1st year Max Level Manager chapter 486
something unexpected 4

"Kui Yi profit~~"

The black object protruding from the splitting of the faded grass was a wild pig the size of a house.

In an instant, a curse came out without me knowing.

'XX. Too big!'

"Quickly shhhhhhhhhhhhh."

A huge wild boar appeared that seemed to weigh over 200 kg.

It was the size of a large motorcycle, with sharp tusks over 20 cm, and long, jet-black hair.

At first glance, if you think of it as a wild boar, it is easy to mistake it for not being a beast.

However, the amount of impact that an adult wild boar hits is equivalent to being hit by a small car and getting into a car accident.

In other words, if you hit the wrong way, you could die from internal rupture.

And if the thigh was stabbed by a sharp molar, he could die of excessive bleeding.

It was then.


As if to warn that it has invaded its territory, it blocks the way and howls.

At that moment, the sensitive horses got excited and started running wild.

hey hey!

The horses shake their necks up and down to see if they want to run away.

At that moment, with all my might, I shouted while holding the reins of the iron.

"Everyone, hold onto the reins!"

Everyone was startled and grabbed the reins.

At that time, Myung-hee Yoon, who was behind him, skillfully calms the horse, then comes forward and holds the reins on which Yu-jin is riding.

"Wow, it's okay. it's okay.

As Yoon Myung-hee comforted her, the key that Yu-jin rode on seemed to calm her excitement little by little.

But the wild boar was a problem.

As if to tell us to turn it off immediately, he screamed again.

a qui y ix "i"

The wild boar's roar resounds throughout the mountains.

Dolsoe, terrified, could not calm down this time and began to shake her front paws.

hey hey!

He pressed the reins of the key as hard as he could, but he could not overcome the power of the animal.

Eventually, the key lifted the front foot.

Yoon Myung-hee, who was holding the reins together, was also unable to overcome the power of the key.

missed the beep

At that moment, Eugene's body fell off the saddle and bounced off.


I immediately took my hand off the reins and flew towards Eugene, who fell from the head.


I hugged Eugene floating in the air.

Then, to protect Eugene, I turned in mid-air and turned my back to the floor.


There was quite a bit of sand on the hard floor, but it was quite a shock because the weight of the two people was added.

His back hurt, but he was more concerned about Eugene's physical condition.

"Eugene. it's okay?

Eugene, in my arms, opens her tightly closed eyes.

"Oh, brother?"

it's okay. Aren't you hurt?

"I, I am fine. Oh, what about your brother? Is your brother okay?"

Eugene looks at him worriedly.

When I moved my body slightly, luckily there was no broken or damaged part.

it's okay.

If I had not read the diary and prepared in advance, it would have led to a major accident.

I was worried about the surprised Eugene, but I don't have time to lie down like this.

It is because the wild boar is still standing in front of the party.

I put Eugene down and got up.

I've had a tingling in my back, but my bones are swollen

It wasn't standing or anything.

Eugene looks at me with a worried expression.

"What are you going to do, brother?"

"Don't worry, it's okay."

In the meantime, the companions stuck together and calmed the key.

But if this happens again, other actors may get hurt.

I shouted right away.

"Get all the actors off their horses. And don't run away, everyone, come together!

The reason wild boars don't attack easily is because we are perceived as large animals.

At that time, martial arts director Ahn Suk-chil, who is appearing as a supporting actor, shouts.

"Everyone, do what Team Leader Jung tells you!"

After the staff hastily removed the actresses from the saddle, everyone begins to unite.

Then, some actors raise their sticks.

"If we all fight together, wouldn't we be able to catch it?"

it's a no-brainer

If the gun couldn't kill it in one shot, the wild boar could actually kill you.

You can never catch such a beast with a stick or a shooting sword.

Even if the size is small, how can you overcome the size of a large motorcycle?

"If you bump into a boar, you can die. Avoid unconditionally, and if you run away, they can chase you, so it's better to stay together. Until the police come... But did you call the police?"

"Oh, I did report it anyway."

At that moment, martial arts director Ahn Seok-chil on my right bolsters my courage.

"Everyone, don't get excited, stay united! You just have to wait until the police come!"

so we

They started a snowball fight while glaring at the huge boar until the police arrived.

while a few minutes pass.

The wild boar stared at us and did not move.

I wondered why, but after a while I found out why.


The grass splits, and one more wild boar, a little smaller than before, comes out.

Seeing that there are no tusks, it must have been a female, but it seems they have been waiting for this one.

But when they become two, they start to get even more excited, whether they're confident they can win.

Fortunately, at that time, the gold and silver copper AD shouted.

"At the foot of the mountain, a local postman came. It comes in a cart, so you just have to be patient."

After a while.


First you can hear the dogs barking and running.


The dogs they carry are those who have been trained to chase wild boars professionally.

