Chapter 30: Taoyuan

The sixth command post on the high seas.

This is an atoll that is not marked on the world map. It is located on the side of the Pacific Ocean near the open sea. Since the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine in the former Soviet Union in April 1986, the International United Organization has begun preparations for a human refuge in the nuclear winter.

Suppose that one day, 5 billion tons of nuclear energy with an equivalent explosion on the earth, the entire atmospheric circulation and the ocean will be polluted, the world enters a long winter, and the end of humankind is coming. These unlabeled island groups will become Temporary refuge.

In May 2011, the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan was completely destroyed during the tsunami, which made all countries nervous, and issued blue documents to start overhaul. Once the particles produced by a nuclear explosion are born in the stratosphere, it will be extremely terrible. The stratosphere will not rain. These particles will cover up and block the sun. The temperature of the earth has plummeted for ten or twenty years.

Facts have proved that mankind has not been destroyed in nuclear energy, but has waited for another end of meaning.

The Varyag carrier and the remaining six ships each have an island, protecting the giant refuge base. Command Station No. 6 is located in the center of the atoll islands and echoes the other five refuge centers. Each evacuation center can accommodate 50 million people, but most of the space is idle-there are very few people who survive, and most of them are concentrated in centers 1 and 2.

An offshore exploration vessel drilled and extracted oil in the middle of the sea three hundred nautical miles away.

The atolls are full of wind turbines and solar panels, while nuclear submarines patrol the sea. All science and technology and vitality in China have been transferred here, and the sea surface is bounded by an endless platform on which crops are layered and a small nuclear power plant is temporarily built to supply electricity.

This is the place with the most abundant fish resources in the ocean currents. There is a vast space under the sea. Human beings have built an undersea sanctuary and a new fan-shaped industrial center-just like a natural embedded huge aquarium.

The sea can provide almost all resources, and can also accommodate 90 million people's living and industrial waste emissions.

The area was very wide. The rescue team reached the outer edge of the atoll. Fifteen helicopters turned around and flew to the aircraft carrier. The sixteenth aircraft flew alone against the sea.

The sky is clear, the sun is shining, and the sea is like the endless dark blue silk.

"It's beautiful." Wu Shuangshuang took the initiative to introduce to them: "The living environment is really good, and I can eat a lot of seafood."

The crowd laughed, but Liu Ye thought of something else.

If the virus explodes here ... he doesn't dare think about it.

Wu Shuangshuang seemed to have glimpsed Liu's heart and laughed: "It is also absolutely safe. The vaccine they injected when they boarded the aircraft was a serum. This serum can effectively prevent the spread of infection. After entering, they must undergo a strict physical examination, and then every day. Check it on time. "

Liu Ye nodded and asked, "What's that?"

A smelly sea breeze blew from the rear cockpit, and Liu Ye motioned them to look at a tall tower in the center of the atoll.

"The seventh district." Wu Shuangshuang said.

Liu Ye asked, "Isn't there only six rescue centers?"

Wu Shuangshuang nodded: "At present, there is a fan-shaped area below the atoll, which is an industrial production center. Six areas are divided like petals on the outside, one is the Survivor's Quarantine and Medical Division, and the second and third are shelters. The fourth district is the Chinese government's resident and people's livelihood, resource control department; a small part of the fifth district is outside the Taiwan shelters, and most places are idle. The sixth district is the United Front, which is what they call the sixth command post. District 7 is that ... "

"Large tall tower you see." Wu Shuangshuang signaled to them that the helicopter was approaching again, and could see the whole view of the towering tower. There was a lightning rod at the top of the tower, and four huge wind turbines were around the tower. The top rotates slowly.

"Its role is very important, it is the place for scientific researchers." Wu Shuangshuang said: "The composition is very complicated, and I don't know exactly what it is for."

