Chapter 42: deep sea

Chapter 42 The Deep Sea

Afternoon on May 9, 2013.

We are close to the International Allied Pacific Base Rescue Center and China High Seas Rescue Headquarters.

I saw the sea scene ...

"Hurry up!" Lai Jie shouted in the loudspeaker: "Protect the technician!"

The altitude was reduced. The Chong 8 was originally a small aircraft. The clouds shook violently at once, and the sky and the ground were dark. Liu Yi immediately closed the diary and shouted, "Contact the headquarters!"

"Communication blocked!" Wang Yang shouted, "Below is a tropical storm!"

The whole plane turned over, Liu Xun was almost thrown out, and was then held by Meng Xuan with a click, and the seatbelt sounded steady.

The gale almost overturned the aircraft. A class 12 hurricane raged over the high seas. Under the dark sky, the minaret in the seventh area released a huge current spread. At that moment, the air was ionized under several hundred million volts of high voltage.

"What the **** are they doing!" Lai Jie shouted.

Liu Yan shouted, "The storm disperser must be broken!"

"Oh my **** ..."

Everyone looked at the scene outside the window of the machine, it was a real human area.

Thousands of huge tentacles tumbled on the black and blue Dead Sea and were passed by the minaret. They immediately sank to the bottom of the sea, but more tentacles protruded out of the sea.

The carrier Varyag was tangled in thick rotating cables, and broke into two halves slowly sinking into the sea. Thousands of fighter jets stood against the hurricane, and the white light passing through the Tesla circulation coil circled in the dark sky and dropped a bomb. .

"Call the headquarters, call the headquarters, here are Sirius and Hurricane! Don't hurt yourself!" Wang Yang shouted.

The annihilation machine that rushed to the front rolled over in a strong wind, spread its wings away, and dropped a signal.

"The situation is not good! You have to make a forced landing on the sea! I will lead you!"

The Chong-8 passenger aircraft followed the destroyer across hundreds of miles of black sea. The waves were 20 meters high. The two aircraft flew across the easternmost side of the atoll as if they were falling leaves in the vast sky.

The black smoke billowed, causing a big explosion on the sea, dozens of tentacles entangled with each other, and rushed into a small nuclear power plant. The thick smoke and fire covered the entire sea surface, and the towering sea water washed ashore and washed the two junctions of the atolls into ruins.

Thousands of positioning rockets were released from the top of the central minaret, spinning around and heading towards the sea.

On the vast sea, the soaring water column detonated by mines broke the waves and hit the sky directly.

Lightning surged up and down on the sea, and the harsh white light passed through the window, causing eye pain.

Lai Jie's voice came out of the cabin and roared, "Ready to parachute! Wang Yang! It's up to you!"

Wang Yang stopped talking, and Chong 8 passed through countless missiles and hurricanes, thunder, and waves followed the destroyer and flew into the inner ring of the atoll. The waves inside were less than five meters high, and the destroyer swept up and then rose and left. Here it is.

The passenger aircraft miraculously flashed through all the deadly attacks in the surrounding waters, only to be hit by a lightning stroke before the forced landing, dragging the black smoke to the surface.

That's the case. There was also a violent shaking in the cabin. Several people held their heads and bowed until it was dark outside the window. The plane sank into the sea and slowly floated up again.

"Put on a life jacket!" Wang Yang shouted, "Hurry!"

The water level overflowed into the window, and the passenger plane floated and sank. Lai Jie and Wang Yang rushed out of the cab, opened the emergency window, and the seawater surged in. They floated above the sea in the raging winds and icy waters, and the view of the sky above them seemed to be extinct in ancient mythology.

It's dark, explosions come and go, the Thunder of God's condemnation fills the sky, blood-red flames, and the thunder of explosions rang through the ear drums.

The gust of wind rolled them down on the atoll, Lai Jie said: "Stand by! I'll find someone to report!"

At the same time, District 6, United Front.

There was silence in the empty hall, only the sound of "ticks" kept coming. There were dim lights all around-the emergency spare lights on the ceiling and floor were pale.

