21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 167 - Book 7 Chapter 3-2 Reunification! Korea: Downfall!

Chapter 167: Book 7 Chapter 3-2 Reunification! Korea: Downfall!


December 18, 2020, 16:20, Yongsan ku B2 bunker (ROK Military Joint Command Center), Seoul

Ten minutes ago, Chairman Kang Ui-sik was awakened by reports from the officer on watch, and he took the command of the marching forces in Beijing while receiving reports about the Korean and Chinese forces’ movements.

“China’s main forces from the north, northeast, and southeast are all moving southwest, sir.”

The Operations Director reported as he stared at the large screen.

“Yes, it seems like they are moving not to retreat from losing numbers, but rather moving under a plan. Something seems up.”

“Yes, I agree with you, sir. It seems they are moving strategically at the same time to the rear.”

“Whatever it is, let’s use this opportunity to take over Beijing. Transition to Operation Downfall of Beijing—Plan B from the original plan. Notify all forces immediately.”

“Yes, sir. We will send out the orders.”

The Communication Operators sent out Chairman Kang’s orders to each military unit in the field.

* * *

December 29, 2020, 06:20 (China Standard Time 05:20), 91 kilometers east of Beijing, China

The 20th Armored Division and 25th Light Armored Infantry Division that had fought against the 27th Army Group was chasing after China’s 38th Army Group’s rear while making their attack.

Vroooom, Vrooooom!

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

Woosh, woosh!

Photon cannons, and black dragon missiles, and numerous other rockets annihilated the retreating Chinese forces’ rear. The Joint Chief of Staff gave the order to march into Beijing to every division. After marching toward Beijing for 17 days, the goal of taking over China’s capital was close at hand. That was when the Joint Chief of Staff changed the operation plan from Operation Downfall of Beijing – Plan A to Operation Downfall of Beijing – Plan B, only leaving 70 kilometers between the Korean forces and their target.

The K-3 White tiger tanks and K-23P Hyun-mu armored vehicle raised their speeds toward Beijing while maintaining a horizontal formation.

Meanwhile at Beijing’s north, northeastern and southeastern skies, numerous Xia lung reconnaissance drones were flying around at high altitudes, sending back the movements of the Korean forces to the South military’s Command Center in real time.

Korea’s space and aerial military, air force, and marching force’s anti-air brigades had already detected the drones minutes before, but the Joint Chief of Staff must have had a plan for they ordered not to intercept the drones.

* * *

December 29, 2020, 06:30 (China Standard Time 05:30), Huizhou (the 42nd Army Group’s Command Center), China

Since the historic Operation All Down was about to commence, the Command Center of the 42nd Army Group had President Xi and every commanding officer in attendance. Commander of the Southern military Lieutenant General Han Feng was there as well.

The Command Center was waiting for something while receiving the location of the Korean armored forces from the Xia lung drones. The large screen at the center of the room showed 100 red blinking lights located 60 kilometers away from Beijing’s suburb at its eleven and six o’clock.

The Korean forces were rapidly marching toward the red dots shown on the screen. Commander in Chief Pe Fung Li Fu gave an order through a microphone connected to a satellite communication line.

“President Xi has approved the launching of Operation All Down. Each army group’s Commander is to take action after confirming the location of the Korean forces. Over and out.”

Commander in Chief Pe Fung Li Fu gave out his orders shortly and then nodded his head to President Xi after putting down the microphone. Twenty minutes later, each army group’s Commander reported back, getting ready to commence Operation All Down.

* * *

December 29, 2020, 06:50 (China Standard Time 05:50), 60 kilometers from Beijing’s suburb, China

Mushroom clouds rose into the sky after bright flashes of light appeared 60 kilometers away from Beijing’s suburb.

There were more than a few mushroom clouds showing up after the flashes of light appeared. A few dozen nuclear missiles exploded in a ring formation, starting from Beijing’s north to southeast, and the nuclear blast had swept across the entire area.

The missiles had fallen to the locations to where the Korean armored forces were marching. The missiles were twice the power of those that fell on Sun Yang’s southwest region, reaching 20kt (TNT 20,000 tons) in explosive power.

From ground zero, the explosion site, everything within its 1.7-kilometer vicinity would be annihilated, and 2.5 kilometers would suffer third-degree burns, while those at 3.2 kilometers would suffer second-degree burns. Those 5 kilometers away would suffer the same fate as people who suffered from Hiroshima’s “little boy” nuclear missile attacks. The issue was over 100 nuclear bombs of this capacity had exploded. The large mushroom clouds spread across the dark skies, and nuclear fallout began to slowly spread throughout the area.

Beijing’s north and northeastern areas to where the 3rd Armored Division and Capital Armored Division were heading were covered in the blast; the roads and mountains had been flattened.

The trees in the forests had vanished without a trace and large boulders were shattered into pieces, due to the firestorm, and flew off into little pieces. The scenery was a testament to the power of a 20-kt nuclear bomb.

It was hell on earth in the southeastern plains as well. The area where the nuclear shockwaves swept through left heatwaves dancing in the air. The yellow snow that had mixed with the mud must have evaporated from the heat, for the ground now had turned completely barren. No trace of the Korean military’s tanks or armored vehicles could be seen.

* * *

December 29, 2020, 07:20 (China Standard Time 06:20), Huizhou Province (the 42nd Army Group’s Command headquarters), China

When General Chiu Ji Liang Ji was Commander in Chief of the military, the Chinese military had placed 120 rounds of 20kt class nuclear missiles at Beijing’s suburb. However, this was set as a last resort for China’s military if they had failed in defending Beijing. Instead of handing over their capital to the Koreans, the Chinese had set a final plan to wipe out the Korean forces by sacrificing the lives of its citizens.

