21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 242 - Book 10 Chapter 3-1 A Time for Decisive Action: The Clash!

Chapter 242: Book 10 Chapter 3-1 A Time for Decisive Action: The Clash!


February 14th, 2021, 13:30

Downtown Saga at Kyushu, Japan

The 500 protestors who saw the Corean marines took over the 8-lane road and ran towards them while screaming fiercely. Many also started to wave the Japanese imperialist flag. The marines attempted to control the crowd and went into a defensive formation in the middle of the road.

The two groups were 50m away from each other and the eight marines were to face off against 500 protestors. Corporal Jo Jun-hyng, the squadron’s arms man, changed the A battery pack in his SC3 laser mini machine gun to the B1 battery pack and placed his index finger on the trigger to prepare for the worst.

Sergeant Song Gi-chul, who had been watching the protestors with his shield glasses in infrared mode, saw men with firearms in the middle of the crowd.

“Sir, multiple armed men are at the center of the protestors. There are at least 40 of them!”

“What? Prepare your arms! Put on the gas masks and prepare the teargas. Corporal Youn, contact HQ! There are armed protestors here!”

“Yes, sir.”

-This is Seal 3! This is Seal 3! 500 protestors have appeared at the event hall. Road 264, 33°15’33.29″N, 130°17’35.13″E, a few of them are armed. Requesting back up!

-This is Seal Nest! ETA for back up 10 minutes.

-This is Seal 3! Confirmed, over!

“Back up will arrive in 10 minutes, commander.”

“All right.”

The marine squad swiftly put on their mini gas masks, while the two men in charge of firearms had fastened a tripod to the ground and prepared to fire. The remaining seven marines each pulled out a tear gas canister.

“Private Oh!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Tell the protestors to disband immediately! Also, have the armed ones drop their weapons and come forward with their hands up!”

“Yes, sir.”

Private Oh Gil-sung moved forward and raised his right hand to signal the crowd to stop. Then, he shouted in Japanese.

“All protestors are to stop! If you do not disband, we will consider you all as conducting military actions and fire. All armed men are to raise their hands and surrender!”

The crowd did not back down but moved forward while screaming at them.

“Private Oh, step back! Squadron! Deploy the tear gas and then take out the armed men first by using infrared vision. Fire!”

The seven tear gas canisters flew in an arc and fell towards the protestors, and the gas immediately began to spread. The protestors all dispersed to avoid the gas, and the armed men also started to disperse as well.

When the marines started to fire at the armed men with their firearms, they started falling like leaves. The armed men hiding behind the crowd also started to retaliate.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The armed men were terrible shots since the tear gas had lowered their visibility. They even shot their fellow protestors by accident.

Sparks flew when the bullets started to hit the road. Private Hong Jung-pyo, who was firing his rifle in the middle of the road, was struck on his helmet and fell.


Then, the sound of a heavy gunshot rang across the area.

“Sniper! Everyone, retreat and take cover.”

As the squad commander gave the order, Sergeant Song Gil-chul came up to Private Hong and checked on him.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, sir!”

“Then get up! Do you want to be turned into a corpse?”

“Yes, sir.”

Private Hong fixed his helmet when he heard Sergeant Song, and ran towards the building on the other side of the road. The sergeant followed him as well.


A powerful shock rang across Sergeant Song Gi-chul’s back as he ran along in a lowered position. He did not want to fall and look like a fool in front of his subordinate, so he rolled forward to absorb the shock and ran towards the wall of the building at full speed.

“That’s where the bastard is hiding!”

Corporal Na Il-hwan, the sniper in the squadron, was watching the scene from behind a Nissan car with his shield glasses in infrared mode.

“Sniper’s location has been found! Our 1 o’clock! The 8th floor’s 3rd window at the 16-story building 850m from us!” Corporal Na Il-hwan had alerted the squadron about the location of the enemy sniper through the radio. He took a deep breath and got into position. He pulled the trigger after two seconds.

The laser beam from the CS14 laser sniper rifle flew straight to the target. With the pull of the trigger, the corporal saw the head of the enemy sniper snapping back.

“Bingo! I got him!”

The marines were now able to move around more freely and started to actively fight against the enemy.

The curtain of tear gas smoke covered the area. Both sides were spraying bullets and laser beams at each other relentlessly, but the armed men in the crowd of protestors started to fall, hands covering their chest or face.

Bang bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang bang!

When the marines thought they had taken out most of the armed men, another group of armed forces emerged from the rear and started to fire their automatic rifles.

“Sergeant Song!”

“Yes, commander!”

“Our 6! Have your team take them on!”

“Yes, sir.”

Sergeant Song Gi-chul took his 3 men, ran towards the building at the intersection’s corner, and fired back.

A 30mm grenade had flown over and went off in front of Sergeant Song. Luckily, he was not hit by the shrapnel, but the multiple rounds going off made the marines stop their attack for a moment.

“These guys are no joke.”

Sergeant Song Gi-chul wiped the dust from the shield glasses with his sleeves and checked his surroundings.

“Wait a minute. Are they U.S soldiers?”

Sergeant Song Gi-chul saw the armed men wearing the U.S military uniforms. They seemed to be U.S. marines stationed in Japan.

“So, the Yanks have finally entered the battle.”

-Commander! The armed forces at our rear are U.S. marines.

-U.S. marines?

-Yes, sir! It seems to be the men from the 12th Marine Aerial Forces stationed at Iwakuni base.

