21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 122 - Book 5 Chapter 4-1 China in flames: A fierce battle!

Chapter 122: Book 5 Chapter 4-1 China in flames: A fierce battle!


November 9, 2020, 11:00, B2 Bunker (ROK Military Joint Command Center),

Yongsan-ku Seoul

After commencing “Operation Punishment of Emperor Chiu,” the Joint Chiefs of Staff was under a 24-hour full alert for possible nuclear retaliation. There was, however, no retaliation that came from China, so they called for a meeting to discuss future strategies.

“Based on the events so far, we believe China will not retaliate using their nuclear weapons soon.”

Operations Planning Director Lieutenant General Na Tae-yoon reported this in a disappointed tone.

“Indeed. I wanted to use this opportunity to exhaust all of China’s nuclear weapons and continue our operations with a light heart.”

Tactics Director Lieutenant General Kim Yong-hyun also expressed his disappointment.

“How many nuclear weapons does China have left?”

Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Kang Ui-sik asked as he joined in the conversation. The Intelligence Director Lieutenant General Ahn Gil-won answered.

“We do not have the exact number, but we expect there are 110 missiles left, sir.”

“One hundred and ten missiles? Considering President Xi Jin Ping’s temper, that is more than enough for him to retaliate. I suppose there are still sound-minded generals in their military ranks.”

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had expected a massive nuclear weapons strike in retaliation to Operation Punishment of Emperor Chiu. To be truthful, they had yearned for it. If the Chinese leaders had lost their temper and used all of their nuclear missiles to retaliate, then the Korean military would intercept all of them. Then the Korean military would face a Chinese military equipped only with conventional weapons.

“Currently the Chinese military has dismissed Commander Kan Kuichou and had placed the second in command of the military, Chiu Li Jiang Ji, in his stead while promoting him to the rank of general as well.”

Chairman Kang Ui-sik frowned at the Intelligence Director’s report and answered.

“Chiu Li Jiang Ji? Haha, I have seen him a couple of times before. He is a renowned tactician within the Chinese military. I think his service was until the end of this year.”

“Yes, you’re right, sir. His term is only until the end of this year. We also believe he was a key figure in the military reforms, and he is well versed in tactics and strategies,” the Intelligence Director answered.

“My, we are now out of the frying pan and into the fire, aren’t we? We must be more thorough when planning future operations.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Anyway, how much of the radiation from the western front has been cleaned up?” the Chairman asked.

“Please take a look at the screen, sir.”

Operations Director Kim Yong-hyun then turned to his tablet PC connected to the screen, which showed a digital map of the western front displaying various types of information.

“These are the fallout levels from each sector. To put them into percentages, each will differ a bit, but approximately 35 percent of the fallout has been cleaned up. After 16 days, the area will be deemed safe to continue our operations,” the Operations Director spoke.

“Sixteen days? Hmm, very well. Have the occupying forces in the western front and the Ji-Ling Province rest and conduct maintenance while escalating their sentry duties until the 15th. The rest of the forces will continue their operations as planned. What do you all think?” the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff asked.

“Yes, we agree, sir! Our men in the western front are exhausted from the constant battles since the war began. We believe this is a good time for them to rest and perform maintenance.”

“All right then. Also, I would like all the Logistics Directors to cooperate with each military’s logistics command to supply our forces swiftly and safely.”

“Yes, sir.”

* * *

November 11, 2020, 10:00, at the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Meeting Room, Tokyo, Japan

The bell from the Secretary’s Office intercom rang.

– What is it?

– Minister Shibasaki is here for a visit, sir.

– Tell him to come in.

A moment later, the door opened and Minister of Defense Shibasaki entered, bowing low. Inside the room was Intelligence Director Inamoto Junichi, who was sitting down with a concerned look on his face.

“Please have a seat. Let’s talk more about the subject in the future, Director Inamoto.”

“Yes, Prime Minister, sir.”

Director Inamoto gave a curt answer, got up from his seat, quickly glanced at Minister Shibasaki, and then left the room. Minister Shibasaki gave him a puzzled look and spoke to the Prime Minister.

“You don’t look well, sir.”

“Don’t worry about me. So what brings you here today?” the Prime Minister asked.

