1st year Max Level Manager chapter 155
There are not only apples in the apple orchard 1

Serine village in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

In the vacant lot in front of the town hall, Cherry Blossom's performance is in full swing.

Hands up-month, waist up-month

"Aigoo, you are doing well! Our tax collector!"

Ho Ho. Today's feast is very well done! That's right!"

"Ulsu~. Waist up!"

The family members gathered at the town hall were excited and dancing the shoulder.

I promised that if I won 1st place for 9 weeks in a row, I would take the publican to my hometown.

However, the schedule was canceled due to Wooyeon-hee's injury, and the company was noisy due to the Golden Road issue, so we moved the date a little earlier.

At the same time, Eugene, who had an empty schedule, came along with a smile.

And now, on the empty stage, Miso is dancing in place of Woo Yeon-hee, who has injured her leg.

"Aww! Our smiles, fighting!"

At Eugene's cheers, the smile began to stretch out her short arms and legs more vigorously.

Wooyeon-hee, who was watching the dance of smiles, asked with a smile.

"Yunho oppa. Do you think Miso can go to the music room this week instead of me?"

Yeah. If you put a smile on it, will it make you more popular?"

"Oh, what is it? Am I being pushed by Miso?"

As Wooyeon-hee pouted her lips, Yujin-yi stood by and stabbed me in the side.

"Ugh why? It's a joke.

brother. It's not like I'm joking.

His face brightened as if he had taken a side.

"Is that right? Yunho oppa, don't you think you did too much to me?"

I understand. Our Yunho oppa is a woman

I don't know my heart."

"Well, it seemed like that."

The two of them giggled, giving or receiving.

Meanwhile, the stage of Cherry Blossom ended.

thank you!

After finishing the stage, Seri nodded her head.

"Our tax collector is the best!"

Gosh. How did our publican become such a famous singer?"

"Since he was young, what is it? you

I used to shout out loud about becoming a famous singer and entering the world."

Seri drew the letter V with both hands.

"I think I'll go to Japan soon!"

'It's a sudden declaration of entry into Japan. Without knowing it, I'm going to Japan. Seriya?'

At the end of the year, I even thought about setting up a guest for Kim Jong-hoon's concert, but I never told the tax collector about that plan.

'Say your wishes.

is that It's like this bluff!'

When he saw the tax collector chatting with his acquaintances, Kim Pan-seok, the tax collector's grandfather, who was sitting at the top, frowned.

"Tttttttt. Why is a grown-up virgin so arrogant? How did our Andong Kim family have such an idiot?"

Seri is furious at the plain nagging.

"Grandpa is nagging when I see only me!"

Seri's face turns pale.

In a moment, wearing a hanbok and hair

The neatly combed Seri's grandmother spoke to Kim Pan-seok Ong in a low voice.

Inspiration. If you see your granddaughter after a long time, why don't you keep your mouth shut? If it's good, I'd say it's good, but if a man is upset. Ttttttttttttttttt."

In the heavy room of Mrs. Lee Young-sook, the grandmother of the tax collector, the grandfather's words were interrupted.

"Hmmmm. My, what am I saying?"

Seri's grandfather, who was embarrassed, coughed and turned away.

"By the way, we can hear our publican

Alright, let's all have dinner."

Families rushed into the hall and began to deliver prepared food.

A long table was placed on the flat of the town hall vacant lot, and food began to pile up one by one.

A lot of colorful dishes, soup dishes that you don't even know the name of, and makgeolli come out in a box.

Meanwhile, Seri ran to Grandpa Jor Le with a bright expression, forgetting that she had complained a while ago.

"But, Grandpa! me 8 weeks in a row 1

Do you know what happened?"

"Uhm. We should not be satisfied with that, but work harder."

As he entered the village, he saw that the placard was hung, but Seri was trying to check it out.

like a naughty child.

"Wow, my grandfather. too much Is it that hard to say a word of praise?"

Seri puts her hands on her waist and looks at Grandpa.

Then Grandpa flinched and scolded him.

"Uh-huh! Didn't you know that this old lady has a personality who can't speak out of her mouth?

However, contrary to his blunt attitude, his face was already pale.

How unique is a granddaughter who has achieved great success at such a young age?