-It doesn’t matter if they are U.S. Marines! Take them out!

-Yes, sir.

Sergeant Kim Il-ho, the squadron commander finished speaking to Sergeant Song on the radio and signaled his men to fire.

Single and repeated rounds started to fly at once. Dozens of light beams engulfed the U.S. marines.

The U.S. marines wore interceptor vests that were capable of withstanding 7.62mm rounds. However, they were no match for the 5mm and 8mm laser rounds. The lasers pierced through the vests and their bodies.

Smack! Smack! Smack smack!

The U.S. marines fell at once from the laser beams they had never seen before. The survivors had split into two groups and hid behind the buildings.

* * *

February 14th, 2021, 14:10

The plains 3km southeast of Saga prefecture at Kyushu, Japan

The 5th Mobile Strike battalion was preparing to cross the Chikugo River while 15 fully armed WAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon choppers were hovering in a line, preparing to attack.

Colonel Kim In-hyuck, the Magpie Viper regiment’s commander, was watching the scene from his command vehicle when the operations director spoke to him.

“Commander! The navy’s aerial forces are requesting the time of attack again.”

Colonel Kim In-hyuck gave the order after checking his watch. “The current time is 14:15! We will give order to our air forces to attack after 5 minutes, at 14:20. After 10 minutes, we will cross the river starting with the 5th strike force.”

“Yes, sir. I will alert the navy.”

-This is the Magpie Viper regiment HQ! The aerial forces are to begin their attack in 5 minutes at 14:20.

-This is Seafowl 1! Roger!

The 15 WAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon choppers slowly raised their altitude and started to prepare for the offensive. HQ had also given the order to the mobile strike forces on the ground to mobilize. The 68 K-23P-M armored vehicles revved up their engines and started to cross the river.

The WAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon choppers had flown past the Chikugo River while slowly raising their altitude. When they had crossed the river, they split into flight wings and started to attack the 42nd armored regiment on the ground based on the intelligence they received from conducting reconnaissance.

Hellfire rained down on the 42nd armored regiment that had thought to have camouflaged itself thoroughly.

The 20-round 50mm plasma cluster rounds equipped on the wings of the Peregrine Falcon chopper flew towards the ground repeatedly.

Boom! Bang! Boom! Boom!

A large pillar of flame rose, and shrapnel began to fly everywhere. Also, the Type 10 tanks that had been struck by the plasma cluster rounds were engulfed by flames and met their fate. The surviving tanks had left their stations and started to retreat.

While dozens of flame pillars were rising from the plains past the Chikugo River, the two strike battalions under the Magpie Viper regiment had gotten into position and began fording the river.

The floatation bags at the sides expanded and kept the light but defensive armored vehicle afloat. The vehicles were only 18 tons so it was easy for them to stay afloat. Also, the powerful water jet’s thrust had allowed them to move at a speed that matched an amphibious vehicle’s and cross the river quickly.

When the armored vehicles had reached the middle of the Chikugo River, a loud noise came from the sky and a pillar of water rose from the river.

The 8th armored division’s two artillery battalions had been waiting for the enemy to ford the river. When they had reached the mid-point, the artillery forces had started to fire their Type 99 cannons 25km from the rear.

The 155mm Type 99 cannons had a short range of 30km and were equipped with a low-powered engine. So, it had the disadvantage of limited mobility and a high price tag. In 2002, 16 units were deployed to the field, and about 78 units were produced each year. In 2016, production had been increased significantly and most of the artillery forces were now operating them.

The 24 Type 99 cannons from the two battalions started to fire 18 DP-ICM rounds every three minutes. The rounds started to spray its bomblets at the K-23P-M armored vehicles.

Boom! Bang!

Small explosions occurred at the top turret of the K-23P-M armored vehicles. Black and red flames engulfed them.

Since they were not on the ground, but in the water, they were unable to make evasive maneuvers.

“We cross at maximum speed.” The battalion and company commander’s orders started to come in haphazardly through the communication line. The regiment commander requested for an aerial strike against the artillery battalion to the navy’s air force.

Vroooom! Vroooooo!

The water jet engines started to roar and pushed the armored vehicles forward. When they arrived on the shore, the flotation devices collapsed and started to move on the ground. The 15mm DP-ICM rounds raining down on them decreased as well. The Peregrine Falcon choppers had taken down the Type 10 tanks equipped with the Type 99 cannons.

The K-23P-M armored vehicles moved towards the battlefield at top speed. They started to fire their 50mm photon rounds at the fleeing Type 10 tanks.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

The photon rounds struck the rear of the Type 10 tanks. Some of the Type 10 tanks were hit on the engine and exploded. The other Type 10 tanks kept moving while on fire and started to crash into the hills and flip over.

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Meanwhile, the Peregrine Falcon choppers had infiltrated the rear of the enemy’s position. An alarm alerting that they had been locked on by an enemy’s radar started to ring. The choppers stopped their assault on the ground and sprayed chaffs and flare while making evasive maneuvers.

Numerous missiles flew past the Seagull flight wing’s choppers as they made evasive maneuvers. However, Seagull 4 was hit and had crashed.


The 7th fleet’s Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) aircraft carrier had deployed four EA-18G Growler jets, and 12 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet jets to fire their AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. They were undetected by the air force’s strategic command and the aerial space force’s satellites due to the EA-18G Growler jet’s powerful disruptive waves and low altitude of 5m above the ocean surface.

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