21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 250 - Book 10 Chapter 4-2 A Time for Decisive Action: Sleeping with the Enemy!

Chapter 250: Book 10 Chapter 4-2 A Time for Decisive Action: Sleeping with the Enemy!


President Putin was pleased with the handoff of Hokkaido but was more interested in the documents detailing the railgun technology being used by the Americans.

Russia knew that the 128MJ railguns being used by the U.S. military was a serious threat against Russia and its military after finding out about it through the SVR (foreign intelligence agency). The nation had attempted to build its own, but it was still in the early stages of development.

However, America had already finished development and had placed the rail guns on their Zumwalt class destroyers and was now working on additional developments to add the rail guns to other military equipment as well. Also, the M4 Warthog, America’s next-generation tank, was being fitted with the 16MJ class rail guns after finishing testing. Now, the tanks were undergoing mass production.

Since the rail gun was a versatile weapon that could be applied to numerous military equipment, it would drastically widen the gap between America and Russia in military power based on traditional weaponry alone. Russia would be unable to win against America if they fought each other with traditional weapons excluding nuclear bombs.

“Corea has the rail gun technology that America has deployed onto the field?” President Putin smiled with a pleased look on his face but also showed disbelief.

“Of course we do. My secretary is very knowledgeable on the subject. With your permission, I can give you the details with his aid.”

“Is that so? Very well.”

As soon as President Putin finished speaking, the bodyguard standing at the door opened it and called over Vice Minister Nam’s aid nearby.

A young and tidy looking man came into the room and bowed politely, then sat next to Vice Minister Nam Won-il.

“Secretary Hong! Please give us a presentation about the rail gun.”

The young man was researcher Hong Suk-yeon, a member of the 17th fighter wing’s underground research facility’s rail gun research department. He was the staff member capable of speaking Russian, so he had come with Vice Minister Nam Won-il as his aid for this meeting. Researcher Hong pulled out a laptop from his bag and spoke while switching it on.

“Is there a cable to a screen I could connect the laptop to? It would be easier to explain if I could show everyone what’s on the screen as well.”

The secretaries sitting behind President Putin brought out a large TV and a cable connected to it. When the TV screen lit up a moment later, researcher Hong cleared his throat and started the briefing about the railgun.

President Putin and the high-ranking government officials seated on the sides started to watch intently with glistening eyes.

Twenty minutes had passed after Secretary Hong finished his briefing. When he sat back down on his chair, President Putin and the other government officials all applauded him happily. When the mood became bright, Vice Minister Nam Won-il started to speak about the requests he wanted to discuss with Russia.

“Mr. President, handing off the rail gun development technology is just the start. If our two nations’ alliance becomes deeper, our president promises to cooperate and share more technologies in development. The thing is, sir, I have a request.”

“Is that so? What is it? Do tell.”

* * *

February 15th, 2021, 05:20

Seoul Yongsan-ku B2 bunker (ROK military joint command center)

The joint chief of staff was observing the movements of the ICBM based on the data being sent in by the aerospace force command. Chairman Kang Ui-sik and the other military commanders were all watching the screen anxiously.

“Fifty-five rounds of Russia’s RT-2PM Topol ICBMs are slowly reaching the terminal phase! Their routes are unchanged.”

On the main screen of the command center, 55 red lines starting from south-central Russia was still moving in an arc after reaching their peak. They were now moving towards Corea.

“What’s the ETA of impact?” Lieutenant General Kim Yong-hyun, the operations director asked.

“Nine minutes and 21 seconds, sir,” the operator answered him immediately.

Lieutenant General Kim Yong-hyun glanced at Chairman Kang Ui-sik. The chairman nodded instead of answering. Lieutenant General Kim gave the order to the communications operators as planned.

“Contact the missile force’s command headquarters!”

“Contacting the tactical missiles forces HQ, sir,” the communications operator repeated the lieutenant general’s orders and gave out additional orders to his fellow operators. The operators started to manipulate the console’s keyboard with deft typing.

“We have connected the missile force’s HQ on screen 5, sir.” With the communications director’s report, the commander of the missile forces, Lieutenant General Park Young-gyu showed up on screen 5.

“Sir! This is Lieutenant General Park Young-gyu, the commander of the missile forces.”

“Good work out there, lieutenant general! Commence operation ‘Mt. Fuji’s Big Bang’!”

Vice-chairman Choi Ho-il, who was seated next to Chairman Kang, gave the order to Commander Park himself.

The newly created aerospace forces and the tactical missile forces after the military reorganizations were commanded by two vice-chairmen of the joint chief of staff who additionally held the positions along with their original one.

Vice-chairman Shin Sung-yong would act as the commander of the aerospace command while Vice-chairman Choi Ho-il would act as commander of the tactical missile command. However, Vice-chairman Choi Ho-il had given the order as the vice-chairman of the joint chief of staff’s military authority.

Corea currently had a military authority after being unified, but there was no actual chain of command.

*Military administration: The military’s internal chain of command that includes budget, logistics, HR, drafting, weaponry, reserves, and other military bureaucracy. Orders would go through the President, Minister of National Defense, and given to each military branch’s headquarters. Then, the commanders of each military branch would give the orders to their respective subordinate forces. (Chain of command: The President → Minister of National Defense → Commanders of the army, navy, and air force).

*Military authority: The actual authority to conduct an operation that would be coming from the President, through the Minister of National Defense, then to each military commander. The command of operations was unified with the joint chief of staff, and each subordinate force would then command their own men. The chairman of the joint chief of staff would receive orders from the Minister of National Defense and command the three branches of the military after holding a meeting. (Chain of command: The President → Minister of National Defense → Chairman and Vice chairmen of the joint chief of staff → The army’s navy’s, air force’s and marine’s commanders).

