1st Year Max Level Manager chapter 148
- Volume 6 Episode 23

148. Secret Instagram 3

Min-ji Gu bites her lip in response to the tax collector's advice .

But then he shook his head and shook his head.

Ah Okay. I'll be more careful.

It's not like it used to be, but this is the status of number one.

In this industry, this kind of revenge would be adorable. Sometimes it is necessary to say this clearly.

If you look weak, they will bite you.

Gu Min-ji bowed his head towards Woo-yeon-hee.

Sorry. Yeon-hee senior."

Wooyeon-hee, who was weak at heart, tried to stop her, but I came first.

now. Stop Seri, Pink. Ia must be busy too, so please stop and go."

Unlike us, who have a lot of time because we are candidates for the 1st place, Pink. Ia, who has just made a comeback, has a rehearsal right in front of her nose.

Gu Min-ji's face turned red and he snapped.

I turned around and left the waiting room.

The other members of Pink Diamond followed and slammed the door shut.

At that moment, Se-ri, who was standing proudly, slumped down on the chair.

"Whoa. Lord, I thought I was going to die."

Seeing Se-ri stuttering with a recalled expression on her face, Yang Eun-bi smiles.

"Pooh, what kind of discipline do you give when you're going to be so nervous?"

"Hey, Yeonhee unnie probably won't be able to speak properly, so I should do it too."

However, unlike his confident expression, his arms and legs are trembling with tension.

After all, he's a bluff guy.

Still, since you took up courage for your sister, you have to pretend you don't know.

He said he endured 10 years while thinking about 'The Gentleman's Revenge'.

In the end, your wish will come true. Kim Se-ri.

* * *

The stage that started with the rookies ended one after another, and it was finally time for Cherry Blossom to go up on the stage.

Everyone gathered in the middle of the waiting room and joined hands to shout slogans.

"Oppa is also together after a long time."

"Is that so?"

He gently raised his right hand over the gathered hands to shout fighting.

I took a deep breath and sang the slogan of Cherry Blossom.

"Bloom forever!"

"Forever~ Cherry Blossom~!"

The members of Cherry Blossom, who shouted slogans vigorously, energetically headed to the stage.

In the audience seats seen from below the stage, many Cherry Blossom fans were holding light sticks in their hands.

"You have come a lot."

Seri nodded her head with an excited expression at my words.

"We will do well. brother!

Yes. go for it!

Seri clasped her hands on stage

went up

The three remaining members in turn gave a high-five and headed to the stage.

Cherry Blossom, located in the set position, started the choreography of Hurry Up!

At the same time, the light of the light stick started to form waves in the audience.

Hands up~

-Hurry Up!

After Cherry Blossom sang the hook part, he held out the microphone, and responded with sangs from the audience.

The sound of the crowd resounding in the public hall was telling the current status of Cherry Blossom.

It was then.

Deputy Assistant Manager Eun Ji-yu, who suddenly approached me, exclaimed that I was envious.

"It's nice to see you, Cherry Blossom."

uh? Mr. Eun. Aren't you in the waiting room?

Golden Road, who has already finished the stage, is waiting in the waiting room for the 1st place stage to end.

Because I had to stand behind the stage for the final ranking announcement.

"The manager told me to go out for a while. I can't go far, so I came to see."

After Director Cha Sang-jin was promoted to the head of Singer Room 1, team leader Lee Young-seop was in charge of Golden Road.

However, team leader Lee Young-seop, who arrived five minutes earlier, said that the waiting room was overturned.

"What's going on?"

Oh. Because of Eunyoung's Instagram."

Director Lee Dong-min seems to have moved one singer room through the general manager.

I took the shichimi and asked.

"Why Instagram?"

"It is said that having a secret account is a word of mouth among reporters."

"So what happened?"

I thought I would get a reply that my account was deleted.

But an unexpected answer came.

"The reporters said they got it wrong, but they said he never had a secret account. That's why I'm having a blast with this team leader.

No wonder

Don't have a secret account?

Do I still have the schedule in my diary?

[Everyday VI

[Date: June 16, 2020]

-PM 11:30 Golden Road Jang Eun-young. Instagram secret account discovered, 'Star

Patch' article countermeasure meeting, 5F small meeting room

It was ridiculous, and I said something to myself without realizing it.

