Chapter 220: Book 9 Chapter 4-1 Conquest of the Northeast: Landing on Japan!


February 11, 2021, 04:30

The shore of the seas 15 kilometers off of the northwestern edge of Neshiko on the Island of Hirado, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan (56th Landing Group)

The 56th landing Group, carrier ships, and the three Hercules destroyers that were taking on battlefront escort passed through the seas near Jeju Island and then neared the waters where they would put their landing operation into action.


From the flight deck of the LHD multipurpose amphibious assault ship and the LPH amphibious assault ship, 32 Peregrine Falcon attack helicopters took off one by one and quickly flew to the landing assault point of the coastline of Neshiko, while eight CB-30P Phoenix ground assault fighters and 12 CF/A-25P Black Phoenix bombers belonging to the 23rd Fighter wing that departed from Kimhae passed through the sky overhead of the 56th Landing Group, leaving white trails behind them.

Also, MK 00A Super Lynx anti-submarine helicopters left from the LPH Hercules amphibious assault ship and the destroyer of the Second Fleet, hovered in the air, and then went on alert.

Japan’s cabinet and Joint Chiefs of Staff found out about the landing operation by the marines from Corea late as they were in an unsettled position, still picking up the pieces from the shooting of Prime Minister Abe, and after they did, they dispatched the ground forces of the Self-Defense Force to the point where the landing was taking place.

* * *

February 11, 2021 04:30

The vicinity 3.5 kilometers around Hirado Bridge on Hirado Island, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan

The Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division of the Western Army departed from the Ogi Station on the orders of the Chief of Staff of the Army to block the marines from Corea and moved at a great speed in the direction of Hirado Bridge that was connected to Hirado Island, while the Eighth Armored Division stationed in Kumamoto also quickly mobilized to aid the infantry unit.

“Team Leader! A large number of vehicles that appears to be the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division confirmed at a spot 5 kilometers from the battlefront, sir.”

In the forest 3.5 kilometers from Hirado Bridge by way of the 204th Road, a black beret-clad member of the first team under the 11th Squadron of the First Airborne Special Forces Brigade focused on the edge of the road through his high definition optical telescopes and spoke to his team leader, Captain Ahn Hyun-joon, who was beside him.

“Why are they so late?” The captain grumbled as he looked at his wristwatch to check the time, then took the telescope from Sergeant Kim Ki-ho and examined the spot he had pointed out. The telescope captured the image of a huge number of Type-97 IFVs and other vehicles driving quickly towards them, their lights cutting through the early morning air.

According to the defense reforms of 2020, the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division switched out their entire fleet of Type-96 APCs for the Type-97 IFVs, which had drastically strengthened firepower. The reason Japan switched the model, which was equipped with 105 millimeter main armaments, for the entirety of the Western Army as well as the Northern Army was so that they could station the vehicles, which didn’t weigh more than 26 tons but had greater firepower, concentrated with the Western Army so they could move quickly to respond in the event of a landing war by an enemy nation.

“It seems they’re pretty urgent. Seeing how the central base moved them out without a scouting party. But that’s a good thing for us.”

After Captain Ahn Hyun-joon carefully observed Japan’s Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division vehicles speeding along the road, he made a report over radio communications to the head of his squadron.

– This is Stone Bird! Currently about 200 Type-97 IFV and carrier vehicles traveling at high speed along 204th Road! Estimated 5 minutes remaining until they reach their target. That is all.

– This is the Nest! Confirmed. Stone Bird, you are to focus on rear strike, that is all.

– This is Stone Bird! Confirmed, that is all.

Upon completing his communique, Captain Ahn Hyun-joon looked around at his team members and gave the order to focus on a rear strike after the attack on the main base. At this, each team member grabbed their personal weapon and moved speedily toward their pre-determined spots.

Zooom~ Zooom~ Zooom~

The several hundred vehicles of the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division moved past the forest where the 11th Squadron’s first team was waiting to ambush them. A moment later, the sound of an explosion that seemed like it would tear the heavens rang out, along with a gigantic column of flame, from the place where the squadron’s base was lying in wait.

Craaash~ Craaash~

The MK-P11* (Activated Charcoal Plasma) mines that were set up on either side of the 204th Road exploded in an instant, and the Type-97 IFV and carrier vehicles that stretched for kilometers along the road were perforated by the iron balls that flew towards them from either side. These caused chain explosions inside the vehicles, the rising fire of which brightly lit up the dark road.