“Commencing operation ‘Mt. Fuji’s Big Bang,’ sir.”

The lieutenant general saluted and then disappeared from the screen. Then, the missile launching vehicles under the missile forces placed across Corea started to fire their missiles at Japan.

Blue lines started to rise from Corea on the main screen. They drew an arc and started to spread and head towards Japan. There were 180 Hyunmu-2E2 ICBMs and the Hyunmu-PIP IRBMs in total, each with a range of 1,800km and 5,000km. The missiles had an 800kg and 1.5t warhead and all were equipped with plasma cluster rounds with a considerable amount of firepower.

* * *

February 15th, 2021, 05:20 (U.S.T the 14th, 15:20)

The Pentagon, Arlington Virginia, U.S.A. (Underground bunker command center)

The Corean President’s national address on the night of the 13th had shocked the White House and the military commanders of the Pentagon. Corea had responded more actively against America’s declaration of war than they expected. The Pentagon had expected as much, but they did not expect Corea to respond with such detail and tarnish America’s reputation in the international community.

As the international press’s piercing gaze was on them, the reason given by America for the two nations warring against each other had been turned to fake news. The sudden ICBM launches made by Russia had the Pentagon hold a meeting with the defense secretary John Wayne and military commanders in attendance.

The numerous military satellites watching Corea’s skies had all been destroyed by unknown causes, so the GEO 8 satellite surveying the Middle East had been sent in as a replacement. The GEO 8 satellite acted as an early warning satellite and was placed not above Corea’s skies but rather at Guam on a geostationary orbit to watch the ongoings. However, since the distance was considerable, the detection capabilities of the satellite were lacking. The ICBMs fired by Russia were only detected 10 minutes after they reached their secondary phase.

The center screen installed on the joint command center showed 55 Russian ICBMs as red dots approaching Northeast Asia.

Secretary of Defense John Wayne frowned and spoke in an angry one. “Why are the Russians launching ICBMs? What are they planning?”

The 100 military commanders present could not give a clear answer to Secretary John Wayne’s question. The reason was this: Japan’s Minister of Defense Shibasaki had reported about successfully making a military alliance with Russia. Therefore, the U.S. military had not considered Russia making military movements during the war. However, the sudden ICBM launches had caught the U.S. military officials off guard. The intelligence agencies and the military focused on trying to figure out Russia’s intentions. In short, America had been caught with their pants down, thanks to Japan.

“I would like to brief everyone about the current situation, sir,” Lieutenant General Larry Formica, the commander of the U.S. Army’s aerospace and missile defense headquarters, started the briefing.

“Currently Russia has launched their RT-2PM Topol ICBMs from the 23rd missile division stationed at southcentral Kansk. The missile’s NATO name is the SS-25 Sickle. It has a range of 11,500km and is a multi-warhead each holding three warheads. 55 rounds have been launched and they have reached their secondary phase and now reaching the terminal phase of the launch, sir.”

“Have we confirmed their targeted location?” Secretary John Wayne asked again.

“Based on our super computer’s calculations, the targets are Japan’s entire military facilities.”

“Japan? Not Corea? What the hell was the whole military alliance that bastard Shibasaki told us about? If these missiles are nuclear, then it will be the start of a third world war, damn it!” Secretary of Defense John Wayne responded angrily while Lieutenant General Larry Formica’s briefing continued.

“Now that we have confirmed the missiles’ targets, the THAAD artillery forces at Japan’s Yokoda base as well as the 11th and 7th carrier strike groups at sea are all standing by to intercept the missiles, sir.”

Soon Russia’s ICBMs started to go into inertial navigation and entered into their terminal phase. The warheads were now slowly detaching, so it was time for the THAAD artillery forces stationed at Japan to strike.

* * *

February 15th, 2021, 05:20

The Shinyokoda bunker at Chiba Prefecture, Honshu, Japan

Japan had had its anti-air radar system collapsed. So, when they heard about ICBMs from Russia heading towards Japan targeting areas across the entire nation from Lieutenant General Bruce Wright, the commander of the U.S. armed forces in Japan, the entire bunker was in chaos.

A few days ago, Russia had made a military alliance and agreed to attack Corea whenever Japan made the request. However, things were going in the opposite direction of the agreement.

“Minister Shibasaki! What happened? Didn’t you say Russia was our ally?”

Minister Shibasaki was panicking and could not answer with a shocked look on his face.

“Stop making faces, and give me an answer. Minister Shibasaki!”

“I, I am sorry, sir.”

“Nothing is going according to plan, my god!”

“I will speak with Russia’s Minister of Defense myself, sir.”

Minister Shibasaki bowed his head low and hurried out of the temporary prime minister’s office. He attempted to contact Minister Mikhail Ivanov through the hotline at the command center.

The phone rang a few times before a young woman’s voice came through the line.

-The Minister of Defense’s secretary’s office.

“This is Japan’s Minister of Defense Shibasaki. I would like to speak with Minister Ivanov.”

-One moment, please.

Ten seconds passed before the young woman could be heard again through the line.

-The minister is attending to urgent matters, so he is unable to speak on the phone.

“Listen. If things go awry, then a third world war could break out. So, please let me speak with the vice minister.”

-I am sorry. The entire ministry is on alert, so speaking on the phone further seems difficult. I apologize.


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“Hello. Hello!”


Minister Shibasaki was enraged when Russia’s ministry hung up and threw the receiver to the ground.

“Those Russian bastards!”

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