"Seismic zone survey." Liu Yan said: "Maintenance center, navigation lighthouse, strong signal transmitting and receiving terminal, remote remote control nuclear weapon launching tower ... Tesla coil, obediently ... I do n’t know how spectacular this coil is. The storm circle dispelled The interference of the instrument and the ocean current ... is indeed very important. It is very important. With this thing in mind, even the alien army should not be afraid. "

Liu Ye reported the role of the large series of tower-top equipment like a cannon. Wu Shuang nodded and said, "Many don't even know."

"The storm dispelled ..." Jue Ming said, "What is it?"

On the same plane, Tang Yichuan explained: "Using hundreds of billions of volts of high-voltage electrical energy, the surrounding air is instantly ionized, and typhoons on tens of thousands of square kilometers of water are reversed."

Everyone was speechless.

"Can you detect aliens," Cassia said.

Liu Xing decisively explained for a moment, and then said: "The aliens will not like these things, they will use the chicken leg gun to destroy the seventh zone."

Cassia: "?"

The helicopter flew a full three more hours before landing on an aircraft carrier's tarmac.

Immediately a medical staff stepped forward to re-examine all outsiders. After completing the steps, another helicopter carried them off the aircraft carrier and flew to the land of the atolls. Upon arriving on land for the third inspection, walked into an underground city entrance.

The red light of the elevator flashed, the number stopped at the seventh floor, and the female voice sounded:

"Welcome to the United Front of the Sixth Region, the Army Base of the Allied China Division Command Center."

The elevator doors opened, and a huge, vast, clean space appeared in front of them.

On the wall is a giant map of China, and on the side is a map of the world. It is divided into five colors: red, orange, yellow, green, and blue.

Wu Shuangshuang said, "Well, it will be all right for me to take you here."

"Lieutenant!" A lieutenant colonel came with many people, Wu-he touched both heels and saluted him.

"Have a break." The lieutenant colonel said, "I'm very sad about the Flying Dragons. But please come out of your grief immediately, there are more important tasks waiting for you to do."

Wu Shuangshuang said: "I obey all orders of the organization."

Lieutenant Colonel: "Please follow me. Major General Meng and General Zhou will see you."

He took Wu Shuangshuang away, and the deputy behind him said, "Hello, first name, I'll take you to the shelter for registration."

Liu Ye knew that the Lieutenant Colonel's deputy took over them, proving that the military attaches great importance to this pedestrian.

As the lieutenant named, Liu Ye took a few steps and looked up at the color of the Chinese map.

Needless to say, the shocking red is the worst place for the zombie disaster. The three eastern provinces have turned green, and Vladivostok and the Heilongjiang River Basin are still showing "dangerous" yellow.

Most of the blue areas are in islands, near the ocean, and in Inner Mongolia. The clear space is marked with clear numbers: 36%, and there are quantitative statistics charts of primary and secondary cities and villages at the bottom right.

Even in Xinjiang, many places are high-risk red, from the southeast coast to the Central Plains, the central Sichuan Basin is densely packed with red dots, and Taiwan is all red.

"The most densely populated place." Liu Yan murmured: "And the southeast coast ... all coastlines are red, extending towards inland areas, what does this mean?"

Zhang Ye couldn't help but look up, saying: "The coast is all the hardest hit area, and it may be a population problem."

"Zhang Ye, maybe the virus of this zombie tide was brought by sea water?" Liu Ye thought of him and Meng Ye, and Zhang Ye and others escaped from the coastal cities.

"You are very smart." The lieutenant glanced at Liu Ye. "But please don't talk nonsense. General Meng specially instructed us. If you said you shouldn't, we would have a hard time doing it."

Liu Ye nodded, and the lieutenant put away the roster, nominated the name, and smiled towards Chao Ming.

"Did you finish your nine-year compulsory education?" The deputy asked. "One year less."

Zhang Jiandao: "Graduated from junior high school, is there a school here? He still needs to continue studying."

The deputy said: "A lot of 16-year-olds are already in the army. High school is not included here, but you can take the entrance exam in September and follow me."