Then the wild boars, who were staring at us, turned around and started running away at a crazy speed.

Seeing the wild boars' crazy running speed, I thought I was lucky that I didn't bump into them.

Then the wild boar hounds quickly passed us and started chasing the boar.

And not long after, the police

Fields and shooters also ran with pistols and shotguns.

"Are you very surprised? From here on, we will take care of it."

"You did well."

Everyone passes us and gives us thumbs up.

He said that he did not act hastily and threw it away.

At that moment, our group relaxed and sat down in our seats.

"Haha, I thought I was going to die."

"Wow, great. wild boar head radish

Do you only do my torso?"

"Is the male bigger than my car?"

"What is a car? How about a minibus?"

The size of the wild boar that appeared in front of you is gradually increasing from mouth to mouth.

After that, they are starting to brag about having a snowball fight with two wild boars the size of a large truck.

I think that's overkill, so I'm going to say that I confronted a bull the size of a bull.

Anyway, I too am relieved

I sighed and checked my diary.

[Everyday V12]

[Date: December 10, 2020]

-PM 6:00   Delete Schedule

(Deleted schedule: [NEW. Jung Yu-jin] Arrive at Gyeongju S Hospital emergency room. (Company report: fracture. 6 weeks in front.))

' done.'

If it wasn't for the diary, I don't think I would have just gotten married.

Because I never expected that I could almost get hurt by something like this.

At that time, Eugene approached me from behind and looked around my body.

brother. Wait?

Eugene suddenly lifted my black uniform.

Hood Duck.

The sand and fine stones that had been buried behind her back fell.

Eugene lifted up the cotton shirt she was wearing under her uniform, and frowned.

brother. I feel like I'm going to get a lot of bruises. It's buzzing everywhere. How to

yo. This?

There were still many people around, so my face turned a little red.

I hurriedly took off my clothes.

it's okay. After one night, you get better."

Nonsense. Go to the hospital right now. Yes'?

"Are you okay? Rather, how about you? Are you hurt?"

"Thanks to my brother for accepting me."

okay? thank God. I just wish you weren't hurt.

Yujin wipes her surprised chest and says.

"You can't get hurt either! What are you talking about?"

okay. I won't hurt you. Really.

Eugene nodded her head.

"I'm going to the hospital anyway. ok'?"

I had no choice but to reply that I would know about Eugene's torch.

At that time, gold and silver copper AD intercom

listen and speak

"Everyone over there. come down Today's filming ends here."

Fortunately, there were no injuries, but filming could not continue until the wild boar was caught.

While trudging down the discrete set, the staff who were walking with me

They look at each other and give each other a thumbs up.

"Hey, Chief Jung. It was nice before."

One of the filming staff imitates what I said.

"After that, it was a real hit when you threw yourself away and saved Eugene, wasn't it?"

Yeah. I didn't even respond.

that's right. Thanks to Team Leader Jung, I don't think everyone was hurt."

Recognition. Had we escaped prematurely, some of us would have been seriously injured.


The cast members also nod their heads.

Because of me, Eugene, the actresses, and themselves were not hurt.

I was a little embarrassed, so I replied as if it was nothing.

"It was because I was in the front, so other people must have done it too."

No way! Did I go out of my mind? Chief Jung?"

At that time, PD Oh Bok-hee ran to work

look at the rows

"No one was hurt, right?"


Everyone said it was because of me, and did not spare much praise.

That's fortunate. Everyone must have been surprised, so go downstairs and rest."

After that, PD Oh Bok-hee calls Eugene and me separately.

"Chief Jung. Eugene will see you in my tent together."

all right.

We immediately followed PD Oh Bok-hee,

Headed to the waiting tent at the bottom of the mountain.

Inside PD Oh Bok-hee's waiting tent.

I can't see whether Mr. Yeon Hwa-sun is gone.

Instead, writer Lee Ji-yeon and writer Han Woo-joo were there.

At that time, writer Lee Ji-yeon smiled brightly.

and wave your hand

"Yuno, did you say you did another thing?"

On the other hand, writer Han Woo-joo asks with a worried expression.

Are you okay?

Yes. Fine.

The two arrived just before the police arrived, and it is said that they heard the situation.

Then, the writer Han Woo-joo says:

"Ah, but the video I took with the drone came out really well. I think it can be used as it is if I put the voice name on it again."

In the original hunting scene, the forces of Princess Jeonghwa and Princess Dohwa threaten Eugene with arrows.

However, instead of that scene, the script was partially modified, with a hunter who was driving a wild boar, appearing as an assassin and shooting an arrow.

"Do what you feel comfortable with. But did you call me for that?"

PD Oh Bok-hee shakes his head with a hardened expression.

no. Actually, I asked to see you because Taeyeon Lee and Jooyeon Yoon acted dangerously when I was a swordsman."

Writer Han Woo-joo said he had seen the video and said it with redness.

