1st year Max Level Manager chapter 225

The day after saving Eun-ki Kang.

After the health check-up, the mother heard a lot of nagging at the doctor.

There is a lot of inflammation in the stomach, so be careful.

From now on, I need to manage my diet well and eat well.

Thanks to this, Lee Yeon-sil, who was listening to the results with her, turned on her twin wick and started nagging her mother.

mom! From now on, I will take care of my mother's diet."

The doctor nodded in response.

"Eat three meals a day on time, and relax without stress. And if stomach ulcers come and go again and again, they can become stomach cancer. Today, we start with Helicobacter pylori treatment."

There was no need to wait for a week for the results of the detailed examination to come out because it was something that could only be seen through a gastroscopy.

Thanks to this, Yeon-sil Lee kept nagging at me, and my mother covered her ears and frowned.

It was then.

The schedule in the diary about my mother was being deleted.

[Everyday V10.1]

I Date: November 11, 2024]

-PM 01:00   Delete Schedule

(Deleted schedule: 1st floor of the funeral hall of St. Mary's Hospital. Sister Michaela. and my mom. eternal rest.)

'Is Kang Eun-gi taller?'

Thanks to saving Kang Eun-gi, Yeon-sil, who will nagging by her side, lives with her mother.

Thanks to this, I was able to prevent even the death of my mother, whom I had so desperately wanted to prevent.

The moment the entangled thread of fate was untangled, the thing I regretted the most also disappeared.

I could feel once again that fate was so absurdly connected.

'You did a good job saving it.'

If I hadn't saved Kang Eun-gi, terrible things would have happened one after another just thinking about it.

Thanks to this, I was able to see Kang Eun-gi off with a lighthearted heart.

The Budaejjigae House in front of the Prosecutor's Office.

Kang Eun-gi, who was about to embroider, was pounding her stomach after eating hot budae stew.

And next to Kang Eun-gi were five men in suits.

They are said to be brothers who will sleep together.

Bye. son. Don't worry about us."

"Take care, brother."

"Call me when you come out."

Upon receiving my mother, Lee Yeon-sil, and me see off, Kang Eun-gi smiles with a sad expression on her face.

"Come on in. mom. And you too."

After greeting us, Eun-gi gave instructions to the so-called 'combat teams' who were lined up behind me.

"You too, come in. Go ahead and get caught."

After Choi Dong-hyuk and Lee Su-chan, who were in charge of cleaning up during Kang Eun-gi's absence, about 20 younger siblings lined up.

The moment Kang Eun-gi turned around, all the combatants bowed their backs all at once.

brother! Please be careful!"

This place was 100m away from the prosecutor's office, but there was a high probability that there was a prosecutor nearby.

Because of that, Eun-gi Kang became annoyed.

"We are no longer gangsters. Stop saying goodbye like that."

At Kang Eun-gi's words, the combatants stood up with shy expressions.

"And while I was away, I asked Yunho for advice on the entertainment business. got it'?

Choi Dong-hyeok and Lee Su-chan, who are in charge of post-processing, nod their heads.

Yes. brother!

At that moment, Choi Dong-hyuk and Lee Su-chan bowed their heads towards me.

Take good care of me. brother.

Because of Kang Eun-gi's annoyance, she only raises her head in a low voice.

"I'm not going to talk too much because everyone knows the face. Management-related tasks are fast, so call me anytime. Instead, you don't let go of your old habits'?

When I was young, they were my younger brothers who saw my face once.

Eight of them are from an angel nursery, and the rest are from a nearby nursery.

There was an experience where I got upset at least once for being rude.

Kang-eun burst out laughing at the bewildered look of his younger brothers, and the fighting team scratched their heads.

In particular, Donghyuk Choi and Suchan Lee had separate training, so he was very respectful.

It is said that the name of the entertainment company run by Eun-gi will now be changed to 'Reverse Entertainment'.

Liquor delivery is reverse distribution.

The construction side is reverse construction.

When I heard the name of the company that was named with the meaning of being born again, I said that I would help as much as I could.

"Then shall I go?"

After Kang Eun-gi finished saying that he was asking for her back, he and his brothers went to the prosecutor's office.

Youngjin Lee volunteered to take her mother and Yeonsil to Gwangju.