* MK-P11 (Activated Charcoal Plasma): The advanced form of the M18A1 antipersonnel (Claymore) mine, was developed more for anti-tank than anti-personnel use, and was a mine that could easily penetrate the defensive capabilities of light tanks and anything below that grade.

Phew phew phew phew phew phew~

Surprised at this sudden attack, the Type-97 IFVs could not immediately respond, and while they were so flustered, laser beams burst out of the guns of almost 60 members of the 11th Squadron of the special forces, whose main weapon was the CS3 Later Mini Machine Gun.

The first team, which was the ambush team, now initiated an assault on the rear carrier vehicles.

Phew phew~ Phew phew~ Phew phew~

Craaash~ Craaash~ Craaash~

The beams hit the bombs those vehicles were carrying dead on, causing an enormous explosion, and soon continuous explosions and flames completely covered the road.

– This is the Nest! Each team is now to quickly leave by their pre-determined withdrawal route.

The 11th Squadron’s original mission was to delay the travel of the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division. In response, the leader of the squadron, Major Kang Hyeok, considered their assignment completed and gave his orders through the communications network.

Once the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division had just barely collected themselves, the 105 mm gun turrets on the Maneuver Combat Vehicles turned and fired their main armaments at the area where the laser beams had attacked them from just a moment ago.

Craash~ Craash~ Craash~

The inside of the forest was transformed into a stage of a magnificent fireworks show. Columns of earth flew up here and there, and trees both large and small fell feebly. However, this was all after the 11th Squadron escaped on their previously designated withdrawal routes like the ebb of the tide.

Of the nearly 220 Type-97 IFVs, 75 (about one-third of them) had been swept up in the crimson fire of the MK-P11 mine attack and had degenerated into junk, while 23 carrier vehicles that had followed in the rear had also blown up and disappeared without a trace due to the continuous explosion of their shells, with only a part of their debris strewn messily on top of the road.

“Damn fools! Corean bastards…”

The head of the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division, Major General Nakashima Tetsuya, came out from the lead tank and roared as he looked at the horrifying scene of his own army’s forces that had been burned. However, the real unhappiness of this unit led by Major General Nakashima was about to begin. High in the sky, 5 kilometers from the battlefront, several lights blinked and then flew towards them at an incredible speed. They were the eight CB-30P Phoenix ground assault fighters and four CF/A-25P Black Phoenix bomber planes that had departed from the Kimhae 23rd Fighter Wing to assist the landing assault group.

“What’s that?”

Major General Nakashima gave an order over his division’s communications to switch to antiaircraft defense. But the air forces from Corea took full advantage of the fact that the Self-Defense Forces had neglected air defense due to the surprise attack of their special forces, and their air-to-surface attack left no time for Japan’s forces to switch.

Craash~ Booom~ Booom~

The 60 millimeter Activated Charcoal Plasma rockets attached on both wings of the Phoenix ground assault fighters burst out consecutively. As the road was totally blocked by burning tanks due to the prior attack by the special forces, the 8th Mechanized Infantry division’s tanks and carrier vehicles were confronted by a situation where they were unable to even go forward or backward, and so they ended up taking the attack of oncoming missiles and rocket bombs full on.

Pheeew~ Pheew~

Booooom~ Booooom~

Craash~ Craaash!

All of the air-to-surface missiles, 60-millimeter Activated Charcoal Plasma rockets, and 22-millimeter laser Vulcan beams ceaselessly and ruthlessly struck over the entirety of the long road. The Javelin gunners of the fraction of Self-Defense Forces troops who had gotten out of their tanks were unable to fire successfully, as if due to the intense terror that came upon them. As a result, they were unable to shoot even one plane down, and in fact ended up taking the full blast of the rockets and having their bodies torn apart, dying instantly.

The spectacle of violence that occurred on that road ended only after the Phoenix fighters and Black Phoenix bombers had dropped every single weapon they had prepared. After they completed their mission and left the 204th Road, the smell of gunpowder was heavy in the air, and dark red flames were pouring out of the tanks and combat vehicles, brightly lighting up the area. The corpses of Self-Defense Force troops who had burned to death were sprawled around the area.

At that moment, C-24-N amphibious assault vehicles entered the waters off of Neshiko with the protection of WAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon attack helicopters, and once they arrived, the marines of the Second Marine Division disembarked and seized the area around the coast.