Meng Jianguo stepped on the slippery and moist floor, took a step, pressed his finger on the infrared scanning rainbow mirror in front of the left eyebrow, and moved the four positioning lines in the field of vision, focused, and stayed on the blood on the corner of the wall.

With a bang in the distance, Meng Jianguo held his breath and listened sideways.

The noise came from a long distance, followed by several more, followed by a scream.

"Founding the state." Li Yaomin said uneasily, "What is it?"

Meng Jianguo made a shh gesture, shook his head, confirmed the safety of the hall, retracted the gun, took out the pass card, swiped on a pupil scanner next to a door, and moved up to scan the pupil, wearing the side of the iris Face facing outward, indescribably handsome.

"嗬 ... 嗬 ..."

The sound of panting came from the wall, as if someone with asthma was struggling.

Everyone in the hall couldn't help getting creepy.

"Wait outside." Meng Jianguo pushed open the door of the infirmary, glanced down at the ceiling below his feet, and the iris screamed to the police, showing a line of blood under the ceiling light panel.

In the infirmary shrouded in horrible white lights, someone was breathing deeply.

Meng Jianguo opened the folding screen, and a **** person was lying under the medical bed. Her side was torn from a half of her skin, and she was dying gasping. Meng Jianguo pulled out a Swiss army knife and pierced her heart.

He raised her eyes, pulled the screen, and said, "Come in."

The blood was flowing from under the screen, and when someone came in, it was a hysterical scream. Meng Jianguo said: "Don't be afraid. It is safe for the time being. Take out the bandages and medicine. Take a little rest and move on after ten minutes."

Meng Jianguo stood guard at the door and heard the dialogue.

Cassia: "My name is Cassia Zhang, what is your name?"

Boy: "Zheng Qi."

Cassia nodded: "What about your dad? Do you smoke?" He took out a pack of Zhang Yan's cigarettes from his shoulder bag.

Zheng Qi: "Go out and do business ... dear, I don't smoke."

Meng Jianguo: "Zhang Juming, you teach Zheng Qi to smoke, and his father will beat you."

Jue Ming looked at Meng Jianguo. Meng Jianguo stood for a while and said, "Thank you." After taking a cigarette, Jue Ming took out a lighter and lighted it for him, and closed the lid with a click.

"Zheng Qi," Meng Jianguo whispered, "Last week ... No, last week, did anyone visit your house?"

Zheng Qi was baffled, and Meng Jianguo called for a spit, saying, "Tall, wearing a suit, combing his hair back ..."

Zheng Qi's eyes flashed and he smiled: "Yeah, that uncle is Hu Yan."

Meng Jianguo narrowed his eyes, nodded thoughtfully, and was completely confused. Hu Ye also knew, but did not know what Meng Jianguo meant.

Meng Jianguo didn't ask any more, nodded, and Li Yaomin came out. She hurt her ankle and got a ten-year-old son leaning against the door frame and said, "I glanced at the pressure gauge. We are now at the sea. Below four kilometers of the plane. "

Meng Jianguo pressed his resolute lips and did not answer.

"Did you see it?" Meng Jianguo slowly said, "Is it the hallucination produced by the Deep Sea Syndrome, or is it really there? It has no connection with the outside world, and the tenth floor is completely closed."

Li Yaomin said: "I don't know, but what is the reason this time? The situation is not so good."

"A prehistoric deep-sea creature." Meng Jianguo said: "I only saw half of the report in the seventh area and it was out of order. That thing may have invaded the entire sixth area ... What are you talking about?"

Li Yaomin said: "Deep sea syndrome, their emotions are not very stable."

Meng Jianguo glanced back. Deep sea syndrome is a nightmare for most diving operators. People affected by this condition will be unconsciously irritable, hallucinating, and involuntarily magnify certain defects in the mind.

He pressed the cigarette out, and several people were crying. Meng Jianguo felt a headache. His fingers loosened the collar of his shirt. It became colder and colder. The central air-conditioning system stopped working. The crying woman, wearing only a vest, glanced out of the hall and said, "Keep going, go to the cafeteria and wait."

