21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 139 - Book 6 Chapter 2-1 The Great East Asian War!: The Great Battle of the South Sea

Chapter 139: Book 6 Chapter 2-1 The Great East Asian War!: The Great Battle of the South Sea

December 14, 2020, 02:20, in the depths of East China Sea 26°2′ northern latitude 124°19′ eastern longitude

Together with the Lee Bong-chang ship (SSP-81), the Cho Bong-ham ship (SSP-83), which entered the East China Sea on October 24 to protect Korean vessels and monitor the Chinese navy, continued without failure in the deep sea. It sought to unfold an antisubmarine vigilance plan regarding the Chinese submarines and their suspicious activities.

At 2:20 a.m., most of the crew members of the Cho Bong-ham ship (SSP-83) had fallen asleep, and only eight officers on duty that day fought their urge to sleep and had faithfully worked on their respective missions.

In the slightly dark Cho Bong-ham ship (SSP-83) with only a few low-intensity lights on, the Battle Control Room Sonar Director, Lieutenant Oh Han-hyung, was persistently bothered by a small unidentifiable sound heard through his headset. Appointed as Sonar Director for three years and now a veteran in a way, Lieutenant Oh was in a dilemma. When he checked the sonar information in the 3D monitor, the location of the small sound was in the northern part of Taiwan Strait, 311 kilometers southwest.

In truth, it was impossible to detect a sound from a distance of 311 kilometers using the SUSL-01MP active sonar of the Cho Bong-ham ship (SSP-83). The farthest distance that the sonar could be detected was 150 kilometers, and it was only possible to locate the opponent clearly within 100 kilometers. However, the unknown sonar was captured from 311 kilometers away, and it was a very ambiguous situation to just ignore.

“Vice-Captain, sir.”

Lieutenant Oh Han-hyung took off his headset and quietly spoke to the Vice-Captain, Major Na Il-woo.

“What is it?”

“I can’t tell what it is exactly, but I keep hearing subtle noises from 311 kilometers southwest that I can’t decipher.”

“Three hundred eleven kilometers southwest?”

“Yes, sir. It is at the northern end of the Taiwan Strait.”

Major Na carefully looked at a portion of the monitor Lieutenant Oh was pointing at and spoke.

“Is our sonar performance at that level?”

“No, sir. If the weather is good and there is no central line of streamflow, the maximum distance is 150 kilometers.”

Given Lieutenant Oh’s answer, Major Na leaned closer to the monitor and asked again, “It would make me uneasy to just ignore the noise detected outside of the maximum sonar distance. But what do you think?”

Lieutenant Oh answered Major Na’s question.

“In my opinion, I believe that detecting a sonar from that distance could mean that the source is a large-scale vessel or a submarine.”

“Hmm. Yes, you may be right. Watchman.”

“Sergeant Kim Hyun-gook.”

“Wake up the Captain.”

“Yes, sir.”

A few moments later, the Captain entered the Battle Control Room and asked in a sleepy voice.

“What is it?”

“Captain, sir! Please look at the sonar monitor here.”

Major Na Woo hurriedly gave a salute and an explanation.

“Low noises have been detected 311 kilometers away, and after hearing various opinions, we have agreed that it is likely from a large group of vessels or submarines.”

“You detected a noise even if it was 311 kilometers away?”

“Yes, sir.”

This time, Sonar Director Lieutenant Oh answered.

“That is indeed suspicious! We’re going to need to confirm it. Vice-Captain! Approach it at an 80-kilometer distance.”

“Yes sir.”

“Azimuth 2-7-6, half turn to starboard! Full submersion at a submerged angle of 12 degrees and a depth up to 120.”

“Azimuth 2-7-6, half turn to starboard! Fully submerging with a submerged angle of 12 degrees and a depth up to 120.”

Sergeant Lee Hak-gyu, who was at the helm of the night shift and the head naval shipbuilding, continued to repeat the report. The Cho Bong-ham ship (SSP-83) simultaneously turned to starboard and bowed deeper into the ocean; it began to speed up.

Two hours later, the men in the Battle Control Room of the Cho-Bong-ham ship (SSP-83), after approaching the unknown sound location at 90 kilometers, was shocked to discover the source of the noise.

