21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 443 - Season 2 Book 18 Trans-Siberia - 2-3 Amphibious Operation on Sakhalin

Chapter 443: Season 2 Book 18 Trans-Siberia – 2-3 Amphibious Operation on Sakhalin

December 7th, 2023 13:30

External Intelligence Bureau, National Intelligence Service, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Namju (Section 2 Interrogation Room)

puck! puck! puck!

Chief Park Won-ho of the Foreign Intelligence Division 2, who had chained both the hands and feet of Jjang Chun on the wall rings and had been beating him for the past hour, approached his face and pulled up his hair. He whispered in Mandarin in his ear.

“Jjang Chun! No, Jang Yixng is your real name, right? Even if you want to blow it now, just hang in there! We still have a long way to go.”

puck! puck! puck!

Once again, Chief Park Won-ho’s fists hit Jjang Chun’s stomach over and over again.


Noodles that had not been digested flowed out of his gagged mouth.

“Hey, you! Why are you so weak for an intelligence agent named Black Panther in China.”

“Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!”

Jjang Chun shook his whole body and tried to say something. However, because he was gagged, he couldn’t speak properly.

“My my! There’s still a long way to go! Don’t even try to say something! I’ll ask you when the time comes, so for now, just deal with getting hit!”

puck! puck! puck! puck! puck! puck!


Drip drip drip!

Jjang Chun passed out as he vomited food mixed with blood.

“Oh, it is so dirty! Why did he eat so much?”

Jjang Chun had been trained for situations like these but after being there eight hours, he had reached its limit, both mentally and physically.

“Hey, pour a bucket of water on him.”

Chief Park Won-ho, who wiped his bloody hands with a handkerchief, beckoned to a team member waiting next to him. As a result, Deputy Na Han-sung picked up the cold bucket of water and immediately poured it on Jjang Chun’s face.


“Ugh! Urrrgh!”

Jjang Chun, who had been drenched in the cold water, slowly regained consciousness, opened his bruised eyes with difficulty and looked up at him. With its broken blood vessels, Jjang Chun’s pitiful eyes looked as if they were asking for help.

“Why are you looking at me like that, you b*stard?”

Chief Park Won-ho, who was wiping his blood-stained hands, flew at Jjang Chun and threw him a punch. The right fist swung wide and hit Jjangcheon right in his eyes.


An unpleasant sound, as if something had been smashed, echoed throughout the interrogation room.

“Chief! He fainted again.”

Jjang Chun, who had fainted with his head down and his body slouched, was only relying on the steel chain to hold him up. Jjangcheon was wracked with a convulsion, causing him to shake uncontrollably.

“Pour it!”


Once again, cold water was poured on Jjang Chun’s face. However, he showed no reaction this time and had completely passed out.

“Chief! This b*stard is completely out of it.”

Manager Na Han-sung, who turned around to look at Jjangcheon’s face, said while cracking his knuckles.

“Pour it again!”

“Chief! Time’s up. Let’s transfer him on to the next team.”

“Is time already up?”

“Haha, yes. It’s almost 2 o’clock.”

“Okay let’s do it! Consider yourself lucky. If it was still my turn, you’ll be half dead.”

So far, all teams had spent about an hour interrogating Jjang Chun, without any questions from the Foreign Information Division 2, which was in charge of Jjang Chun’s interrogation. In a democratic country like South Korea, this behavior is deemed illegal due to human rights violations, but an exception was made for Jjang Chun.

This was because criminals from other countries who stole SSS-class state secrets in a situation of national emergency due to the Korean-Russian War could be sentenced to death under the Confidential Leakage Act.

* * *

December 7th, 2023 14:00 (Russian time 15:00)

The 68th Corps Command Headquarters 50 kilometers behind Oblast Poronaisk Beach in Sakhalinskaya, Russia

“Commander! We don’t have time. You have to hurry up and avoid it.”

Operator Viktor Carpen urgently said, while temporary command posts and lieutenants, hidden in camouflage, were hurriedly collecting various documents. However, Lieutenant General Islam Inomov, the commander of the army, remained unchanged, looking only at the tactical status screen.


Operator Viktor Carpen called once again.

“Where did you go from Sakhalin, which is an island, when you failed to stop the landing?”

“What? Don’t you think we should move north first and defend ourselves after reorganization?”

“Can you contact the other units?”

“We’ve been out of touch for the past 20 minutes.”

“Are you talking about the 312 Rocket Division as well?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Oh, my. Everything is a mess. The General Staff and the Eastern Military District has also abandoned Sakhalin, so obviously, they wouldn’t let a single jet here even though the Korean Navy will be landing in Sakhalin?”

At this time, a huge explosion rang mercilessly at close range.


The sound of an explosion that shook the heavens and earth meant that the Marine Corps, a Korean landing unit, was close to the command headquarters of the corps 50 kilometers away from the coast.

Forty minutes earlier, the 68th Corps Command Headquarters, which survived the bombing with a special camouflage in the electric field despite the massive bombing of the Korean Air Force, was in direct danger of the marines which were preparing for a landing.

“But to give up like this, wouldn’t the General Staff and the Eastern Military Command have their own plans as well?”

Far from stopping the landing, Lieutenant General Islam Inomov, who was traumatized by the unilateral slaughter, seemed to have given up his will to live anymore.