"Really, it varies."

Deputy Eun Ji-yu, who heard me talking to myself, tilted her head.

"Dr. Jeong. What are you talking about?

Oh. no. Instead, can you believe what Eun-young said?"

"What do you do when you don't? You're my singer, so you have to trust me first."

In any case, I fell so pure that it was frustrating

because you're human

"By the way, Mr. Eun. When will you come to Singer Room 2? Manager Lee said he would accept it anytime."

Assistant Manager Eun Ji-yu shakes her head.

"How do I manage my children's schedules if I fall in love with being comfortable alone? I will do it until I do it."

I see. Instead, if you are having a hard time, please tell me first."

Deputy Eun Ji-yu looked at my face with a smirk.


Nope. Thank you for always caring about me."

"I am more grateful."

"What am I? Haven't you done anything?

You did a lot before returning, Jiyu noona.

I pretended not to know, and turned my attention to the stage of Cherry Blossom.

Meanwhile, the Cherry Blossom members were shouting the last verse of the song as they finished the dance.

Hands up~ Hurry Up!

In an instant, Deputy Eun Ji-yu also exclaimed aloud, raising her hands as if she had become an audience member.

But even in the meantime, my mind was filled with thoughts of deleting Jang Eun-young's secret Instagram account.

There is only one way left now.

just going out on your own.

* * *

"Is it because Yeonhee and Eunbi's photos were deleted when the head of the office said Lee Dong-min?"

Eun-young Jang held out her phone to Team Leader Lee Young-seop with a chirping sound.

Team leader Lee Young-seop, who checked the photo album, strongly pushed Eun-young Jang.

"It's a picture of two people. So what's your secret account? They say they're going to go out of their way to find out your hidden account in the Star Patch and take pictures. Does it make sense that you don't have an account?

"Tell me how many times. There's no such thing as that secret account. what to do with nothing

yo. This?

"If you are caught lying, then it is really difficult to correct it. Eunyoung-ah."

Jang Eun-young rolled her feet as if it was unfair.

"Why can't you trust people so much! Aren't you mistaken that Star Patch is stalking someone else's account?

When Jang Eun-young exclaimed and shouted, Team Leader Lee Young-seop lowered her voice.

"Whoa. okay. okay! That's what the company will tell you. In any case, never get involved with the Star Patch side."

Team leader Lee Young-seop, who was coughing in vain, also warned the other members with an indifferent expression.

"You too, if you have any secret accounts, delete them all."

The members of Golden Road, who splattered with sparks, also shouted loudly.

"Neither are we!"

"Hmmm. okay.

Team leader Lee Young-seop got up from his seat.

"Then I'll report to the company and come back, so I'm taking a break."


As Team Leader Lee Young-seop left the waiting room, Golden Road leader Jang Eun-young, who had bowed his head, exclaimed vigorously.

Oh really. What's this guy's company interfering with? What should I do if I delete all the photos?"

Jang Eun-young's voice echoed through the waiting room.

The members of Golden Road, who were cursed together, also frowned.

At that time, Jihee Yoon, the youngest in charge of the rap, asked, changing her expression.

sister. There's no real secret account, right? You said you were there last time."

Hey! It's been over a month since I deleted it."

When Eun-young Jang responds with a drop of shichimi, the youngest, Ji-hee Yoon, devours herself and laughs.

a~. I don't know my sister Did you see the photos of Gyeongpodae taken with your boyfriend and photos taken at the pub in front of the company posted on Instagram? But the photo is not on the official Instagram."

"What the hell is this little girl doing? If you don't, you'll know you don't exist!

Yoon Ji-hee speaks with a fresh expression


"Why are you angry? Be careful anyway. Because of you, we almost got our secret account."

Except for Jang Eun-young, all the remaining members had secret accounts.

At Yoon Ji-hee's request not to be caught, Jang Eun-young smirked.

"Is the company doing this once or twice? How does a star patch know my account? You're threatening to look at it like that and delete it. So, don't be afraid, too. Are we new?"

"Two heat. my sister Recognition of Jjambap in the entertainment industry?"

"What is Jjjambap, Jjjambap is rustic."

Jang Eun-young stretched out.

