21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 133 - Book 6 Chapter 1-3 The Great East Asian War!: Escalation! A Naval Battle at Dokdo Isla

Chapter 133: Book 6 Chapter 1-3 The Great East Asian War!: Escalation! A Naval Battle at Dokdo Island

December 13, 2020, 14:50, East sea 122 km southwest of Dok-do Island (the 3rd Escort Fleet’s location)

The F-35B fighter jets detected an unknown cruiser on its radar and immediately sent the data over to the 3rd Escort Fleet and the 1st Carrier Strike Group. Eight ship-to-ship missiles were fired immediately when the data was received.

However, Admiral Kasui Hiyoyuki shook in rage after he found out that all of the F-35B jets deployed from the aircraft carrier had been struck down 10 seconds later. At the Battle Command Center, he could be heard shouting in disbelief.

“Truly, is the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin that at par with our Dakanami-class vessels? What kind of 5000-ton anti-air destroyer can take out 16 jets all at once? Someone speak up if they know how!”

The Admiral’s voice rang out in the bridge and made the other ship captains lose heart. Captain Ito Hiroshi of the Hyuga (DDH-181) helicopter carrier and first mate carefully spoke.

“Admiral, sir. The E-767 airborne early warning and control plane (AWACS) from the western fighter wing has taken off, so they will be able to identify the ship soon.”

“That’s the problem. Including the semi-aegis destroyers, we have eight in total—eight destroyers with radars! We can’t even properly identify the enemy ship with our own eight!”

An urgent message from the Command Center came through to the bridge.

“Twelve ship-to-ship missiles were launched toward our fleet’s location, sir.”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki, who was a veteran of the navy, controlled his anger and gave another order.

“Have each Aegis ship transition into interception phases on its own, and have the other destroyers prepare for retaliation as soon as we properly identify the enemy ship. Have the submarines continue sailing to their destination without any delay.”

As the Admiral’s orders continued, another urgent message rang out from the radio.

“The ship-to-ship missiles have already transitioned into sea-skimming (low speeds) mode. Their speed is over Mach 3 and almost reaches Mach 3.5. These are supersonic ship-to-ship missiles.”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki was bewildered for a moment and turned to Captain Ito Hiroshi to ask.

“Does the Korean Navy possess any supersonic ship-to-ship missiles?'”

“We did not receive any reports, sir.”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki was in disbelief and looked at the vessels that were escorting his ship through the bridge window. The 3rd Escort Fleet’s Atago (DDG-177) and Ryoko (DDG-175) had launched two SM-2 anti-air missiles each. While the Takao (DDG-191), Maya (DDG-192), and the Chyokai (DDG-193) from the 1st Carrier Strike Group all were launching their SM-2 anti-air missiles into the sky.

“Get me the Commander of the Carrier Strike Group on the line.”

“Connecting, sir.”

Admiral Yamamotu Genzuru, Commander of the 1st Carrier Strike Group, was on the line.

Admiral Yamamotu Genzuru had finished his hand off and training exercise after the American Nimitz aircraft carrier. He and his 3,000 crewmen had been training for two years since the treaty to hand off the aircraft was signed in March 2016.

He had become Japan’s first aircraft carrier the Kaga’s first Captain since WWII. When the 1st Carrier Strike Group was formed later, he was promoted to Commander of the 1st Carrier Strike Group.

– This is Admiral Yamamotu of the 1st Carrier Strike Group.

Both Admirals have the rank of brigadier generals, but Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki was more superior.

“This is Admiral Kasui.”

– Yes, Admiral Kasui, sir.

“I would like the 1st Carrier Strike Group to bank right and continue sailing to Dok-do Island at full speed. Our 3rd Escort Fleet will handle the unidentified destroyer and follow.”

– Yes, understood.

Then a voice from the Battle Command Center interrupted the communication between the two Admirals.

“We will enter the interception against the enemy missiles in ten seconds.”

The 12 Hae Song A missiles launched from the Lee Sun-shin cruiser was speeding toward their targets at Mach 3.5 in low altitude that almost touched the ocean surface. The SM-2 missiles fired from the Japanese Navy emerged from the sky and began to rain down on them.

Bang! Bang! Booooom! Bang!

The flashes of light continued as the missiles collided with each other 32 km in front of the 3rd Escort Fleet.

“Targets 1 to 4 have been successfully intercepted, target 5 failed, target 6 successful, ah! Target 7 failed, target 8 failed, targets 9 and 10 successful, 11 failed, and 12 is successful. Eight out of 12 missiles were successfully intercepted and 4 failed. ”

“What about the targets of the surviving missiles?”

“Missile 5 targeted the Yatago, 7 and 8 the Hyuzuki, and 11 the Saki, sir.”

While the reports were still coming, the SM-2 anti-air missiles flew off again. The SM-2 missiles that were allotted two rounds each for a single target flew upward and then speedily began to fall down to the ocean surface.

“Twelve seconds before impact.”

The 3rd Escort Fleet and 1st Carrier Strike Group’s Command Centers were focused on determining the success of the missile interception. Then the first flash of light was seen. One of the leading Korean missiles was intercepted by the SM-2 missile.

“Target 1 successfully intercepted, target 2 also successful, target 3 failed, and target 4 successful! Target 3 is headed toward the Hyuzuki, sir.”

The one Hae Song A missile that avoided interception transitioned from sea-skimming navigation to pop-up and rose in the air.

“The Hyuzuki is engaging its close-range defenses.”

The Hyuzuki (DD-118) that was on the right side of the helicopter carrier the Hyuga (DDH-181) began to use its CLWS close-range defense system the Phalanx. It spat out flames into the sky repeatedly. The Yatago (DDG-177) also used its Phalanx to add to the net of fire.