“We were just contacted by Negotiator Yagumachi Genzo from America, sir.”

Prime Minister Abe, who also had a concerned look on his face, quickly turned, hopeful at those words, before asking.

“Did you? How did it go?”

“They took the bait, sir!” Minister Shibasaki answered.

“That means—”

“Yes, it means the U.S. government had an internal meeting about Japan’s right to bear nuclear arms. It seems news of their approval will come soon,” the Minister answered.

“This Genzo fellah is great at his work! Have him promoted to a higher position when he comes back.”

“Haha, yes, sir.”

“The tide is in our favor, so we must take care of things correctly. We require not only nuclear missiles, but a means to deliver tactical nukes as well. Have Director Watanabe come in this afternoon to discuss this further.”

“I will get in touch with him, sir.”

Prime Minister Abe sank himself into the sofa and smiled at the thought of Japan being not only an economic power but also one armed with nuclear missiles. He muttered to himself slyly.

“Now the Self-Defense Forces must be reformed for foreign operations as well.”

* * *

November 11, 2020, 19:00 (China Standard Time 18:00), X-2 Bunker, Suburb of Beijing, China

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army took a different direction when Commander in Chief, General Chiu Li Jiang Ji came into command. They had correctly assessed the Korean military’s strengths and reestablished their tactics based on geography, previous tactics, and operations to retaliate.

“The Korean military is conducting its operations in an area that is four times the size of its national territory. What would be an issue for them at this instant?”

The sudden question from General Chiu Li Jiang Ji made the other commanders stare at each other blankly. General Chiu Li Jiang Ji shook his head and spoke with a disappointed look in his eyes.

“How can I use the commanders in key positions in the People’s Liberation Army if they are this incompetent to come up with even with a simple answer?”

Commander in Chief General Chiu Li Jiang did not hesitate to insult his subordinates.

“I- I am sorry, sir.”

Chief of General Staff Pe Feng Li Fu bowed his head as he answered.

“I think the logistical support in terms of them transporting munitions, materials, and rations would be difficult.”

Chief Commander of the Air Force Feng Dai Wang, who opposed the mass deployment of jets during the Sun-Yang aerial battle, answered carefully.

“Exactly, Chief Commander Feng Dai Wang! The Koreans have never conducted a military operation or even transported materials in an area as large as this in a long time. All the strategies we have established during the war so far have been short-sighted. We need to tap into the Korean military’s weakness here,” the General said.

“I agree as well, Commander, sir.”

The Ground Force General, who was afraid of being labeled as useless, answered in a half-hearted tone. Commander in Chief Chiu Li Jiang Ji ignored him and continued to speak.

“The transport routes the Korean military deployed in the three northeastern provinces used are roads near the Ap-rok River or aerial routes. From now on, order the remaining forces in the Ap-rok area to actively conduct guerilla operations to the Korean logistics forces. Also, give the order to actively strike down the transport planes in the air. Then cut off the seaway to Da-Ren port by deploying the submarines in the Northsea fleet.”

Befitting of his title as the best tactician in the People’s Liberation Army, Commander in Chief Chiu Li Jiang Ji pointed out each task the Chinese military had to do. The most important factors were dragging the war into the long term and attacking the logistical forces of Korea to isolate the occupying forces.

* * *

November 12, 2020, 13:00, Seoul Defense Security Command Headquarters, the Department of Foreign Intelligence

The Korea–China war had entered its 16th day, and not only were the three northeastern provinces becoming heated, but diplomatic battles between Korea and China had escalated as well. Both countries incessantly have released statements critical of each other to the international community. One of the heated topics was the fact that China used sarin gas during the battle of Ji-Rin Province. An international broadcast alerted the international community that China had used chemical weapons that were just as much of a taboo as nuclear weapons.

China denied the claim to the end, claiming they did not need to use sarin gas when they had nuclear weapons. They then accused the Koreans of issuing a claim that is a trumped-up conspiracy theory.

Inside the Defense Security Command headquarters, the Department of Foreign Intelligence meeting room, various detoxified objects that the 7th Mobile Corps military police had confiscated from the sarin gas terrorists were in view.

The items were clothes, a cellphone destroyed by the explosion, various personal firearms, and a notepad full of cryptograms.

