Chapter 65: Memories

Chapter 65

Observing a quiet moment outside, only the decisive ECG fluctuated rhythmically. The brainwave drawings leveled off, Zhang Jian said, "He won't become a fool."

No one answered him, all busy.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Jian said: "Don't draw his blood! Too much! Can't stand it!"

"Don't be excited!"

Qin Hai impatiently said, "Mr. Zhang, you are really noisy. There are hundreds of millions of people waiting for redemption! Your lover is the key. All of them are waiting for his blood. Isolate the serum and extract the antibodies. I promise Countless times, it won't hurt him! "

An old academician was angry: "After you have extracted the antibodies, you can take him back at any time!"

Zhang Ye calmed down a little bit, and the red blood was drawn from Cassia, a flash of blue light suddenly, and there was an unnoticeable disturbance outside the observation room.

"What's wrong?" Meng Jianguo frowned.

"Dr. Qin!" The communicator rang: "The strings in the government office disappeared."

Qin Hai: "..."

The observation room is full of blue light, which diffuses gently, covering every corner, sinking into the ground in everyone's pupils.

The string of the earth couldn't stop expanding, and almost everyone saw the string that day. It slowly sank along the minaret in the seventh zone, shrouded in a gentle halo, and sinking into the hall at the bottom of the minaret.

A magnificent blue light passed over the seventh zone, and Liu Ye, who was standing in the middle of the hall, stretched out his hand incredibly, and the earth string penetrated his body and dipped into the sea.

The surroundings return to quiet, all the earth strings leave the ground world and return to the center of the earth.

High above the central minaret:

嘀 —— 嘀 —— 嘀, in the sound of the electrocardiograph, Jing Ming opened his eyes, his eyes were full of fear, and he couldn't stop struggling to make a mess around the bed.

"Catch him!" Qin Haidao said.

"What's the matter!" Someone shouted immediately.

Zhang Huan: "Decision!"

Suddenly the room became chaotic and shouted, "What! What is this place!"

The old academician was struggling, slamming and bumping at him, shouting, "Let me go!"

The old academician said: "Child, calm! We are not malicious!"

Qin Haidao: "Teacher don't go in! Be careful he attacks you! Get ready to give him a tranquilizer!"

Zhang Huan shouted, "Can't hit the tranquilizer!"

Without saying anything, Meng Jianguo twisted the door of the observation room a few times, unscrewed the doorknob, rushed in, grabbing Jumei ’s hand, and said in a deep voice: "Quiet, look at me, I'm Uncle Bing , Soldiers won't hurt you, right? "

Cassia's wrist was locked by Meng Jianguo, unable to struggle, and saw Meng Jianguo's uniform finally calm down.

"What is this place?" Cassia said: "What about my dad?"

Meng Jianguo said: "You are ill and have to give you a blood test and it will end soon. You are very rude, how can you hit the elderly? Apologize to him right away."

Ju Ming looked at the academician, hesitantly looked at Meng Jianguo, and finally said to the old academician: "I'm sorry."

The old academician and Wu laughed, "It doesn't matter."

Meng Jianguo let go of Cassia, Cassia again asked, "What about my parents? What is this place?"

"I'm here," Zhang Jian said. "Don't be afraid, baby."

Jue Ming frowned and looked at the observation room, his expression was very blank, the old academician pulled the needle tube away, and the patch on Jue Ming's head was removed, saying, "Okay, general, please stay with him outside."

Jue Ming was stunned when he got out of the hospital bed, dizzy, and looking at his clothes, Meng Jianguo bowed and gestured to back him, and said, "No, I can go by myself."

Meng Jianguo took Jue Ming to the lounge, Zhang Jian reached out and hugged, and asked, "Dizziness? How do you feel?"

Cassia raised his hand and let it go, inexplicably: "Who are you?"

Zhang Huan lived.

Meng Jianguo vaguely understood something: "Zhang Juming, what was the last thing you remember?"

Cassia said inexplicably: "I don't call that name? What happened?"

Zhang Ye's face changed, and he decided: "My name is Dai Xing, and my dad? Where is my mother?"

Meng Jianguo comforted: "Take you back immediately to find them. You have had amnesia for a while. He was the caregiver during your amnesia."

Cassia understood as soon as he heard it, hesitated.

A long time later he said, "How long has it been?"