It was because I had to go to the Gwangju site anyway.

mom. Come back when the test results come out."


"And Yeonsil comes up with you. Happy get this regular checkup in Seoul."

okay. By the way, my brother is also very nagging."

mom laughs

I did not know? He's a real nerd Did you see the younger brothers watching earlier? It's crazy how often you peck the kids.

At the mother's words, Yeon-sil Lee strikes back.

"You used your fists, maybe?"

I said with a sad expression.

"Yeonsil, I almost never hit them. and mom. Who said pecked pecked? They were just nagging a little to say they are well."

"Is that nagging? If I only heard nagging twice, I would play the game, son?"

You don't have the guts to fight after your mom and sister take sides.

I looked at Youngjin Lee who was sitting in the driver's seat and told me to leave quickly.

"Youngjin. Drive carefully, and take me quickly."

uh. do not worry.

I finished seeing off by saying to my mother and sister, who was sad, that I would go out to play again.

Lee Young-jin's car left and went straight up to the office.

  In the name of God coming two weeks away

After the meeting of "Law" and "The Master of Mukbang", it was time to leave work.

"Everyone, let's leave what we were doing today and leave work."

6 pm.

It's been a long time since I've been away from work, so I look like I'm about to fly.

From then on, we left the office, no matter who came first.

* *

brother. We are here."

In the living room on the first floor, Haru and the four members of Cherry Blossom gathered in a circle, wearing training suits, trimming bean sprouts.

"What are you guys doing here? You still have over two weeks left on vacation."

Wooyeon-hee laughed as she pulled the skin off the bean sprouts head.

"Because I was resting at home, my body was itching. And since Eun-a and Se-ri are the only two of them in the dorm, I'm worried, so I can't stay still.

There was none."

Although it was a month-long vacation, Eun-ah did not go home and Se-ri came back to school after 3 days.

Yang Eun-bi, who had removed the bean sprouts tail from her side, nodded.

Yes. I also think that if I leave that troublemaker alone as a tax collector, I will get into an accident."


Even the tax collector cut the bean sprouts in half and ate them as if he had been stabbed in the heart.

"My, what am I? I'm studying

bad! Eun-ah sister! Say something!"

Eun-ah helped the tax collector.

right. Most of them were asleep."

Seri puts on a sad face.

Nope! When you say that, it sounds like I didn't study and I just slept!"

Seeing the children arguing, I knew that Che Reblossom had regained energy.

I also go to my room and wear comfortable clothes

After wearing this, we participated in trimming bean sprouts together.

After finishing the trimming that continued until evening, Aunt In-Jeong Jeong served bean sprouts soup for dinner.

After thoroughly brewing the trimmed bean sprouts, the moment I ate the bean sprout soup with poached eggs and boiled squid, an exclamation came out without me knowing.

And after dinner, I brought out the story I had been waiting for.

Hey guys. I made an appointment to appear in episode 5 of 'The Master of Mukbang'. It's a cameo, so you don't have to worry too much."

Wooyeon-hee tilts her head.

"Have you never taken acting lessons before?"

it's okay. Just eat rice."

In the script for episode 5 of   The Master of Mukbang , the pork cutlet restaurant that Haru visited is set as the regular favorite restaurant of 'Cherry Blossom'.

Cherry Blossom appeared as a cameo in the 5th episode, and during the recording, he ate only money and gas without saying a word.

At that moment, Seri asks.

"Yuno oppa. like our ambassador

do not have?



Seri's eyes flashed as if she was greedy for acting.

In my memory before the return, the acting of the taxpayer was lousy.

However, I thought it would be much better to convince others to be evaluated by others than to tell me.

"It's a day. Can you give me the script?"

I handed over the script Haru brought to the tax collector.

"Then, try the line for Scene 17. The woman who sells vegetables."

"You want me to act as an aunt?"

Huh. Can an actor only play the roles he wants? And since this is a test, don't be too burdened. If I pass the test, I'll ask the PD-nim to give me lines too.

The easiest way to check whether or not you have acting skills is to have them play a character that is completely different from you.

Seri thought about it for a while, but she confidently stood up saying she can do anything.

I see. Ahem!"

While the tax collector picked up the script and memorized the lines, everyone else went up to the sofa and waited for the tax collector to perform.

After a while.

I turned on the recording function of my phone and asked.