Leaving the hall, there was a bloodstain in the corridor, what seemed to be the body of a person, and was dragged towards a door at the end, exactly where they heard the screaming ten minutes ago.

To go to the cafeteria, you have to go through here. Someone asked, "General, just stay here. Where else?"

Meng Jiang State Road: "No, the terrain of the central hall is not conducive to defense. You see, the vents and floor lights are hidden dangers. Although all the corridor doors are sealed, they are all dangerous. .We have to go through the field simulation training ground to the cafeteria, where it is the safest. "

"There is a monster behind that door!" Someone said desperately, "Can't go over!"

Meng Jianguo: "I will protect you."

The man yelled, "What can you do! Here are more than twenty lives!"

Meng Jianguo stopped and looked back at him. The man seemed to feel an intangible deterrent and stepped back in fear, afraid to refute.

"Please keep up, don't act alone." Meng Jianguo casually.

They walked towards the end of the corridor, where there was a door, and Meng Jianguo pulled out the card stuck in the groove, and the green light was on. There was a slight muffled sound behind the door, and there was something there.

Jue Ming stepped forward and pushed the door parallel to the ground to push it away, but Meng Jianguo's hand was pressed on Jue Ming's hand.

Cassia said: "I open the door and you hit it with a gun."

Meng Jiang State Road: "How old are you this year?"

Cassia: "Sixteen."

Meng Jianguo: "I am forty-six, so I come to open the door, you go behind and prepare to hit it with a gun."

The corridor was quiet, and Meng Jianguo pushed open the door, leaving nothing outside.

When Cassia stepped back, there was a crackle in the hall when they came.

The same moment.

The ceiling light bar at the foot of the hall burst, the toughened glass was broken into fragments, and a tentacle rolled up to the ground!

"Crouching down!" Meng Jianguo shouted, while leaning on his side, his arms stretched to a level, his feet standing on the ground with his legs apart, holding a miniature cannon in his left hand, a sniper rifle in his right hand, and pulling the trigger at the same time!

Everyone yelled in horror, and one tentacle appeared at each end of the corridor, scrambling towards the crowd!

Cassia turned around and flew, taking Zheng Qi, who was too late to dodge, to the ground, covering him with his body, drawing a gun and looking up.

The tentacles behind were bombarded five meters away by Meng Jianguo. The tentacles behind the door at the end of the corridor waved up. Four sniper snipers rang. Meng Jianguo didn't even detect that he would be pinched. , Hit that tentacle down to the ground without convulsions.

The refugees rushed to Meng Jianguo on the ground, and decided to walk backwards in the end, raising a shot and hitting the tentacles that bounced again in the hall.

Meng Jianguo was covered behind, turned back again, raised his hands flat, and shot a tentacle with his right hand in front of him. Then he threw his left hand toward the ground and threw out the sharp knife hidden in the arm gun. The strength of the whole body punched a punch, and the sound of a gurgling pinned the half of the tentacles to the wall!

The mucus burst through the wall, and the tentacles were nailed into the wall with a sharp knife, and Wu struggled and twisted wildly.

Meng Jianguo loosed his fist, pulled his arm out of the cannon, and ordered: "Go immediately outside the door!"

The tentacles in the hall meandered from the ground like a snake. He stepped back in doubt, looked at the gadget on the wall, was pulled by the collar by Meng Jianguo, and pulled to the door. Then he dropped the door.

"No head?" Cassia said: "Only hands."

"Well." Meng Jianguo narrowed his eyes and nodded: "Only the tentacles, the head is gone ... It's incredible, it's incredible."

When he was talking, there was a scream behind him. Meng Jianguo immediately turned around and left the hall corridor. This is the simulated field practice field of K3. Several deformed corpses were lying on the empty vault, and his head was forcibly pulled. Next, blood was attached to the broken neck, and the bone marrow spilled to the ground.

"Go by the wall." Meng Jianguo looked up to the top. The top of his head was thirty meters high, and many artificial trees were hanging upside down. Fortunately, the ceiling was down and the ground was up. Otherwise, it would be dangerous to pass through this forest. Know.