The information displayed on the 3D monitor used exclusively for sonar showed several suspicious ships, and some of which were the latest model of destroyers from China’s South Sea fleet and East Sea Fleet, such as the Kunming class, Lanzhou class, and Hangzhou class, which were semi-Aegis class destroyers and escort vessels. Also, two self-built aircraft carriers from China were included. What was even more surprising was that the large-scale fleet included 153 ships, including 23 submarines.

“A total of 153 ships and submarines have currently been confirmed! Perhaps due to the huge size of the fleet, we have detected it outside of the 300 kilometers, sir. ”

Sonar Director Lieutenant Oh, after analyzing the sonar-detected information, took off his headset. He spoke.

“One hundred and fifty-three ships. It can definitely be seen as a large fleet for amphibious warfare, sir.”

Vice-Captain Major Na said to the Captain with surprised eyes.

“Probably. It’s very likely, but the problem is where their landing point is. Where do you think it is?” asked the Captain, who nodded at the Vice-Captain’s opinion.

“From my perspective, it is most likely Jeju Island, sir.”

“Jeju Island. What is the distance from here to Jeju Island?”

“It is approximately 840 kilometers, sir.”

“Lieutenant Oh, can you obtain information on all of the vessels?”

“A hundred percent will be difficult, sir. We haven’t clarified specifications about the recently commissioned Chinese vessels.”

“Well, that can’t be helped! Good! Then analyze all information about Chinese vessels as much as possible.”

“Captain, sir, are you going to attack?”

The Vice-Captain asked in an anxious voice. To this, as if the Captain knew what the intention was behind the question, he tapped the Vice-Captain’s shoulders and remarked, “Are you worried that we will? I want to attack, but going against 150 ships with just our submarine would be like jumping into a fire pit. Get as much information as possible and fall back.”

* * *

December 14, 2020, 07:30 (CST 06:30), in the plains 45 kilometers west of Tanshang, China (at the 20th Armored Division’s [Decisive Battle] location)

After occupying Qinhuandao last night, the 20th Armored Division resumed the Beijing advancement plan at dawn against the 65th Army Group and 27th Army Group, who constructed their last line of defense.

In front of the 61st Armored Brigade, which was maneuvering at the vanguard, the 13th Armored Division, a subordinate unit of the 27th Army Group with a large-scale force, was detected to be in ambush. To this, the 26th Tank Battalion of the 60th Armored Brigade, ordered by the Division Commander to support the flank of the 61st Armored Brigade, sprinted forward at full speed, leaving caterpillar tracks along the frozen rice paddies.

China’s defense strategy was seen in previous counterattacks on the Western front, wherein the Chinese armored and anti-tank units, in battalion and company-sized units, waited in small towns of the Great Plains to conduct surprise attacks. This slowed down the speed of the Korean Army’s advancement and expanded the defense fronts to focus on dividing the small-numbered Korean Army’s forces.


Even in the dark, the Korean soldiers turned on three vision modes while maintaining full defense and surveillance in case the Chinese Army will ambush attack and maneuvered to the side of the 60th Armored Brigade.

“This is the Battalion Commander. There is information that the 61st Armored Brigade has entered into battle. Maneuver at full speed.”

The 26th Tank Battalion, which was 25 kilometers away from the 60th Armored Brigade, increased its speed to a maximum of 80 kilometers per hour in the wilderness. No matter how excellent the suspension device was, it was like death to the crew inside the tank to move through the bumpy field at this speed.


In the air, eight 171 FAH-91SP Falcons of the 17th Aviation Group, a direct subordinate of the Army Group and temporarily assigned to support the 20th Armored Division, flew over the 26th Tank Battalion this time to support the 61st Armored Brigade that had just entered the battle.


The 7th Company Tank 712 Commander Sergeant Oh Young-taek, who was cursing, clutched the handle while giving himself to the irregularly shaking tank and making himself heard through the headset.

“Yeom! I’m dying, can’t you drive straight?”

“Commander, sir, I think I’m going to die too. But we can’t go against the Battalion Commander’s orders, right?”

“Isn’t it because your driving skills are lousy?”

“Excuse me? I have one year and four months of just driving tanks, sir.”

“Of course, the petty corporal.”

“Sergeant Oh, you’re too much, sir. Corporal Yeom is also a driver somewhat recognized by the company.”