"You have to go to many places on each floor." The lieutenant swiped his card when he boarded the car. The military's special transportation system has a strict identification system.

The lieutenant has a high level of security.

An electromagnetic rail car similar to a bus is moving slowly on a wide road. Here, the military's special material supply station, Liu Ye asked, "How much square is the area?"

The deputy said: "Sorry for nothing."

Liu Ye asked again: "Is there only one elevator?"

The deputy said: "No, the elevator you just came down is just an entrance. There are thirty small elevators and six large elevators in the entire sixth district, but you can't pass the identification system. Please don't walk around without permission."

"Hexagonal underground base," Liu Yan inferred, "divided into six communities?"

The deputy nodded approvingly, saying, "So are the other floors."

An hour later, the deputy took them to the registration center and started the routine quarantine. This was the fourth inspection they received. Liu Ye lined up to receive the toss, and finally registered his specialties and occupations one by one.

Zhang Ye and others separated from Liu Ye.

Liu Ye and Tang Yichuan were together, Xie Fenghua and others were taken away. At the farewell, Zhang Ye said goodbye to Liu Ye and said, "Always contact!"

Liu Ye nodded and said, "I'll find you!"

"You two." A lady with glasses carefully checked the registration form of both of them and said, "Dr. Tang Yichuan, you are on the special talent list of this rescue center. You are very lucky."

Tang Yichuan shook hands with her, and the lady said, "But I didn't expect you to be so young."

Tang Yichuan laughed: "I am a forty person."

Madam: "You may have to report to District 7 right away, and you can't delay for a minute. Thank goodness, the director of the Xi'an Energy Research Institute must be crying with excitement."

Tang Yichuan laughed helplessly, and the lady handed him a barcode, saying, "Use this to take a bus, U7031, get off at the entrance of the United Front Office of the Seventh District. Director Lin will take you through Hongqiao's identification and pupil detection. , I have entered my personal information into the computer. "

Tang Yichuan said: "Cup of coffee first ... Do you charge for coffee here?"

The lady laughed and handed him a paper cup from the drawer. Tang Yichuan said, "This little boy ... Liu Ye, he saved my sister and me's lives. He is a very brave man ..."

The lady said, "Dr. Tang, if you delay here, I will be punished."

Tang Yichuan laughed and hugged Liu Ye tightly, saying, "Little brother, good luck. I will remember my days in Yongwang Town."

"I will too." Liu Ye hugs him.

Tang Yichuan walked through the bright white corridor to pick up a cup of coffee, left through the transparent glass Hongqiao, and a soldier took him to the office.

"Talk about you." The lady turned and motioned for Liu Ye to come in and sit down.

The office has creamy walls on all sides, the walls are self-luminous, and the ceiling is bright and clean. Outside the window, a transparent blue light jellyfish is passing by the shallow coral reef.

Liu Ye's eyes were full of curiosity, and everything he encountered here was strange and fresh, as if he were in the future world.

Like a paradise lost, like a haven, the terrible land raging by zombies is not real like a dream, so far away from him.

"How much time it took China to build this base." Liu Ye held the coffee, feeling quite.

"Twenty years," Ms. Na said, "area 6 and area 7 are up-to-date, so everything you see is beautiful."

Liu Ye nodded, and the lady said: "Your electronic file is here. Let me take a closer look. I graduated from a key middle school in Z city, a very good science and engineering school in Guangzhou, a Bauhaus exchange student ... and returned for my master's ... your mother is a martyr ... "

Liu Ye said: "Did she die, I don't know yet."

The lady realized what was happening, but she said nothing, and had to comfort herself: "You have more important things to do."

Liu Ye smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm ready. You see, I ... it's nothing. Are you working for me now?"

The lady nodded: "Yes, what plans do you have? Are you planning to continue your master's studies, or is there another one?"

Liu Yan is quiet.

The lady said: "You have three choices, join the National Polytechnic University as a college assistant, and finish your master's degree at the same time."