And for some reason, I apologized to the members for making everyone swear.

"Anyway, I'm sorry I made everyone nag because of me. Instead, I'll take a shot today. call?

Park Soo-jin, the main vocalist, answered with his mouth open.

"Aren't you going to apologize and move on with a late-night snack?"

sure. Let's go to Club BLUE later.

The youngest, Jihee Yoon, responded with cheers.

Wow! Eunyoung unnie too! Too big!"

Jang Eun-young turned her head.

"Jihee, can you go to the club this year too?"


The youngest, Jihee Yoon, who turned 20 this year, drew the letter V.

"Then, when the schedule is over, stay for a while.

Go and get out on your own. Understand?

The remaining Golden Road members at Jang Eun-young's suggestion shouted ok together.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps of the staff moving busily in the hallway was heard.

It was the sound of preparing for the 1st place award stage after Cherry Blossom's stage was over.

now. everyone wake up I have to say goodbye to the number one bridesmaid."

At Eunyoung Jang's words, Isu Jeong, who is the sub vocalist, grumbles.

"Ooh, cool. Why do we have to be bridesmaids?"

"What should I do? If the PD is black, I will."

ha. When will we see you in first place?"

Jang Eun-young laughed at the grumblings of the Golden Road members.

"You can't do it this time. Our song came out well."

Golden Road's new song   Blue Rabbit entered the 18th place on the music charts, and today it was 5th.

There are also rumors that Cherry Blossom's   Hurry Up! must have run out of pills, so it will be able to take first place soon.

there was

However, Jang Eun-young did not stop there.

It was Jang Eun-young's ruse to call Woo Woo-hee and Yang Eun-bi to the ZIZAK members' meeting.

If it's a photo taken with a male idol, it's possible to get Cherry Blossom into a scandal.

'Good thing you uploaded a picture to your account.'

I have deleted the photos from my phone, but the photos I uploaded to my secret Instagram account are still there.

'If I open it all up in the newspapers tomorrow, those ugly things will bring tears to my eyes, right?'

The quickest and most convenient way to rise to 1st place is to bring down 1st place, isn't it?

As she was about to leave the waiting room, one more thought came to her mind.

'If possible, I should be more certain.'

Thinking that the quality of the last picture was low, Eun-young Jang sent a text message to her boyfriend Hyun-woo Park.

[Eunyoung: Hyunwoo oppa. I'm going to shoot today, so see you at club BLUE with the members there. And Yeon-hee and Eun-bi, let's have my brother call in and take some pictures. They'll never come if I call, so please~ Oppa. (PS. The water level in the last photo was too low, so this time I ask for 19 gold?)]

Jang Eun-young, who sent the text message, had a deep smile.

sister. What are you doing?

uh? never mind. don't mind


"Come quickly, what are you doing?"

At the sound of the youngest calling, Eun-young followed her with her phone in.

To serve as a bridesmaid for the 1st place celebration stage.

* * *

Cherry Blossom and ZIZAK members

I went up on stage and waited for the announcement.

Cherry Blossom, who was used to the celebration stage by lifting the trophy one after another, stood in the center of the stage with a confident expression.

Yes~. Today's number one is... . Congratulations. Cherry Blossom's Hurry Up!"

With the announcement, glitter fell like snow from the ceiling of the stage.

Cheers resounded from the audience, and bouquets of flowers poured on Cherry Blossom.

thank you! thank you!

Because there was no encore stage today,

Everyone started coming down the stage.

As we lined up down the narrow stairs, there were still 30 children left on the stage.

But at that moment.

ZIZAK leader Hyeon-Woo Park was handed a small folded note to Woo-Hee Woo in the blind spot of the camera.

'Park Hyun-woo. What are you doing now?'

After receiving the note from Hyun-Woo Park, Woo-Hee was startled and tried to return it right away.

However, there is no time for Woo Yeon-hee to touch it.

Park Hyun-woo went down the stage.

Unsure of what to do, Woo Yeon-hee opens the paper she has been given.

Soon, he frowned, folded the note and hid it on his wrist.

Even when Yang Eun-bi asks why she is like that, she just smiles awkwardly.

It's something Eunbi can't see.

'Yeonhee, what did you get?'
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