Seeing such an attitude of trying to hide my feelings by coughing constantly, it felt like a lie that all men in Gyeongsang Province were blunt.

But it was then.

uh? Grandpa laughed!"

The tax collector noticed that his grandfather was smiling and made fun of him.

"Oh, no. this guy.

Kim Pan-seok's face turned slightly red.

"Ah, that's right. But, did I do well?"

When the tax collector started asking questions over and over again, Kim Pan-seok answered reluctantly.

"Kuhm. okay. Well, well done. my baby.

But that alone made the publican look like he had all three awards.

"Heh heh. grandfather~.

Ong Kim Pan-seok patted Se-ri's back in his arms and began to smile.

In this way, my second life was overlaid with all kinds of hope and joy instead of the melancholy memories of the first life.

* 米

Se-ri's father, Kim Young-min, and mother, Jang Yeon-jung, stuck close to me and asked about Ser-ri.

Rather than asking a question, he expressed his concern.

"As a parent, it is true that the same results as this year are not flashing and disappearing."

Do not worry. A girl group that has grown this big is not going to collapse easily unless it is a scandal."

I carefully explained to Seri's parents that the environment surrounding Cherry Blossom was completely different from last year.

Bang Seon-woo, Jang Ye-bin, and Park Seon-nyeo.

At the explanation that the outstanding staff support Cherry Blossom, their expressions gradually brightened.

It was then.

Seri came up with my favorite jeon and skewers on one plate.

mom! dad! stop it My manager, oppa, I can't even eat!"

"Ho ho ho. Who is our tax collector praying for? I guess he's really grown up now.

what? me. You take good care of it!"

Seri sticks out her tongue and often runs to her younger brother Jeong-hoo, surrounded by the Cherry Blossom members from the next table.

The youngest brother, Jeong-hoo, who turned 4 this year, resembles Seri and has a pretty cute appearance.

At that moment, the recruits lost once again.

'I think it would be good to recruit Seri's younger brother too

But because he was too young, he had no choice but to appease his regrets.

'Let's stay.'

As if I had found wild ginseng, I decided to leave it alone until I was a little older.

I turned my gaze back to Se-ri's parents.

"Seri always thinks of her parents and works hard. I'll take more care of you, so don't worry too much.

The two smiled brightly.

thank you. And he said that this promotion was a hit thanks to our tax collector and manager oppa. I wish you all the best in the future."

"It's just as he said. If it wasn't for the manager, how hard our tax collectors would have suffered. I will only trust you in the future."

They nodded their heads in gratitude and earnest request.

of course. He is my singer."

now. So let's eat now. We talked too much."

Food that could have been five times more than the plate that the publican offered began to gather in front of me.

After eating first, Eugene and Miso also came to my side.

"Uncle, uncle. Grandpa and grandma here are so good."

I smiled happily and asked, taking the sesame seeds from the corner of my smile.


Hehe. Look at this! Grandma gave me this too! Pretty, right?"

Miso boasted that she received the hanbok she wore as a child as a gift.

It consists of a set of colored clothes and rubber shoes.

"It was good that you came to play today. Is not it?


Seeing the bright smile on his face, the fatigue of the hard life of the entertainment industry disappeared as if washed away.

It was then.

"You lie down."

Jung-hoo held out his hands and looked for a smile.

Uncle. I have to play with Jung-hoo."

The smile quickly turned around and turned to Jung-hoo.

excuse me Smile?"

You're taking your smile away from me!

Kim Jung-hoo.

Let's see!

But when I saw Smile playing with Jung-hoo, the anger I used to be at how cute she was instantly subsided.

However, a shadow appears on Eugene's face, who is looking at it.

"Eugene. What are you thinking about?

"Oh, no. anything.

"No. Is it because of smile custody?"

" Yes.

"Relax. I'll take care of everything. Instead, let's take it easy for now."

At that moment, Eugene reveals her face.

"As always, thank you. brother.

"Thank you. It's only natural for me to be your manager.

blood. How easy is that? Other managers can't even follow half of you."

Eugene compares herself to other managers of Hoophoongso Entertainment.

'I was the best manager in Korea,

Can it be compared to a normal proxy?'

When he smiles and eats, Eugene also smiles with a smirk.

At that moment, loud laughter echoed through the vacant lot.