"Seriya. Are you ready?"

Seri said that she had memorized all the lines and put the script book down on the floor.

And I sat with my legs crossed as if I was the grandmother of Andong Oiljang.

While holding a flywheel in his right hand and waving it.

'It's a good start.'

I asked Haru to act at the right time.

"It's a day. Can you play the other side?"

Yes. brother.

Haru went in front of the tax collector and started acting as a guest.

r aunt. How much do you spend per scallion these days?"

As Haru asks, the tax collector is triumphant.

responded with an expression.

student. Two hundred and fifty thousand per pod. Take it to the Won. Go!

'What did I hear now?'

It was a strange tone of dialogue combining modern Korean and Chinese tones.

Was Korean such a rich language?

Seri herself thought something was strange, so her face turned red.

At that moment, as soon as I started, I cut


"Cut, cut!"

In an instant, the Cherry Blossom members began to express their appreciation.

"It sounded like a machine. It's not Korean, it's Chinese.

Se-ri bowed her head in Eun-ah's heavy room.

"I am an app that reads books. 2,500 won per pod. Two hundred and fifty thousand won."

Yang raised his finger and spoke at Rain's remarks, and Seri's face turned even redder.

Woo Yeon-hee worked hard to appease the tax collector.

"Still, our publican is good at singing."

The words were soft, but the content was 'Give up because you can't act'.

Seri inflated her cheeks like an angry pufferfish and swung her body.

"I'm not acting!"

Even if his mouth was crooked, he said straight up.

It's not that I can't, it's that I can't.

But get that thought out of your mouth

couldn't spit

Instead, I tried my best to energize the tax collector.

Even if it wasn't acting, the tax collector's talent was different.

"Don't be too disappointed, Seriya. What if I can't act? Seri is amazingly good at singing. I'll get you an OST and a single song soon, so feel free."

Seri carefully turned her head.



But the dead publican is no longer open

didn't try

Se-ri returned to the sofa and hugged Woo-yeon-hee.

sister. My acting career is now over."

"I'm sorry, Seriya. Wouldn't it be a bit presumptuous to say it's over because it hasn't even started?

Se-ri grumbled at Woo-yeon-hee with a piercing expression on her face.

"Then do it, sister! Acting is very difficult."

"I don't want to act, do I?"

Nope. All the sisters should do it too!"

As if they were all trying to bear shame together, Woo-Won-Hee and Yang Eun-Bi twitch.

But actually, I was curious.

I knew about the future of Eun-ah, who is a huge success as an actress, and Se-ri, who is a big success as a singer, but there are still many things I don't know about the talents of the other two.

okay. I have to act as a cameo anyway, so let's try it after experiencing it first."

As if being pushed like that, the two of them wrote the script

started memorizing

But actually, the moment I acted.

Unexpected results appeared.

'Are you good enough?'

Wooyeon-hee played an aunt with a calm personality, and Yang Eun-bi played an aunt with a sharp personality.

Wooyeon-hee and Yang Eun-bi were not acting geniuses like Misiso or Haru, but there was nothing particularly missing.

'It'll be fine if I do a musical and a voice actor.'

Has a very good vocalization ability

It seemed to me that Woo Yeon-hee could do a musical, and Yang Eun-bi, who has a distinct personality, could be a voice actress.

Se-ri put on an absurd expression on the performances of Woo-woo-hee and Yang Eun-bi.

"Why are you good? Two people?

"That, well?"


Se-ri asks Eun-ah to act with a look as if she is looking for the last comrade.

"This time it's my sister's turn! Come on. sister.

I had to try hard to stop the laughter bursting out at the tax collector's prompt.

'Seriya. Eun-ah is the best.'

But Seri, unaware of the circumstances, clasped her hands with a pounding expression.

Eun-ah sat in front of Haru with an expression that she couldn't help it.

"Hey Eun. cheer up.

I comforted Eun-ah, who was looking at her eyes, but she sighed and exhaled.

Yes. I will work hard."

Haru and Eun-ah looking at each other

took a seat

ruler. Shall we go then? Ready~ Action!"

As Haru started acting, Eun-ah started responding to the acting.

At that moment, everyone couldn't hide their startled eyes.

Eun-ah's acting was beyond my imagination.

1st year full-time manager

- Volume 10 Episode 1

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