In the center of the vault with a small arc, there are no more than a few corpses. Meng Jianguo led the crowd to the edge of the vault, and there was a door high up.

"There is a box." Cassia found the box falling off the floor above his head: "bullet jacket, flashlight, kettle ..."

That was the storage box used by K3 members, who decided to turn it over and said, "A lot of available supplies."

"Are you playing a treasure hunt?" Meng Jianguo said, "Is there a rope?"

"Yes." Cassia said: "Should be used, there are all these in RPG games, but unfortunately there is no tape archive ..."

Meng Jianguo took the rope, threw out the flying hook, put it on the small door above his head, and started to climb up.

"He can't climb," said a child.

"Of course." Li Yaomin smiled. "General Mongolia is the one who has won the Medal of Heroes."

Yang Yushan snorted in her nostril: "I still learn young people and heroes."

Zheng Qi said: "How handsome, look."

Someone shouted, "Are you handsome than your father?"

Zheng Qi said, "Almost."

Li Yaomin laughed: "Feihu has always taken General Mongolia as an example, what do you say?"

The people below whispered, Meng Jianguo climbed to the high door, swiped the door handle and swiped the ID card, slowly opened the door, jumped into the space at the door, and said a minute later: "Come on, the child first, Woman, in the end is man. "

After the children went up one after another, Xiao Li said to Zhaoming: "You go up, Zhang Juming."

Cassia said: "I am in charge of the temple, but I am not a child."

Everyone went into the cafeteria, and Meng Jianguo pulled up the Ming Dynasty. Many people couldn't climb and couldn't do it. Rao was Meng Jianguo's strong body. He pulled more than 20 people up to 30 meters with a rope. Also tired.

"It's safe here." Meng Jianguo closed the door and said, "It's K3's closed canteen for field survival training personnel. The left hand side is the only escape elevator, there is only one exit, there is no access to the ceiling, and the vents are very small. Everyone It's time to rest. "

The cafeteria is not too big, but it is still very spacious to accommodate more than 20 people. Meng Jianguo glanced at his watch. It was already midnight and the location was 4,470 meters below sea level.

There is a light spot next to his watch, which continues to send out help signals towards the sea. No one has come to the rescue, indicating that things on the sea have not yet been resolved.

The temperature was getting colder. Xiao Li and Li Yaomin went to the kitchen of the cafeteria to find food. Meng Jianguo was relieved, his hair was a little messy, and he sat down against the wall.

Cassia was sitting beside him holding his knees, flipping over his shoulder bag, the only vent was beside them.

Meng Jianguo was sweating heavily, soaking the white vest with sweat, showing **** muscle outlines, leaning against the wall tiredly, and lighting a cigarette.

"Uncle--" Yang Yushan pointed at the sign behind him: "No smoking here."

Meng Jianguo had to extinguish the cigarette.

"Zhang Jueming, what are you thinking about?" Meng Jianguo Road, he loaded the bullets, the arm-guns remained in the corridor, and a sniper rifle and a shotgun.

Cassia didn't lift his head, his eyes were a bit red, so he took the bear from his shoulder bag and handed it to Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi shook the bear's neck and felt happy.

"I miss my dad," Cassia said.

Meng Jianguo said, "What was the last time you saw your dad?"

Jue Ming said briefly, Meng Jiang State Road: "Should be alive, don't think about it."

Jue Ming said, "I know he is still alive, but he has not gone out, and is trying to find a way to save me."

"Well," Meng Jianguo said, "there is a subtle response and connection between father and son blood, and believe in yourself."

Cassia: "But I am not his own."

Meng Jianguo: "..."

Meng Jianguo wasted his expression for a long time, and would like to say something to return, but he finally held back.

Above the sea, the Ningyuan aircraft carrier lifting platform.

As soon as Lai Jie and his team stepped off the platform, Zheng Feihu didn't understand something clearly, and stepped forward aggressively.

Immediately, all the birds and beasts were scattered. Only Liu Ye and Xiao Jun were still standing blankly, and Zheng Feihu shouted, "Who asked you to come back! There are tasks that are not performed, what do you want to do on the high seas! Has the center made you come back!"

