21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 322 - Season 2 Book 13, Chapter 4-1 Part 13 New Winds - 4-1 An expected threat 2

Chapter 322: Season 2 Book 13, Chapter 4-1 Part 13 New Winds – 4-1 An expected threat 2


September 15th, 2023. 10:00

The South state, Seoul, Jongro-ku, the Blue House (the president’s office)

Minister Kang Kyung-hee, who had successfully negotiated the issue of the Republic of Kurdistan’s independence through her 2-day visit to Turkey to speak with President Abra Evren and other government officials, returned to Corea and visited the Blue House to report her success to President Choo Un-hee.

“Madam President. Hello!”

“Minister Kang! Welcome back.” The president pointed to the guest’s chair and greeted her. “Thank you for all your hard work.”

“Oh, it was nothing, ma’am.”

President Choo Un-hee sat across from Minister Kang Kyung-hee at the round table and started to speak with her after the tea came from the secretary’s office. Minister Kang Kyung-hee pulled out a stack of documents from her briefcase and spoke to the president.

“The Turkish government has accepted our offer, ma’am.”

The report outlined the agreement with the Turkish government:

– Firstly, officially accept the Republic of Kurdistan’s independence.

– Secondly, hand off the eastern side of Turkish territory being claimed by the Republic of Kurdistan.

– Thirdly, stop all political and military oppression against the Kurdish people.

– Finally, convince the citizens of Turkey as soon as possible about the three agreements and make a national address.

The diplomatic conflict with Turkey had now come to a close. The Turkish government also agreed to resolve issues with the Sunni Muslim countries, Iraq and Iran, and persuade them to accept the Republic of Kurdistan’s independence as well.

When the president heard about the unexpected success of diplomacy, she smiled brightly.

“Great work, Minister Kang!”

“It’s nothing, Madam President! Our offer did all the work.”

“You’re just being humble. It was your diplomatic skills that solved the issue.”

When President Choo Un-hee heard that the diplomatic conflict against Turkey that many Corean citizens were concerned about was resolved, it was as if the thorn on her side was finally removed.

“Thank you.”

“When will the Turkish government make their national address?”

“Considering the national sentiment, they said it would take place next month.”

“Hmm, next month. Very well. Since Turkey promised us its aid, let’s try to work with the Iraqi government as well.”

The president wanted to use this chance to actively make more diplomatic negotiations with the other two Middle Eastern countries. Since the nation was in a troubled state from Kim Jong-un’s recovery, she wanted to solve the matter of the Republic of Kurdistan as quickly as possible.

“Yes, I understand. I will contact the ambassadors of Iran and Iraq.”

“Yes. Please keep up the good work.”

“Yes, Madam President!”

“Ah, please report back to me immediately after we get an answer from Russia about our final offer.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Minister Kang Kyung-hee, who arrived in Seoul last night, had delivered the Corean government’s final offer to Russia.

* * *

September 16th, 2023, 09:30

The North State, Hamkyung-do, Wonsan-si, Galma Villa

Kim Jong-un had been discharged from Pyeong-yang General Hospital four days ago, and he was being treated here at Wonsan’s Galma Villa under the president’s approval.

The Galma Villa had once been the Kim family’s private villa, but now it was in the government’s possession and being used for official ceremonies or hosting foreign guests.

Kim Jong-un’s previous private villa was now being guarded by the previous security guards and additional agents from the NIS. There was also a military police force the size of a company standing guard at the front entrance and six other sentry posts round the clock. The official reasoning was to ensure Kim Jong-un’s safety, but in truth, it was to keep him under close watch.

Since a democratic nation’s government controlling a person’s private life could stir controversy, Kim Jong-un was able to receive visitors after the security and surveillance systems were perfected.

Kim Jong-un was taking a coffee break after his breakfast at the terrace with the view of the Eastern Sea. Two secretaries, one male and one female, were standing behind him.

“So, I’m allowed to have visitors from today on, right?”

Kim Jong-un stroked his stomach while lying on the beach chair in a robe. He asked without even turning around, and the man standing behind him answered, “Yes, that’s right.”

It was Secretary Kim Hak-sun.

Kim Hak-sun was Kim Jong-un’s chief secretary who aided him 24 hours a day before the unification. He and his entire family were charged with a 15-year sentence in the labor camps after the Pyeong-yang terrorist bombing for his inability to protect the supreme leader and lived a harsh life of labor and poverty. When the two nations became unified, the Corean government’s court deemed him and his family innocent and they were released from the labor camps. They were provided an apartment run by the government to live in. Also, he was allowed to work on the North State’s recovery project construction sites.

A shred of hope came to Kim Hak-sun, who had been taking care of his six family members by working at a construction site. Kim Jong-un, who finally regained consciousness after eight years, had selected him to be his chief secretary once more.

When he heard his master had looked for him, he immediately went to the Pyeong-yang General Hospital and wept tears of loyalty.

“I don’t know if anyone will now visit a sitting duck like me, as they say in South Korea.”

“That’s not a concern, sir. Numerous citizens want to visit the supreme leader, and visitation requests are piling up.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’ll give you a full report once we are in the study.”

