1st year Max Level Manager chapter 472
Jinsung Group 2

no way Do you want to taste according to the temperature of the refrigerator, room temperature, and refrigerator?"

The hot-janggo in convenience stores is supposed to maintain a temperature of about 50 to 60 degrees.

And the refrigerator is about 6 degrees.

22 degrees Celsius if stored at room temperature.

set those three temperatures

Make sure you are reading at koreanmtl.online

Director Jeong Dae-yun noticed at once that we had said let's taste it.

Yes. RTD coffee is mainly consumed at convenience stores, so I think it would be better to set the temperature."

haha. This is what we ate. I never thought he was this professional. Even in the laboratory, such tests are carried out before final commercialization, but In the future, other beverages should also be checked by temperature from the development and tasting stage."

In an instant, managing director Jin Seong-jun, who was by his side, shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Look, Chief Jung. Did I say that we shouldn't take our team leader lightly?"

Director Dae-yoon Jeong nodded his head.

"Honestly, since you did blending, I thought that only coffee would be good. But I didn't know if they even thought about commercializing it in advance."

Yes. So, please do not reject our company for nothing, and reflect your opinion as much as possible. If I give my order, the other directors will do the same."

"It is natural to say. Rather,

It will take about 5 minutes to set the temperature, are you okay?"

"It's okay, let's go to work."

Director Dae-yoon Jeong bowed his head slightly and headed to the tasting room with the researchers.

Executive Director Jin Seong-joon looks at me and smiles.

"You are much more professional than I thought."

"It's overrated."

I feel it every time, but to the extent that I cannot adapt to the treatment that is so different from before the return.

At that moment, the elevator opens and Director Jin-A-Ram and secretary Choi Hee-Sun get off.

brother. I'm here.

"Aram, what are you doing here?"

"I came today with Director Park over a drink supply problem to our hotel, and we met in the lobby with Team Leader Jeong, whom my brother said. I came here because I was curious."

okay? How about seeing it for yourself?"

Director Jin Aram said with a shy expression on his face.

"Do I have to put it into words?"

Senior Vice President Jin Seong-joon jokingly answers.

"Oh, are there any men that our Aram catches our eyes?"

"Oh, I don't know."

Director Jin Aram and Executive Director Jin Seong-joon playfully exchange conversations like siblings.

I met the two siblings before the return, but it was different back then.

It wasn't rude, but there was a sense of distance, so we couldn't get to know each other at all.

But now, he was being friendly without being polite.

But I get along with both of them

I had no idea.

The moment you get involved with these two, you become entangled in the battle for the succession of the Jinsung Group.

"Thank you for your interest, but I am not at the level to get along with the director. So, I want this story to end here."

"Sheesh. I see. Instead, let me know if you change your mind. Do you know my number?"

Maybe he doesn't want to let go of it easily.

Executive Director Jin Seong-jun smiled and pointed to the poetry room.

"Okay, now it looks like it's set up. field

How are you?"

Yes. Manager."

So we headed to the tasting room as if nothing had happened.

In the tasting room, the coffee I brewed was divided into small cups by temperature.

A total of 30 types of coffee, divided into three temperature ranges, yields 90 types.

I set it up so that 10 people could drink it, and 900 small cups were prepared on the table.

And on the table where the temperature is maintained, a small stainless steel cup to spit after tasting and a water bottle for rinsing are placed.

It was to taste the coffee, spit it out, and then rinse the mouth.

Following the tasting, Executive Director Jin Seong-joon, Secretary Yeo Jin-soo, Jin A-ram Director and Choi Hee-hee

Secretary Sun, Director Jeong Dae-yun, and researchers with excellent taste came forward.

They all picked up the tablet, tasted the coffee, and started scoring items.

"It's bittersweet, but strangely suited to my taste."

"Try it seven times. I'm not a fan of sweet coffee, but this is exquisite, right? I have no objection."

"Even if the temperature changes, there is little difference in taste."

Originally, you had to taste the coffee and spit it out, but after everyone tasted it,

Swallowing coffee.

After that, I rinsed my mouth with water and immediately started drinking the next coffee.

The tasting group continued to drink coffee and began recording scores and evaluations on the tablet.

After a while.

After everyone has finished tasting, the score sheet is sent to Director Jeong Dae-yun.

But it was then.

Director Jeong Dae-yun, who compiled the scorecard with a tablet, looks at Jin Seong-joon, executive vice president, with a bewildered expression.

excuse me Manager."

why? Could it be that the reaction is not good?"

Director Dae-yoon Jeong responds with an excited expression.

no. No, all of them had an average score of 97 or higher."