As soon as Wang Yang turned around and ran wild, everyone in the Sirius team ran out of sight. Lai Jie shouted, "Instructor! Listen to me!"

Zheng Feihu chased after him in a gray shadow, and gave Lai Jie a kick behind him. Lai Jie was so frightened that he flew straight out and fell to the ground for a long time without being able to move.

Meng Yun glanced around to find a bunker. However, Zheng Feihu's figure flickered, and he immediately closed his eyes. Meng Yan also kicked his belly and fell in the helicopter hangar. Moved.

"Pretend! All stand up for Lao Tzu!"

Zheng Feihu walked past everyone, Shi Potian shouted a roar, and flew out with the palm of his hand, and threw him by Li Yan's collar and threw him to Lai Jie, gave them both a kick, and the newly climbed Lai Jie twitched on the ground again.

Liu Yan: "..."

Xiaojun: "..."

Xiao Jun was close to the wall, and the crabs were usually cautious, stomping towards the other side of the helicopter hangar. Wang Yang shivered, hiding in a safe passage and beckoning to him, grabbed Xiaojun's collar, flew to death, and went to the K1 instructor to report.

Zheng Feihu walked towards Liu Ye, and Liu Ye immediately weakened.

"Liu Ye." Zheng Feihu did not touch Liu Ye, made a gesture, said coldly: "Go there."

The members of the hurricane team spontaneously spontaneously, Liu Yan stood behind Meng Yan, Zheng Feihu dragged him by his collar, and let him stand at the end of the team.

"Stop it!"

Everyone took a moment's rest and their movements were uniform.

"Things that violated the mission order privately!" Zheng Feihu said: "I won't hold it anymore! Right now, there are missions for you now ... Listen clearly! You, where are you looking! What's your name!"

Zheng Feihu gripped Li Yan's throat with one hand and shouted, "Listen clearly!"

Liu Ye looked pale, and almost had the illusion of hearing the sound of broken bones. Zheng Feihu loosened his hands, Li Yan was sweating, panting and nodding.

"You have already seen the situation outside." Zheng Feihu said: "We are currently experiencing a very serious crisis. Something has destroyed the nuclear power plant. Ocean current power generation equipment and wind turbines have almost all been destroyed. Something has climbed the spire ... ... "

"Is it an octopus?" Liu Yan said.

Meng Yan immediately reached out to protect Liu Ye's face.

However, Zheng Feihu only glanced at Liu Ye and replied, "Yes, technician, you are not a member of the K3 unit. I will not ask you to use the rules of the military. But please respect me. After listening to me, I will ask again and will stay. Time to ask you questions. "

Meng Yun was relieved.

Liu Ye didn't know he was almost slap in the face and nodded blankly.

Zheng Feihu also said: "At present, the entire Sixth District has sunk into the ocean floor and turned over. It requires a team of people to perform special tasks. According to the severity, special forces should be performed. I must direct the nuclear power plant to rescue and protect the mechanics. The reactor was sealed, and all members of the army outside were sniping the monsters and could not pull out. "

The high seas base is not far from the continental shelf. When it was built, it integrated all of the environment-such as submarine natural gas, oil and other energy systems, ocean currents, fish schools, submarine minerals, and many other factors. To the northeast is a trench that is seven kilometers deep.

When the base was built, no one knew what was in the trench, and the results from sonar detection were safe. After listening to the explanation, Liu Ye faintly realized that most of the prehistoric creatures were lurking in this trench.

In fact, it should be the case. Sperm whale, giant jellyfish, octopus and other marine killers usually do not actively attack humans, especially in the case of such huge disparities.

However, this time, hundreds of prehistoric octopuses flew out in a trench more than 7,000 meters deep. Zheng Feihu stated in particular that these big creatures were infected for some reason and were aggressive.

When the first infected marine creature drifted above the surface, the seventh zone began to take the initiative to defend, blasting the head of the octopus completely. But they missed one of them-the octopus is the most different group of humans from all the animals on the planet.

It has two memory and perception systems, which means that the octopus has two brains, one in the head and the other in the whole body of neurons. After the head was smashed, the tentacles still had self-awareness and continued action.