Meng Jian State Road: "Four years."

Ju Ming nodded slowly, and Meng Jianguo frowned, "You are very smart."

Cassia said, "Thank you ... did my parents find me?"

Meng Jiang State Road: "Not very ... clear, I have no information on hand, but I promise to help you find your parents ... Dr. Qin Hai?"

Qin Hai took a few documents into the lounge, and Meng Jianguo got up.

Qin Hai: "Go back to prepare your dawn plan, and unanimously pass it. This antibody is very useful. It can be spread and cultivated in everyone ..."

Meng Jianguo: "Are there any side effects?"

Qin Hai: "Unclear. As an experimental item, I have been injected. Now the blood is slowly producing antibodies. The speed is very fast. Combined with the last fungus, I think the dawn plan ..."

Zhang Huan said, "Baby, don't you remember me? Have you forgotten the past?"

Cassia said: "What, don't be nauseous! Have something to say!"

Zhang Huan: "It's Dad! Why ... why did you forget it all!"

Cassia: "You are crazy! It hurts! Let go! Your hand is broken!"

Meng Jianguo: "What else does he need?"

Qin Hai: "You can take him back, but please don't let him run around, maybe he will need to cooperate with some research in the future in case ..."

Cassia got up and knocked over the coffee table and pushed the floor tree down. There was chaos in the lounge. Cassia shouted: "You stand there and say! Don't do it!"

Qin Hai took a deep breath.

The lounge was quiet.

Qin Hai growled: "I've had enough of you-! Take them away immediately!"

Meng Jianguo said politely, "I have had enough of you, Dr. Qin."

Qin Hai turned madly, Meng Jianguo stretched out his hand and said, "Hold your hand, Dr. Qin, at least the earth has been saved."

"Huh?" Qin Hai reluctantly turned around again, shaking hands with Meng Jianguo: "In theory, humankind has been saved."

The door of the elevator opened, and Meng Jianguo appeared in the elevator.

Liu Min breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank goodness, I thought you were going to stay in there for a while, let me see, how much blood was drawn, dizzy?"

Jing Ming watched Liu Ye for a long time, and then said, "Hello, not many."

Bai Xiaodong came over and said, "Zhang Juming, you look so pale. I'll carry you back."

Cheng Ming frowned, "No thanks, I can go by myself."

Judging the phrase "Hello" and the rusty expression, in Liu Yan's eyes, Liu Yan immediately turned his mind back and speculated about the inside story.

"Are you having amnesia again?" Liu Yan said.

Cassia: "Why do you say 'again'?"

Liu Yan laughed, and decimated his mouth. Meng Jianguo said: "Go back to District Six."

In the evening of the same day, Meng Jianguo and Zheng Feihu both returned to their offices. The rest sat down in the central cafeteria on the seventh floor, and a psychiatrist tested Cassia across the table.

Cassia covers his eyes, measures vision, and the psychiatrist takes out another examination paper to fill Cassia.

Jie Ming did a few questions. Looking at Liu Ye and Zhang Ye from the table next door, Liu Ye whispered to comfort Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye's eyes were red, and he looked at Jie Ming occasionally.

"I think he needs a psychiatrist." Cassia whispered.

The psychiatrist said: "I ... will show him later, he may just be stimulated."

Jue Ming looked at Zhang Ye a little bit fearfully. Zhang Ye looked at him for a long time, his lips couldn't stop shaking, and the tears of forbearance rolled in his eyes.

"Don't disturb him," Liu Yan said, "he's doing a test, looking at me, Zhang Huan."

"What kind of person do you think I am?" The psychologist asked.

Jing Ming frowned and looked at him and said, "Are you testing me for mental illness?"

The psychologist nodded and said, "Because you look stupid."

Cassia said: "Thank you, there is something to say that Dazhi is stupid, and that being stupid has nothing to do with you."

The psychologist laughed and asked, "Dai Xing, have you talked about your girlfriend?"

Cassia shook his head, and the psychologist asked, "Are there any girls you like?"

Jue Ming said, "No, why, you want to introduce me?"

The psychologist nodded thoughtfully, and decided to finish the question quickly. He returned the examination papers and glanced at Zhang Jian beside him.

Zhang Ye said in despair: "Baby, have you ... really forgotten everything ?! Didn't remember it at all?"