"To warn the two actresses, I'm trying to adjust the length of the two actors, so I want to know what you think."

But unlike the two excited, writer Lee Ji-yeon is smiling and looking at me.

"Yuno. What do you think of Yuno? Do you two agree?"

I thought about it for a while, but I conveyed my thoughts in advance.

"Even though what the two of you did is disgusting, is it against reducing the amount?


Producer Oh Bok-hee and writer Han Woo-joo make an expression that this year is not going to pass.


"Chief Jung. Are you really saying that?"


At that moment, writer Lee Ji-yeon makes a happy expression.

"I knew it would too. So, what do you think of Eugene~ Eugene?"

"I also agree with what you said. To be honest, I was scared, but that

Since the actors who are good at dealing with me sincerely, I feel that my skills are improving. Even if it's hard... I will go this way."

Writer Lee Ji-yeon bursts into laughter.

"Is it because there is a proper manager, and the actors are also good?"

Writer Lee Ji-yeon, who was smiling happily, looks at a cosmic writer.

"A writer. In this painting exhibition, that is the main and I am the assistant writer... Can I just say one word as a senior?"

Yes. Writer."

"What was the purpose of planning the Hwaranjeon?"

"Are you trying to show the heartbreaking cancer battle that takes place within the royal family and the strong protagonist who overcomes it?"

okay. So the subtitle is also a war of flowers. But if we only push the lead, wouldn't it be such a war?"


"The script should not be shaken by the affection and feelings for the actor. I think it would be good for everyone to go as planned."

As writer Han Woo-joo fell into thought, writer Lee Ji-yeon came next to Oh Bok-hee.

I look at the PD.

"Oh PD."


"It's good that you care for Eugene. But if the writer is shaken, you should focus too. is not it?

"But what if something like this happens again?"

Writer Lee Ji-yeon smiles.

do not worry. our Eugene. Because it's much stronger than I thought. So, so that a better work can come out, PD Oh, take care of yourselves. And that ultimately helps Eugene more

This is what happens."

And lastly.

Writer Lee Ji-yeon also began to say a word of encouragement to me.

"And Yuno. Just like now, Yu-no holds the center firmly and protects Eugene's side. Then Eugene will be able to become a much better actor than she is now."

Big actors are never just made.

Even geniuses with innate talents often fall apart due to minor mistakes.

That's why writer Lee Ji-yeon was begging me, the manager, to protect Eugene.

okay. Anyway, the nagging ends here. Then tonight, for dinner

It was then.

tang- tang-.

The sound of pistols and shotguns reverberates in the distance.

It was the sound of a wild boar.

Writer Lee Ji-yeon laughs.

"I heard it's a local jeopsa, but out of two wild boars, only one can be caught and eaten.

would you?"


PD Oh Bok-hee urgently gives instructions to Geum-Geum-Dong AD through wireless intercom.

"Eun Dong-ah. Buy a wild boar!!"


The screams of the bewildered Geum, Eun-dong AD could be heard up to here.

Producer Oh Bok-hee said in an excited voice, perhaps because the filming was stopped.

"I'll eat you the child."

Yoo Jin-i and Han Woo-joo writer also have the same expression.

But I can't cheer

This is because wild boar meat differs a lot from individual to individual, so it may have an unpleasant odor and tasteless.

Finally, I hurriedly shouted.

"Meat tomorrow! I'll bake it myself tomorrow!


Yes. I know some amazing recipes."

Writer Lee Ji-yeon nods her head.

"Our Yu-no food skills, I know. okay. Today is just a food truck fire

Can I eat it for lunch tomorrow?"


okay. Then do it."

Next, I called reporters Choi So-hye and Jang Moon-ki.

This is because the issue of the appearance of a wild boar at the filming site was enough of a story.

lunch the next day.

The staff of   Hwaranjeon are cheering and eating my roasted wild boar.

"Wow, that's awesome, isn't it?"

"Did the wild boar meat taste so good?"

"It's low in fat, but it's really suing. Do I have to say it tastes like Iberico pork?"

"Still, it's a bit disappointing that it's not whole-grilled."

'I thought I was going to die.'

As expected, the wild boar caught yesterday had a very pleasant smell.

So, I gave the postman more money, peeled the skin and asked him to dismantle it.

This is because it is difficult to get rid of the odor when grilled with whole pork barbecue.

After receiving the meat divided into parts, I used onions and various seasonings overnight to remove the odor and make the meat soft.

But even with the ball of wild boar in front of him, Eugene is sharp.

He is just looking at the phone with a sad expression on his face.

"Eugene, why? You said you wanted to eat this, and you starved for breakfast."

Eugene grunted and held out her phone.

This one!

Eugene's name is listed in real-time search terms on the phone.


The moment I saw the content written at the top of the real-time search term, I burst into laughter without realizing it.

"Foot Pu ha ha ha!"

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