The operational officer nodded to the lieutenant officers before looking over to Lieutenant General Islam Inomov, who continued to look at the tactical status screen even when all the tactical marks of the troops deployed on the coast had been destroyed. As a result, the lieutenants, who were preparing for the move, approached Lieutenant General Islam Inomov and forcibly raised him and took him to the command armored car waiting outside.

“Let go of me! What are you doing?”

“I’m sorry, Commander!”

The lieutenants forcibly put Lieutenant General Islam Inomov in the command armored car.

“Great job! Hurry up and get in the armored car.”

“Yes, all right.”

Operator Viktor Carpen gave the lieutenants final instructions while boarding the command armored car.

“Yes, alright.”

“Good! Let’s go!”

Light tanks painted in black appeared one at a time in the distance as the 68th Corps command headquarters and direct guards were about to board their vehicles and depart.

These were C-4 Garion tanks that had previously broken through the landing defense line and flown into hover flight mode.

The C-4 Garion tanks, which can fly while avoiding various obstacles and topographical characteristics on the ground in hover flight mode, flew immediately after receiving data links from various reconnaissance drones and Apollo satellites covering the 68th Corps command with special camouflage.

Unlike ordinary mobile movements, the C-4 Garion tanks, which were approaching rather quickly as if they were airplanes, fired exactly 80-millimeter ultra-light cannons, even though they were nearly 100 kilometers high.

Puuush! Puuush! Puuush! Puuush! Puuush! Puuush!

At the same time, red particles poured out of the C-4 Garion tank battery, smashing the armored vehicles at the command headquarters of the corps, which were moving in a row at the speed of light.

The power of the 80-millimeter ultra-light cannon was significant. The 40-ton armored vehicles were shattered with a huge explosion each time one was hit by red particles. Other armored vehicles that were operating close to the tremendously explosive force were also overturned as if they were hit by tactical ballistic bullets.

As a result, the guards Kurganetz-25 troops transport armored vehicles (IFVs), who were in charge of the security of the corps’ command headquarters, turned their jockeys to block the C-4 Garion tanks approaching from the back.

They fired at the 30-millimeter 2A42 automatic cannon mounted on the turret and the 7.62-millimeter PKT barrel gun.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Drrrip! Drip Duk Duk Duk!

Dozens of magazine shells poured into the C-4 Garion tank, drawing a small parabola.

Takang! Ting tititing! Ting! Ting!

Even though it was a 25-ton light tank, all gloves of the C-4 Garion tank were surrounded by hydronium alloys. Since it is a protective force that can easily prevent the flying bullet of the 125-millimeter downhill gun, the 30-millimeter cannon was hit.

Flames erupted throughout the front of the armor of the C-4 Garion tank. But that was not all. The C-4 Garion tanks launched a retaliatory attack on the Kurganets-25 troops transport armor that blocked them with more reckless movements.

Shhosh! Shhosh! Shhosh! Shhosh! Shhosh!

Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A red particle penetrated between the turret and the body of the Kurganetz-25 troops transport armored car and exploded. The turret soared tens of meters above the ground and shattered, sending debris flying in all directions. The crew and eight disembarkers aboard were blown up to the point where even their bodies could not be identified.

These terrible scenes took place one after another everywhere. In a few minutes, more than 30 Kurganetz-25 troops and armored vehicles disappeared from the ground without a trace. Only fragments – both large and small – were scattered everywhere.

While the guards gave them some time, the 68th Corps command headquarters armored vehicles, which were quickly retreating to the north, stopped operating shortly after.

Before they knew it, 16 WAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon attack helicopters belonging to the 10th Landing Fleet were hovering with the rider slightly lowered at 100 meters at the front.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo~

As many as 100 types of armored vehicles and transport vehicles were frozen without even thinking of firing anti-aircraft weapons.

“Why did it stop moving?”

Operators Viktor Carpen criticized the crew controlling the command armored vehicle.

“Th…that is, operations officer, check the monitor at the front…”

Upon seeing the monitor, operational officer Viktor Carpen bit his lips.

On the screen, the South Korean military’s WAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon attack helicopters were seen hovering, ready to attack at any time.

“Is this it?”

Operation Officer Viktor Carpen, who muttered to himself, turned to look at Lieutenant General Islam Inomov. Lieutenant General Islam Inomov, his superior, was sitting in a daze.

“Commander! Commander!”

Despite calling out to the operational officer, Lieutenant General Islam Inomov did not react. He simply continued staring blankly into space.

“That’s too bad. He was once a commander full of charisma.”

“Communication officer!”

“Yes, operations officer!”

“Open communication network to all vehicles in the command center!”

“Yes, opening up communication. Operator, we’ve opened up communication.”

Judging that there was no hope anymore, Operation Officer Viktor Carpen took a long, deep breath, picked up the communication receiver, and put it to his mouth.

“I’m an operational officer. I order on behalf of the commander of the army. Everyone get off and surrender. Don’t resist unnecessarily. That’s it!”

Meanwhile, at that time, the marines who got off the C-3A2 white tiger tank and the K-27P-M Kirin marine armored vehicle had completed their deployment and had completely taken over the coast of 80 kilometers on the beach of Poronaisk, where the thick smell of gunpowder hung in the air.

Most of the Russian troops who tried to stop the landing on the beach area when they landed were destroyed due to massive bombing of the F-15K Slam Eagle, continuous firing of ships, and Cheonryong A cruise missile attacks.

As the K-27P-M Kirin marine armored vehicle, which reached the beach without much resistance, the marines got off and deployed. The Sakhalin landing operation had come to an end..

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