When I saw what was going on, Miso was holding Kim Jung-hoo's hand and dancing together.

Dad Gon is weak~ Mom Gon is weak

I'm very nervous~ Baby Gon is too shy~ He shrugs and goes to sleep!

Although her pronunciation is not perfect yet, it sounds like she's not perfect, but Junghu's cuteness was comparable to that of her smile.

"Aigoo, you're good, our Jeonghu."

"Jung Hoo can also become a celebrity following his older sister. Isn't it?

The village elders clapped their hands and cheered.

At that moment, at the entrance to the town hall, I caught a glimpse of a child hesitantly looking inside.

It's probably a face I've seen a lot somewhere.

'what? I'm familiar with it Who is it?'

At that time, Se-ri's mother called the child I was seeing.

"It's a day. If you come, come in immediately. What are you doing there?"

for a moment.


Instantly, I knew who the child at the entrance was.

this day.

Actress Haru Lee, who used 'Haru' as her stage name, has been featured in indie films as well as commercial films that receive 10 million viewers.

He was an all-round player who showed off his presence wherever he appeared.

The actor that every director coveted was now in front of me.

It is said that after running away from home at a young age, he lived alone and developed a sense of independence.

uh? one day! day! Come on in! My mom made japchae that you like."

"Oh, no. Seriya."

Haru Lee, whose face was dyed red, turned around and disappeared.

"Tttttttt. It seems that a nobleman called Daddy ran an errand for alcohol today."

"Anyway, being a father is worse than a son, isn't it?"

When there was a loud commotion, Grandpa came out.

"Next time, after drinking, go get some food that will make you yogi. My face looks worse than a few days ago. Are you eating properly? "

I asked the tax collector a question while my grandfather was instructing the family members about this and that.

"Seriya. Does he live here?"

Yes. When you turn around the alley, the blue roof you see is their house. Oh right. He was my number one fan. He's my best friend."

I think I like you more than a friend.

I started collecting information about Haru Lee through a tax collector.

However, I was able to hear the dark past of Lee Ha-ru, which I did not know before returning.

米 米 #:


"This guy's humanflX. Don't you think Abi's words don't sound like words? Go to the party and get some drinks, what do you say so much!"

Along with the loud noise, a shabby sheep silver pot flew towards Lee Haru's head.

Fortunately, it got out of the way, but Lee Haru couldn't stand it any longer and started fighting.

dad! please. Yes? I don't want to beg for alcohol anymore!"

Five years ago, one day.

After the mother left the house without saying a word, the symptoms of alcoholism in the father, Hyung-Moon Lee, got worse.

He always had alcohol in his mouth rather than rice, and he always had him run errands for alcohol while he had to study.

Life has become a daily routine, so I went out today to get alcohol.

However, he went to beg for alcohol at the festival of the house of the taxpayer, the best in town.

In an instant, his eyes met Se-ri Kim, who was his first love.

It was miserable and sad.

The girl he liked became a shining star, because he was shabby.

Haru Lee felt as if she had become a one-year-old who only lived one day at a time.

me me I don't want to live like this anymore!"

I gathered up the courage I didn't have and shouted.

Comparing it with the splendid publican,

It's the chicken that I hate so much for being shabby.

At that moment, Haru Lee's father grabbed the bottle of soju.

"Your mother ignored me and ran away, and now you ignore me too? this guy! You die at my hands today."

okay. just kill me! Because I don't want to live like this anymore!"

"This bastard's new X!"

Haru Lee's father approached, wielding a bottle of soju.

Haru closed his eyes tightly.

My whole body stiffened from imagining the terrible pain to come.

But it was then.


The door opened and the voice of a young man resounded through the room with a loud bang.

"What are you doing now? Did you even plan to kill him?"

"Everyone, what are you? Aren't you going to let this go?

Hearing the sound of an argument between the young man and his father, let alone pain, Haru Lee opened his eyes slightly.


The man who steals and pushes his father's wine bottle with a scary face is obviously the manager of the taxpayer.

But the older brother I saw for the first time today, when his eyes met, he smiled warmly like a spring day.

"Are you okay, Haru?"

That moment. Tears streamed down Haru's eyes.

say you're ok

It was something I hadn't heard since my mother left the house.

1st year full-time manager

- Volume 7 Episode 6

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