Chapter 27: Book 2 Chapter 1-1 Rise of Korea!: Pandora’s Box

November 1st, 2016 15:30. Choon Choongbook Chungju-si 17th Fighter Wing X-1 Underground Lab (UFO Research Facility).

A week ago, Namgoong-won saw the unidentified object on the third floor of the basement and felt a shock he would never forget in his lifetime. The spaceship looked magnificent, as if it would be out of a Sci-Fi movie. The exterior was constructed from a likable, black metallic material.

The new, shocking experience gave Namgoong-won, Dr. Lee Su-jin, and the rest of the researchers the energy to work six consecutive days and nights to edit the interlocking protocol program and create an environment for the first testing. Dozens of researchers were examining the testing, and some were swallowing hard, clenching their fists, and waiting with nervous eyes.

Namgoong-won checked the four hypersonic emitting devices and the amplifying console lines for the last time, and then he connected the laptop to the console’s connecting dock. Namgoong-won took a deep breath and began typing away at his keyboard after booting up the program.

After spending so much time in development, it was a historical moment where the interlocking protocol program was being used for the first time.

‘Please work! I beg you,’ Namgoong-won thought. He muttered to himself in his head as he typed away at the keyboard. Finally, he input the last execution command and pressed enter.



A moment later, the alien spaceship began to emit the sound of a booting up laptop and lights of many colors; the alien spaceship, which had not made the slightest movement for many months, began to operate as if it was supplied with power.


“It’s moving. Something’s working.”

“Look, look at those lights! Isn’t it great?”

“Wow! Namgoong-won! It’s a success, success! Ha, ha, ha.”

The dozens of researchers and some bodyguards at the scene raised their hands in excitement, and the entire facility celebrated.

November 2nd, 2016 09:00. Seoul Jong-ro ku Blue House President’s Conference Room.

“It’s a call from Dr. Lee Su-jin, Mr. President.”

“Yes, put her on the line.”

The President was working on his tasks for the morning after breakfast when he first heard from Dr. Lee Su-jin. It was the first time in three months that he had heard from the 17th Fighter Wing underground facility about the results from the research.

“Have you been well, sir? This is Dr. Lee Su-jin.”

“Yes, I have been. Are you as well?”

“Yes, I’ve called you because we obtained tangible results today.”

“Oh! Did our research reach some fruition? I’m curious.”

“It’s still in the beginning stages, but we’ve started to figure out how the spacecraft operates. It reacted to researcher Namgoong-won’s interlocking protocol program.”

“Is that so? Ha, ha, ha. I knew you would succeed, Dr. Lee. Great work. Also, please send my regards to Namgoong-won. We have only scratched the surface. I’ll do my best to aid you, should you request for more funds or human resources.”

“Yes, thank you, Mr. President.”

“The scientific, technological power of Korea is in your hands, Dr. Lee. As a citizen of this nation before my title as President, I beg you to give all you have.”

“I will try to achieve more as soon as possible.”

“Yes, I’ll put my faith in you, Dr. Lee.”

“Yes, thank you, Mr. President! I’ll send in an official report of the first results as soon as we organize the data.”

“Don’t rush it, and please take your time. Isn’t there a proverb: ‘slow and steady wins the race?’ Again, great work. I hope to hear from you soon.”

“Yes, understood, Mr. President.”

After he finished the phone call, the President ordered his secretary to call the Minister of Defense, the NIS Secretary, and the National Security Director.

November 2nd, 2016 10:30. Choongbook Chungju-si 17th Fighter Wing Underground Research Facility.

When Namgoong-won analyzed his hacked data from Area 51, he learned about the aliens, their spaceships, and that hypersonic waves functioned as the method for their communication and controlling the spacecraft. He finished making various command codes to control the hypersonic waves with his protocol program.

Had Namgoong-won not been able to obtain the 60 years’ worth of data on researching the aliens from Area 51, then this significant fact would not have been known, and no results about researching this alien spacecraft would have been made for 50 years based on Korea’s current technological capabilities.

The underground research facility in the 17th Fighter Wing prepared to move to the second stage of the experiment after activation of the spacecraft was complete. They sealed off the third basement floor to prevent any air from the outside from seeping in, as they wanted to check the inside of the ship. Namgoong-won, other researchers from the 17th Fighter Wing, and some of the commanding officers from the military police selected to guard the facility were wearing hazmat suits and preparing to open the ship’s entrance.

Woosh. Woosh.

Many of the researchers were busily moving about; they were making the final diagnostics to the hypersonic equipment as the alien spacecraft was emitting mechanical sounds and lights.

“Researcher Namgoong-won. The hypersonic equipment, its amplifiers, and connecting cables are all clear.”

