able to ask, thinking that it was an opportunity, leaning on the power of the situation of heroic battles and the wall of the audience who could not escape.

It was even more vicious to walk a tightrope at an ambiguous level, whether or not to answer the question, whether it was private or public.

So Jang Ye-hyuk was robbed by Mina.

For some reason, Hoyoung felt afraid to see Mina turning her head toward him while flipping over her cue card.

“Then I’ll ask Seon Hoyoung.”

As Mina declared that, a loud shout was heard.

“Now, let’s go to one big one first. Seon Hoyoung, where have you been and what have you been doing for the past two years?”


“There are a lot of rumors about it, such as having a big accident, quitting the game and returning with bad intentions, etc. What’s the truth?”

The audience who wanted Hoyoung’s answer to Mina’s question shouted his nickname and waited for him to bring the microphone to his lips.

Hearing Mina’s question, Hoyoung was deeply relieved.

After seeing Ye-hyeok Jang’s interview, he was very determined, but it wasn’t a big question.

Hoyoung smiled and brought the microphone to his lips, and the audience who saw the action lowered their voices to hear his answer.

“I went to the military.”

As an answer he hadn’t thought of came out of his mouth, the intestines began to rumble.

“Ah, brother……, you couldn’t avoid him in the end…”

“Ah, that’s how it was…”

“It’s an answer I hadn’t thought of at all.”

As the noise grew little by little, Mina, who had just gone out for a while, looked at the site manager.

It was a completely unexpected answer, so I was at a loss as to how to pull it off.

– Tell your classmates or seniors and juniors to say something.

At that time, instructions were given to Mina through the in-ear.

Her site manager was holding her thumb up towards her.

Mina nodded her head at the sight and finally opened her mouth.

“Wow! Then, take this opportunity to say something to your military classmates and seniors and juniors!”

“Yes? Ummm.”

Hoyoung, who thought briefly about Mina’s words, opened his mouth proudly.

“Sergeant Hong-seok Seo and Sgt. Seung-joo Baek. I’m sorry that I refused to go to a capsule room with you, saying that it was virtual reality motion sickness! I couldn’t reveal the characters to the two people I liked because I just passed level 200! And thank you for taking good care of me! If you contact me at any time, I will buy you a meal!”

At Hoyoung’s words, loud laughter and applause poured out on him at the same time.

A few more short questions continued, but Hoyoung was able to answer them safely.

After the question was over, Ho-young and Jang Ye-hyuk smiled and shook hands, then went into the capsule and leaned on their back.

At that time, the pre-interview video of the two was playing on the billboard.

* * *

– Hoya-nim is really handsome.

-Where did all the people who said that Hoya was ugly and covered his face have gone? LOL

-Hoya coin rice cakes!!

The chat window of the broadcasting channel where the 3rd Hero Daejeon Korea Online Offline Qualifier was being broadcast live did not stop chatting because of the story about Hoyoung.

It was then that someone brought up a story that would trigger the butterfly effect.

– I think I’ve seen it somewhere, Hoya-sama.

– Yes, you must have seen it in the game.

– No, not that, I think I saw that face somewhere.

– Are you too? Me too…..

– Wow, I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

There were many people who said they had seen Hoyoung somewhere.

However, since most of them took a long-distance attitude, they were about to be dismissed as a fuss.

At that time, someone who remembered seeing Hoyoung somewhere opened the door.

-iced coffee! I’m a tearful man!

-Ah!! He’s a real tearful man!

– Are you crying? what is that?

– How can you not know that you are crying?!

– No…, you might not know.

There is a story that started with a photo that was accidentally taken during a previous Seoul subway fire accident.

The story went viral, starting with a man who accidentally found a tearful man with a small upper body in the corner of a photo of the victim’s bereaved family.

It was a social trend that shouldn’t be and shouldn’t do such a thing, but his handsome face was firmly entrenched in the hearts of many women and attracted attention.

Also, he was nicknamed ‘The Weeping Man’ because of the way he shed tears like a deer.

Reporters went to his school with a hint of school uniform to capture him according to people’s interests, but no reporters published stories about the tearful man.

Among the general public, some of those who were very interested in him went to school sporadically to see the tearful man, but none of them found the tearful man going to school.

Not only did Ho-young never go to school with his head raised, and his bangs were as long as Hoya, so it was difficult to recognize him unless he got close to him.It was strange to find.

In that way, the tears that were cut off from the story were gradually forgotten in people’s minds.

It is now resurrected.

When one person found an old article with Hoya in the corner and posted a link, the reaction was explosive.

-You have a handsome crying face, ha…

-Um…, I think it would be better not to bring up this story? It must not be a painful memory for Hoya-sama.

-right. I’m crying so sadly

– Did someone dear to you die in a subway fire accident?

But at the same time, he was also cautious.

The sight of Ho-young crying sadly made people imagine various things.

So he became cautious.

Of course, Ho-young would also check the internet reaction later, and seeing the traces of their conversation at that time, he could recall the past when he was heartbroken.

However, the consideration of such people could not be achieved due to a post posted on Initium’s community.

[I found a strange thing on Hoya-sama’s wrist.]

Earlier, when Elian was interviewing, Hoya-sama was caught small next to him.

To be honest, I wasn’t interested in Elian, so I was only looking at Hoya-sama.

Then Hoya-sama waved his hand toward the audience.

But at that moment, I saw something strange on Hoya-sama’s wrist.

When I rewinded the video and checked it, what was drawn on Hoya-sama’s wrist?

I thought it was a tattoo, but when I captured that scene and enlarged it, it wasn’t a tattoo, it was a scar.

It looks pretty big and old… Am I the only one who thinks badly?

The content of the post, which includes a captured video and an enlarged picture, spread rapidly.

In the photo, the pixels are slightly broken, so it doesn’t look like a scar as the author of the article claims, so it has a strong feeling of being dismissed as speculative text.

However, soon after, the speculation was confirmed due to Hoyoung’s personal cam video posted by a person at the preliminary round after checking the post.

In the video, in the scene where Hoyoung was waving his hand, the sleeves of his boxy hooded jacket were slightly lowered and the scars on his wrists were still imprinted.

The quality of the equipment was very good.

-what? what?

– Was it because of something difficult in the military?

– Seeing that the scars look a little old, it’s not recent, so the military might not be the cause. You said thank you for taking good care of me in the previous question.

– Then what the hell is the cause?

-Brother…, did something bad happen?

With that as an opportunity, Hoyoung was about to start the work he had envisioned with the help of the netizen investigation team in an unexpected place.

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