“When can we decipher the cryptogram?”

Lieutenant Colonel Lee Youn-gyu, the Foreign Intelligence Director, held up the notepad and spoke.

“We have deciphered 30 percent of it by using a copy, sir.”

The Team Leader of the Intelligence Collection Agency, Captain Ahn Dong-won, answered.

“The cellphone?”

“We have sent it to the 17th Fighter Wing underground research facility, and it is now undergoing recovery, sir.”

“Report to me as soon as it’s done. How’s the analysis on the other items?” the Lieutenant Colonel asked.

“Based on the items we have analyzed so far—the civilian clothes, firearms, and other items—there is a lack of evidence that points them back to the Chinese military, sir.”

Captain Oh Won-jeon from the analysis team answered.

“Are you suggesting they are not Chinese soldiers?”

“Based on our analysis so far, yes, sir.”


“The clothes the suspects were wearing were plainclothes any civilian would wear, and the pistols they used were the type QBZ-95s the Chinese military is using, but they were privately owned guns that had the serial numbers wiped off. A few of the bodies had faces that did not resemble the typical Chinese man, so we ran a DNA analysis and we have confirmed their ethnicity is from Southeast Asia.”

“Southeast Asia?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Could there be a chance the Chinese hired mercenaries?”

“That is a possibility, sir. However, we do think it would be a stretch that China would use chemical weaponry on top of tactical nukes.”

“Hmm, you have a point, Captain Oh.”

“I’m sure we will find out more once we decipher the cryptograms and recover the cellphone’s data. Until then, keep up the good work,” the Lieutenant Colonel said.

“Yes, sir.”

* * *

November 13, 2020, 14:00, at the G303 Road, 23 km northwest from Manpo-si, North Korea

A convoy of 20 KM-9010 transport trucks that were under the Korean army’s munitions command from the logistics forces was speeding along the two-laned G303 road under the escort of K-23P-C Hyun-mu infantry armored vehicles.


The number 1 K-23P-C Hyun-mu infantry armored vehicle that was moving in the middle of the transport trucks sent out a message through the radio.

– We are now entering Chinese guerilla forces territory, so each vehicle is to keep a vigilant watch as we move in over.

– Vehicle 2, roger.

– Vehicle 3, roger.

– Vehicle 4, roger.

– Vehicle 5, roger.

– Vehicle 6, roger.

The six escorting armored vehicles were placed between every five trucks and formed a long convoy as they entered the area where they would pass through a 2.4-kilometer tunnel. Then as the second armored vehicle was about to come out from the tunnel, its LWR (laser warning receiver) sounded the alarm for a radar targeting of an anti-armored vehicle round.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The commander of vehicle 2 could not watch its front but checked the radar’s source through his monitor and frantically shouted on the radio.

– Our nine o’clock! Three o’clock! Antitank missiles! Convert to interception modes! I repeat, convert to interception modes!

As the second vehicle Commander’s voice rang out through the radio, 20 or so rounds of HJ-9 missiles flew toward them in both directions.

The Black Dragon missiles all transitioned into interception modes to protect the transport trucks and began to intercept the oncoming HJ-9 missiles flying toward them. The 50-mm photon cannons all began to spew out rounds toward the direction where the missiles came from.

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Starting from the number 2 armored vehicle, they launched the Black Dragon missiles. However, two of the armored vehicles that just got through the tunnel lost their chance to intercept the missiles. Among the 20 or so missiles, only 16 were successfully intercepted while the other 8 made contact with the armored vehicles and transport trucks.

Wooosh~ Booooom! Bang! Bang!

The number 2 armored vehicle was directly hit by two antitank missiles. However, because of its hydronium alloy plating, they managed to avoid an internal explosion, but the explosion had blown a tire so that the vehicle lost its balance and crashed into a wall on the side of the road. The other transport trucks that were following the armored vehicle were hit by the antitank missiles. The explosion caused the munitions aboard to blow up and the flames spread to all directions.

The sudden blast put the other trucks in the rear of the convoy to a screeching halt; but since they were distanced close to each other, they all crashed into each other. Then they all exploded from the second round of missiles that flew in from their three o’clock.

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