* * *

February 11, 2021 06:00

The waters 15 kilometers off of the northeastern edge of Hamada, Shimane Prefecture, Honshu, Japan (53rd Landing Group)

One hour after the landing operation had begun, the marines that had received the protection of the WAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon attack helicopters and disembarked from their K-24P-N amphibious assault vehicles on the coast of the northeastern edge of Hamada had occupied up to 2 kilometers from the frontline, and even the LST tank landing ship that had departed with the 53rd Landing Group had arrived on the beach, and the main battle tank of the 3rd Marine Division, the C-3 White Tiger, made an appearance and shot out even stronger firepower throughout the entire area.


Then, KUH-M50 Super Surion mobile helicopters were boarded by the marines and flew through the sky to the southwest to take control of the Port of Hamada.

The entire area of the beach was not exactly a fitting place for the huge carrier ships and civilian vessels that had come along with the 53rd Landing Group to anchor. As such, the Naval Command Center of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had planned to use the special forces and mobile helicopters that had already infiltrated the territory to take over Hamada’s port and then use a crane to unload the various tanks and other vehicles that were carried by the carrier ships and civilian vessels.

An hour later, as the sun was gradually beginning to grow brighter at the northern edge of Hamada’s beach, a part of the C-3 White Tiger tanks that belonged to the First Marine Mobile Division that had left their ships each let out their full engine sound and moved toward the upper section of the beach, and in the water, C-24P-N amphibious assault ships moved along the coast with the carrier ships, carrying the four Airborne Divisions. On one spot of the beach, thousands of special forces troops that had left their ships were standing in full uniform in neat rows.

Meanwhile, at the center of the beach, all the leaders who were participating in this landing operation had met at the temporary barracks that had been provided and held a simple discussion about their next operation.

The commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force in Japan for this operation and Commander of the Marines, Brigadier General Lee Hoon-sang, looked at his chief of staff and tossed out a question. Then, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Lieutenant General Yoon Hong-gyu, who had come along with the commander, answered.

“How is the situation in Hamada?”

“Sir, currently we have smoothly taken the port with the special forces and marine troops from the mobile helicopter battalions, and we are now planning to begin to unload all war materials.”

“Tell them once again to be doubly sure not to let down their guard until the unloading is complete.”

“Yes, I understand, Mr. Commander sir.”

“What about the activity of the Army Self-Defense Force?”

“Yes sir, currently, the base of the 13th Mechanized Infantry Brigade stationed at Aki in Hiroshima Prefecture has begun to mobilize, and are now moving north on Hiroshima’s 433rd Road. As for their subordinate forces, it has just been confirmed to us that reconnaissance satellites have detected the 8th Tank Regiment stationed in Yonago, which is now moving rapidly westward, sir.”

“Their distance and ETA?”

“The 13th Mechanized Infantry Brigade base is a straight distance of 65 kilometers away, and 128 kilometers by road travel. It appears they will arrive at the combat area in around three hours. The 8th Tank Regiment is a straight distance of 71 kilometers away, and 83 kilometers traveling by road. They will arrive at the battlespace in at least two hours.”

“Two hours and three hours then, would we have any problems getting all our Airborne Division troops off of their ships in three hours?”

“Yes sir, that is sufficient. It would be possible for them all to disembark in two hours, sir.”

“Excellent! Then have the Third Marine Division’s search tank battalion leave first to face the 8th Tank Regiment. Then I want the leaders of the Airborne Divisions to move quickly to their previously determined locations as soon as the disembarking process is complete,” Brigadier General Lee Hoon-sang looked at the four leaders of the Airborne Divisions as he said this.

“I understand, Mr. Commander.”

“Don’t worry, sir. We will move quickly.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Commander.”

“Understood, Comrade Commander, sir.”

Two of the four Airborne divisions participating in this upcoming operation composed of soldiers who came out of the former North Korean Special Forces Corps, and were veteran North Korean generals.

“Minister Yoon.”

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“Yes, Mr. Commander.”

“Has the report been sent up about the landing operation on the coast of Neshiko?”

“I will tell you the content of the report that came in 10 minutes ago, sir. The landing by the forces of the Second Marine Division and the Sixth Marine Brigade have been completed, and they are now in the midst of removing all the equipment. Also, the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division has taken a significant blow from the surprise attack of the 11th Squadron of the First Airborne Special Forces Brigade, as well as a bombardment by ground attack fighters planes.”

“This is a good indication right from the start! Right! Well then, let’s all finish this landing operation from each of our locations.”

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