Staff Sergeant Kim Young-joo intervened in the conversation and took the side of Corporal Yeom Hoon-gi.

“Staff Sergeant Kim, I can only rely on you, sir.”


It was then that the Battalion Commander’s orders fell through the battalion’s communication network. Spider drones deployed from the headquarter company before the maneuvering had detected ambushing Chinese troops in several places ahead.

“Seven o’clock ahead! The ambush unit is estimated to be anti-tank missile units at a distance of 6,000! Starting with the 7th Company, change to form a line formation and decelerate to a speed of 40.”

Vroom! Vrooooom! Vroom!

As soon as the Battalion Commander’s orders were issued, each company quickly changed directions and entered low-speed maneuvers toward the direction of where the ambush unit was detected while maintaining the company line formation.

“Since there is no time, respond to each platoon tactic to destroy them as quickly as possible and support the original unit.”

Once again, the Battalion Commander’s orders came through the battalion’s communication network.

Five minutes later, the K-3 White Tiger tank’s L-3 (Laser Warning Receiver) began to ring, and the Chinese anti-tank missile attack began. AFT-10 armored vehicles emerged from several small towns and began firing HJ-10 anti-tank missiles at the 26th Tank Battalion. The missile flew in succession while emitting white smoke from the quad-directional launcher. The K-3 White Tiger tank launched the active SECM shield system while moving quickly from side to side.

Shoooong— Shoooong—

Tens of HJ-10 anti-tank missiles flew with white smoke trails toward the White Tiger tanks as if they were looking for prey. However, the powerful jamming of the active SECM shield system caused them to either lose their target and explode in the air or explode on the ground after spinning around.

Crash! Crash!

An anti-tank missile that flew toward the side of Tank 712 rotated a few times in the air while spinning, and a cloud of dirt rose after it hit the ground.

“Skipping target one at nine o’clock, target two is at target range 1800. Shoot two shots in a row.”

Sergeant Oh urgently changed the target rank and ordered a shot toward the AFT-10 armored vehicle that suddenly protruded from the building at nine o’clock.

Zap! Zap!

Two red minerals flew consecutively at the speed of light from the photon cannon of Tank 712. After the Chinese AFT-10 armored vehicle twitched a few times, as if it would fall to its side, red flames burned with an explosion.


“Good! Staff Sergeant Kim, go back to target one again. Shoot at the 2200 range.”

Reaching the peak of teamwork through this war, the three crew members of Tank 712 continued moving forward while firing the drawn-out photon cannon and destroying the Chinese armored vehicles one after another.

* * *

December 14, 2020, 09:00, Cabinet Emergency Security situation room in Tokyo, Japan

“What kind of a writer are you?”

Prime Minister Abe, whose face had turned red, yelled and was pointing his finger to the man who was standing restlessly.

“What do you even do correctly?”

Prime Minister Abe, who quickly switched to an informal way of speaking, couldn’t control his rage; he picked up a small vase on the table and threw it against the wall.


The vase that hit the wall broke into pieces, and debris flew everywhere.

Prime Minister Abe, who exhaled so hard that his upper body heaved, sat down heavily on the chair.

“I apologize, Prime Minister, sir.”

Chief Junichi Inamoto, Head of the Cabinet Information Office and in charge of all information in Japan, bowed his head and kept repeating his apology.

“I’ve heard enough of your apologies. Take responsibility for this and leave that position. Got it?”

“Yes, sir, I will.”

“You can leave now.”

“Yes, thank you for everything, Prime Minister, sir.”

Chief Junichi Inamoto bowed down to his waist and opened the door, leaving the Prime Minister’s office.

Japan attempted to receive enormous damage compensation for the cost of isolation and JMSDF casualties and ship damages from the international community by raising an item on the agenda of the UN Security Council of Korea as an illegal aggressor. However, when the Japanese-Chinese Mutual Treaty was leaked to Korea in advance, instead of being able to raise an item of the agenda, it just gave Korea the legitimacy to attack Japan.

“Minister Shibasaki.”

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“Yes, Prime Minister, sir.”

The Minister of Defense, who had been sitting and watching until then, replied, “Has China contacted us regarding the next schedule?”

“Yes, sir, it came through.”

Minister Shibasaki handed the documents he brought to report to Prime Minister Abe.

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