"The coffees are all so well balanced. Normally, when you change the temperature, the taste changes, but how these coffees are blended doesn't change the taste."

of course.

It is a blended product that I measured with a thermometer in advance and made a uniform taste.

Senior Vice President Jin Seong-jun swallows his saliva.

"Is that enough?"

Yes. Even if you choose something and commercialize it, it's safe enough. To be honest, I thought my mouth was wrong at first. So I got the scorecard, and everyone agrees."

"Send me that scorecard, too."


Jin Seong-joon looks at the scorecard he received on the tablet.

"97.9, 98.7, 98.3, 99.1 That's right."

Yes. At this rate, it wouldn't make much difference if we increased the number of samples to a thousand people instead of ten of us."

Jin Seong-jun, who took his eyes off the tablet, asks with a recalled expression.

"Then which one do you think is the best choice?"

Director Dae-yoon Jeong puts on a troubled expression.

"It's my first time doing something like this I think it would be better for the manager to choose. As I said before, everything is at a level that can be commercialized."

I knew.

At that moment, Senior Vice President Jin Seong-jun turns his head toward me.

He looks at me with a slightly reminiscent expression.

"Chief Jung. What did you do with the coffee'?"

"As I tried to cater to the tastes of actors who are picky eaters, I developed a knack for coffee."

before return.

I made every effort to get coffee that suits the mouths of writers and actors with strict tastes.

At that time, I went through all kinds of trial and error, and I drank dozens of times more coffee than most baristas and made the best coffee.

After that, for each actor and writer, we tried to find a style that they liked more.

In other words, the coffees served here were made by grinding my body before returning.

In any case, when coffees like my children are recognized, laughter comes out of nowhere.

At that time, Senior Vice President Jin Seong-joon left the choice entirely.

"Choose three of these, Mr. Jeong. If everything is great, I think it would be better to launch a product that you personally recommend."

I immediately, without looking at the scorecard,

We chose 3 types of coffee.

Because every kind of coffee taste was in my head.

"I think number 7 is the most popular for Americano style, number 13 for cafe latte style and number 25 for espresso style."

Senior Vice President Jin Seong-jun glanced at the tablet and spoke with his tongue sticking out.

"Wow That's great."

Director Dae-yoon Jeong and the researchers who were behind him also nodded.

Yes. Managing Director. all three These are products that have scored 99 or higher among them.


Researchers also looked at the scorecard and chattered.

Seong-Jun Jin, a satisfied executive, laughs.

"Then hand over the recipes for those products."


At the same time, Senior Vice President Jin Seong-jun turns his head.

"Is the contract ready?"

Secretary Yeo Jin-soo gives me the prepared contract.

"Check it out, Chief Jung."

I started to check the contents of the contract a little more closely this time.

While reviewing the contract.

It was noticeable that something was slightly different from what was said verbally.

"Hey, the contract seems to be a bit strange, doesn't it?"

"Where are you talking?"

"Isn't it written as 1.2% of sales, not 1%? And although the license period for recipes is 20 years, if there is no rejection from one side, it is not attributable, but automatically extended."

It is written that they will give 0.2% more than promised.

0.2% doesn't seem like much, but if it's 100 billion won in sales, it's said that they give 200 million more every year.

Besides, even after 20 years, the recipe

It is not subordinated to Jinsung Food, but is still owned by me and loaned to Jinsung Group.

In other words, if I wanted to, I could keep this right until I die.

In an instant, Senior Vice President Jin Seong-jun smiles and points to the following items in the contract.

"You don't have to think strangely. Please check Article 7(1)."

Article 7.1.

A (Jung Yunho) is for product renewal.

Review and change one recipe ???L Actively cooperate with the needs of (Jinseong Foods). If you do not comply, the recipe is subordinated to the authenticity.

In that case, the license fee will be paid continuously to A (Yunho Jung) for 3 years from the date when the recipe is subordinated to B (Jinseong Foods).

Executive Vice President Jin Seong-jun put the promise of wanting to see me continuously in the contract under the pretext of product renewal.

"Are we going to see each other often?"

"Change of equipment, change of water, etc.,

Little things can change the taste of coffee, right? haha. And it's even better if we're friendly."

It is clear that he wants to keep me by his side as a 'applause shaman'.

However, it may be possible to receive billions of dollars a year, but this was not an unreasonable request.

all right. Then at most twice a year."

all right.

After making such detailed adjustments, I took the painting.

Then I, the recipe I prepared

gave blood

After receiving the recipe, Secretary Yeo Jin-soo calls the head of the research institute to go somewhere.