Cassia: "I have always been like this! Don't be so nauseous, are you ... um ... are you uncomfortable?"

Liu Yan: "He is your guardian. Be polite and wear a star."

Cassia said: "I'm sorry."

The psychologist summarized the report and said, "Who is the guardian."

Liu Yan said: "Say it."

The psychologist glanced at Cassia, and Cassia asked, "I can't listen?"

Liu Ye: "Yes, you listen, but I think you should be in a mess now, and you can't figure it out."

Cassia said: "It's very confusing. Why is this dog ... dyed like this?"

Fat Da sat on the ground, looking at the decision with resentment in his eyes.

Liu Yan: "Do you like it? You can raise it if you like it."

Cassia said: "It's okay. I'll take it for a walk. It feels messy."

Cassia took off the eye mask of Songshi, smiled, and touched his head. Liu Ye gave it to Cassia a pile of gold leaf: "You can take this to buy anything, whatever."

Cassia left, Liu Ye motioned Zhang Ye to calm down and said to the psychiatrist: "Say, sir."

The psychologist said: "According to what you said, when the guardian picked him up, Dai Xing's psychology was completely closed, and the IQ was equivalent to the average level of his peers around the age of 17 ..."

"So high?" Liu Yan said.

The psychiatrist said, "Yes, this may be related to his previous experience. Now he has a higher IQ, which is already 157."

Liu Yidao: "What does it mean to be completely closed?"

The psychiatrist said, "If you have told the truth before, this is very rare. When Dai Xing was picked up by him, it was equivalent to starting at the age of zero, but his IQ was very high. Would you mind taking you Tell me about his growth up to now? "

Zhang Huan's eyes narrowed, and the situation was roughly explained.

The psychologist groaned for a moment, then said, "Perhaps he didn't speak at first, he was studying, and his brain was almost in a blank period for young children."

Zhang Ye said, "Yes, at first he kept looking at me, imitating my movements."

Psychologist: "Very rare ... if everything is true, his thinking splits into two personalities. The first personality is equivalent to a child between five and ten years old, with a high IQ and a low EQ, and is also affected by a strange situation. He is rich in curiosity, but rarely asks questions, and uses his own knowledge system to bluntly answer. "

"The second personality is his original personality. This personality is his current personality status. The second personality fell asleep when you were adopted, but from the age of eleven to sixteen, The assimilated knowledge and the experience of getting along with others are stored in the thinking system of the second personality. "

Both Liu Ye and Zhang Ye were silent.

Psychologist said: "This case is very instructive."

Liu Ye said, "I ’ll talk about it in a nutshell. He has two personalities-Cassia and Dai Xing. At the beginning, Dai Xing's personality was only eleven years old. He fell asleep when he lost his memory. When Cassia wakes up, he is only eleven years old, which is the result of being affected by some force. "

"And no matter what happened, there is no increase in social skills and interpersonal experience. But these experiences are summarized and analyzed, and they are all instilled into Dai Xing's sleeping personality."

"Now that he's gone, Dai Xing is awake, so his performance completely conforms to the mentality of a sixteen-year-old boy."

The psychiatrist nodded: "It can be said that he still needs to analyze his family environment and growing conditions. I can't make too many conclusions."

Liu Ye nodded and said, "Thank you."

Zhang Huan still sat silently, then looked up and said, "Where did the other personality go? Can you find it?"

The psychiatrist said, "I ... I have repeatedly emphasized the premise of 'if everything is true', because I decided on my personality based on your summary and this report, and in fact, I found no abnormalities in the test at all. My inference has always been based on 'the phenomena you say', not what the tests show. "

Liu Yan: "I see, that is to say he is normal now?"

The psychiatrist nodded: "Dai Xing has a high IQ and a good ability to work, and is a very healthy high school student. If you didn't say so, I would never think there was another personality in his body."

The psychiatrist said goodbye and took the dog, bought a bottle of apple juice to drink, bought a hot dog, a bag of ham sausage, and the hot dog ate it himself.

One person and one dog, sitting on the playground of K3, watching the soldiers of the special forces play basketball.

At dusk, the ceiling light in the sixth zone adjusted the light, and a warm orange-red light gradually faded from the western ceiling, casting his figure on the ground.

Liu Ye patted Zhang Ye sitting on the opposite shoulder and said, "Listen to me, brother."