“Yes! Let’s begin then.”

Namgoong won typed away at his keyboard after executing his program on the laptop. He selected and input a few command codes. A moment later, the four installed speakers began to emit hypersonic waves that were inaudible to humans, and finally the entrance to the spacecraft began to open.


The ship vibrated, then emitted mechanical sounds and white vapors. The hatch, which seemed to be the ship’s entrance, began to open slowly and dropped down.

The military police agents were heavily armed and were in a position to fire their weapons towards the entrance, prepared for the worst. Dr. Lee Su-jin slowly checked the internals of the ship with a scanner for unknown viruses. A few minutes passed, and when the conclusion came that there were no harmful viruses present, the military police agents slowly began to enter the ship.

“First floor entrance clear.”

“First floor 3’o’clock partition area, clear.”

“First floor 9’o’clock partition area, clear.”

“First floor 12’o’clock partition area, clear.”

Namgoong-won and the other researchers could not take their eyes off the screen showing the footage from the military police agents’ cameras installed on their helmets. The inside of the ship was so clean and well-made.

Captain Oh Joo-hwan of the military police, who was at the lead, alerted everyone with his radio headset, “Stairway found leading to the second floor.”

The other military police agents all pointed their rifles towards the staircase leading to the second floor, anticipating surrounding the area. After Captain Oh Joo-hwan gave the order, two of the agents with cameras installed on their helmets began to slowly walk up the stairway with their guns ready. The two agents who made it upstairs began nervously checking their sides and radioed in with their headsets. “Second floor entrance clear.”

The rest of the agents climbed up.

The second floor, being filmed by the camera, had more complex internal structures than the first one. The most curious objects were the four capsule-like structures installed side by side. After a few minutes had passed, Captain Oh Joo-hwan spoke on the radio. “We’ve secured the second floor. You may come up, Dr. Lee.”

Namgoong-won and Dr. Lee Su-jin, who were nervously looking at the monitor and listening to Captain Oh Joo-hwan, headed for the entrance and instructed Researcher Hwang Gook-jin. “Senior Hwang, I want you to capture every single thing, starting from the entrance.”

“Yes, Dr. Lee.”

After passing a short hallway from the entrance where there was a partitioned area with three pathways, in the center there was a circular stairway connected to the second floor. Namgoong-won and Dr. Lee Su-jin arrived on the second floor and walked towards the capsule-like structures. The four capsules were 2.5 meters in length and 1 meter in width. Namgoong-won thought the capsules seemed as if aliens would reside there and tried to examine the structure despite it being opaque.

“What is this? Could there be an alien lifeform inside this?”

Dr. Lee answered as if she had the same thought as Namgoong-won. “There could be a chance…”

“Shall we open it, Dr. Lee?”

Namgoong-won looked for a button to open the capsule as he asked the question, and he found a strangely marked object resembling a button on the side of the capsule.

“I think this would be the button to operate the capsule?”

Dr. Lee Su-jin glanced at the button Namgoong-won spoke of and shook her head. The military police agents began to aim their rifles at the capsule and got into formation to fire just in case. Chief Researcher Hwang Gook-jin also pointed his camera to capture footage.

“I’m, I’m going to press it,” Namgoong-won stuttered nervously as he pressed the button.



When they pressed the button, a white smoke plumed out along with a mechanical whirring, and the capsule’s lid began to split open. Namgoong-won, Dr. Lee Su-jin, and the military police agents all could not speak out of shock from seeing an alien they had never seen before.

Inside the capsule was a brown-skinned, slightly hideous alien. It appeared 2.2 meters tall.

Sergeant First Class Ahn Gil-jun of the military police spoke with an open mouth out of shock, “I’m at a loss for words for actually seeing an alien we’d only see in the movies…”

Chief Researcher Hwang Gook-jin also chimed in, “You’re right. I feel like the director of a Sci-Fi movie. Ha, ha, ha.”

Dr. Lee Su-jin placed a brainwave detector on the alien to check whether it was asleep or dead and began testing; however, there were no responses. Thus, the alien was dead inside the capsule.

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“There’s no response. I think it’s dead.”

Namgoong-won looked at the other capsule and considered Dr. Lee Su-jin’s words. “Should we open the other capsules then?”

“Yes, we must check all of them.”

Namgoong-won opened the rest of the capsules, but all the aliens were dead. The question of why the aliens had died inside the capsule was a mystery to be solved later.

The underground research facility’s staff, who checked the internals of the ship, were in high hopes; this spacecraft’s innards could lead to new technology that could completely change the future of Korea, so the facility’s atmosphere seemed lively like a party.

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