Chapter 29: Book 2 Chapter 1-3 Rise of Korea!: Pandora’s Box

November 7th 2016, 11:00. Choongbook Chungju-si 17th Fighter Wing Underground Research Facility X-1 Lab (Alien Spacecraft Lab).

Namgoong-won spent his days inside the ship’s second floor, and he spent his nights at his own lab to develop the mutual interlocking hypersonic wave protocol program. He spent four days struggling with the data he hacked from Area 51. Today, as usual, he pulled another all-nighter and headed to the spaceship lab with his laptop and the portable hypersonic wave receptor that Dr. Lee Su-jin provided for him in a dazed state. A moment later, Namgoong-won used the password card on the entrance reader and entered the lab.

‘Please work today! I can’t pull any more all-nighters. Please, I beg you,’ he thought.

Namgoong-won was agnostic, but the limit he felt in his health made him want to pray to every god he knew in existence: God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and others. He connected the laptop to the hypersonic wave receptor, typed some lines on the keyboard, and stared at the monitor.

Silence was the only reaction he got. After a few minutes, Namgoong-won muttered angrily, “Another failure? My god, I’m going to lose it.”

Namgoong-won felt fatigue rush over him when he thought he had failed. He decided to just take a shower and go to sleep after shutting down the program, but at that instant, a hypersonic wave cycle showed up, lines began fluctuating wildly on the monitor, and data began pouring in.

Be Beep, Beep, Beeeeeeeeeep

The fatigue crushing down on him washed away when Namgoong-won saw the data crashing in, and he came back to his senses. He began typing on the keyboard again. How much time had passed? Namgoong-won began converting the wild data to Korean and slowly began reading the contents.

-This is the crash-landed Rose Ferry Expedition ship on the Sonia planet two billion lightyears away from the Splith planet, space coordinates are 10-501-22, planet coordinates X:39-15, Y:122-22, we are requesting rescue….

-This is the crash-landed Rose Ferry Expedition ship on the Sonia planet two billion lightyears away from the Splith planet…

‘Could this be a rescue signal being sent from the alien spacecraft itself?’ Namgoong-won thought.

When Namgoong-won thought the signal was a repeating rescue signal, he brought out the hypersonic wave amplifier’s connector line, connected it to the laptop at the speed of light, and began typing command codes. The message he sent out was a question: ‘Who is sending out this signal?’ A moment later, the hyperonic waves began fluctuating again and data appeared on the laptop.

-I am the main system of the Rose Ferry ship Hocula…I am currently operating at 32% capacity due to a system error…

‘Hocula? That must be the name of the main system in the ship,’ Namgoong-won thought.

Namgoong-won began typing another question with this thought in mind. “Hocula! What is your identity, and what is the Rose Ferry Expedition ship’s mission? Also, tell me why you crash-landed on planet Sonia (Earth)…”

A moment later, data began pouring into the laptop.

-We come from the planet Splith from the Splith star system two billion light-years away from here. While navigating to find the missing Achilunia Expedition craft that went missing seven space years ago (76 years ago in Earth time), the solar flare emps caused errors in the main system when we entered the solar system. The Splith crew could not be awakened at the right time and now have crash-landed in planet Sonia (Earth).


Namgoong-won’s shout surprised some of the other researchers also working in the spacecraft. They ran towards him. “Senior Namgoong-won, what’s going on? Is everything alright?”

Namgoong-won did not mind the stares he got from the other researchers and kept jumping up and down and shouting in delight. “I finally, finally solved the mystery. Ha, ha, ha.”

* * *

November 6th, 2016 11:00. Choongbook Chungju-si 17th Fighter Wing Underground Research Facility X-0 Lab (Dr. Lee Su-jin’s Lab).

Head Researcher for Biological Research Kim Yoon-gi rushed into Dr. Lee Su-jin’s lab with excitement and two stacks of documents in hand.

“Senior Lee!” He stuttered from the excitement and put the documents on Dr. Lee Su-jin’s desk.

“What is this?”

“The data from the alien medicine you sent me four days ago. The analysis just finished a moment ago, and while I was reading the results, I couldn’t contain my excitement, so I had to come here.”

Dr. Lee Su-jin, who was slowly reading the documents as she listened to Senior Researcher Kim Yoon-gi, first had a blank face, which soon changed to a shock that paralyzed her entire body. She spoke to Senior Researcher Kim Yoon-gi with a hardened look on her face. “Is…is this true? This is unbelievable. How could this be…?”

Researcher Kim Yoon-gi answered excitedly, “We must run further tests, but according to the results from the analysis, we have a high chance to cure and create vaccines for many rare diseases, viral infections, and other illnesses that modern medicine has not been able to cure so far.”

Dr. Lee Su-jin felt as if she won the lottery and could not contain her excitement after seeing an expert in the field, Senior Researcher Kim Yoon-gi, being so worked up. She asked, “Could it really be that effective?”

“It’s too early to tell, but if this serum has even 1% of a chance, then it’s worth spending our entire lives to research it, Dr. Lee.”

An announcement began playing from the speakers installed on the ceiling. “Director Lee, Researcher Namgoong-won is calling you urgently. He requests that you come to the X-1 Lab immediately.”

“Senior Kim! Please prepare a serum sample and organize the data so we can report it. I must take it to the Blue House this afternoon and report it myself. Thank you.”

Dr. Lee Su-jin got up from her desk and began to run toward the X-1 Lab with the spacecraft.

* * *

November 11th, 2016 13:00. Seoul Jong-ro ku Blue House National Emergency Situation Center Underground Bunker.

Four days ago, the first reports of the alien spacecraft came from Dr. Lee Su-jin, causing many governmental agencies to become very busy. The NIS finished evaluating the additional 200 professionals from inside and outside the country, then started educating them on confidentiality so they could be sent into the 17th Fighter Wing underground research facility. The other bureaucracies were busy preparing finances and materials to aid in this endeavor.

An unofficial national security conference was being held to start a project that was never held in Korea’s history.

An hour has passed since Dr. Lee Su-jin finished her presentation. Since no progress had been made for three months, her report was obviously a great success. Many of the bureaucrats clapped their hands in response to her hard work.

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“Thank you,” she said.

When Dr. Lee Su-jin finished her presentation and returned to her seat, the Prime Minister took the microphone and began to speak. “Dr. Lee Su-jin, thank you for all your hard work.”

Prime Minister Lee Yong-ho bowed his head to Dr. Lee Su-jin to show his gratitude, and then he started speaking to the conference room. “Everyone, this is just the beginning. I believe the matter at hand is how many new technologies we can obtain from this alien spacecraft and how we make it our own. For example, the serum the aliens use that Dr. Lee found could contain answers to many diseases that modern medicine currently cannot cure. If new medicine could be developed, then Korea’s economic growth would be unimaginable and raise our country’s image as the nation that contributed to extending lifespans. Not to mention the new technology we could obtain…”

The national security conference lasted six hours. The first item on the docket was building a large-scale research compound capable of developing and researching the alien civilization’s new technology to produce prototype products. The second was erecting a new governmental bureaucracy called the Ministry of Next-Generation Technology that could monitor the products being produced with corporations within the nation. The third was finding an official Korean Ministry of Medicine, which would create new medicine based on the alien serum and use the profits to support the financial woes of Korea.

2016 was the year for Korea to begin writing a new page in its history from the unexpected crash landing of the alien spacecraft, but inversely they unknowingly started an unseen war with western countries across the globe.

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