* The Phalanx CIWS was developed by America’s Hughes Corporation. It was a close-in weapons system consisting of a 20-mm Gatling cannon and radar along with a firing console. The Gatling gun used an American airforce 6 barrel Vulcan and fires at the rate of 3,000-4,000 rounds per minute. Its rate was slightly higher than the Goal Keeper. Also, the firing console was equipped with search-and-tracking radar and a computer to manage its detection, chasing and firing toward the target automatically.

Vrooooo~ Vroooooo~ Vrooooo~

However, the Hae Song A missile successfully escaped the fire net and slammed into the front deck of the Hyuzuki (DDG-118). The shock traveled throughout the ship and a large pillar of flame rose. Also, the missiles attached to the launch pads also exploded, causing the Hyuzuki to float briefly in the air before splitting into two then sinking into the sea.

Boom! Creeeek!

The thick bridge glass was shattered and the bridge itself was in chaos. The Captain and the crew were all on the floor. Only screams and whimpering came from the ship. Someone was loudly screaming amidst the chaos.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki, who was watching the scene through his binoculars, bit his lip and muttered angrily.

“How can a 5,000-ton destroyer be destroyed by a single ship-to-ship missile?”

* * *

December 13, 2020, 14:55, East sea 46 km southeast of Dok-do Island (the Lee Sun-shin heavy cruiser’s location)

“A round of the Hae Song A missile sank the Hyuzuki ship! It is slowly sinking.”

The Operation Director’s report of the successful targeting drew a cheer from the crew. However, there were still eight type-90 ship-to-ship missiles headed their way, so it was too early to celebrate.

“What about the interception of enemy missiles?”

“Ten seconds before we make contact, sir.”

The Japanese type-90 missiles flying at Mach 0.9 finally reached a point to attempt an interception. Flashes of light and explosions were seen in the ocean between the Japanese fleet and the Korean ship.

“All eight enemy missiles were successfully intercepted, sir.”

The report of successfully intercepting the enemy type-90 missiles that were headed toward the Lee Sun-shin heavy cruiser came in. The crew cheered once again.

“We only succeeded in sending one payload out of 12.”

“Captain, they have 12 anti-air destroyers. Wouldn’t this be considered a success?”

“Hmm, I suppose so.”

The response of each commander after trading a blow at each other was different. It was obvious since the Korean navy’s Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101) had faced off 15 enemy vessels and sank a semi-aegis destroyer the Hyuzuki, along with taking down of 2 patrol planes and 16 F-35B Lightning fighter jets. Meanwhile, the Japanese took these losses and had nothing to show for it.

“Captain! The movement of the Japanese naval defense fleet has changed.”

Captain Ahn Youn-joon checked the radar when he heard the report.

One of the two large groups from the Japanese fleet had banked right and began to sail at high speeds.

“It must be the 1st Carrier Strike Group. Are they attempting to reach Dok-do Island and bypass us? Those fools.”

Also, the fleet of four submarines that were navigating at the lead were moving at 30 knots and approaching the commercial waters.

“Helmsman! Set the azimuth at 0-9-0, turn left! Sail at 12 knots.”

“Azimuth at 0-9-0 and turning left! The speed at 12 knots.”

The helmsman repeated the order, and the Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101) leaned portside and gradually increased its speed.

* * *

December 13, 2020, 15:00, East sea 122 km southeast of Dok-do Island (the 3rd Escort Fleet’s location)

“Admiral, we are receiving the data link from the E-767 airborne early warning and control plane.”

The E-767 AEWC plane had taken off from the western fighter wing and now had reached the skies above the 3rd Escort Fleet. They had finally detected the location of the Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101) heavy cruiser. They immediately relayed the information to the Japanese naval defense force’s ships. The Japanese Navy ships had finally confirmed the location of the Korean heavy cruiser, and it showed up clearly on the radar.

“A navy cruiser—78 km northeast at a location of N 36° 50.36 E 132° 36.46. It is currently sailing southeast at 12 knots.”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki checked his monitor and asked a question.

“What is the identity of that vessel?”

“This is the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin heavy cruiser launched this November and have been confirmed to get its name from the standard KD-2 ship, sir.”

“A heavy cruiser?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did a vessel that hasn’t even been properly deployed but been launched come for battle?”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki looked at Captain Hiroshi as if he was at a loss for words. Captain Ito Hiroshi also could not answer him properly and looked at the Admiral with a blank expression.

“I can never understand those Koreans. No matter the reason, we can’t just let them be. Now that they are on our radar, we must end this.”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki got up from his seat and spoke firmly on the microphone.

“Each vessel launch five ship-to-ship missiles at the enemy vessel.”

“What! Admiral, wouldn’t launching five missiles on one enemy ship an overkill?”

Captain Ito Hiroshi requested a reconsideration of the Admiral’s orders. The Admiral answered sternly.

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“Do you think that is too much? That Korean cruiser easily intercepted eight of our ship-to-ship missiles. In this situation, we must attack them without leaving them any chance to escape.”

A moment later, the 3rd Escort Fleet’s seven destroyers all reported they are standing by to launch missiles.

“Good! We will end this now. All vessels open fire.”

Under the command of the Admiral, the Weapons Operator relayed the order to launch. Then the seven destroyers all began to launch missiles that spew out white smoke and flames after emitting a loud explosive sound. The missiles rose into the air. Thirty-five type-90 ship-to-ship missiles rose 500 meters into the air and then began to fall. They transitioned into sea-skimming navigation at Mach 9 speed north.

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