Liu Yan: "What else?"

Madam: "The European Union has set up a new school headquarters in the Atlantic to teach mechanical design, automation and architecture, and weapons against zombies. If you like, you can choose your own profession. The military also sends you to relearn. Come back in 2014, directly Enter the seventh area to engage in scientific research. "

Liu Yan: "Are there any?"

Madam: "The United Front Work Department also has an independent military R & D center, which is relatively loose. The materials are available in unlimited quantities, as long as it is not a dangerous article, you can pick it up by filling in a list. You can also go to Dr. Wei to report that he is currently in short supply Manpower ... But I find it a bit wasteful. I recommend that you go to the Atlantic base to learn something and come back. This is a long-term war of resistance. You still need to build talents after the war. What do you think? "

Liu Ye was silent.

"I want to meet Major General Meng Jianguo." Liu Yan said suddenly.

Lady: "What?"

She was a little confused, then turned back and smiled: "You can't see him. He's busy. What's wrong? Thank him, there will be opportunities in the future."

Liu Ye also said, "Those members of the special forces who saved their lives outside, weren't they lacking a logistics mechanic? I heard a captain say before they came that their mechanic was dead."

The lady said: "The mechanics are uniformly deployed by the military. They only need to take the oath of defense students or military cadets. Your resume has far exceeded. The principle of organization is to cherish talents, and you must not waste you on the front line. That was a great loss. "

Liu Yan groaned for a long time, and then said, "Where is the military's R & D center? I will report now."

The lady said, "Do you think so?"

Liu Ye was assigned to a double dormitory. Indeed, as Wu Shuangshuang said, the conditions here are very good.

He changed the bar code to a magnetic card, went in and out, ate, reported, and used the card.

Swipe it, then put your eyes up again, and scan the pupil once to solve the problem of identification.

The roommate was also a boy in his twenties. It didn't look long after he graduated from college. They lived on the fifteenth floor, and almost all of them lived with military and government officials. The research and development institute is on the eighteenth floor. The boys often joke with each other and get up to the eighteenth **** every day.

The nineteenth floor is a separate biochemical technology research department that is independent of the military and is different from the seventh area. It belongs to the top-secret base area.

The Army and the Seventh District share technology to a certain extent and develop it separately, but there are certain differences of ideas.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth floors are the office areas of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. There are major areas divided according to ranks. The tenth floor is the training grounds for special forces K1 ~ K3. Elevators are strictly forbidden to walk around, and you need to swipe your card once when entering. The elevator will show the floor you should go to. After arriving at this floor, there is a door in the hallway where you can swipe through.

Irrelevant people will be stopped outside-this is the result of several attempts by Liu Ye, he could not enter the seventh floor by all means. Had to work under eighteen floors of hell.

The working environment is unexpectedly relaxed, each person has a large multi-function machine workbench, including CNC machine tools. Scan the drawing directly into the computer and adjust it with one click. It is very convenient.

You can pick up the materials just by filling in a list, and the tasks required by the military are posted on the blackboard.

Most of them are provided by a single person, including dismantling and manufacturing of weapons and equipment, debugging and improvement. After reading the report, Liu Ye was familiar with the general process, and looked at them one by one. The task of teamwork needs to report personnel in advance and wait for approval.

Even if you don't work in this workshop, it's not a big problem. In fact, most people are not working. They are always dazed or chattering at the electronic screen.

The mechanics are used to the trouble of having a part for a long time. Dr. Wei, who is the master technician of the workshop, often uses the loudspeaker he made to yell at the students and urge them to work.

Liu Ye didn't know anyone, and when he went, he tore off the parts drawing of the axle, and began to improve the inverted mold. He thought over and over again, how to leave here justified.

I had known that the attitude should stay strong ... But in doing so, Lai Jie and Meng's attitude might be stronger, and he was directly plugged into the helicopter.

Along the way from Yongwang Town to District 6, he was always looking for a chance to escape, but that was futile.

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