It is a shape for security processing.

It was then.

Director Jin Aram, who was silently watching the contract, makes another suggestion.

"Can you provide the recipe to our Jinseong Hotel Resort? I will give you 1.2% of the sales."

"Isn't that a luxury resort?

My coffee is mainly geared towards the general public."

"I didn't hear it, did I? Did you say that even a person with a picky taste like writer Lee Ji-yeon was captivated at once?"

I don't know where else I heard that.

"We will do the packaging in a luxurious way, so please try making it with a higher ratio of beans."

Another opportunity opened up for me to make money, but I was not quick to answer.

Jinseong Hotel Resort is being acquired

This is because, due to fraudulent accounting at Sejin Resort, sooner or later they will be under financial pressure.

"First, let's watch the sales of products launched by Jinsung Foods and think carefully about it."

I see. Then the contract is over, so would you like to go up to my brother's room and have a quick cup of tea?"

Yes. manager. Now that you're here, let's talk about advertising for other products.

Senior Vice President Jin Seong-jun catches me by saying that I have inquiries about advertising for other products.

Seo Hee-joo's skill test, recruited yesterday

I had to go because of the show, but if it's in the advertisement, what's the point of just going?

all right. Instead, it is difficult to exceed 10 minutes."

Yes. Let's go."

Executive Director Jin Seong-jun turns to the elevator.

But it was then.


Suddenly, the elevator door on the 7th floor opens, and a group of people get off.

"Hey, have you been here?"

Jinsung Group's eldest, Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu waved his hand and left.

He, who was the CEO of Jinsung Foods until a year ago, is currently serving as the group's vice president.

And since then, executives have been accompanying them, and Jinsung Group's second CEO, Jin Myung-hee, can be seen among them.

Before returning home, when I think of the things the two siblings used to do, I get chills without realizing it.

At that time, the entertainers of Golgoongso Enter were two people to become models for Jinseong.

I used to be called to this event without charge.

Even I had to wear a waiter's uniform to serve.

In any case, the two brothers and sisters, who are accustomed to Gapjil, were in an overwhelmingly advantageous position in the current fight for the succession of the next Jinsung Group.

Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu is 46 years old, and CEO Jin Myung-hee is 44 years old.

executives standing behind the two

Most of them, too, were the people of Jin Myung-gyu's siblings.

When he sees Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu showing off his wealth, Executive Vice President Jin Seong-joon frowns.

"What are your brothers and sisters doing here?''

Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu shrugged his shoulders and smiled calmly.

"I heard rumors of you doing funny things. so i came I was curious about the fact that they changed director Choi, who was good at that job, and made a new coffee."

The Jinseong Food Research Institute was located adjacent to the head office, so it seems that they came right after hearing the rumor that I had come.

Senior Vice President Jin Seong-jun speaks in a tone of complaining.

"Didn't you tell me to take care of the food side?"

"Oh, of course. It's up to you whether you make coffee or change your research director. Recognition. by the way "

Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu looks at Jin Seong-joon and says.

"The new coffee recipe is not made by someone outside our realm.

I thought it was, right?"

Executive Vice President Jin Seong-joon did not immediately respond to the point of Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu.

It was because it was a rebuke that the world's genuine food couldn't make a single coffee recipe.

"It's not "

"Is that or what? Since we started our food business, there are so many excuses for bringing in outsiders and smashing our true face to the floor!"

When Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu said that he was excited, Executive Vice President Jin Seong-joon's face lit up.

turned red

However, seeing that Executive Vice President Jin Seong-joon did not respond, I could see how much power difference there was.

Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu turned his head to me after losing the face of Executive Vice President Jin Seong-joon like that.

"By the way, are you the one who makes our authentic food noisy?"

As soon as Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu saw him, he spoke half-heartedly.

But this man, the way his eyes look at me is unusual.

A half-brother hand a useful card

His eyes were full of vigilance, whether he heard the news that he had put it in the .

In my memory before the return, Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu is a greedy older brother who does not want to concede to his younger brother even in small things.

The moment I saw his dark eyes looking at me, I thought that I would have no choice but to get entangled in the battle for the succession of the Jinsung group.

This is because Vice Chairman Jin Myung-gyu has never treated anyone who has only had one eye.

'In the end, this is what it is.'

Then my options are,

It is simply pushing Senior Vice President Jin Seong-joon as the next president.

It won't be easy, but if I had a diary in my hand, I had a good chance of winning.

'okay. Let's try it somewhere.'

In an unexpected place, the prelude to the Jinsung Group succession war was rising.

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