Of course, a plan like this was politically dangerous to President Xi Jin Ping. Twenty million Beijing residents would be exposed to the radiation, and damages would be irreversible. However, President Xi Jin Ping had concluded winning the war was more important and such sacrifices were necessary in times of war. This method was the only way he would survive politically as well.

Thirty minutes had passed after the nuclear bombs went off, and the communication line had partly recovered. The reports from every army group began pouring in.

“It’s from the 13th Army Group, sir. All 21 nuclear bombs successfully exploded. They estimate at least 50 percent of the Korean’s 3rd Armored Division’s forces are all destroyed.”

“Report from the 15th Army Group, sir. Thirty-two nuclear bombs have gone off successfully. They cannot determine the exact status, but the Korean Capital Armored Division’s forces are facing losses of up to 60 percent.”

“It’s the 38th Army Group reporting in, sir. Korea’s 20th Armored Division is expected to have lost 80 percent of their forces.”

“The 27th Army Group is reporting in as well, sir. The 25th Light Armored Infantry Division is confirmed to have lost 50 percent of their forces.”

Based on the reports that came in, the results were very satisfactory. However, these reports were only estimates, instead of actual confirmations. But the estimated damages were expected to be similar to the actual one.

“Hahaha, it’s a huge success! A big one!”

President Xi Jin Ping’s laughter rang throughout the entire Command Center from the reports of the operators.

Meanwhile, behind the Command Center, there was someone who was watching President Xi with disapproval. It was the Commander of the Southern military, Lieutenant General Han Feng. Twenty million innocent Beijing citizens were about to suffer and die from radiation, but the fact that President Xi was still laughing made Han seethe with disgust.

“Mr. President! We will give out the order to begin the second wave of attacks, sir.”

“Yes! We must take them out while they are down. Use every available missile we have.”

Based on the judgment the Korea military has lost most of its military power, each army group began to use all of their available surface-to-surface missiles.

Hundreds of tactical missiles flew toward the surviving Korean forces, and their movements showed up on the Command Center’s screen.

“With this many missiles, will we able to take out the remaining forces? Commander in Chief Pe?”

“Yes, sir. Absolutely. However, we must check the actual damages first, sir.”

Commander in Chief Pe Peng Li Fu answered President Xi’s answer and questioned the Operations Director.

“When will we be able to get a visual with the Xia lung drones?”

“Sir, each army group has deployed their drones and they have taken off. We will be able to check the exact details in at least 20 minutes, sir. Then we will be able to organize the statistics.”

“Tell them to get them done as fast as they can and report back.”

“Yes, sir.”

Commander in Chief Pe Peng Li Fu finished his conversation with the Operations Director and continued talking to President Xi.

“Mr. President! Shouldn’t we order the citizens of Beijing to take refuge, sir?”

“Take refuge? If we did that, then all the roads will be clogged up. What will we do then?”

“That may be the case, but when the nuclear fallout begins to spread, the damages will be greater, sir.”

“I think it won’t be late to give the order after our armored forces retaliate following the missile strikes! Let’s do that instead.”

President Xi did not seem to care for the safety of 20 million Beijing citizens and shot down Commander Pe’s suggestion.

“Yes, sir.”

* * *

December 29, 2020, 07:20, Yongsan ku B2 bunker (ROK Military Joint Command Center), Seoul

On the Command Center’s screen, the location of the nuclear missile explosions all over Beijing’s suburbs and the affected areas were in red circles.

“I had my doubts, but I didn’t think they would actually use the nuclear missiles, sir.”

The communication lines went down suddenly, but it recovered after 10 minutes had passed. Reports of the Chinese forces using nuclear missiles came in.

“I never thought, they would do it, but they really did it.”

When the Operations Director spoke with a shocked look on his face, Chairman Kang smiled n ruefully because of Operation Downfall of Beijing Plan B’s success.

“Never expect the Chinese to act rationally. They are not the type to use reason. Anyways, it seems we have fooled them well.”

“Yes, sir. It seems the equipment is of top quality since it was designed by the underground research center.”

“Yeah, you’re right! I must buy them dinner even if I have to use my own money.”

“Hahaha. I will pay up as well, sir.”

Based on the reports from the Chinese military, the Korean Joint Chief of Staff’s Command Center should be in an uproar. However, the center’s atmosphere was no different from any other day.

“The Chinese military has launched its tactical surface-to-surface missiles, sir. We will bring up the current information on the screen.”

Beijing’s marching force’s anti-air brigades and the Apollo reconnaissance satellites all showed the routes of the detected Chinese missiles.

There were only 300 missiles, and most were launched from the northwest and southwest.

“Zeus 1 satellite has entered into the interception process, sir.”

“The missile command is retaliating.”

“The 7th Mobile Corps has launched interception missiles, sir.”

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“The Capital Armored Division’s Anti-air Battalion fired 35 interception missiles.”

The multiple reports coming in stirred the activities of the Communications Operators and turned the Command Center louder than a night market.

The actual damages from the Beijing nuclear strikes were close to none. The reason being the Korean military was aware of Operation All Down even beforehand.

The 12th Army Group’s Commander Wu Weian, who had been captured at Qingdao, had given the Koreans two highly confidential intel. The first was the location of the X-2 bunker, and the second was all about Operation All Down devised by General Chiu Ji Liang Ji. Unknown to their opponents, Korea’s Joint Chief of Staff had come up with a plan to counter China’s Operation All Down.

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