Zhang Ye looked up at Liu Ye.

"Before picking him up." Liu Yan seriously said: "You have nothing, how did you spend those days?"

Zhang Ye shook his head and said, "You do n’t understand, Liu Ye, you can't say that. Some people have come to your life once, and even if you leave one day, you will never be able to go back to the past. I have come here, I Life will never be the same. "

Liu Yan said: "But he is still there, look, isn't that him?"

Zhang Huan turned to stare at the distant cascade, and Liu Huan said, "At least you can get to know it again and start again. And Mongolian? I have lost him, and we have an uncertain future."

Zhang Huan was silent for a long time and finally said, "You are right."

Liu Ye nodded and said, "You were just too ... excited, brother."

"You're like a lunatic, or you don't speak like a convulsion; or you repeat the phrase 'What's wrong with you,' did you forget me?" .It's too violent. Anyone is afraid. If you look in the mirror, your eyes are red and your expression is terrible. "

"Everyone who looks at you thinks you are a bit insane. He just doesn't dare to approach you for this reason, not to exclude you. You can't expect any miracle to happen, and you think you are holding him ... he will remember Anymore? Sorry I don't think it's possible. "

Zhang Huan: "I ... didn't mean it. When he first came out of the laboratory, I was completely ... Well, I have thought about it many times before. If this day really comes to his mind, I just forget it. I ... I don't dare think about it every time I think of it. "

Liu Ye was silent.

Zhang Ye said, "Can you understand that the most feared thing has become true ... I didn't react to it for a while, it was like having a nightmare, I couldn't believe it. Now I'm better, but what should I do? Say?"

Liu Ye: "You see, there is no problem in the communication between him and him. You calm down first and tell yourself that he has forgotten you. He is not clear, everything starts again, you try it step by step . "

In the evening light, shirtless Bai Xiaodong jumped in place and threw a beautiful three-pointer.

The special soldiers dispersed, and Bai Xiaodong took the grass green camouflage vest hanging on the horizontal bar, put it on his shoulder, and walked to the edge of the basketball court.

"Take me a sip, Zhang Juming." Bai Xiaodong said, "I am thirsty."

Cassia said: "My name is Dai Xing."

Bai Xiaodong said: "Okay ... Dai Xing, it's the same thing."

Cassia passed the apple juice, Bai Xiaodong poured his head up, and his shirtless shapely body was covered with crystal sweat.

He wore a pair of camouflage trousers, and the figure of Sanda was very beautiful. His abdominal muscles were perfect, but he was not very strong but well-proportioned. He drank apple juice, his hands pressed against his knees for a while, and his face was still in motion. Crimson.

Cassia: "This is a bite?"

Bai Xiaodong smiled ambiguously: "It's true. Buy another bottle and return it to you."

"I'm rich." Rubbing his fingers arrogantly, the gold leaf turned on like a fan-shaped peacock, sparkling.

Bai Xiaodong uttered "Oh, oh," and made a surprised exaggerated mouth.

Bai Xiaodong asked curiously, "What is this? Bookmark?"

Cassia: "..."

Cassia: "You all know me very well. Liu Ye doesn't know where to go."

Bai Xiaodong looked at the table in the cafeteria. The place where Liu Ye and Zhang Ye were sitting was empty, and said blankly, "You are so loved. Didn't they tell you what to do?"

Cassia said: "Liu Ye gave me this barcode and asked me to check my parents' information on the tenth floor, but now it's off work, I have to go there again."

Bai Xiaodong said: "Oh, let's go to eat first. The dedicated cafeteria of K3 is better than here. Use my card and go."

Cassia: "Where do I sleep at night, lie on the basketball court."

Bai Xiaodong: "You will be dragged to the Guan Xiaoheiwu by the clearance instructor, come to my dormitory to sleep, my brother squeezed a bed to deal with the night, and tomorrow I will ask Liu Xie that kid, dog ... under the bed. "

Bai Xiaodong took Fat Ming's shoulders and led Fat Da along the way.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the dusk passed, K3 fell into the night, and on all the streets, the street lights lit up a warm orange and yellow light.

Under the street light, Zhang Huan stood quietly, holding a bag of fried shrimp in his hand, but never passed away, and watched Jue Ming and Bai Xiaodong leave at the beginning of the Huadeng night.

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