Everyone heard chills.

The octopus invaded the atoll, overturning the entire sea, and the dense tentacles were the scene they saw in the air when they returned.

They destroyed the nuclear power plant, causing a serial big explosion, the storm dissipator at the top of the spire was broken, and the Tesla coil was activated in the seventh area, only to get a short respite.

Immediately afterwards, the hurricane was generated on the sea surface. This eleventh tropical typhoon gradually expanded in scope and became more powerful.

The carrier Varyag was hung by the tentacles of hundreds of octopuses, and then sunk slowly into the ocean floor.

From the sky to the sea and below the sea, this is a hard war. This sudden disaster destroyed the energy flow cables under the sea 24 hours ago. The Hongqiao and Atoll iron bases in the sixth area were caught by five large octopuses Twisted.

The entire United Front Department made a turn in the seawater and slowly sank. Fortunately, the buoyancy was balanced by gravity, and it carried most of the impact of the falling sea. When it crashed into the ocean floor, the United Front was facing upwards and the first floor was facing downwards. It was nearly three kilometers from the sinking point, and it stood on the edge of the trench, crumbling.

"Four thousand and four hundred meters of water pressure." Zheng Feihu said: "The limit has been reached. If it falls into the trench, Sham Shui will crush the United Front into a pile of scrap iron. Now we must send special forces officers and soldiers to open the emergency device.

"All the energy has been cut off. Only K3's emergency energy is good in the entire Sixth District." Zheng Feihu said, "The submarine will send you down. The emergency device is in the first-level electronics and CNC center. You must connect to the energy. , Pass the password, and then manually activate the emergency device. "

"This emergency device is used to prevent crashes." Zheng Feihu said: "Using the principle of air pressure ..."

Liu Yidao: "I saw the principle in the workshop, and released the giant airbag after the flip, which caused the entire United Front to float. It floated to the surface."

Zheng Feihu said: "Very correct, first reverse the sixth zone, and pay attention to releasing the airbag after a successful U-turn, otherwise the first layer directly next to the sea floor, open the airbag, and the pressurizer cannot be successfully inflated."

Zheng Feihu also said: "You can only enter from the waste release slot at the bottom of the 19th floor, the Army Biochemical Research Center. Then follow the elevator passage to the 10th floor K3 training ground, use my security password to pass through the core door, and reach the first The CNC center on the first floor uses a chip that will be given to you to restart the emergency system. Then the computer will tell you how to do it. If you have any questions, you can start asking. "

Lai Jie: "Are there any zombie octopuses inside?"

Zheng Feihu: "I don't know."

Lai Jie: "Are there any survivors?"

Zheng Feihu said: "How many survivors have nothing to do with you."

Lai Jie: "Only our team? It would be dangerous ..."

Zheng Feihu said coldly: "It's not dangerous for my students to go in? Any task that can be performed by a team of recruits, do you still need you?"

Lai Jie wanted to apply for support from other teams, but Zheng Feihu said that it was really understaffed.

Meng Yan was uncontrollable: "My dad."

Zheng Feihu: "I don't know."

Montana frowned suddenly: "He is trapped in Zone 6 ?!"

Zheng Feihu: "He is the only general who left to send command communications. District 7 received a distress signal on his watch, but could not confirm whether he survived."

Meng Yun calmed for a moment, and then said, "Alive."

Zheng Feihu looked at Meng Yun, with a meaning inexplicable in his eyes, and then said: "It may be dead, Sergeant Meng Yun."

No one dared to speak, and Zheng Feihu roared instantly: "You are going on a mission! This mission is not to save people! You know! Is it necessary to send a signal to General Meng to let him commit suicide first! So as not to burden you!"

Meng suddenly said: "Understand."

Zheng Feihu said: "Very good."

Meng said: "He is alive, I know."

Zheng Feihu said coldly: "If you say you are alive, you are still alive. The order is complete! Turn right to the right-turn! Captain Lai Jie, take your team members to prepare! Give you five minutes! Five minutes later! The submarine will send you set off!"

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