“There’s no need. Just bring it to me here.”

“Yes, sir.”

Chief Secretary Kim Hak-sun signaled to the female secretary standing behind him. She bowed and left.

The other 2 secretaries were also working for Kim Jong-un under Kim Hak-sun’s lead.

The secretary who left the room returned with a tablet PC and handed it to Kim Hak-sun.

“Sir! If you look here, you will be able to see the list of all the people who signed up for a visit,” Kim Hak-sun walked up closer to Kim Jong-un and explained how to use the tablet PC.

“Wow, things did get more convenient.” Kim Jong-un seemed to be impressed by the tablet PC as he operated it under Kim Hak-sun’s instructions.

North Korea did have tablet PCs 8 years ago. However, the one he was holding was thinner and lighter. There was also a 3D holographic display beside the standard one.

When the 3D holographic display started to show up from the upper part of the tablet PC, Kim Jong-un exclaimed again.

“South Korea, they’re impressive.”

Kim Jong-un’s jowls rattled around as he checked the visitor’s list one by one. Some familiar names started showing up on the list. The previous chairman of the People’s Party, Kim Hyung-won, was on the list as well.

* * *

September 17th, 2023, 14:00

The South State, Seoul, Jongro-ku, Gwanghwamun

After the reunification, the Corean government decided to hold a small ceremony on an agreed date since both nations had a different Armed Forces Day, with South Korea having it on October 1st and North Korea having it on April 25th. Starting this year, the unified government decided to set September 17th, the day the Korean provisional government and military was founded during the Japanese imperialist era, as the Armed Forces Day. A large ceremony was planned to emphasize the new start of a tradition.

The Corean Armed Forces Day had started in 1940, and it was now at its 83rd anniversary. The parade around the city was the main highlight. It would start from the Soongrye gate and would march all the way to Gwanghwamun, but now the infantry would march from Soongrye gate to Jongro-2 road, while the mechanized forces would march all the way to Dongdaemun, spanning 4.5km.

There were already crowds of Seoul and other citizens waiting for the parade before it started on either side of the road. Also, numerous military experts were waiting to see the nation’s latest military technology.

This 83rd anniversary of the independence forces’ foundation had the army, navy, marines, and tactical missile forces as well as aerospace forces founded in 2021 in attendance. Including the 15,000 infantry forces, armored vehicles, self-propelled cannons, missile launch vehicles, and other latest mechanized forces attended the ceremony. The CF-21P Phoenix jets and CF/A-25P Black Phoenix bombers with new folding wings, and finally the CUF/A-29NP unmanned jets were also brought out for the ceremony as well. This parade was the largest one in the nation’s history and it was grand in size and technology comparable to other nations.

There was also an event where the military recreated the Korean forces in the 1940s fighting for the nation’s freedom at Manchuria and Primorsky Krai areas while parading the city.

The bands from the Sungnam 1st aerospace fighter wing, the military’s honor guard’s ceremony, a traditional dance, performances by the choir, a citizen’s address, medal awarding ceremonies, rappelling demonstrations, paratrooper demonstrations, air shows, and many other events were planned for that day. At 3:00 pm, the forces started their parade through the city.

Dozens of the 5th corps’ military police motor side cars started off the parade with 24 C-161P compact tactical vehicles floating 50cm off the ground. Then, the flag bearers of the military band and the 7 federal state’s flag bearers followed. Then, each honor guard and band from the other military forces followed them to form a group of 200 soldiers.

The 300 soldiers dressed as the liberation forces during the 1940s started to march into the street. They started to sing the song the soldiers sang during their time. It was the highlight of the entire ceremony.

New Korea’s million warriors.

Do you know your nation is calling?

We are the ones to save our people, three thousand leagues away.

Go out and fight, we must go into battle.

Until the bells of freedom ring for our nation once again.

Will you fear the enemy’s power?

Will you feel dread for our weakness?

We are the blade of justice that will cut through any enemy.

Go out and fight, we must go into battle.

Until the bells of freedom ring for our nation once again.

We are the warriors of freedom in life.

We will be the souls of freedom in death.

My comrade, our wish is freedom for our nation.

You and I are the bringers of independence.

Go out and fight, we must go into battle.

Until the bells of freedom ring for our nation once again.

Run through the Aprok and Duman rivers.

Sweep through the enemies.

Let’s fight for the day our lost nation is reclaimed once more.

Go out and fight, we must go into battle.

Until the bells of freedom ring for our nation once again.

Go out and fight, we must go into battle.

Until the bells of freedom ring for our nation once again.

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Go out and fight, we must go into battle.

Until the bells of freedom ring for our nation once again.

The military had recreated every aspect of the liberation forces in a historically accurate manner. The citizens watching felt as if they were sent back in time to the 1940s and watching the men who fought for their nation’s independence. A million citizens all started to cheer at once. Some of the elderly wept from being reminded of the times when they were still young.

On the podium that the military was performing for, the number of seats for the military commanders and government officials had been reduced. Instead, they invited the descendants of the independence forces’ families living both within and outside Corea. The parade was meaningful not only to the military but also to the citizens of Corea.

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