21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 324 - Season 2 Book 13, Chapter 4-3 Part 13 New Winds - 4-3 An expected threat 2

Chapter 324: Season 2 Book 13, Chapter 4-3 Part 13 New Winds – 4-3 An expected threat 2


September 26th, 2023, 19:00

The North State, Pyeong-yang, Potong River-ku, the People’s Labor Party building

Jo Myung-rok was the North Korean Reconnaissance General Bureau’s director before the reunification. When the government departments started to merge, he had left his position of director and lived in seclusion. He had finally shown up at the People’s Labor Party’s building after three years.

Jo Myung-rok was beloved by Kim Jong-un right up to the 2015 Pyeong-yang terrorist bombing, and he commanded the South Korean espionage missions while maintaining his position under Kim Yeo-jung as well. However, the Reconnaissance General Bureau was the first to go once the South and North Korean governments merged. Some of the members of the reunification commission suggested merging the Reconnaissance General Bureau into the NIS, but the rest of the members were all against the idea as its constant espionage activity had threatened the security and economy. Due to the continuous opposition, the organization ended up being dismantled.

The unresolved negative sentiment had caused the Reconnaissance General Bureau to become the only government department to become dismantled once the unification took place. The director of the Reconnaissance General Bureau obviously became unemployed as well.

Jo Myung-rok, who had lost his job once the reunification took place, claimed the severance package provided by the Corean government and got hired by a company participating in the North State’s recovery project. He worked hard to take care of his seven-member family, including his elderly parents. He once was the 5th most powerful man in North Korea and lived a lavish life of the top 1%. To him, the reunification of Corea had left him for the worse.

He had lived like an ordinary citizen and did physical labor that he had never done before. After visiting Kim Jong-un a few days ago, Jo Myung-rok visited the People’s Labor Party building and walked into the chairman’s office while being escorted by security guards.

Knock, knock.

With a knocking sound, the chairman’s office door opened and Jo Myung-rok entered the office. Senator Kim Hyung-won stood up and greeted him warmly.

“How long has it been?”

“Chairman Kim Hyung-won, comrade. Have you been well?”

“Of course! I’ve been fine.”

Kim Hyung-won shook Jo Myung-rok’s hand and introduced him to the room after placing a hand on his shoulder. “Comrades, this is Jo Myung-rok, you all remember him? Introduce yourselves, everyone.”

Jo Myung-rok bowed and glanced at every face in the room. Excluding one or two of them, most of them were people he already knew.

“Great to meet you. I am Jo Myung-rok, the previous director for the Reconnaissance General Bureau.”

When Jo Myung-rok introduced himself, the others stood and shook his hand while greeting him.

* * *

October 1st, 2023, 15:00 (Kurdistan Standard Time 09:00)

The Republic of Kurdistan, Ari Doubayajut

The Republic of Kurdistan’s government was in the process of receiving the Ari, Ban, and Haraki states that had once been Turkey’s territory after President Abra Evren’s address on the 22nd of last month. The Republic of Kurdistan’s government had attempted to claim the Kars and Arudahan states as their territory along with the three states as well. However, the Corean ministry of foreign affairs intervened, and the two nations settled on three states.

To reduce the amount of bureaucracy each government had to deal with, the government officials from the Republic of Kurdistan went to the regions where the Kurdish people were residing to elect a government staff member for the area. The operations of the major public facilities and recruitment of manpower to operate them went smoothly with the Turkish government as well. Finally, the citizens of Turkey who did not want to become citizens of Kurdistan all moved to the areas provided by the Turkish government. After the three states officially became the Republic of Kurdistan’s territory, the Corean peace-keeping forces also reset their designated regions as well.

The six engineer brigades all expanded their construction for road expansions and facilities from the capital city of Doubayajut as planned. The 35th mechanized infantry brigade split up into units of companies and transitioned to keeping the peace within the entire state of Ari while the 7th mechanized infantry brigade set the state of Baan as their main area and started patrolling the border near Iran from Maku.

Finally, the 11th marine mobile brigade that held the most firepower moved to Haraka that bordered Iran and Iraq. The state of Haraka was the most likely place a battle could take place, and there were always 1 or 2 divisions worth of military forces stationed along the Iran and Iraq borders. The Iranian revolutionary guard was gathering at its border in addition to their standard military forces.

* * *

October 1st, 2023, 19:30, (Iran Standard Time 14:00)

The Tabriz International Airport, East Azerbaijan, Iran

Twenty large military planes from Russia had been flying into the Tabriz International Airport with military supplies at Iran’s western city of Tabriz in the last five days. Numerous IL-476 transport planes arrived at the runway of the Tabriz International Airport and moved to the cargo hangar to unload today just as usual. The large cargo marked with the Russian army’s emblem was unloaded onto the revolutionary guard’s trucks.

Iran’s revolutionary guard directly under the nation’s supreme leader took the cargo and started to head directly to the west of Iran. Their destination was Mosque, Koi, and Urmia. Most of them were headed to the western borders of the nation, and the lines of trucks continued to move for hours.

* * *

October 1st, 2023, 20:30 (Iran Standard Time 15:00)

The Bandar Anzali Port, Mazandaran, Iran

Ten Russian transport ships that had set sail from Russia’s Makhachkala Port had docked at the Bandar Anzali Port south of the Caspian Sea to unload their cargo. The most notable items from the cargo were T-14B Armata tank, Kruganetz-25 armored vehicles, S-300 Grumble anti-air weaponry, S-100 Triumph, MI-28 Havoc attack choppers, and Ka-50 Black Shark 1-man choppers. There were also MSTA-S 2S1 self-propelled guns, close-ranged anti-air weapons Panchiri-S KAMAZ-6560, Tor-M2U Burque M2 long-ranged anti-air defense weapons, Rakushika transport armored vehicles, MD-4 next-generation armored vehicles, and numerous latest weapons Russia had deployed on the field.

In short, at Bandar Anzali Port, Russia’s latest weapons that were rarely seen domestically were being unloaded, and they were immediately being loaded onto the Iranian revolutionary guards’ trucks to be moved somewhere.

Based on the weaponry that was currently being unloaded, it was the amount to operate an entire armored division. The Russian ships would immediately set sail to the Makhachkala Port as soon as they finished unloading their supplies.

* * *

October 1st, 2023, 21:30 (Iran Standard time 16:00)

Iran, Zanjan, the Zanjan Airforce Base

The Su-50 PAK-FA fighter jet, previously known as the T-50 PAK-FA, was Russia’s jet that had been developed over decades to face off against America’s F-22 Raptor jets. The 24 Su-50 PAK-FA jets and the 58 Su-27 Flanker jets that were deployed onto the field landed at the Zanjan Airforce Base.

The standard F-14 Tomcat jets that were being operated at Zanjan Airforce Base had been moved to the Hamadan Airforce Base instead. The empty hangars were now being filled by Russia’s 4th and 5th generation fighter jets as they moved into the igloos under the guidance of the signalmen. However, there were more jets than hangars to house them, therefore the remaining Russian jets were moved under the infrared camouflage nets.

The Zanjan Airforce Base and the Iranian air force now had more than enough power to dominate any other nation within the Middle East. The Iranian pilots were all able to operate the Su-27 Flanker jets after 20 of them were brought into Iran in 2020. However, the Su-50 PAK-FA was the latest fighter jet, so the Iranian pilots were unable to fly them.

Russia had used a loophole to make some of the Russian pilots gain Iranian citizenship, so they could pilot the Su-57 PAK-FA jets and not cause any legal issues in the future.

The Iranian government, which now held significant aerial power within the Middle East, became confident and no longer feared Corea. The Iranian president decided to use his own revolutionary force as the lead to take back the western border and began to set a plan in motion.

* * *

October 1st, 2023, 22:00

The South State, Seoul, Yongsan-ku, CC bunker, the Aerospace Force’s command center (Space Reconnaissance Department)

After the East Asian war was over in 2021, Corea’s ministry of national defense concluded that they needed a method to conduct reconnaissance over other nation’s military activities in real-time, so they founded the foreign reconnaissance department under the aerospace forces.

The Space Reconnaissance Department operated the Apollo reconnaissance satellites and was usually under the command of the aerospace force, but during times of national emergencies, the joint chief of staff would take over its command.

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The Space Reconnaissance Department operated 16 Apollo reconnaissance satellites, 6 Aries patrol satellites that could detect submarines using sonar patterns, and 24 CSRQ-100P Pegasus unmanned space drones. If the entire reconnaissance force was to be mobilized, then any place in the world could be spotted within a minute, and the department was able to watch any major targets in real-time, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

The Space Reconnaissance Department had set Russia and Iran as their major targets and had been conducting reconnaissance on these two nations around the clock. Every single military supply being transported via planes and ships was all being watched by the Corean military. The nations were set as targets after dozens of Russia’s next-generation stealth jet Su-57 PAK-FA were detected on Iran’s Zanjan base.

The issue was that the cargo transports continued from Russia. The Space Reconnaissance Department’s analysis team used the information to predict how much military equipment had been moved from Russia to Iran.

The analyzed information was then directly reported to the joint chief of staff and the aerospace command. The analyzed information was fully detailed up to the point where every single piece of equipment’s model name and size of the military forces operating them were analyzed.

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